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AHA! I do not know if it is just me, or if it was already posted. However, I noticed after spawning the "friendly creatures" I would get the 9.2 errors. Now if i use the hotsexkey, on one it will activate the animation with said creature, and all the creature of that type will work again. NOW, here's the catch, If I summon one spore critter, one ghoul, and one super M, and use the hotkey on the super, the ghoul and spore will rape, but my char uses the super mutant animation. This will work vice versa each creature.

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Some more 9.2 errors with their codes.


9.2 is 0017B051 and 0017B052' date=' coyotes near canyon wreckage.

Also moto-runners dogs give 9.2 eroors

9.2 is 000EFB28 for Bonegnash.


Errors occurred after clean saves.



This is not enough information to troubleshoot with. Please let us know what exact dialogue choices you are following, whether SmallerTalk creature support is enabled or not, anything we can go on. The more information you can give us, the better chance we have of fixing the problem...


There is no dialogue with coyotes, and for Bonegnash it was the part after moto-runner in vault 3 gives you back your stuff. Smallertalk is not on for creature support. Using brutal rapers at moment and people and other creatures worked fine.


@Prideslayer no worries about RL getting in the way, its completely understandable. Rather you take your time and be willing and enjoying modding than rushing and getting frustated by RL.

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Some more 9.2 errors with their codes.


9.2 is 0017B051 and 0017B052' date=' coyotes near canyon wreckage.

Also moto-runners dogs give 9.2 eroors

9.2 is 000EFB28 for Bonegnash.


Errors occurred after clean saves.



This is not enough information to troubleshoot with. Please let us know what exact dialogue choices you are following, whether SmallerTalk creature support is enabled or not, anything we can go on. The more information you can give us, the better chance we have of fixing the problem...


There is no dialogue with coyotes, and for Bonegnash it was the part after moto-runner in vault 3 gives you back your stuff. Smallertalk is not on for creature support. Using brutal rapers at moment and people and other creatures worked fine.


@Prideslayer no worries about RL getting in the way, its completely understandable. Rather you take your time and be willing and enjoying modding than rushing and getting frustated by RL.

Thanks for this information, it's actually quite helpful :)


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Uh' date=' is it OK that I don't have sexout menu and got menu only for sexout rapers?





So what can I do to make it apper? Also is there any ways to fix a glitch: sometimes when NPC want to "battle rape" game just stuck and I need to use task manager to close FNV.


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So what can I do to make it apper? Also is there any ways to fix a glitch: sometimes when NPC want to "battle rape" game just stuck and I need to use task manager to close FNV.



Did you check your load order already? that is the biggest cause of most issues.



I think you want






the lower you can put them on your list the better. Maybe right above any weather mods you have.. but i do not think sexout will bother any weather settings either.


As far as the .esp's go.. as i understand it. the order they are in are not as important.. but you want them fairly low on your list. Certainly below your Mod configuration menu.esp



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Some more 9.2 errors with their codes.


9.2 is 0017B051 and 0017B052' date=' coyotes near canyon wreckage.

Also moto-runners dogs give 9.2 eroors

9.2 is 000EFB28 for Bonegnash.


Errors occurred after clean saves.



This is not enough information to troubleshoot with. Please let us know what exact dialogue choices you are following, whether SmallerTalk creature support is enabled or not, anything we can go on. The more information you can give us, the better chance we have of fixing the problem...


There is no dialogue with coyotes, and for Bonegnash it was the part after moto-runner in vault 3 gives you back your stuff. Smallertalk is not on for creature support. Using brutal rapers at moment and people and other creatures worked fine.


@Prideslayer no worries about RL getting in the way, its completely understandable. Rather you take your time and be willing and enjoying modding than rushing and getting frustated by RL.

Thanks for this information, it's actually quite helpful :)



No problem, if more info is helpful to fixing an issue I'm happy to go back and find it.


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I couldn't get the crawling stuff to work right, so it's not hooked up in the release, as using it is likely to crash your game, get you stuck in a half crawl, or other odd behaviors.


I'm not sure if the problem was in the animations themselves or in my approach, or perhaps a little bit of both. Donkey moved them over from oblivion and said they work ok if you assign them the 'easy way' to replace the crawling or walking animations, but overriding default stuff is 'not how I roll' and I was unable to get them working right via other methods. I do intend to try again though.


The idle (not moving) one works fine and leaves you down on all-fours as is, the problem comes in when trying to move; for some reason, they only seem to be affecting the upper half of the body, and not completely, so you end up walking and running like a hunchback.


It's either something wrong with how I was trying to assign the animations to movement, something wrong with the text tags in the .kf files, or both.

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Oh, there is no script. If you want to test it and possibly crash, just give yourself or an NPC one of the tokens to see what happens. It's all controlled through the idle controller, same as sexout, but no spell is needed.


NOTE: Again. Doing this, you might crash, get stuck hunched over, be completely unable to move, or any of a bunch of other "haha that's weird" type situations. Don't save your game after handing out any of those tokens unless you like to live dangerously and reload older saves.

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Just a heads up for people having issues with sex not working on some creatures, I just noticed MoMod & MoMod Wasteland Edition edit a heap of creatures overwriting the sexout faction aditions necessary for them to be recognised by Sexout for sex. You can fix it in FNVEdit by copying Sexout stuff across in the affected creatures.

Also Asuka Dolhouse affects some Ghouls, same problem.

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The idle (not moving) one works fine and leaves you down on all-fours as is' date=' the problem comes in when trying to move; for some reason, they only seem to be affecting the upper half of the body, and not completely, so you end up walking and running like a hunchback.




This Might actually work in our favor

I wanted to create a Tied hands walk , if it requires only the the upper body it just might work , same with the stock walk animations from oblivion.


the problem here is that I dunno how to test them if they are made



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The idle (not moving) one works fine and leaves you down on all-fours as is' date=' the problem comes in when trying to move; for some reason, they only seem to be affecting the upper half of the body, and not completely, so you end up walking and running like a hunchback.




This Might actually work in our favor

I wanted to create a Tied hands walk , if it requires only the the upper body it just might work , same with the stock walk animations from oblivion.


the problem here is that I dunno how to test them if they are made




to test them, you should just be able to overwrite the animations in the character folder. i think.


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The idle (not moving) one works fine and leaves you down on all-fours as is' date=' the problem comes in when trying to move; for some reason, they only seem to be affecting the upper half of the body, and not completely, so you end up walking and running like a hunchback.




This Might actually work in our favor

I wanted to create a Tied hands walk , if it requires only the the upper body it just might work , same with the stock walk animations from oblivion.


the problem here is that I dunno how to test them if they are made




If you get that working, mind if I toss it into SexoutSlavery?


Also, I don't know if this exists in Sexout, but is there some sort of override token that forces the randomizer to treat an NPC or the player like the opposite gender?

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if you're getting freezes because of combat rape you need to switch to brutal rapers. And disable/delete regular rapers.


Brutal rapers just dont want to work for me. I disabled original ones and got a problem with game loading - its infinite.

UPD: Okay, I made this mode work but still I don't have any menus. I don't know why, I reinstalled sexout and related components several times. :/

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Brutal rapers just dont want to work for me. I disabled original ones and got a problem with game loading - its infinite.


Are you using Grolik's version? You should be using that not the one in the OP.


It works for me though oddly I am getting sodomy every time there is combat rape, even when only vaginal has any "weight"

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The idle (not moving) one works fine and leaves you down on all-fours as is' date=' the problem comes in when trying to move; for some reason, they only seem to be affecting the upper half of the body, and not completely, so you end up walking and running like a hunchback.




This Might actually work in our favor

I wanted to create a Tied hands walk , if it requires only the the upper body it just might work , same with the stock walk animations from oblivion.


the problem here is that I dunno how to test them if they are made




If you get that working, mind if I toss it into SexoutSlavery?


Also, I don't know if this exists in Sexout, but is there some sort of override token that forces the randomizer to treat an NPC or the player like the opposite gender?


I don't mind at all it belongs there, I had Started work on it earlier , it never progressed

Im gonna finish up what I started for "the boxed Girl"

And See if works for 5 basic movement anims





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Brutal rapers just dont want to work for me. I disabled original ones and got a problem with game loading - its infinite.


Are you using Grolik's version? You should be using that not the one in the OP.


It works for me though oddly I am getting sodomy every time there is combat rape' date=' even when only vaginal has any "weight"




Okay I will try it out. Btw I managed to launch fnv with brutal rapers(op's) and I had no even rapers menu. Handbook just dont apper. Maybe u can say me ID of that stuff and i will add it by myself?

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Okay I will try it out. Btw I managed to launch fnv with brutal rapers(op's) and I had no even rapers menu. Handbook just dont apper. Maybe u can say me ID of that stuff and i will add it by myself?


Brutal Rapers requires MCM. Pretty much everything now working requires MCM except Pregnancy.



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The idle (not moving) one works fine and leaves you down on all-fours as is' date=' the problem comes in when trying to move; for some reason, they only seem to be affecting the upper half of the body, and not completely, so you end up walking and running like a hunchback.




This Might actually work in our favor

I wanted to create a Tied hands walk , if it requires only the the upper body it just might work , same with the stock walk animations from oblivion.


the problem here is that I dunno how to test them if they are made




to test them, you should just be able to overwrite the animations in the character folder. i think.



This type of testing works to tell you if the animation looks right when it's running, but it doesn't help make it actually work in a non-replacing scenario.


Donkey tested the crawling animations like this, by overwriting the vanilla walking ones IIRC, and they worked fine. It was using them without replacing any vanilla animations that was problematic.


I'm sure it can be done, I think it's just some difference I'm not aware of when it comes to using them as movement animations vs. "idle" animations.


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Pagandav- Sexout Rapers is not working, and Sexout Rocket is not doing sex on demand. You will want to look at Sexout Brutal Rapers....you can turn the "brutal" pasts off and have it as a smarter version of Rapers if you wish. Also, be sure you get the file from the last page, not OP.


I am not sure, but I don't think the Shojo body is fully supported...there may be errors there. I may be wrong about that, and it should not be causing your 9.2s

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