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So I've been getting my mods to work through trouble shooting and such. At first my game would crash when I hit "play" in the mini window launcher. But now Ive gotten as far as to be able to load a save just for it to crash soon after. An odd thing is that when I start a new game it works until I save and quit then try to open up that same new game. I will include papyrus log if that helps and my active mod list. I can give other info if needed.


Mod List:

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Devious Devices - Assets.esm
Devious Devices - Integration.esm
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
Heretical Resources.esm
Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
Skyrim - Utility Mod.esm
Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
WICO - Wild Hunt Gears.esp
Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
WICO - Immersive Dawnguard.esp
KS Hairdo's.esp
++++ NPC Visuals Merged.esp
WICO - Immersive People.esp
WICO - USLEEP Compatible Patch.esp
WICO - Immersive Character.esp
Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp
Captured Dreams.esp
Slaves of Tamriel.esp
Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
Vivid WeathersSE.esp
Aradia Devious Expansion.esp
Aradia Lace Dress.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
Deviously Cursed Loot.esp
SexLab Eager NPCs.esp
Book of UUNP - Textures.esp
CD - Female Embassy Guards.esp
CD - No Catsuits in Outfits.esp
Devious Devices - Equip.esp
Deviously Enslaved.esp
Rustic Weathers And Lighting.esp
Dolomite Weathers.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp
ENB Snow FX.esp
FtM_3 - OBIS + CCOR.esp
FtM_3 - OBIS.esp
FtM_3 - CCOR.esp
Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp
Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
Slaves of Tamriel - iNeed.esp
SOS - Hormones UNP Addon.esp
SOS - Leito Addon.esp
SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Classic.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Summer Season.esp
WAFR - Book of UUNP.esp
Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Deviously Cursed Loot LAL AddOn.esp


1 hour ago, KneeHaw said:

Vivid Weathers SE - Classic.esp
Vivid Weathers SE - Summer Season.esp

Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp

Are you sure they are right? In the list are the only ones marked SE


What Lestat1627 said plus:

You only need one of these:

FtM_3 - OBIS + CCOR.esp
FtM_3 - OBIS.esp
FtM_3 - CCOR.esp

You only need FtM_3 - OBIS + CCOR.esp


hothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.esp Have you got hothtrooper's armour installed? If no then you don't need the patch for it.


Slaves of Tamriel - iNeed.esp Have you got iNeed installed? If no then you don't need the patch for it.


Are you using an ENB?


When was the last time you ran LOOT on those plug-ins?


If I were to recommend a mod list which was not good for someone who was new to modding Skyrim, it would look pretty much like yours.

20 hours ago, Lestat1627 said:

Are you sure they are right? In the list are the only ones marked SE

I means a special edition of the mod, not Skyrim Special Edition. I think. I hope. Either way I have none of the enb/texture mods enabled rn


18 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

What Lestat1627 said plus:

You only need one of these:

FtM_3 - OBIS + CCOR.esp
FtM_3 - OBIS.esp
FtM_3 - CCOR.esp

You only need FtM_3 - OBIS + CCOR.esp


hothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.esp Have you got hothtrooper's armour installed? If no then you don't need the patch for it.


Slaves of Tamriel - iNeed.esp Have you got iNeed installed? If no then you don't need the patch for it.


Are you using an ENB?


When was the last time you ran LOOT on those plug-ins?


If I were to recommend a mod list which was not good for someone who was new to modding Skyrim, it would look pretty much like yours.

K I changed my FTM. 

I dont enable Hothtrooper patch it must have snuck into my list, used to cause issues when I had the Hothtroopers armor bur Im too lazy to delete the patch.

iNeed isnt even in my plugins list so w h a t?

I do not use an ENB as of a few hours ago, crashes game before I can even get to Bethesda

I run Loot every time I install a mod so like 10minutes ago. No conflicts and cleaned with xEdit

9 hours ago, RohZima said:

How many animations does FNIS report? Can you save in an empty cell and reload that?

FNIS had about 13000 animations but I cut it down to 8300 ish here is what it says: (keep in mind I run XXL)

 7895 animations for 32 mods successfully included (character)
 539 animations for 2 mods and 21 creatures successfully included.


The file contains whole FNIS thing


Also Im not familiar with the term empty cell.

Full FNIS.txt

22 minutes ago, KneeHaw said:

FNIS had about 13000 animations but I cut it down to 8300 ish here is what it says: (keep in mind I run XXL)

 7895 animations for 32 mods successfully included (character)
 539 animations for 2 mods and 21 creatures successfully included.


The file contains whole FNIS thing


Also Im not familiar with the term empty cell.

Full FNIS.txt 2.68 kB · 0 downloads

Most commonly empty cell refers to qasmoke. Go into your console and type coc qasmoke, that will take you there where you can save without any other complications.

2 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

I dont enable Hothtrooper patch it must have snuck into my list, used to cause issues when I had the Hothtroopers armor bur Im too lazy to delete the patch

Do you realise how pathetic and childish that sounds? Do you not think that that attitude may well contribute to the fact that your game wont work properly?


2 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

iNeed isnt even in my plugins list so w h a t?

So then you do not need a patch for it do you?


2 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

I do not use an ENB, crashes game before I can even get to Bethesda

Then why do you have this:

Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp


Assuming your hardware is adequate, then the reason the game crashes before the Bethesda logo is because you have not got it configured properly.


2 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

I run Loot every time I install a mod so like 10minutes ago. No conflicts and cleaned with xEdit

Your load order looks too alphabetical for me. LOOT does not show 'conflicts' whatever you mean by that and you should not clean dirty edits without first checking that they need cleaning. Dirty edits in any case don't do anything one way or another.


2 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

I means a special edition of the mod, not Skyrim Special Edition. I think. I hope. Either way I have none of the enb/texture mods enabled rn

I very much doubt whether it means 'special edition of the mod'. A quick visit to the web page will tell you. Vivid Weathers is not an 'enb/texture' mod.


8K animations should be fine. I can run about 13.5K with FNIS XXL so 1300 may be close to your limit.


You really need to do some serious reading if you want a stable, modded Skyrim.

This is as good as any place to start:




1 hour ago, KneeHaw said:

I do not use an ENB,


23 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

ENB Snow FX.esp

This is an ENB, sure not to conflict with some Weathers SE?

You could start eliminating something by following the various suggestions mentioned so far until the problem is solved

2 hours ago, KneeHaw said:

I do not use an ENB


24 minutes ago, Lestat1627 said:

ENB Snow FX.esp 


24 minutes ago, Lestat1627 said:

This is an ENB,


1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Do you realise how pathetic and childish that sounds? Do you not think that that attitude may well contribute to the fact that your game wont work properly?


So then you do not need a patch for it do you?


Then why do you have this:

Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp


Assuming your hardware is adequate, then the reason the game crashes before the Bethesda logo is because you have not got it configured properly.


Your load order looks too alphabetical for me. LOOT does not show 'conflicts' whatever you mean by that and you should not clean dirty edits without first checking that they need cleaning. Dirty edits in any case don't do anytin one way or another.


I very much doubt whether it means 'special edition of the mod'. A quick visit to the we page will tell you. Vivid Weathers is not an 'enb/texture' mod.


8K animations should be fine. I can run about 13.5K with FNIS XXL so 1300 may be close to your limit.


You really need to do some serious reading if you want a stable, modded Skyrim.

This is as godd as any place to start:





For the iNeed thing it isn't even listed as a plugin in my mod manager nor in my mod folders nor when I search for it I cant find it it is missing as of a few hours ago. I'd assume it's already been deleted in the past but was still listed for whatever reason.


The ENB isnt enabled currently, I will add an updated list of my currently enabled mods which now only crash during loading screens i.e. exiting a dungeon to Skyrim. 


I have already gotten past the Bethesda logo, please read my original post I believe I stated such


I didn't post my load order, merely my mod list I will attach load order at well if you wish to inspect it


I checked web page, it just says that it is a special edition of the mod but not for Skyrim Special Edition


And yeah I was thinking a similar idea on the anims


I will now read the wiki page

Load Order.txt

57 minutes ago, Lestat1627 said:


This is an ENB, sure not to conflict with some Weathers SE?

You could start eliminating something by following the various suggestions mentioned so far until the problem is solved

Let me clarify I meant that i had disabled the ENB not that i didnt have one installed, they cause more problems on top of what Im already having. After I posted this yesterday I was doing whatever and am currently not using any weather/enb/texture replacer mods or plugins besides Hair and eye stuff for character creation

7 minutes ago, KneeHaw said:


For the iNeed thing it isn't even listed as a plugin in my mod manager nor in my mod folders nor when I search for it I cant find it it is missing as of a few hours ago. I'd assume it's already been deleted in the past but was still listed for whatever reason.


The ENB isnt enabled currently, I will add an updated list of my currently enabled mods which now only crash during loading screens i.e. exiting a dungeon to Skyrim. 


I have already gotten past the Bethesda logo, please read my original post I believe I stated such


I didn't post my load order, merely my mod list I will attach load order at well if you wish to inspect it


I checked web page, it just says that it is a special edition of the mod but not for Skyrim Special Edition


And yeah I was thinking a similar idea on the anims


I will now read the wiki page

Load Order.txt 2.08 kB · 2 downloads

I really hate to poke my nose in when you've gotten such good advice because it often just leads to confusion. However, I can't help but point out two things in your load order.


First you have you have both Zap8 and TUFP in your load order. Here is what T.ara (who wrote both and therefore should know) says about that:


This mod will work with all optional mods listed above, but some of those mods will not work together!

-TUFP + ZEP is OK 

-ZAP 7 + TUFP + ZEP is OK (most common combination)

-ZAP 8(+) is OK for gamers who don´t play mods that need ZEP (zaz extension pack)

-ZAP8(+) + TUFP is NOT WORKING, combining these is not necessary and causes serious issues (ZAP8+ has everythong from TUFP and them some)




This information is taken from the modpage of Musje's Home Sweet Home. T.ara originally posted this in that mod's Support Thread.


Second, tick off XPMSE. As far as I can see you are not using any mod that requires it (notably Dual Sheath Redux). So, tick it off in your esp's but DO NOT DISABLE THE MOD.

1 hour ago, KneeHaw said:

I checked web page, it just says that it is a special edition of the mod but not for Skyrim Special Edition

Vivid Weathers - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim


Vivid Weathers.esp (1647 kb)


Vivid Weathers Definitive Edition - a complete Weather and Visual overhaul for Skyrim


   Note 'special edition' in the URL and you should have noticed that the Nexus page is in the SE purple.

Vivid WeathersSE.esp (1787 kb)

The load order now looks more like it.


Now, if you are crashing on area transitions it will probably be down to your game's configuration being screwed by a badly installed and uninstalled ENB. My advice would be to follow the S.T.E.P. and for the time being just install ENBoost until you are sure you have a stable game.

You need ENBoost to use an ENB preset but you don't need a preset to have ENBoost.






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