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Atelier Ryza - Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout

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On 11/16/2022 at 2:51 PM, amorrow28 said:




@takofoods I hope you do not mind, I like your mod a lot and so I made some edits to clean up her cleavage!


BeachAngelEdit.7z 4.45 MB · 34 downloads


The textures were fine, but the normals on the vertices were messy for some reason, which made her breasts very lumpy.  I am still learning, but I think I managed to smooth the vertex normals quite a bit.  Here is a comparison:


  Reveal hidden contents



Do you have discord or messenger I want to create something but I so confuse on how to create things


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7 hours ago, Nanasaki123 said:

Somebody could help me about repacking g1t file? I used gust_tools to unpack g1t file successfully, but I don't know how to repack it...Appreciate answers



In the case of pc00e, please drag&drop the pc00e_model folder into gust_g1t.exe.

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To my fellow modders,


I have written a G1M unpack / repack utility for Gust (Atelier) games, which I hope will be useful to you.  Why write my own tool when the amazing G1M tools by @vagonumero13 already exists?  I actually never intended to write this, I specifically wanted to write a tool to name bones and another to study cloth meshes (aka 4D meshes).  By the time I successfully got to the point where I could apply the skeleton to the mesh though, I realized I already had a working export tool but the vgmaps I made were not compatible with the G1M tools importer.  So I wrote an import tool to see if my export tool actually worked.


Latest Version Here: https://github.com/eArmada8/gust_stuff/releases

Tutorials Wiki Here: https://github.com/eArmada8/gust_stuff/wiki


Updated version 1.3 here:  https://www.loverslab.com/topic/132178-atelier-ryza-ever-darkness-and-the-secret-hideout/?do=findComment&comment=3962230


g1m_exporter_v1.0.7z - OBSOLETE


(Latest version always at my GitHub)



My tool is written in python, so it is much slower than G1M tools.  But there are some nice features.  My tool:

  • Is built to work with Gust Tools - it reads the elixir.json file from Gust Tools and unpacks/repacks all models, no need to drag and drop anything.
  • Unpacks and repacks Ryza 2 / Sophie 2 models without hex editing
  • Correctly names vertex groups using (Gust-format) bone OID
  • Correctly handles UNORM (no more losing model outlines on export)
  • Performs vertex culling aka submesh separation.  G1M files do not balloon in size on re-import anymore, especially with multiple generations of exporting/importing.
  • Automatically detects and deletes missing submeshes.  No need to use "G1M hide" - my script will do it for you if you delete the meshes you don't want.
  • Is capable of handling G1M files with empty meshes (e.g. Moderchan's "revealing Ryza"); currently G1M Tools crashes when trying to open these.
  • Allows editing of all mesh metadata - add new textures, change shaders, etc (obviously very experimental)
  • Recalculates the bounding box.  This is semi-accurate since it does not transform 4D first, and I'm not sure it does anything.
  • Allows for easy rigging to the skeleton in Blender if you use my included glTF builder.
  • Performs cloth mesh transformation (4D->3D).  This is very slow, and you may want to disable it.  Currently there is no way to get the transformed mesh back into the G1M, and my import tool only processes the untransformed mesh.  Please consider this an experimental feature at this time.

Games I've tried:

  • Ryza 1 and Ryza 2 - Tried in-game, works perfectly for me.

Other people's mods I've unpacked successfully:

  • Lulua, Lydie and Suelle, Blue Reflection 1 and 2, Sophie 2 - I don't actually have these games, I just unpacked the G1M files and looked at them in Blender.

Didn't work:

  • Escha and Logy mods by Sakurita (G1M Tools doesn't work either, looks malformed, but Project G1M can unpack it - I don't know if it's just a very old format?) - EDIT: Works as of version 1.2



Many thanks to Joschuka for his Noesis plugin, which I base all my work on.  This would not have been possible at all without him.  Also big thanks to the Three Houses Research Group and to @vagonumero13, the author of G1M tools who shared the source code to the core functions with me.  Big thanks as always to DarkStarSword, author of the Blender import tool.  Thank you to the authors of Gust Tools as well.  And also a special thanks for @woofhat for teaching me about G1M tools.


How to use:


  • Python 3.10 and newer is required for use of these scripts. It is free from the Microsoft Store, for Windows users. For Linux users, please consult your distro.
  • The numpy and pyquaternion modules for python are needed. Install by running the included "install_pyquaternion.bat" file (windows only) or by typing "python3 -m pip install pyquaternion" in the command line / shell. (When installing pyquaternion, numpy will automatically be installed alongside pyquaternion. The io, re, struct, sys, os, shutil, glob, copy, json, argparse modules are also required, but these are all already included in most basic python installations.)
  • The output can be imported into Blender using DarkStarSword's amazing plugin.
  • g1m_export_meshes.py is dependent on lib_fmtibvb.py, which must be in the same folder.
  • g1m_import_meshes.py and g1m_to_basic_gltf.py are dependent on both g1m_export_meshes.py and lib_fmtibvb.py.



Unpacking a model file (.elixir.gz / .g1m)


Download Gust Tools.  Drag your .elixir.gz file onto gust_elixir.exe.  It will make a folder with the g1m files.


Put my scripts in the folder that Gust Tools just created.  Double click "g1m_export_meshes.py".  It will make a new folder with the same name as the mdl file, and write all the meshes in .fmt/.ib/.vb that are compatible with the blender_3dmigoto.py plugin by DarkStarSword.  Additionally, it will write .vgmap files that will map all the vertex groups to bone names. 


Finally, it will write a JSON file with mesh metadata (see below).



There are several options, but you will need to use the command line.

-o, --overwrite Overwrite existing files without prompting.

-n, --no_buffers Using this option will cause the script to write only the metadata JSON, without writing the buffers.

-f, --full_vertices The default behavior of the exporter is to fully separate each submesh from its parent mesh by culling all unused vertices. Using this option will direct the script to export the entire vertex buffer with each submesh, in a manner identical to G1M tools.

-s, --skip_transform The default behavior of the exporter is to transform cloth meshes (so-called 4D meshes) into 3D space. Using this command skips transformation.  (See below for a method to change the default behavior.)


Repacking a model file (.elixir.gz / .g1m)


After you have modified the .fmt/.ib/.vb files (and the JSON file if needed), double-click "g1m_import_meshes.py".  It will load the g1m file, then replace the G1MG (geometry) section with the data in the exported folder.  The skeleton and NUN maps are not modified.


Then drag the folder itself onto gust_elixir.exe from Gust Tools to rebuild the .elixir.gz file.


There are no commandline options, but if you call it with the name of a g1m file from the command line, it will process only that file.  Otherwise it will process every file it finds that has a matching directory.


Deleting meshes (equivalent to hiding meshes in 3DMigoto)


Just delete the files for a mesh (.fmt/.ib/.vb) in the folder.  If the script does not find the file, it will remove it from the G1M.  Do not edit the metadata.


Rigging to the skeleton


Double-click "g1m_to_basic_gltf.py" to generate .gltf files.  Import your .gltf file in Blender.  Delete the meshes (they cannot be re-imported, they are there only because Blender refuses to open a .gltf file without meshes).  Import the .fmt/.ib/.vb meshes - these are the ones you will actually use.  Select all your meshes first, then Ctrl-Click on the skeleton, and press Ctrl-P to parent.  Pick "Armature Deform" - do not pick any of the "with..." options below it.


Changing textures / shaders


After exporting meshes, open the mesh_metadata.json file and go to the SUBMESH section and find the submesh you are interested (they are in order; the first one is 0, the second is 1, etc).  "materialIndex" points to the material assignment and "shaderParamIndex" points to the shader assignment.  You can change these numbers to point to a new area.


(Theoretically you can make new sections by adding them to the MATERIALS and SHADER_PARAMS section, but when I tried, it crashed the game.  More testing is needed.)


Of note, while you can edit JSON in notepad, I strongly recommend using a JSON editor.  Python is not forgiving if you make formatting errors, and JSON editors generally have indexing so you know which section you are in.  JSON Editor Online works well.


 Turning off cloth mesh (4D) transformation


If you would like skip transformation to be the default, find the line at the top of g1m_export_meshes.py:

transform_cloth_mesh_default = True

and change to

transform_cloth_mesh_default = False


Turning this off really speeds up exporting, especially for complex meshes.  For example, when I exported Prika from Sophie 2, it took 147 seconds.  With 4D off, it took 17 seconds.


Enjoy!  I am excited to see what the community does with this.

Edited by amorrow28
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Another small update to this mod.  I did not notice that the charm hanging from her boot pouch was missing until I rendered its driver mesh in Blender, so I put it back.  I also processed this using my new tool, so the mesh buffer loaded into VRAM is 75% smaller (this is not enough for a performance boost, just a side effect of vertex culling).  Thank you as always to Moderchan and @Soelily for the original mod.  Enjoy!




PS - Also check out my port of this mod to Ryza 2!


EDIT: Here is a version with outlines, for those who prefer it:



Edited by amorrow28
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On 11/25/2022 at 7:53 PM, amorrow28 said:



To my fellow modders,


I have written a G1M unpack / repack utility for Gust (Atelier) games, which I hope will be useful to you.  Why write my own tool when the amazing G1M tools by @vagonumero13 already exists?  I actually never intended to write this, I specifically wanted to write a tool to name bones and another to study cloth meshes (aka 4D meshes).  By the time I successfully got to the point where I could apply the skeleton to the mesh though, I realized I already had a working export tool but the vgmaps I made were not compatible with the G1M tools importer.  So I wrote an import tool to see if my export tool actually worked.


g1m_exporter_v1.0.7z 33.1 kB · 17 downloads


(Latest version always at my GitHub)



Many thanks to Joschuka for his Noesis plugin, which I base all my work on.  This would not have been possible at all without him.  Also big thanks to the Three Houses Research Group and to @vagonumero13, the author of G1M tools who shared the source code to the core functions with me.  Big thanks as always to DarkStarSword, author of the Blender import tool.  Thank you to the authors of Gust Tools as well.  And also a special thanks for @woofhat for teaching me about G1M tools.


How to use:



Unpacking a model file (.elixir.gz / .g1m)

  Reveal hidden contents

Download Gust Tools.  Drag your .elixir.gz file onto gust_elixir.exe.  It will make a folder with the g1m files.


Put my scripts in the folder that Gust Tools just created.  Double click "g1m_export_meshes.py".  It will make a new folder with the same name as the mdl file, and write all the meshes in .fmt/.ib/.vb that are compatible with the blender_3dmigoto.py plugin by DarkStarSword.  Additionally, it will write .vgmap files that will map all the vertex groups to bone names. 


Finally, it will write a JSON file with mesh metadata (see below).



There are several options, but you will need to use the command line.

-o, --overwrite Overwrite existing files without prompting.

-n, --no_buffers Using this option will cause the script to write only the metadata JSON, without writing the buffers.

-f, --full_vertices The default behavior of the exporter is to fully separate each submesh from its parent mesh by culling all unused vertices. Using this option will direct the script to export the entire vertex buffer with each submesh, in a manner identical to G1M tools.

-s, --skip_transform The default behavior of the exporter is to transform cloth meshes (so-called 4D meshes) into 3D space. Using this command skips transformation.  (See below for a method to change the default behavior.)


Repacking a model file (.elixir.gz / .g1m)

  Reveal hidden contents

After you have modified the .fmt/.ib/.vb files (and the JSON file if needed), double-click "g1m_import_meshes.py".  It will load the g1m file, then replace the G1MG (geometry) section with the data in the exported folder.  The skeleton and NUN maps are not modified.


Then drag the folder itself onto gust_elixir.exe from Gust Tools to rebuild the .elixir.gz file.


There are no commandline options, but if you call it with the name of a g1m file from the command line, it will process only that file.  Otherwise it will process every file it finds that has a matching directory.


Deleting meshes (equivalent to hiding meshes in 3DMigoto)

  Reveal hidden contents

Just delete the files for a mesh (.fmt/.ib/.vb) in the folder.  If the script does not find the file, it will remove it from the G1M.  Do not edit the metadata.


Rigging to the skeleton

  Reveal hidden contents

Double-click "g1m_to_basic_gltf.py" to generate .gltf files.  Import your .gltf file in Blender.  Delete the meshes (they cannot be re-imported, they are there only because Blender refuses to open a .gltf file without meshes).  Import the .fmt/.ib/.vb meshes - these are the ones you will actually use.  Select all your meshes first, then Ctrl-Click on the skeleton, and press Ctrl-P to parent.  Pick "Armature Deform" - do not pick any of the "with..." options below it.


Changing textures / shaders

  Reveal hidden contents

After exporting meshes, open the mesh_metadata.json file and go to the SUBMESH section and find the submesh you are interested (they are in order; the first one is 0, the second is 1, etc).  "materialIndex" points to the material assignment and "shaderParamIndex" points to the shader assignment.  You can change these numbers to point to a new area.


(Theoretically you can make new sections by adding them to the MATERIALS and SHADER_PARAMS section, but when I tried, it crashed the game.  More testing is needed.)


Of note, while you can edit JSON in notepad, I strongly recommend using a JSON editor.  Python is not forgiving if you make formatting errors, and JSON editors generally have indexing so you know which section you are in.  JSON Editor Online works well.


 Turning off cloth mesh (4D) transformation

  Reveal hidden contents

If you would like skip transformation to be the default, find the line at the top of g1m_export_meshes.py:

transform_cloth_mesh_default = True

and change to

transform_cloth_mesh_default = False


Turning this off really speeds up exporting, especially for complex meshes.  For example, when I exported Prika from Sophie 2, it took 147 seconds.  With 4D off, it took 17 seconds.


Enjoy!  I am excited to see what the community does with this.



Hello @amorrow28,


Thank you for the tools, I am very new at this and they are very handy.  I have followed your quick guide and I am able to get the model in and out of blender with ease, but the issue comes with weight painting.  If I make any change to the weights I get this error while trying to export from blender



I have tried removing vertex groups and doing a data transfer / weight transfer from the model but nothing seems to work, and if I dont mess with the wights, when I get the model in the game this happens:





Could you possibly point me in the right direction on how to get this fixed?


Thanks again


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2 hours ago, derptowndelux said:



Hello @amorrow28,


Thank you for the tools, I am very new at this and they are very handy.  I have followed your quick guide and I am able to get the model in and out of blender with ease, but the issue comes with weight painting.  If I make any change to the weights I get this error while trying to export from blender



I have tried removing vertex groups and doing a data transfer / weight transfer from the model but nothing seems to work, and if I dont mess with the wights, when I get the model in the game this happens:





Could you possibly point me in the right direction on how to get this fixed?


Thanks again


I cannot diagnose your issues from those screenshots, but the three general rules you must adhere to when weight painting / mesh transferring are:


  1. Vertices cannot belong to more than 3 groups
  2. You cannot use weight groups (bones) that are not in the bone palette for that submesh
  3. All weights on a vertex must add up to 1
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On 11/10/2022 at 11:52 AM, amorrow28 said:




I use Paint.NET, as it's free and easier to use than GIMP, but you are welcome to use GIMP or Photoshop or whatever you would like to use.  There are many videos on how to use paint.net.

NOTE: You can use Gust tools to manipulate the texture package, which is the standard.  But I'm going to show you how to use G1Tool instead, it's a little easier for beginners. 


ALSO NOTE: If you learn how to use Blender, this will be easier since you can actually load the texture onto the model and view the texture map in real time.  But it does have a bit of a learning curve.  For your first mod, I wouldn't bother.  Also, I'm just going to teach you how to paint pubic hair onto the texture.  If you want 3D pubic hair, it's possible but requires more work and more knowledge.  I'll leave some links at the bottom.


Download G1Tool here.


Ok, the mod has two files.  The textures are in pc00a_model.g1t.  Open GITool, and then go to File Menu -> Open, and pick the g1t file.  You will see a list of textures on the left.  The main texture is the first file.  Click to preview, then right click and Export to PNG. Note the compression format on the right (DXT5), you will want to match that when re-importing.


  Reveal hidden contents



Look through the textures - you might want to also export the map with her hair so you can copy/paste some of her hair onto her pubis.  Alternatively, you could just use someone's real pubic hair from photographs, or just draw your own.


Edit the texture in Paint.NET or editor of your choice.  The area you want to edit is right in the middle.  I've drawn the map in Blender here to make it more obvious what you are looking for.


  Reveal hidden contents



Save as a DDS file, making sure to use DXT5 compression and "generate mipmaps on" to match the compression.


  Reveal hidden contents



Go back to G1Tool and right click the texture name again, and this time select "Replace."  Put in your edited texture, and load it up in the game to see how it turned out!  Then go back to Paint.NET and adjust.


If you want 3D hair, look here.  This is much more advanced, but well within reach.  I've written a ton of tutorials on using Blender.  And here is a tutorial (not mine) on how to use Blender with Gust Tools / G1M tools (note that you do not need to hex edit for Ryza 1).


I know this is intimidating, but it's very doable.  I hope you try it, and if you like what you make, I hope you share!

Hi there! Thanks for all the help. I'm able to mod a few of the g1t files I've got which is really nice, but a few of them say something along the lines of "There is a mismatch between the reported file size andthe actual one." Do you know if there's anything I can do about this, or should I just try to modify other ones instead?


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1 hour ago, amorrow28 said:

I cannot diagnose your issues from those screenshots, but the three general rules you must adhere to when weight painting / mesh transferring are:


  1. Vertices cannot belong to more than 3 groups
  2. You cannot use weight groups (bones) that are not in the bone palette for that submesh
  3. All weights on a vertex must add up to 1


Thanks, I was wondering if the number of groups had something to do with it but from what I can tell its not related to 3 groups.  I have spent a few hours trying to figure it out and I really cant tell what is going wrong.  I got to a point where I could undo/ redo an action that would break the export (with the above padding error).  It seems to be after I paint a vertice, and it appears only the one vertices weight is changing when the break occurs.    Is there any other advice you have or tips to try and fix it?  I can try and export after each wight change but that would be really tedious :(




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2 hours ago, derptowndelux said:


Thanks, I was wondering if the number of groups had something to do with it but from what I can tell its not related to 3 groups.  I have spent a few hours trying to figure it out and I really cant tell what is going wrong.  I got to a point where I could undo/ redo an action that would break the export (with the above padding error).  It seems to be after I paint a vertice, and it appears only the one vertices weight is changing when the break occurs.    Is there any other advice you have or tips to try and fix it?  I can try and export after each wight change but that would be really tedious :(




I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong. I have little experience weight painting, and I would have to ask the experts here.


Your photo does show that your vertex group does not add up to 1, try normalizing before exporting? That’s the only idea I have.

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2 hours ago, 1235938 said:

Hi there! Thanks for all the help. I'm able to mod a few of the g1t files I've got which is really nice, but a few of them say something along the lines of "There is a mismatch between the reported file size andthe actual one." Do you know if there's anything I can do about this, or should I just try to modify other ones instead?



Try Gust Tools instead!

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On 11/28/2022 at 11:45 PM, SaleRouge said:

Hey is there any available Nude Mod?

I bought Ryza on CM sale eager to make Ryza naked ,but I couldn't find any such MODs available (at least in Japanese article).

I'm so so so so so happy to introduce fantastic MOD.

Thank you bro.


My man, the nude mod is literally one post above yours. Maybe try reading the thread next time?

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18 hours ago, BakunyuuWaifu said:

Does anyone know how to get mods working on Steam Deck? After launcher it goes through the intro but crashes title screen

I don’t have one so I won’t be able to help much, but I thought I’d ask if you unpacked the archives correctly and what mods you are using? Does the identical setup work on your PC?


I noticed when I first started modding that you can get the game to crash if files are missing or put in the wrong place. Gust Tools puts the x64 folder into a “data” folder, and you need to move them into your main x64 folder.


I would suggest you first get an unpacked setup working without mods, then add mods one at a time. If you can’t get an unpacked setup to work, it might mean you need to repack.


If it’s the mods, I’d be interested to hear which mods work and which don’t. Are you using elixir.gz / g1t mods, or 3DMigoto mods? 3DMigoto mods are reportedly very hit-or-miss on the steam deck, from what I’ve heard.


Please report back! Other steam deck users will want to know what happens.

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54 minutes ago, amorrow28 said:

I don’t have one so I won’t be able to help much, but I thought I’d ask if you unpacked the archives correctly and what mods you are using? Does the identical setup work on your PC?


I noticed when I first started modding that you can get the game to crash if files are missing or put in the wrong place. Gust Tools puts the x64 folder into a “data” folder, and you need to move them into your main x64 folder.


I would suggest you first get an unpacked setup working without mods, then add mods one at a time. If you can’t get an unpacked setup to work, it might mean you need to repack.


If it’s the mods, I’d be interested to hear which mods work and which don’t. Are you using elixir.gz / g1t mods, or 3DMigoto mods? 3DMigoto mods are reportedly very hit-or-miss on the steam deck, from what I’ve heard.


Please report back! Other steam deck users will want to know what happens.


I'll do some testing for sure! The same unpacked setup seems to work on PC, I essentially just copied my install folder from PC to Deck.

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On 11/27/2022 at 9:16 PM, amorrow28 said:

[mod pic]


Another small update to this mod.  I did not notice that the charm hanging from her boot pouch was missing until I rendered its driver mesh in Blender, so I put it back.  I also processed this using my new tool, so the mesh buffer loaded into VRAM is 75% smaller (this is not enough for a performance boost, just a side effect of vertex culling).  Thank you as always to Moderchan and @Soelily for the original mod.  Enjoy!


[mod download]


PS - Also check out my port of this mod to Ryza 2!


EDIT: Here is a version with outlines, for those who prefer it:


[mod download w outlines]


Thank you for the extensive contribution you and @woofhat have been doing lately!


Question: a few pages back when you essentially rebuilt @Soelily's mod you wrote that you hid the belt part. Would it be hard to build this model with the belt on?


Also, I noticed the other nude female mods all lack the outlines. How hard would it be to add it to those?



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1 hour ago, axellslade said:


Thank you for the extensive contribution you and @woofhat have been doing lately!


Question: a few pages back when you essentially rebuilt @Soelily's mod you wrote that you hid the belt part. Would it be hard to build this model with the belt on?


Also, I noticed the other nude female mods all lack the outlines. How hard would it be to add it to those?



The belt was in my Ryza 2 mod, I believe.  (EDIT: I took a quick look at Ryza's belt in her Ryza 1 costume; it would not be easy to implement, if it is even possible.  There isn't enough room on the texture map; the space is being used by the nude mod itself.  I haven't successfully added additional textures to the G1M structure so far; when I've tried, the game crashes upon loading.)


Adding back outlines isn’t too hard in Blender (see this video), you need to use my unpack and repack tools though. The reason that all the mesh mods in the past don’t have outlines is due to a bug in G1M tools that read the outline data incorrectly when unpacking, leading Blender to erase the data when exporting. (The video uses 3DMigoto which does not have that bug either, which is how I figured it out actually. The data looked completely different.)

Edited by amorrow28
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10 hours ago, amorrow28 said:

The belt was in my Ryza 2 mod, I believe.  (EDIT: I took a quick look at Ryza's belt in her Ryza 1 costume; it would not be easy to implement, if it is even possible.  There isn't enough room on the texture map; the space is being used by the nude mod itself.  I haven't successfully added additional textures to the G1M structure so far; when I've tried, the game crashes upon loading.)


Adding back outlines isn’t too hard in Blender (see this video), you need to use my unpack and repack tools though. The reason that all the mesh mods in the past don’t have outlines is due to a bug in G1M tools that read the outline data incorrectly when unpacking, leading Blender to erase the data when exporting. (The video uses 3DMigoto which does not have that bug either, which is how I figured it out actually. The data looked completely different.)


Thanks for all the info! I'll try following the tutorials you provided and add the outlines to the mods I'm currently using.


As for the belt, I figured there were compromises involved in the removal, no big deal. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/28/2022 at 1:16 AM, amorrow28 said:



Another small update to this mod.  I did not notice that the charm hanging from her boot pouch was missing until I rendered its driver mesh in Blender, so I put it back.  I also processed this using my new tool, so the mesh buffer loaded into VRAM is 75% smaller (this is not enough for a performance boost, just a side effect of vertex culling).  Thank you as always to Moderchan and @Soelily for the original mod.  Enjoy!


SummerMod_v2.3.7z 3.08 MB · 282 downloads


PS - Also check out my port of this mod to Ryza 2!


EDIT: Here is a version with outlines, for those who prefer it:


SummerMod_v2.3_outlines.7z 3.08 MB · 146 downloads

I am very late to respond but awesome job on the updates! I had started on the changes but only managed to get the textures fixed before I got too busy with life for a while, aheh. Been playing with the outlines and I think it looks great!

I made a wet model for it so it doesn't change to her default costume upon getting wet. Also decided to make variations for the other palettes she has! They are generally minimal without most of her costume but hey, incase anybody wanted em!




SummerMod Alts.rarSummerMod Alts Outlines.rar



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