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my Skyrim SE started crashing after i installed Flower Girls and some other mods (not related to SKSE). The game just launches fine.


If i close the game and try starting it again, it crashes.

The funny thing, and the part i don't understand, is when i delete every plugin in Data/SKSE/Plugins and reinstall every mod reletated to SKSE, the game, again, works fine.


This phenomenon is repeatable.

I already checked the load order with LOOT.


Please i need help ?

Just now, sloft99 said:



my Skyrim SE started crashing after i installed Flower Girls and some other mods (not related to SKSE). The game just launches fine.


If i close the game and try starting it again, it crashes.

The funny thing, and the part i don't understand, is when i delete every plugin in Data/SKSE/Plugins and reinstall every mod reletated to SKSE, the game, again, works fine.


This phenomenon is repeatable.

I already checked the load order with LOOT.


Please i need help ?


Please provide your load order and a copy of your FNIS output - this is what you get when you run FNIS (it usually begins with a description of your skeleton and ends with the number of animations that you successfully loaded - just copy and paste the entire thing).


You may have one SKSE plugin that is old and not supported.


As Psalam says about Fnis. Post your output loadorder.

And what mods you have that have only one DLL file and not one ESP/ESM.

6 minutes ago, Psalam said:

Please provide your load order and a copy of your FNIS output - this is what you get when you run FNIS (it usually begins with a description of your skeleton and ends with the number of animations that you successfully loaded - just copy and paste the entire thing).

Here is my load order:

(the plugins without a star are not active and the default plugins are working fine=


*Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
*Ecotone Dual Sheath.esl
*Heels Sound.esm
*FlowerGirls SE.esm
*FlowerGirls SE - BDSM.esm
*Devious Devices - Assets.esm
Devious Devices - Integration.esm
Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
PSQ PlayerSuccubusQuest.esm
*Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
*Skyrim - Utility Mod.esm
*ELFX - Exteriors.esp
*Immersive Wenches.esp
*Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
*iNeed - Extended.esp
*ELFX - Weathers.esp
*Joy of Perspective.esp
*Vivid WeathersSE.esp
TDF Aroused Sexy Idles.esp
*Immersive Jewelry.esp
*Craftable Torches.esp
*Dark Face Bug Fix.esp
*Ecotone Dual Sheath Patch.esp
*Rp Toe Nails.esp
*Jewelry limiter.esp
*Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
SexLab Eager NPCs.esp
NPC ReWeHeighter.esp
*Populated Lands Roads Paths Legendary.esp
*Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp
*Keep It Clean.esp
*Dynasty Armor.esp
*Kaw's Claws.esp
*KS Hairdo's.esp
*[SunJeong] Nausicaa Lingerie.esp
*Nocturnal Craftable Armors.esp
NPC Body Scale Randomizer.esp
SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
*Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
*Unique Character.esp
*Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp
*Vivid Weathers SE - Classic.esp
*Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp
*Vivid Weathers SE - Summer Season.esp
*[SunJeong] YYB kang Xi.esp
*ZMDs Feet Nail Art for RaceMenu v1.esp
*[SunJeong] Lovers Lab Collection 3-0.esp
*FlowerGirls SE.esp
*East Reach House.esp
*FlowerGirls SE - Adventures.esp
*Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
*SOS - Shop.esp
*Converse Shoes.esp
*Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp
*R18pn - lingerie Set.esp
*[SunJeong] Skimpy Modern.esp
*SD Addons.esp
*Maxwell Outfit.esp
*R18pn - Shanoa Armors.esp
*Haem Projects Shalidor.esp
*Ultimate Lingerie Collection.esp
*Witch Of The Wild.esp
*3dnpc - Overhual.esp
*SexLab Submit.esp
*Fertility Mode.esp
*Fertility Mode - Flower Girls.esp
*FlowerGirls SE - Bathing Beauties Patch.esp
*FlowerGirls SE - Subdue.esp
*FlowerGirls SE - IW Patch.esp
*SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
*SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
*SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
*SINful CBP.esp
*Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
*Open Cities Skyrim.esp



and this is the stuff i get from FNIS:


FNIS Behavior V7.4.5 XXL   04.06.2019 23:10:31
Skyrim SE 64bit: - E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ (Steam)

Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "GENDER Specific Animations" 
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 
Patch: * tktk1's "TK Dodge / Ultimate Combat" 

Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading Anubs Creature V1.0 ...
Reading Anubs Human V1.0 ...
Reading ArousedRedux V2.9 ...
Reading ArousedSexyIdles V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 3 alternate animations) ...
Reading BBLSmusic V1.0 ...
Reading CoverSelf V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 37 alternate animations) ...
Reading DD V4.0.0  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 493 alternate animations) ...
Reading DD2 V4.0.0  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 330 alternate animations) ...
Reading DD3 V4.1.0  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 102 alternate animations) ...
Reading DDSL V4.0.0 ...
Reading Defeat V5  ( 0 furniture, 2 offset, 3 paired, 1 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Reading FlowerGirls SE V1.8.3 ...
Reading FlowerGirls SE - BDSM V1.2.0 ...
Reading FlowerGirlsSE V2.3.0 ...
Reading FNISBase V7.4.5 ...
Reading FNISSexyMove V7.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 162 alternate animations) ...
Reading FNIS_PCEA2 V7.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 557 alternate animations) ...
Reading GomaPeroPero1 V?.? ...
Reading RohPoses V?.? ...
Reading sanguinesDebauchery V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 17 alternate animations) ...
Reading SexLab V1.63 ...
Reading SexLabAP V1.63 ...
Reading SexLabCreature V1.63 ...
Reading SexLabTDFAggressiveProstitution V?.? ...
Reading XPMSE V7.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 164 alternate animations) ...
Reading ZaZAnimationPack V8.00  ( 276 furniture, 43 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Reading zzEstrus V2.30  ( 0 furniture, 1 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 12 alternate animations) ...

All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files...
 19 GENDER modifications for Animations\male
 31 GENDER modifications for Animations\female
Alternate Animation mods: 11 sets: 103 total groups: 397 added file slots: 3441 alternate files: 1877

Creature Pack not installed

 10706 animations for 27 mods successfully included (character)

6 minutes ago, Uncle64 said:

You may have one SKSE plugin that is old and not supported.


As Psalam says about Fnis. Post your output loadorder.

And what mods you have that have only one DLL file and not one ESP/ESM.

The funny thing is, i played skyrim like that for quite some time (2-3 months) and it worked. The only mods requiring SKSE i installed before the start of the crashing were TKDodge and UltimateCombat, both on the newest version.


About the DLL Stuff, i am not really sure, where i can find that information. If you mean the folder "DLLPlugins" in the data folder, there is nothing in it

40 minutes ago, sloft99 said:

The funny thing is, i played skyrim like that for quite some time (2-3 months) and it worked. The only mods requiring SKSE i installed before the start of the crashing were TKDodge and UltimateCombat, both on the newest version.


About the DLL Stuff, i am not really sure, where i can find that information. If you mean the folder "DLLPlugins" in the data folder, there is nothing in it


Fortunately for you the problem is clear. You have too many animations. Adding Flower Girls simply put you over the top. Now you have to figure out, if you want to keep Flower Girls, what other animations you can do without. One little proviso here, your problem is with character animations. Eliminating creature animations isn't going to help you.


It depends of what Fnis you are running.

It says it can handle 14000 but over 10 000 animations the game starts to have issues. Better to stay below that number. Not sure about the max numbers. But stay below 10 000 it works better then.


You can take out TKdogde or Ultimate Combat. Some parts of TkDogde is included in Ultimate Combat.

Also you must load Ultimate Combat after Wildcat. That includes installing and its esp files. There is also in the FNIS download page patches for Ultimate Combats animations so you dont need to tick the boxes for it in Fnis.


I have Ultimate Combat and Wildcat running but dont tick that box instead uses the patch for it.

6 hours ago, jaeos said:

i also see a couple of minor problems. 

stop by this thread and using your own mods rearrange them closer to this. and why is DDI and DDX off?(for my own information)


DDI and DDX requires SL Aroused Redux. I wasn't sure cause i was using a patch for Aroused Redux for Flower Girls. You can't run both SL Aroused and FG Aroused, this is what i read about. 



I also knew about the limit at around 10000 animations for FNIS, but i already installed the XXL Version of FNIS. It showed a diffrent kind of error, right in FNIS. And thanks for your sugestions :)


But i am happy, that this kind of problem is solved ;)


It's not a limit with FNIS, it's a limit with the game itself. There are more information to find about it, but what it boils down to is that the game can't handle more than so many animations. Where that limit is varies with different game setups and probably computers.

16 hours ago, sloft99 said:

Amazing! Psalam, thank you, but how did you know that? How many animations can FNIS handle?


Well, I could be an asshole and just tell you to read my blog but I won't. GenioMaestro worked with Fore and determined that the formula goes something like this: take all character animations and add 3 times the number of alternate animations to that. If the number exceeds 14000 you have too many animations. How pose mods impact this is uncertain - it appears to be roughly 10 pose "animations" equal 1 regular one but that is simply supposition at this point. Note: none of this is impacted by the number of creature animations at all. 


While others will try to tell you something else (which is entirely their right) this is the latest and best tested information on animation limits out there. Fore is working on an update to FNIS that will allow more but I have no inside information on when, or if, that will become available.


On a side note (and especially while the "activity" streams are down here on the site) it is a good idea to either quote someone (as I did with you) or use the "@" sign with their name so that they get a notification that you're talking about them. For instance, to notify me simply type @Psalam and click on my name in the dropdown that appears. Otherwise, I might never notice that you addressed me.


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