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Monster Girl Blockhead Edition BBB add-on

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Monster Girl Blockhead Edition BBB add-on

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Simply adds BBB to 96% (Armors were missing i'm doing them right now.) of the mod. Some outfits would CTD. The 

"Monster Girl Blockhead Edition.zip" is just a error free.esp with the errors fixed it's optional .



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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, snarfies said:

Its very unclear what we're meant to download and install here.  The filenames are pretty confusing.

The op reads to me like you need to download all of them and organize some of the files.

  • 3 months later...

I also need to know how to actually install it, I have none of the folders mentioned by OP, do I just have to put it all on meshes? EDIT: Actually yeah, on the meshes folder there is one for Monstergirls,    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Monster Girl meshes


If you don't have the folder you create it.


In the discription is mentioned

meshes\Monster Girl meshes\armor\_armor\ 

in the _armor folder you copy the nif files


But game in C:\Program Files (x86)\  ???

Your game works ? OBSE , archive invalidate ? If yes, you have luck. Normally it does not work.

Read my yellow Link below.

  • 2 months later...

Is there a special way you need to install this?  I'm getting errors with all four parts of the download no matter how I try to install it, whether through Wrye, OBMM, or Manually, it just won't let me use these without deleting certain meshes from it.


Edit: These were the nifs I had a problem with

Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part1.rar\meshes\Monster Girl meshes\clothes\_clothes\lowerclass\09\f\shirt_BCup.nif
Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part2.rar\meshes\Monster Girl meshes\armor\sets\necromancer\knight armor\R18Ncuirassbl01.nif
Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part2.rar\meshes\Monster Girl meshes\clothes\_clothes\lowerclass\09\f\shirt_BCup.nif
Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part3.rar\meshes\Monster Girl meshes\clothes\sets\aedra\dancer\f\white\manyaLow.nif
Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part3.rar\meshes\Monster Girl meshes\clothes\_clothes\lowerclass\09\f\shirt_BCup.nif
Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part4.rar\meshes\Monster Girl meshes\clothes\_clothes\lowerclass\09\f\shirt_BCup.nif


The same one in four of them


What kind of errors?

You can install it?   Or do you get error message when you install.


Or errors when you play the game?  

Missing textures?  ( purple nif)

stretching nif ? ( wrong skeleton )


It almost installs, but at the last minute it throws an error and just cancels the whole install, had to try installing manually to figure out what nifs were causing issues and those were the ones that were listed as the problems, I tried deleting them from the Zip files but it was saying they were marked as read only or something.  Though that might be as I hit the red delete button and that thing never works right.


If you install manually you have unpacked the file. ( all 7z in an empty folder )

Then you can delete the bad nifs.  And if it is not possible ( read only  ) then change the folder settings so that you can change, add, remove files.

  • 11 months later...

I figured out how to unpack it properly, so the missing file errors don't pop up:
- Download all 4 parts, have them in the same place.
- Before proceeding, add underscores to the 4th part so it's 'Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part4' - caused an error for me.
- Now select all 4 via ctrl+left-click, right-click any and unpack into an empty folder.
- That empty folder should now have everything in a folder named after part 1. Move its files to Data.
And _armor... well, pretty much explained above.


'Monster_Girl_Blockhead_Edition_2.0_BBB.part4'   How ?  You only unpack part 1  and all other parts will be unpacked. It's a splitted packed rar file.

Of course all part must be in one folder. 

There are also splitted  7z files.  All files with "part" always in one folder and  unpack part 1.


In that step I meant: you should rename the 4th part beforehand, because without the underscores it wouldn't unpack for me and show part 4 is missing, upon unpacking other files.
If I tried unpacking only one part, without the rest selected, it would also show the parts are missing. It might wary system to system, maybe?
So this could be more of a troubleshooting guide, rather than an instruction. Just wanted to share ?

  • 7 months later...

If anyone is wondering why part 4 isn't working


Monster Girl Blockhead Edition 2.0 BBB.part4.rar




the file has wrong name

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