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NIH 2 デスヌーダ Mod


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Skintone must be 205,149,114 for it to match

I'm trying to make one for lighter skintones but I'm no good at this stuff tbh


If anyone else is savy with texture editting and is able to retex batteryjar's mod to a lighter skin color (227,182,150 personally, but not too picky), it would be much appreciated =D

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Since many people are asking, I'm adding my own changes to the nude tits mod ini file.

Basically, the breasts are visible without armor and with kawanami armor (Shinobi replacement uses a different mesh for chest wraps so it conflicts with this). 

To use it, simply overwrite the one from the original mod. I'm not an artist, so I cannot fix the meshes or the textures, if you want that, you might have to wait a bit until someone does that. I just added the correct hashes for no armor and Kawanami.


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36 minutes ago, Silvist said:

@alpaca21 - Why would you be using a 3d program to modify a texture?  If you want to modify a texture just use gimp or cs, you just need a dds plugin.

Like this:



Or were you meaning something else?


Why because I need to see the texture on the mesh and how it was applied outside the game so I can modify it properly with better "accuracy".

"If 3DMigoto can swap model and transfer weight to different model that was not suppose to be there in the first place, why there's a huge glitch when I load the mod in the game? I swear I have the stride and all bullcrap in place!"

but still I end up having something like this: (sample glitch from Zaqwer)



Well I'm doomed, idk what to do, I don't understands how to mod at all, all I know is drawing and make illustration that's all- never touch coding or 3D modeling crap so I have no idea!


And someone said "Oh, maybe the texture messed up, that's why it has funky glitch like this"

so it down to me: "since adding different mesh on the game caused the texture to go ham and glitches, should I just make edit the mesh but make the texture from scratch?"

Which lead me to said question on the post above. Even if that's not the case then at least I narrowed down that MAYBE texture is not the issue but I need to know it first by testing it~


I have Photoshop with DDS plugin, yep, Blender with 3DMigoto add on, I have all of that but modeling in Blender doesn't produce .dds files, I can't export nor import that type of extension and honestly I have absolutely no idea what am I doing.

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10 minutes ago, alpaca21 said:

Why because I need to see the texture on the mesh and how it was applied outside the game so I can modify it properly with better "accuracy".

"If 3DMigoto can swap model and transfer weight to different model that was not suppose to be there in the first place, why there's a huge glitch when I load the mod in the game? I swear I have the stride and all bullcrap in place!"

but still I end up having something like this: (sample glitch from Zaqwer)

Well I'm doomed, idk what to do, I don't understands how to mod at all, all I know is drawing and make illustration that's all- never touch coding or 3D modeling crap so I have no idea!


And someone said "Oh, maybe the texture messed up, that's why it has funky glitch like this"

so it down to me: "since adding different mesh on the game caused the texture to go ham and glitches, should I just make edit the mesh but make the texture from scratch?"

Which lead me to said question on the post above. Even if that's not the case then at least I narrowed down that MAYBE texture is not the issue but I need to know it first by testing it~


I have Photoshop with DDS plugin, yep, Blender with 3DMigoto add on, I have all of that but modeling in Blender doesn't produce .dds files, I can't export nor import that type of extension and honestly I have absolutely no idea what am I doing.

I'm not entirely sure about everything here, as I don't know anything about modding this game specifically, like what format textures need to be, etc..


But as a general rule, DDS files can be really annoying to work with natively.  Most often, if a game actually NEEDS them to be in DDS format, modders will extract the original, turn it into something you can work with with DDS tools, then do their editing in Photoshop*, checking placement in Blender*, going back and forth between those two until it looks right placed on the model. 


* = "Or whatever image editor and modeling tools you're using"


Most stuff I worked with, TGA or PNG were pretty decent choices, but exactly what format you convert to for working with depends on what features the game needs, and what editing tools you're using.  Also be sure to use the same bit depth as whatever the game uses originally obviously.  If it's using 32 bit images, it's probably for the alpha channel, so converting to a 24 bit TGA won't support that, for example.


Anyways, you do all your work until you like what you see when you load up the model and apply your (working) texture to it, only then converting it back to DDS (if that's what the game wants).


In any cases I'm aware of, games that DO use DDS files don't reference their textures by explicit extension, so once you've got your exported model and your working texture converted back into a NEW DDS file, you put them where they're supposed to go in terms of folder structure, etc and pack it into whatever sort of PAK / Zip / RAR or whatever the game needs and it should still work.  I have seen a few cases though where you had to specify the extension in the modeling program before you export it.  (As example, if you WORK with TGA, you need to tell the model editor to use texture.DDS instead of where it says you're using texture.TGA)


You could also fix this with a hex editor, but that's a whole different ball of wax and really shouldn't be needed.


Hope all that made some sense.. but regardless, ALL that said, your example glitch image above really doesn't look like a texture problem to me.  Almost every time you get wild distortions like that, it's something in the model - often skeleton/bone issues, which can be VERY twitchy in some cases, so if they're not named/weighted/grouped/assigned etc JUST perfectly, crazy explosions will ensue.  :P


Again.. if anything I said sounds really stupid because it's just not relevant to THIS game, apologies in advance.  I don't own the game, and have no idea what formats anything should be in, nor any know pitfalls that may be specific here when making mods.  Each game (or at least, each game engine) has its own set of "needs to be THIS way, not THAT way" rules going on, but I hope at least something in here is of some help.

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1 hour ago, Kitty said:

I'm not entirely sure about everything here, as I don't know anything about modding this game specifically, like what format textures need to be, etc..


But as a general rule, DDS files can be really annoying to work with natively.  Most often, if a game actually NEEDS them to be in DDS format, modders will extract the original, turn it into something you can work with with DDS tools, then do their editing in Photoshop*, checking placement in Blender*, going back and forth between those two until it looks right placed on the model. 


* = "Or whatever image editor and modeling tools you're using"


Most stuff I worked with, TGA or PNG were pretty decent choices, but exactly what format you convert to for working with depends on what features the game needs, and what editing tools you're using.  Also be sure to use the same bit depth as whatever the game uses originally obviously.  If it's using 32 bit images, it's probably for the alpha channel, so converting to a 24 bit TGA won't support that, for example.


Anyways, you do all your work until you like what you see when you load up the model and apply your (working) texture to it, only then converting it back to DDS (if that's what the game wants).


In any cases I'm aware of, games that DO use DDS files don't reference their textures by explicit extension, so once you've got your exported model and your working texture converted back into a NEW DDS file, you put them where they're supposed to go in terms of folder structure, etc and pack it into whatever sort of PAK / Zip / RAR or whatever the game needs and it should still work.  I have seen a few cases though where you had to specify the extension in the modeling program before you export it.  (As example, if you WORK with TGA, you need to tell the model editor to use texture.DDS instead of where it says you're using texture.TGA)


You could also fix this with a hex editor, but that's a whole different ball of wax and really shouldn't be needed.


Hope all that made some sense.. but regardless, ALL that said, your example glitch image above really doesn't look like a texture problem to me.  Almost every time you get wild distortions like that, it's something in the model - often skeleton/bone issues, which can be VERY twitchy in some cases, so if they're not named/weighted/grouped/assigned etc JUST perfectly, crazy explosions will ensue.  :P


Again.. if anything I said sounds really stupid because it's just not relevant to THIS game, apologies in advance.  I don't own the game, and have no idea what formats anything should be in, nor any know pitfalls that may be specific here when making mods.  Each game (or at least, each game engine) has its own set of "needs to be THIS way, not THAT way" rules going on, but I hope at least something in here is of some help.


So, does that mean I can't edit the texture inside the Blender?

I tried to drag and drop although it seems like something appear but the model is just become pink.image.png.d156a5f85b4e3b9ab041abc9908b8b92.png


at this point honestly I just want to see where goes where and edit it that way instead or guessing to what extent things would go and placed.

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42 minutes ago, alpaca21 said:


So, does that mean I can't edit the texture inside the Blender?

I tried to drag and drop although it seems like something appear but the model is just become pink.


at this point honestly I just want to see where goes where and edit it that way instead or guessing to what extent things would go and placed.

For that question, you'll need someone who knows blender better than I do.  I've never actually edited any texture from within blender aside from altering how it's mapped to the model or applying some basic settings.  I'm comfortable and familiar with Photoshop.  Not so much with blender (I used to use Milkshape waaaay back in the day, so now I can make blender do some basic stuff, but I'm nowhere near an expert.)


Basically what I do is open both blender and photoshop at the same time.  I apply my texture to the model (or just replace the one it's already using most of the time with my altered texture) and then tweak placement/mapping etc as needed.  Then I ALT-Tab over to photoshop and make whatever changes I want to make to the texture, then re-save the file.  Tab back over to blender, refresh/reload the texture to show the new changes and look things over.  I keep going back and forth like that until everything looks how I think it should in blender, then I export the model, save the texture (converting to DDS if needed for the game), pack up the files properly and load the game to verify everything looks how it should.  If not, I do the same process all over again using the newly modified files I just packed up (Unless I REALLY broke something horribly once I saw them in game).  If something IS utterly destroyed, you can then try packing combinations of Original/Modified Model + Texture and try THOSE in-game.  If you use the original model but a modified texture and it works, the problem was in your exported model.  If you reverse that, the problem was with your texture.  Obviously, this assumes you KNOW your original model and original texture worked in the first place.  If you get to a point where even an original model AND original texture won't work properly when packed up as a mod, then your problem is either you're doing something wrong in packing them back up, or the files weren't exported properly to begin with.


Heh.. obviously, these discussions can get rather long.  "How to mod" is NOT a simple topic.  There's a lot to learn, and a whole lot of "case by case" stuff depending on which game, engine, tools used, formats, etc.  And again.. I apologize for my lack of information specific to this game.  Everything I'm saying here is meant in terms of "model and textures modding in general", as I have no experience whatsoever for this game specifically. :(

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@alpaca21 - It wasn't my intention to insult you, I was just purely just trying to find out what you were trying to do.  Ah I see, I'm not sure about blender, but normally if the mesh is properly extracted from a game files it should have some kind of texture properties.  Same thing with weight painting, which yes you normally can copy over.  From your screenie of verts exploding, that looks to be weight painting or rigging (skeleton related).

As for a texture causing that...it appears to me like its more of a vertices problem.  Typically besides copying over the weights you gotta make sure you weld all the verts to like 0.1 or 0.01.  Normally though, that just causes seams to show up if they aren't welded.  Normally when I'm doing this all in 3ds I just use a skin modifier to copy over the weights, and also apply a smoothing modifier for welding.

Also for weight copying normally you grab that off the unmodified base of the mesh you import, and apply it to your modified or edit mesh/poly state.  

As for pink texture in blender...hmm sometimes a texture will show up differently if you assign it.  Like normally a mesh without a texture in sculpt I think is grey by default.  There's a way to show the texture properly working inside of blender without baking (aka rendering), but I forgot what the mode is called.  Something like "show in viewport" or something like that.  Normally this is found under the material editor and material properties.

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5 hours ago, Silvist said:

Yup, sadly the bottom flap still has some kind of crotch outline:

  Hide contents




Just out of curiosity, have you tried replacing the crotch area with the male one? If that works with less seems, editing the mesh should be easy afterwards (or keeping it for us futanari fans).

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My version, finally ...








Its pretty high polygon count (for the chest thou I go low for the bottom) thou not extreme so hopefully it won't cause any issue...


Its not perfect and of course things can be improved. You will see 'seam line' and  you will understand esp if u mess around with the mesh as the scaling of the chest expand the mesh and thus move things out of position. I keep the "disc" of the default undies used in the scaling and it will result in larger scaling of the chest as compared to removing the "disc".



It is what it is at the moment. As for the other version (skin tone customization) of rebuilding the missing portion on the chest, it doesn't work well and the chest portion just 'collapse' and chest scaling lost ...

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17 hours ago, alpaca21 said:


So, does that mean I can't edit the texture inside the Blender?

I tried to drag and drop although it seems like something appear but the model is just become pink.image.png.d156a5f85b4e3b9ab041abc9908b8b92.png


at this point honestly I just want to see where goes where and edit it that way instead or guessing to what extent things would go and placed.

You can just use photoshop convert dds to png, so you can use texture in blender.
And I think the glitch that you show us, is because the weight paint missing, maybe you try to edit the model and just put it back to game? at last I tried that and get something like that.

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@kod_1 - Interesting idea, I haven't actually tried any mod creation for this game yet.  I may get around to it when I'm not working and take a look into that.  

I had the same issue with the Sohaya top still showing the wraps...but as soon as I rezoned it seemed to fix the issue :D





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In case anyone wants, I made some minor changes to Mawpius' Wrap Removal mod from nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/nioh2/mods/105

Edited to match lighter skin tones (230,187,155) and have smaller nipples


Pretty much seamless from the back, but the front has some minor seams under certain lighting conditions.

You could probably make a better version by exporting the actual skin tex of your preferred skintone then using that to draw/fill the breasts area but I'm far too lazy for all that

All credits to Mawpius, all I did was fiddle around with the color.dds and normal.dds files in paint.net





color.dds normal.dds

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