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Bravil underground's plot

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Has anyone play through a mod call Bravil Underground by VICN? I think it's also goes by lovers victims. I'm interested the story of Martha and her 3 brothers. I think this is just an enslavement and breeding mod, but what did the player have to do before you can enslave and stuff? Did you have make any deals with any Daedric. What are possible ending that involve Martha and her brother?


I'm asking because I'm curious about the story of VICN, mod author of VIGILANT. His mods, Vigilant, Unslaad, and upcoming Glenmoril are cryptically connected. In Vigilant, you meet a woman name Martha in Coldharbour, she'll give you a small quest, which I won't go into details (for anyone that haven't play through Vigilant yet). All I know is that she was brutally murder, and her brothers wants revenge. I don't have TES4 so I'm hoping someone can shed light on how this all fits together.


??? BravilUnderground is a quest Mod for LoversSlaveTrader. 

LoversVictims is  soooooo old.


In the new Bravil Underground you have only two Brothers and NO Marta in the game. (6 slave trainer quests, 11 side quests  and the main quest in 18 parts. The main quest in the one with the two Brothers, the bosses of the underground city )

And quest tips you can get here in the spoiler at the end of post 1



And in a book of LongDukDong


Guide to the Underground Slave Port ( Tips and hints in story form )


I am sure the BravilUnderground Mod has nothing to do with Vigilant and Glenmoril ( that are Skyrim Mods )


And I know a Glenmoril Glenmoril Covens mod  ( Oblivion Nexus file 46020 )

And Vigilante Hideout Overhauled ( Oblivion Nexus file  18315 )



Plot of the Mod

Both brothers are a little crazy, they wanted to kill each other.
And at the end both are dead and the underground city is stormed by the army.
The player kills the soldiers and MogBal thanks him personally

Then the player wakes up in the Inn of the Underground City and is not sure if it was a dream, and when it became a dream. The city that was almost destroyed but now there is not the slightest damage.


The End.


On 7/24/2019 at 8:47 AM, fejeena said:

??? BravilUnderground is a quest Mod for LoversSlaveTrader. 

LoversVictims is  soooooo old.


In the new Bravil Underground you have only two Brothers and NO Marta in the game. (6 slave trainer quests, 11 side quests  and the main quest in 18 parts. The main quest in the one with the two Brothers, the bosses of the underground city )

And quest tips you can get here in the spoiler at the end of post 1



And in a book of LongDukDong


Guide to the Underground Slave Port ( Tips and hints in story form )


I am sure the BravilUnderground Mod has nothing to do with Vigilant and Glenmoril ( that are Skyrim Mods )


And I know a Glenmoril Glenmoril Covens mod  ( Oblivion Nexus file 46020 )

And Vigilante Hideout Overhauled ( Oblivion Nexus file  18315 )



Plot of the Mod

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Both brothers are a little crazy, they wanted to kill each other.
And at the end both are dead and the underground city is stormed by the army.
The player kills the soldiers and MogBal thanks him personally

Then the player wakes up in the Inn of the Underground City and is not sure if it was a dream, and when it became a dream. The city that was almost destroyed but now there is not the slightest damage.


The End.


Hmm... I guess it's only a reference to Bravil Underground, not a direct link. Can you tell me which army storm the underground city and why? It's actually starting to make sense.




In Vigilant(skyrim) final arc, you meet a blind women in Coldharbour who is looking for her family's grave.

Upon completing her quest, the player experiences a flashback. The brother were at a funeral, morning (probably for Martha). Wasn't sure what happened, but all we know she was brutally murdered. A bard named "Bal" show up and offered the Mace of Molag Bal. Two choices can be made, accepts or refuse it. Accepting it leads to one of the other brother murdering his others brother for the mace. Flash back takes place underground, fire and dead bodies all around you.


Coldharbour in Vigilant is in image of the Imperial City. Some NPC from TES4 Oblivion that relates to vampire or Molag Bal, made appearances in Vigilant.

The names are changed a bit, but I think they are referring the the same people. I'm curious whether there's a more prominent connection between the two story, or was it just Molag Bal filling up more soul in his realm.


Anyway, thanks for the insights on the plot.





Bravil Underground is  in Bravil not in the Imperial City. But the name is Coldharbour.

It a slavery town, Slave trader and trainer , drugs, assassins, pirates, fence, necromancer, and even some vampires, , ,

And that was the reason why the Imperial Army/legion tried to destroy that bad place.



But the name are the same.

The two Brother in Bravil Underground are

Tlass and John ( not Johan )

And there is a Medium ( not sure if blind ) with the name "Lara Noah"


But I do not know if the is blind ( She always wear a full helm )


Some things/dialogs in game.

About Lara:

She was an orphan. I rescued her in a village on the border of Valenwood six years ago. The village is was raided by bandits. She only survived by hiding under the floor.


She always wears that helmet ... and never takes it off ... I wonder what the surface of her face feels like.



The two Brothers ( both are fat ) What other NPCs tell you about the two.


Who rules this town?  The two brothers of course!  However Tlass seems only interested in eating. The one who was in charge before them was good to this one. He gave out a weeks worth of Skooma. The brothers haven't given so much as a drop!


The brothers will sooner or later fight each other.  Which do you think will win....Tlass or John?


Do not trust either one of them.  They will plant a knife in your back for the slightest of reasons.


Tlass lives just to eat. Even an Orc could not eat as much!


John is cunning.  I can not understand all his wise thoughts.


Tlass and John killed the old boss in front of me. The old boss did not complain about me drinking skooma on duty though.


When the previous boss was killed, John was laughing. Tlass continued eating while watching John kill the old boss.


The brothers are two people that seem not to even know one another.  Sooner or later one will try to kill the other.


I think the author used things/ideas from his old Oblivion Mod, but the Skyrim Mod is a new Mod with different background.

23 minutes ago, fejeena said:

Bravil Underground is  in Bravil not in the Imperial City. But the name is Coldharbour.

It a slavery town, Slave trader and trainer , drugs, assassins, pirates, fence, necromancer, and even some vampires, , ,

And that was the reason why the Imperial Army/legion tried to destroy that bad place.



But the name are the same.

The two Brother in Bravil Underground are

Tlass and John ( not Johan )

And there is a Medium ( not sure if blind ) with the name "Lara Noah"


But I do not know if the is blind ( She always wear a full helm )

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Some things/dialogs in game.

About Lara:

She was an orphan. I rescued her in a village on the border of Valenwood six years ago. The village is was raided by bandits. She only survived by hiding under the floor.


She always wears that helmet ... and never takes it off ... I wonder what the surface of her face feels like.



The two Brothers ( both are fat ) What other NPCs tell you about the two.


Who rules this town?  The two brothers of course!  However Tlass seems only interested in eating. The one who was in charge before them was good to this one. He gave out a weeks worth of Skooma. The brothers haven't given so much as a drop!


The brothers will sooner or later fight each other.  Which do you think will win....Tlass or John?


Do not trust either one of them.  They will plant a knife in your back for the slightest of reasons.


Tlass lives just to eat. Even an Orc could not eat as much!


John is cunning.  I can not understand all his wise thoughts.


Tlass and John killed the old boss in front of me. The old boss did not complain about me drinking skooma on duty though.


When the previous boss was killed, John was laughing. Tlass continued eating while watching John kill the old boss.


The brothers are two people that seem not to even know one another.  Sooner or later one will try to kill the other.


I think the author used things/ideas from his old Oblivion Mod, but the Skyrim Mod is a new Mod with different background.

Though all stories are from different times, I have a feeling there is a chronological order to all his stories. I have played through "Vigilant", "Unslaad" 2.0, and currently "Glenmoril", I am certain that the author is very specific when it comes to details. He uses the cryptic style of Dark Soul and Bloodborn, the bigger picture comes from reading between the lines. 


First, I would like to thank you for indulging me with my little theory. Second can you tell me more about this Lara Noah character? You might have found the link I was looking for.

*** Below will be big spoil if you haven't play through any of Vicn skyrim mod ***


This will probably bores you, but I needs someone that play through Bravil Underground to keep me in check for my theory.


From my point of view, the story of "Vigilant" is about redemption. Thus, Bravil Underground must be the other half, the corrupted beginning. A detail that I never understood, was why Sheogorath appears in every flashback of "Vigilant", and why Jyggalag invaded Molag Bal realm. But now, I kinda see why, it's because in Tes 4 Oblivion, you, the player that went through Bravil Underground, did many horrendous things. Yet, the player is still the Hero of Kvatch, you're destine to matle Sheogorath. Therefore, the hero of Kvatch (Sheogorath), and the Vigilant (player character) who turn out to be Molag Bal, have a very deep connection with each other. I speculates that Vicn's stories isn't about a single person doing everything in each mod, but a tale about many key figures, and their interactions with each other in the Elder Scroll Universe.


During Martha's funeral flashback, two options can be made with "BAL", the brother could take the mace or refuse it. I think that event actually occured, years before Bravil Underground. History prove that he must have taken the mace, got currupted, stuff happen in between and Bravil Underground events gets play out. That's why Molag Bal thanks you at the end, "no loose ends".


But there is another choice, refusing the Mace of Molag Bal. If the player picks this route in "Vigilant", there won't be a flashback with them fighting over the mace, they won't die undeground. This path free the souls of Martha and her brothers from Coldharbour. Like I stated above, "Vigilant" is about redeemtion, not changing the past. The events of Bravil Underground are set in stone, but this allows them to escape Molag Bal's grasp. The reward for this in Vigilant is a WHITE FLOWER.


Later down "Vigilant" quest, the player will meet a traped dragon. He talks about the "Garden of Kyne" and how he wish to feels or smell (I forgot) it once more. If you bring him that "WHITE FLOWER" you get from Martha quest, he will thanks you and dissapears, to be a part of the wind of Kyne again.

No mention of "White Flower" or "Garden of Kyne" for the rest of "Vigilant"... Until you starts "Glenmoril".


In "Glenmoril" you meet an orphan girl name "Lalanoah", living by herself in a location calls "Blessed Ravine", a "Garden" with many "White Flowers" (not found anywhere else). There are tons of hints that indicate that Lalanoah IS Kyne in the flesh. At the moment, I will have to stop my speculation here and wait for your update on "Lara Noah", but I hope you see where I'm going with this. Since "Vigilant" is about absolution, the player must have rejected the Mace, allowing Martha to be free and reborn on Nirn's current timeline, events of "Glenmoril".





Again, if you want the Mod as a story read the book of LongDukDong  ( Guide to the Underground Slave Port ( Tips and hints in story form ) )

Link: see my first post.

In a part of the main quest she is involed

4.Sign of gratitude: Lara Noah (the woman with the dog) after you gave her the 4 items you must wait some time before the quest goes on.

It is only a intermission filler between two quest parts. She want some items (  a iron-dagger, a quill, a sweetroll and a oar ) you bring the item. You get a ring she found (maybe stolen, or taken without thinking ) and bring it to Alexei, it is his ring.

He say


Hey this is the ring that I lost a few days ago!  What the hell was Lara doing with it?

Ah well.  I guess I should not be so mad at her.  Her mind is much like a child's.

Will you thank Lara for me please?  I am grateful she returned it.  It has little value to anyone except me.



Medium  "Lara Noah"

She always were the Deadra full helmet.

A dead dog follows the ( A skinned dog from the Shivering isle addon )

The live in the hous of Alexei, the fence of the town.

Alexei says about Lara "Lara has been blessed by Molag Bal.  She is one of his priestesses."

Alexei is the one who give infos to a Imperial legion undercover agent. And he knows the guy works for the legion.

Medium Sister is "Quai Levulin" . She also sell stolen things, she works for Alexei. First she works in a tawern ( ???  not sure but if I remember right Alexei is dead at the end of the main quest and she works and lives in his house. Most other people are alive again when the player wakes up at the end of the main quest. )

She talk "cryptic",   ask after you have finished a quest "What have you learned?"  Or she knew when you have a deadly poision and who gave it to you "What is that stuff?  Did an Argonian give it to you? Alexei always told me never to accept food or drink from someone I do not know! "   Or she is like a child. "I love to draw ... I just am not very good at it ... hehehe"

Other things she say ( gossips, gossips, ... )


I love his fur, it is so fluffy ... you know ... HanPL the Khajiit at the bar!


Alexei warned me never to get drunk and sleep at the bar ... he said that I would regret it.  Why do you think that is?


Alexei once said that the Necromancers assistant was an incompetent fool!


I hate Madam Simza!  She is just so nasty to me!


Sweet rolls, round and plump, sweet rolls melt your mouth!


I love Colin.  She is like a big sister to me.  You know she used to be an amazing thief!  That is until she took an arrow to the knee.  Sad huh?!


Gregathit is a good person!  He and I pretend we are guards all the time ... hehehe


Sweet rolls! Sweet rolls! Sweet rolls!


Why are the girls who work in the prostitute's mansion always naked?  Alexei will not tell me!


John and Tlass are no friend of mine!  No way!  They are both bullies!


Shipwright Bali is a friend of mine.


Do you think my boobs are too big?  I heard someone whisper that my juggs were bouncing ... is that a bad thing?


You know that it is an Argonian that is in charge of the machinery in the boiler room.  I am not allow to go in there ...


You should be afraid of Molag Bal! Everyone should be! My sister is terribly afraid that he will come for her someday!


I was told that Redwood is a shill who pushes up the bidding for the slaves.  I wonder what happens if he ends up with the top bid by accident?


Orgon used to be a pirate captain ...  Until he took an arrow to the knee and now he just runs the Mud Boat Shipping Company.


Nina is a sweet thing!  He gives me candy!


I am only allowed to have one sweetroll a day ... is that fair?


Onan has very bad breath.  It makes me sick.


Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.  In the black sacrament it says that I can ask for the death of anyone!


Asan is very frightening!  Even when she is laughing! Alexei says she and the Torture Agent punish bad people.  I sometimes hear screams from their house.



AND THINGS Alexei say

Lara is like a daughter to me ... so do not get any ideas ...


She likes sweet rolls.

"Alexei says that having one sweet roll a day is enough ... I don't agree at all ... why can't I have more?"

When you give her a sweet roll she gives you Alexei's Pants or the pants of her sister ( Yes his underwear. And totally useless in the Mod. If you talk to Alexei or  Quai  and you have the pants in your inventory he/she takes back the pants )


4 hours ago, fejeena said:

Again, if you want the Mod as a story read the book of LongDukDong  ( Guide to the Underground Slave Port ( Tips and hints in story form ) )

Link: see my first post.

In a part of the main quest she is involed

4.Sign of gratitude: Lara Noah (the woman with the dog) after you gave her the 4 items you must wait some time before the quest goes on.

It is only a intermission filler between two quest parts. She want some items (  a iron-dagger, a quill, a sweetroll and a oar ) you bring the item. You get a ring she found (maybe stolen, or taken without thinking ) and bring it to Alexei, it is his ring.

He say

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Hey this is the ring that I lost a few days ago!  What the hell was Lara doing with it?

Ah well.  I guess I should not be so mad at her.  Her mind is much like a child's.

Will you thank Lara for me please?  I am grateful she returned it.  It has little value to anyone except me.



Medium  "Lara Noah"

She always were the Deadra full helmet.

A dead dog follows the ( A skinned dog from the Shivering isle addon )

The live in the hous of Alexei, the fence of the town.

Alexei says about Lara "Lara has been blessed by Molag Bal.  She is one of his priestesses."

Alexei is the one who give infos to a Imperial legion undercover agent. And he knows the guy works for the legion.

Medium Sister is "Quai Levulin" . She also sell stolen things, she works for Alexei. First she works in a tawern ( ???  not sure but if I remember right Alexei is dead at the end of the main quest and she works and lives in his house. Most other people are alive again when the player wakes up at the end of the main quest. )

She talk "cryptic",   ask after you have finished a quest "What have you learned?"  Or she knew when you have a deadly poision and who gave it to you "What is that stuff?  Did an Argonian give it to you? Alexei always told me never to accept food or drink from someone I do not know! "   Or she is like a child. "I love to draw ... I just am not very good at it ... hehehe"

Other things she say ( gossips, gossips, ... )

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I love his fur, it is so fluffy ... you know ... HanPL the Khajiit at the bar!


Alexei warned me never to get drunk and sleep at the bar ... he said that I would regret it.  Why do you think that is?


Alexei once said that the Necromancers assistant was an incompetent fool!


I hate Madam Simza!  She is just so nasty to me!


Sweet rolls, round and plump, sweet rolls melt your mouth!


I love Colin.  She is like a big sister to me.  You know she used to be an amazing thief!  That is until she took an arrow to the knee.  Sad huh?!


Gregathit is a good person!  He and I pretend we are guards all the time ... hehehe


Sweet rolls! Sweet rolls! Sweet rolls!


Why are the girls who work in the prostitute's mansion always naked?  Alexei will not tell me!


John and Tlass are no friend of mine!  No way!  They are both bullies!


Shipwright Bali is a friend of mine.


Do you think my boobs are too big?  I heard someone whisper that my juggs were bouncing ... is that a bad thing?


You know that it is an Argonian that is in charge of the machinery in the boiler room.  I am not allow to go in there ...


You should be afraid of Molag Bal! Everyone should be! My sister is terribly afraid that he will come for her someday!


I was told that Redwood is a shill who pushes up the bidding for the slaves.  I wonder what happens if he ends up with the top bid by accident?


Orgon used to be a pirate captain ...  Until he took an arrow to the knee and now he just runs the Mud Boat Shipping Company.


Nina is a sweet thing!  He gives me candy!


I am only allowed to have one sweetroll a day ... is that fair?


Onan has very bad breath.  It makes me sick.


Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear.  In the black sacrament it says that I can ask for the death of anyone!


Asan is very frightening!  Even when she is laughing! Alexei says she and the Torture Agent punish bad people.  I sometimes hear screams from their house.



AND THINGS Alexei say

Lara is like a daughter to me ... so do not get any ideas ...


She likes sweet rolls.

"Alexei says that having one sweet roll a day is enough ... I don't agree at all ... why can't I have more?"

When you give her a sweet roll she gives you Alexei's Pants or the pants of her sister ( Yes his underwear. And totally useless in the Mod. If you talk to Alexei or  Quai  and you have the pants in your inventory he/she takes back the pants )


Damn there is so much more to Bravil Underground than just slavery. I would love play through it, but unfortunately I don't have Oblivion. Though only 5 bucks, setting up mods and have it stable will be a pain. LongDukDong's "guide to the underground slave port" is a mod for Oblivion, I tries extracting the BSA, but still couldn't find the texts. Sorry for bothering you one last one,but is it possible for you send me the text of "guide to the underground slave port"?


Oh, yes it is a in game book , so you have all the info you need without quitting the game.


Here the Book . A copy with all codes in the text, so ignore   <font face=3> <font face=1> <br><div align="left"> <hr>  . . .
Guide to the Underground Slave Port.txt


Yes it is a big quest Mod.

And a addon for the slavery Sytem ( LoversSlaverTrader )

as I said before 6 slave trainer quests, 11 side quests  and the main quest in 18 parts.

So after you have finishes all quests you still can use the city to train your slaves, sell stolen goods, visit the brothel,   and in the medical clinic the "doctor" can change your slave into a "dog" , the slave creeps on all fours and barks , no physical changes. And of course the doctor can change the NPC back to normal.

And you can buy disguise to look like a imperial guard and then you can accuse citizens of a crime, and for some sex you will ignore the crime. ! Not all citizen believe you and they call the real guards and if a real guard in near you should not try to accuse citizens.



6 hours ago, fejeena said:

Oh, yes it is a in game book , so you have all the info you need without quitting the game.


Here the Book . A copy with all codes in the text, so ignore   <font face=3> <font face=1> <br><div align="left"> <hr>  . . .
Guide to the Underground Slave Port.txt


Yes it is a big quest Mod.

And a addon for the slavery Sytem ( LoversSlaverTrader )

as I said before 6 slave trainer quests, 11 side quests  and the main quest in 18 parts.

So after you have finishes all quests you still can use the city to train your slaves, sell stolen goods, visit the brothel,   and in the medical clinic the "doctor" can change your slave into a "dog" , the slave creeps on all fours and barks , no physical changes. And of course the doctor can change the NPC back to normal.

And you can buy disguise to look like a imperial guard and then you can accuse citizens of a crime, and for some sex you will ignore the crime. ! Not all citizen believe you and they call the real guards and if a real guard in near you should not try to accuse citizens.



Thanks a lot!


Wow, I sure missed out on this conversation.


On 7/26/2019 at 2:33 AM, fejeena said:

Bravil Underground is  in Bravil not in the Imperial City. But the name is Coldharbour.

Yeah, no.  Well, it's not the REAL Coldharbour that is the domain of Molag Bal.  Certainly not going by the Canon it isn't.  If someone actually named the underground area Coldharbour, they're just plane looney... oh, wait.  John and Tlass.  Well... mebby.  But all it's really referred to is the Slavers Town, at least when you ask anyone about it.


On 7/26/2019 at 2:33 AM, fejeena said:

And there is a Medium ( not sure if blind ) with the name "Lara Noah"


On 7/26/2019 at 11:25 AM, fejeena said:

John and Tlass are no friend of mine!  No way!  They are both bullies!

Yeah, no way is Martha (from that pic) Lara Noah.   AND CERTAINLY NOT JOHN AND TLASS'S RELATIVE!!!    TOO CUTE!!!!!



On 7/26/2019 at 3:30 PM, noobshi said:

Medium Sister is "Quai Levulin" . She also sell stolen things, she works for Alexei. First she works in a tawern ( ???  not sure but if I remember right

Aaaahhh... well, You find her being accosted by a Goblin in a bar, but I'm not sure if she's working or was looking for Lara.  Afterall, Lara was rescued after that fire in Valenwood.  Yet, there's nothing mentioned about Quai being rescued.  Still... I'm going to need to revise the book to mention that if not enslaved, she'll be in Alexi's shack (lucky bastard him).


On 7/26/2019 at 6:10 PM, fejeena said:

in the medical clinic the "doctor" can change your slave into a "dog"

Funny enough, the doggy token and 'woof woof' dialog is in Lovers Slave Trader.


On 7/26/2019 at 6:10 PM, fejeena said:

And you can buy disguise to look like a imperial guard and then you can accuse citizens of a crime,

Using an Imperial Guard's helmet,,, yeah, that's all LST there.  But like Tamago (and the IVF device), mostly unknown until someone  pointed it out.


Her ID says she is the sister

xLSTSq12MediumSister "Quai Levulin" [NPC_:03045D7A]


She says about Lara:

I am quite fond of her ... but I do not think she sees this ...
She always wears that helmet ... and never takes it off ... I wonder what the surface of her face feels like.
She still does not like carrots.  That has not changed even after these many years.


And Lara says:

You should be afraid of Molag Bal! Everyone should be! My sister is terribly afraid that he will come for her someday!



If you helped her in the "To get involved or not......" quest. ( In the "Tavern "Party of the Beast" she just say "Thank you for your help.  I am in your debt."  and quest update to stage 15 )

She leaves the tavern and goes to "The Alexei Stolen-Goods Store"

If you talk to her in "The Alexei Stolen-Goods Store" and she is not enslaved she say:
"Thank you for helping me. I am working now for Alexei. I was able to get in touch with my sister.  I owe you thanks for that as well."

Because now she lives in the same house as Lara.


From stage 15 of quest xxLSTSQ12 "To get involved or not......" she is in Alexei's house and use a broom 24 hours ( No sleeping, eating, wander AI ) :classic_wacko: Shit job!



I don't know if she survive, but almost all dwellers survive. She is in a house ( the tavern or the store ) so I think she is alive after the main quest.



Oh... yes the town name is "Underground Slave Port"  and Cold Harbour is in this Mod only the "Quest NPC storage cell" which the player can not enter.



On 7/26/2019 at 5:10 PM, fejeena said:

Yes it is a big quest Mod.

And a addon for the slavery Sytem ( LoversSlaverTrader )

as I said before 6 slave trainer quests, 11 side quests  and the main quest in 18 parts.

Yes it is.  I can tell you it was a cast iron bitch to translate into English and damn near broke me.  It took FOREVER!!!  


Glad you have a cameo in there. ;)  And dammit, you did a hella job there.  Many grats!


18 hours ago, fejeena said:

she is in Alexei's house and use a broom 24 hours ( No sleeping, eating, wander AI ) :classic_wacko: Shit job! 

Hrm... incentive to enslave.  Save Quai from a shit job.


And for a moment, I lost my ColdHarbour addon...  It's still a little ... meh.  Dunno too much to deal with.  Canon is that vampires were borne when a woman was raped nearly to death by Molag Bal, and ... you're Molag Bal's guest *cough* of honor.  That is ... if you recall Lamae Beolfag and the 'Daughters of Coldharbour'.  Yeah, you get screwed one way or the other.

On 7/29/2019 at 11:35 PM, LongDukDong said:


Yeah, no way is Martha (from that pic) Lara Noah.   AND CERTAINLY NOT JOHN AND TLASS'S RELATIVE!!!    TOO CUTE!!!!!

I'm not saying that Martha is the exact same person as Lara Noah, I assume that Lara Noah is a reincarnation or some strong connection with Martha.

Spoiler! These are some the flashbacks why I think these two story are strongly related.




The first and obvious clue is that there is an actual flashback. There are only a handful of flashbacks in "Vigilant", and they are either prominent characters in the Elder Scrolls Lore, or characters that play a big role in "Vigilant" story. This specific one doesn't have relations to "Vigilant" or Lore, it only comes into play when you accommodate "Bravil Underground" into it.








From the scene, there was originally 3 brothers and a sister. Martha is assume to have die prematurely, you (Johan) made a deal with Bal to bring your sister back. These event must have taken place way before TES4, because in TES4 the two brother are already well established.








You manage to get her back, but as a flesh eating monster (dammed her soul in Coldharbour, even though she was innocent) . You're force to kill her, right before your two brothers stabbed you in the back. With your final breath, you wishes for their destruction, which you do get with "Underground Bravil's" ending. The player in TES4 Oblivion doesn't get effected, and can still fuck around because he was never part of this deal. Plus, Molag Bal is weak when compares to Sheogorath.


As a side theory... In order to Mantle a god in the Elder Scrolls universe, one must mimic that deity until the two are indistinguishable. Does the stuffs you do in "Underground Bravil" consider to be actions performed by a sane person? I mean, turning people into dogs? How far is that from turning people into chicken or sweetroll? Were these events the beginning of you (Hero of Kvatch) Mantling Sheogorath? Of course none of these cannon, but the stories Vicn trying to tell with his mod does indicate it's going in this direction.

Even the ID is in the right location.

BN.pnghost image online


The only problem I have with this are the names. From the flashback (Vigilant), Johan is suppose to be the one that dies, leaving Simon and Thlass. In "Underground Bravil", Johan and Thlass are the ones alive. Could it be a transition error in the names? A last minute retcon by Vicn? I don't know, but everything else is pretty solid.




  • 7 months later...

According to Vigilant Characters and Backgrounds by homosaikou (an article translated from VICN's blog)


*Martha, Johan, Simon and Tlass
Martha, Johan, Simon and Tlass are from the Brotherhood in Vicn’s previous work “LST Bravil Underground”.
Johan is also called Ivan.
Simon is also called Semion.


*Slave Trader
The Slave Trader is the soul of the main character in “LST Bravil Underground”. His life ended up with writing a poem.

In the time of Vigilant, somehow they're inside the Coldharbour.  I remembered in the end of LST Bravil, player walked into a portal (opened by Molag Bal?).
(Sheogorath was also there, so it's not sure if the "dead Slave Trader" or Sheogorath indicating the PC of TES4)

Also, Lalanoah appeared in Glenmoril.

Not sure if these are just Easter eggs or plot related?

  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/1/2020 at 4:35 PM, Dollvahkiin said:

Not sure if these are just Easter eggs or plot related?

Maybe it's a case of re-using characters in an alternate world adventure, giving them different origins?  Sorta like (wow, am I going there?) the Tenchi Muyo series of anime where one established Ryoko as  a demon held within a crypt for centuries before awakening, while another has her as a pirate bandit.  Same character, wholly different origin.


On 3/1/2020 at 4:35 PM, Dollvahkiin said:

Also, Lalanoah appeared in Glenmoril.

"She was an orphan. I rescued her in a village on the border of Valenwood six years ago. The village is was raided by bandits. She only survived by hiding under the floor." - Alexei (Bravil Underground)


This would prove my point.  Obviously, the Lara Noah of Bravil Underground was not one of the Glenmoril Witches of Skyrim.  The incarnation of this young maiden so pure was found as a child in in Valenwood.


:lol:  Boy, do I lay it on thick...


According to 0.070 GLENMORIL - English Translation by Aelarr

Lalanoah in Glenmoril is named after her grandmother.

The relations between LSTBravil is much more in Vigilant.
PC in LSTBravil could be found in ACT4 of Vigilant.



15 hours ago, Dollvahkiin said:

Lalanoah in Glenmoril is named after her grandmother.

Does she look like a cute grey-haired lop-eared elf?  I prefer the original MBP version...


So what we have is the whole Shadow Warriors Syndrome  where they get the same actor to play the great-great-great grandson of his original character in another feature.  Shadow Warriors(C) 1980 - Sonny Chiba as 'Hattori  Hanzo.... Yep, as in his same role in Kill Bill....

  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/26/2019 at 5:19 PM, noobshi said:

Though all stories are from different times, I have a feeling there is a chronological order to all his stories. I have played through "Vigilant", "Unslaad" 2.0, and currently "Glenmoril", I am certain that the author is very specific when it comes to details. He uses the cryptic style of Dark Soul and Bloodborn, the bigger picture comes from reading between the lines. 


First, I would like to thank you for indulging me with my little theory. Second can you tell me more about this Lara Noah character? You might have found the link I was looking for.

*** Below will be big spoil if you haven't play through any of Vicn skyrim mod ***



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This will probably bores you, but I needs someone that play through Bravil Underground to keep me in check for my theory.


From my point of view, the story of "Vigilant" is about redemption. Thus, Bravil Underground must be the other half, the corrupted beginning. A detail that I never understood, was why Sheogorath appears in every flashback of "Vigilant", and why Jyggalag invaded Molag Bal realm. But now, I kinda see why, it's because in Tes 4 Oblivion, you, the player that went through Bravil Underground, did many horrendous things. Yet, the player is still the Hero of Kvatch, you're destine to matle Sheogorath. Therefore, the hero of Kvatch (Sheogorath), and the Vigilant (player character) who turn out to be Molag Bal, have a very deep connection with each other. I speculates that Vicn's stories isn't about a single person doing everything in each mod, but a tale about many key figures, and their interactions with each other in the Elder Scroll Universe.


During Martha's funeral flashback, two options can be made with "BAL", the brother could take the mace or refuse it. I think that event actually occured, years before Bravil Underground. History prove that he must have taken the mace, got currupted, stuff happen in between and Bravil Underground events gets play out. That's why Molag Bal thanks you at the end, "no loose ends".


But there is another choice, refusing the Mace of Molag Bal. If the player picks this route in "Vigilant", there won't be a flashback with them fighting over the mace, they won't die undeground. This path free the souls of Martha and her brothers from Coldharbour. Like I stated above, "Vigilant" is about redeemtion, not changing the past. The events of Bravil Underground are set in stone, but this allows them to escape Molag Bal's grasp. The reward for this in Vigilant is a WHITE FLOWER.


Later down "Vigilant" quest, the player will meet a traped dragon. He talks about the "Garden of Kyne" and how he wish to feels or smell (I forgot) it once more. If you bring him that "WHITE FLOWER" you get from Martha quest, he will thanks you and dissapears, to be a part of the wind of Kyne again.

No mention of "White Flower" or "Garden of Kyne" for the rest of "Vigilant"... Until you starts "Glenmoril".


In "Glenmoril" you meet an orphan girl name "Lalanoah", living by herself in a location calls "Blessed Ravine", a "Garden" with many "White Flowers" (not found anywhere else). There are tons of hints that indicate that Lalanoah IS Kyne in the flesh. At the moment, I will have to stop my speculation here and wait for your update on "Lara Noah", but I hope you see where I'm going with this. Since "Vigilant" is about absolution, the player must have rejected the Mace, allowing Martha to be free and reborn on Nirn's current timeline, events of "Glenmoril".




About Vigilant itself plots .. Aelarr wrote a article on Reddit/skyrimmod,


On 7/26/2019 at 5:19 PM, noobshi said:


Spoilers for LST Bravil and Vigilant


*Martha, Johan, Simon and Tlass
Martha, Johan, Simon and Tlass are from the Brotherhood in Vicn’s previous work “LST Bravil Underground”.
Johan is also called Ivan.
Simon is also called Semion.
(Translated as "John" in English version of LST Bravil.

(from Vigilant Characters and Backgrounds)


"Ivan's Note" in LST Bravil is totally mistranslated into another thing.

It supposed to be one of the major plot in the mod.

This is the original Japanese version for "Ivan's Note"



Demora generals sent by Molag Bal was trying to seduce them with wealth and military force at their disposal.

But the cost was their souls, Ivan rejected Molag's offer twice.

In the last entry, Molag Bal himself showed up and raped their sister (Martha), after that he left the mace to them. Ivan took the mace. (the rest was blurred by stain of blood)

The rest of their fate is shown in Vigilant, Martha was killed, perhaps during her rape.
Later, Ivan was killed by Simon (John) and Tlass, to overtake his place at the slave port.

"Lara Noah (medium) in LST Bravil" is the grandmother of "Laranoah in Glenmoril".

"Slave Trader" in Vigilant is the "player character" of LST Bravil.

That's the connections between "LST Bravil" and Vicn's Skyrim Trilogy so far, just Easter eggs imo.

edit: In the book "Visions at Malada" in VIGILANT, 3 paragraphs are for LST Bravil.



A man pushed the Stone away.
She stumbled over the Stone and fell into the bottomless darkness.
And the man took the Stone again.
(the man= Ivan, she= Martha)

A man was killed by his own brothers in public.
The greedy brothers picked up the Stone and held it fast.
The Stone burst into the flames and burned the brothers' hands.
(A man = Ivan ,  greedy brothers= Simon (John in Eng. ver) and Tlass)



The brothers were killed by the hand of a slave trader without a name.
A gate opened and the burning Stone looked into his eyes.
The slave trader just nodded and stepped through the gate.

(Brothers = John/Simon and Tlass, slave trader= PC in LST Bravil)



On 3/26/2020 at 2:04 PM, Dollvahkiin said:


Spoilers for LST Bravil and Vigilant

  Reveal hidden contents

*Martha, Johan, Simon and Tlass
Martha, Johan, Simon and Tlass are from the Brotherhood in Vicn’s previous work “LST Bravil Underground”.
Johan is also called Ivan.
Simon is also called Semion.
(Translated as "John" in English version of LST Bravil.

(from Vigilant Characters and Backgrounds)


"Ivan's Note" in LST Bravil is totally mistranslated into another thing.

It supposed to be one of the major plot in the mod.

This is the original Japanese version for "Ivan's Note"


The rest of their fate is shown in Vigilant, Martha was killed, perhaps during her rape.
Later, Ivan was killed by Simon (John) and Tlass, to overtake his place at the slave port.

"Lara Noah (medium) in LST Bravil" is the grandmother of "Laranoah in Glenmoril".

"Slave Trader" in Vigilant is the "player character" of LST Bravil.

That's the connections between "LST Bravil" and Vicn's Skyrim Trilogy so far, just Easter eggs imo.

edit: In the book "Visions at Malada" in VIGILANT, 3 paragraphs are for LST Bravil.





Wow I'm surprise this post is not dead yet. Also for the plot of Vigilant, Aelarr is the translator, so his "plot" of the story is still an interpenetration of it. Unless we get a conformation from VICN himself, it's really hard to tell. In its most simplify form the plot is fairly simple, good guy beat baddies. What I'm trying to find is the connections of the bigger players, the one that are not erased by the passing of time. From I observed and read, these are the order that these forces come into play...


(Vigilant)  - Sheogorath talks to the Bard in that fateful night, through history we assume Bard turned into Bal.


(Bravil)     - Bal (insert LST Bravil story here) to PC, which turned into Sheogorath at the end of last DLC.



(Glenmoril)  - Unknown for now....



(Unslaad)    - The unknown knight (??????) at Alessia's memory has a statue of himself in the square of the castle. I assumes this knight is some aspects of Akatosh, tricked into a relationship with the mother (it's been awhile I forgot her name). The trickster seem to the Owl.



Through all story, there always seem to be a clash between two or more greater beings. Ever person can interprets the plot differently, but through speculation we can see how the next story unfolds. I played up to 0.6 of Glenmoril, and it's a certain that the Owl is a player in this one. One thing I remember is that there was a dialogue PC acknowledging him/her-self as the "Dragonborn". Throughout Vigilant, I don't remember anyone stating that you are a Dragonborn. I predict that Glenmoril will be a dance between 4 plays, Akatosh, Owls (fragments of Julianos), Namira, and (if my theory with Lalanoah and "Garden of Kyne is corrct) Kynareth.





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