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Lore-Friendly Kinky Skyrim

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So here I was, playing (like 99% of LL members) a young Dragonborn gal getting into troubles because not strong enough, and suddenly I asked myself :

Wait... Slavery is illegal in Skyrim, and the Jarl of Whiterun doesn't have the authority of imposing it, so Slaverun isn't lore-friendly.

So I searched for hard-sex and humiliation lore-friendly mods. This far SD+ seems random towards lore-friendlyness, because if you fall to bandits in "Lights Out" quest that's ok, but if you become Adrianne's slave it's a bit more difficult to explain. Devious Followers seems somewhat OK, with debt-related slavery, but still goes quite far (nudity in towns, you know what I mean). I still hesitate for DCL too.

How would you build a lore-friendly modlist for a Skyrim full of lust and sex ?

Here are some that seem quite lore-friendly to me :

Horrible Harrassment : Rape mod.

Sexlab Approach Redux : NPC can try to bed you by flirting or may rape you.

Dragonborn In Distress : rework of Defeat but with Trauma.

Devious Cidhna (the inmates, bandits and Orcs concerned by the mod are versed in female abuse).

Sexlab APropos : Great Trauma mod

Sexist Guards : we all know the stereotype of the sexist cop and medieval guards were basically paid brigants with a coat of arms (trust me I've studied History)

Radiant Prostitution : Prostitution ain't illegal in Tamriel, I'd wager.

What have you in stock for more ?

3 minutes ago, Heorlasgir said:

So here I was, playing (like 99% of LL members) a young Dragonborn gal getting into troubles because not strong enough, and suddenly I asked myself :

Wait... Slavery is illegal in Skyrim, and the Jarl of Whiterun doesn't have the authority of imposing it, so Slaverun isn't lore-friendly.

So I searched for hard-sex and humiliation lore-friendly mods. This far SD+ seems random towards lore-friendlyness, because if you fall to bandits in "Lights Out" quest that's ok, but if you become Adrianne's slave it's a bit more difficult to explain. Devious Followers seems somewhat OK, with debt-related slavery, but still goes quite far (nudity in towns, you know what I mean). I still hesitate for DCL too.

How would you build a lore-friendly modlist for a Skyrim full of lust and sex ?

Here are some that seem quite lore-friendly to me :

Horrible Harrassment : Rape mod.

Sexlab Approach Redux : NPC can try to bed you by flirting or may rape you.

Dragonborn In Distress : rework of Defeat but with Trauma.

Devious Cidhna (the inmates, bandits and Orcs concerned by the mod are versed in female abuse).

Sexlab APropos : Great Trauma mod

Sexist Guards : we all know the stereotype of the sexist cop and medieval guards were basically paid brigants with a coat of arms (trust me I've studied History)

Radiant Prostitution : Prostitution ain't illegal in Tamriel, I'd wager.

What have you in stock for more ?

The more I delve in the existing lore for things, the less convinced I am to use it as a barometer for what should be in the game.


Bethesda has done a decent -- not great, not terrible, just decent -- job with the lore, but even they had to throw dragon breaks into the mix to deal with obvious paradoxes.


While I don't find the open slave markets added by some mods to be reasonable or terribly interesting, that doesn't mean they shouldn't exist, just that they shouldn't be in the town square.


Depending on starting conditions and race, almost any mod is lore friendly.  Need a reason for something that wouldn't otherwise make sense?  The Thalmor decreed it so.  Or the nobles wanted it that way.  Or with no High King to guide them, some holds have fallen back to the old laws where slavery was okay.  Or whatever.


TES is a fictional world with massive, glaring inconsistencies in it.  Don't let some other person's idea of what that fictional world should be (even a developer) stop you from playing the way that you want to.


For me most LL mods regarding slavery / entrapment / submission have a short lived but necessary vibe about them.  I play as a male (Chaotic / Paragon ) and i like to have the option of punishing wrong doer's if or how i see fit too.  but i also want to romance busty tavern maidens and vulnerable recently widowed blond queens... i don't like mod's that hijack me into a specific way of playing but i love to have the options available to deal with the situations how i see fit. understandably (irl) TES lore will never condone slavery and i have no mods that involve slave markets or alike because my character would kill all the slaver's and free all the slaves. that being said  through my game i have collected / arrested (slaved)  many many bandit's and ner do well's from around skyrim and beyond. i keep them locked up in dread prison because i have nowhere else to put them and i seem to like despensing my own brand of justice. for me it comes back to having a comprehensive crime and justice system. i'd love to rock up to whiterun gates with a slave chain of bandit whores and brigands towed behind my horse to collect my bounty and go to the tavern for a tankard and root Saadia and ysolda again (if you catch my drift). so for me Pahe and defeat have a major place in my game but i use them as a longer arm of the law so to speak. 

it does seem from your post that you are possibly looking for the game to play you? i mean horrible harassment and sexist guard's type stuff to me does not seem like you are looking for any longevity in your game, possibly 5-7 minutes a day  ?

 btw i use none of the 7 mods you have listed, i guess what i'm trying to say is try using the mods in a Roleplay sense not so much "this is what the mod is" kind of mindset. 



if you like getting locked up i fulling recommend 

SIlenced prisoners.  https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90048 

So underated this one.

3 hours ago, Heorlasgir said:

So here I was, playing (like 99% of LL members) a young Dragonborn gal getting into troubles because not strong enough, and suddenly I asked myself :

Wait... Slavery is illegal in Skyrim, and the Jarl of Whiterun doesn't have the authority of imposing it, so Slaverun isn't lore-friendly.

So I searched for hard-sex and humiliation lore-friendly mods. This far SD+ seems random towards lore-friendlyness, because if you fall to bandits in "Lights Out" quest that's ok, but if you become Adrianne's slave it's a bit more difficult to explain. Devious Followers seems somewhat OK, with debt-related slavery, but still goes quite far (nudity in towns, you know what I mean). I still hesitate for DCL too.

How would you build a lore-friendly modlist for a Skyrim full of lust and sex ?

Here are some that seem quite lore-friendly to me :

Horrible Harrassment : Rape mod.

Sexlab Approach Redux : NPC can try to bed you by flirting or may rape you.

Dragonborn In Distress : rework of Defeat but with Trauma.

Devious Cidhna (the inmates, bandits and Orcs concerned by the mod are versed in female abuse).

Sexlab APropos : Great Trauma mod

Sexist Guards : we all know the stereotype of the sexist cop and medieval guards were basically paid brigants with a coat of arms (trust me I've studied History)

Radiant Prostitution : Prostitution ain't illegal in Tamriel, I'd wager.

What have you in stock for more ?

Paradise halls. Nothing like dragonborn enslaving powerful people. Disable immortal essential npcs. Done! You can have Ulfric and Tullias sweeping your floor and Elisif struggling in bondage.


I'll just mention that SD+'s lore friendliness is tentatively explained that a lot of what happens, particularly to the Dragonborn, is because Sanguine has cursed/blessed you with an effect that warps the minds of people around you, at least a bit.  You're seen as 'wanting it' thanks to the Daedric Lord, so it's not legally slavery.  


It's not a perfect explanation, I'll admit, but it's there and supposedly to be explored more.


Does it involve Dibella, Molag Bal or Sanguine? Then it is lore friendly regardless of whatever it is as long as it isn't contrary to their natures.

Trying to tie, say, Less Sexy Female Armors The Practical Female Armors mod to Dibella would be the work of Sanguine or Sheogorath.

8 hours ago, Heorlasgir said:

Radiant Prostitution : Prostitution ain't illegal in Tamriel, I'd wager.


I think it was either dagger fall or arena, where the temple of diabella was where the prostitutes hung out for the most part and they fell under the temples preview so to speak.


Have been using Sexlab Adventures as a non-combat sex mod.


I don't find Slaverun completely un-lore friendly, the crux is taking advantage of the civil war where Skyrim's rule isn't unified. There is/was? also an initial quest of the MC going around asking citizens about their views on sexual slavery with the usual sexist and greedy undertone to boot. It could be explored upon, but the mod is gigantic as it is.


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