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How To Enable Fade-To-Black when Disabled by ENB


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1. Find Skyrim Special Edition\enbseries\enbeffect.fx and make a backup copy of it.


2. Open the original enbeffect.fx file with Notepad or any other test editor and Copy > Paste the following text toward the top of the file, right under the big block of descriptive labels:

float Empty_Row0 <
  string UIName="-------------------FADE";   string UIWidget="spinner";  float UIMin=0.0;  float UIMax=0.0;
> = {0.0};

bool EnableFade
string UIName="Enable Fade Transition";
> = {true};


2. Further down in the same file, find the PS_Draw() function, and a line or two down from that, find the line that says float grayadaptation=TextureAdaptation.Sample(Sampler0, IN.txcoord0.xy).x;
and Copy > Paste the following text right under it:

if (EnableFade)
    float3 fade = Params01[5].xyz;
    float fade_weight = Params01[5].w;

    color.rgb = lerp(color.rgb, fade, fade_weight);  // fade current scene to specified color

3. Save and close the enbeffects.fx file.

4. Open the enbeffect.fx.ini file with Notepad and Copy > Paste the following text into it at the top right under the [ENBEFFECT.FX] and TECHNIQUE= lines:

Enable Fade Transition=true


5. Save and close the enbeffect.fx.ini file and done.


Note: You could also skip Steps 4 & 5 and set Enable Fade Transition to True in the in-game ENB config menu and then save your configuration.


Credits: Code is by kingeric1992 and l00ping, and can be found publicly on the ENBSeries forums. I found it on Reddit thanks to a tip from Grospolina on the SSE Nexus Flower Girls page.

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