nomkaz Posted May 25, 2019 Posted May 25, 2019 Devious Devices Helpers SE View File Devious Devices Helpers SE I DID NOT create this mod, nor do I claim any ownership of it or it's resources, or dependencies. I merely converted this mod to Skyrim Special Edition for my personal use, and decided to ask @TurboNerdfor permission to upload my conversion of his hard work. If you like his mod, go to the original Oldrim Page and let him know! Description copied from the original oldrim download page by TurboNerd: About This File Followers help you out of and in to devious devices. Upgrading from versions prior to 1.04: A clean save is required. Motivation and Concept: While playing with Deviously Cursed Loot and other Devious Devices mods, I found that my character being tied up and helpless was amusing for about five minutes. I also found that NPC's could be tragically stupid when it came to restraints. For example, when my character was doing the key fumble thing to remove "Paw Bondage Mittens" the follower would stand there, with his free hands at his side saying "Let's not waste time.", "Let's get going." and, dumbest of all, "We've stopped, what is it?". So I decided to start on a mod. First; followers would get smarter about removing debilitating restraints. While the normal thing would be for the player to ask to have her hands freed and then free herself from any blindfold and gag, what happens when the wrist restraint is not removable because it either requires a special key, is time locked or a quest item? I wanted the follower to be able to assist with blindfolds and gags too. Second; a follower would, in a reasonably safe location, offer to help the player character have some fun by tying her up for a while. When they are done having fun (after no more that five minutes real time), the follower would untie her, put the toys away and go off to hack and slay. Related to this would be reluctance to remove restraints in "safe" areas. I have decided to release this mod because the removal of "Can you help me?" from DDi 4.0 has left a vacuum for dungeon divers. What this mod does: Device unlocking: Any items tagged "Heavy Bondage", bondage mittens, blindfolds, gags, restrictive corsets, and chastity bras can be removed by either a blacksmith or a follower subject to certain conditions. Neither the blacksmith or the follower will attempt to remove items tagged as quest items or block generic so as not to break other mods. A blacksmith will always charge a fee. A blacksmith will use a key if the player has one, but will fall back to hammer, cold chisel and anvil otherwise. Any device which is cut off is destroyed and your character can't play with it any more. A follower will not charge a fee, but if the device requires a key then the player or follower should have that key. If the correct type and number of keys is not available, and the device can possibly be cut, the follower will attempt to cut the device. This uses the same base chances of success as DDi, but uses it's own success chance modifier in it's own MCM (after all it's the follower, not the player doing the cutting). Again, any device which is cut off is destroyed and your character can't play with it any more. Whether the follower will cut a device is controlled by a MCM setting. If the follower decides it's "play time" (see below) the follower will be reluctant to remove a device when asked. This reluctance can be overcome by being insistent. The places where this can happen are selectable in the MCM menu. Available locations are inhabited areas, dwellings, stores, player homes and cleared dungeons. (The follower will always cooperate in a dungeon or the wilds.) How often the follower is reluctant and for how long are controlled by MCM settings. The defaults are that the follower will become reluctant to remove devices once every one to two game days and will persist in his or her reluctance for 1/2 to 2 game hours. These times can be adjusted in the MCM. Play time: The play time system runs in a cycle: Adventuring and work time: The follower does not want to tie up the player and will willingly remove devices. Lasts one to two in-game days by default, but is adjustable in the MCM. Ready for Play time: The follower wants to tie up the player but has not done so yet. Usually this is because the player is in a location where being tied is not allowed. When the player enters an eligible location the follower will force greet the player and ask to tie her up. Ends with the beginning of play time. Play time: Starts when the follower ties up the player or the player, after asking to remove a device, is persuaded to continue wearing it by the follower. The follower will borrow the player's devious keys. By default play time lasts 1/2 to 2 in-game hours, but can be adjusted in the MCM. If the player asks for a device to be removed the follower will attempt to persuade the player to continue wearing a device during play time. Willing to untie: Begins with the ending of play time. The follower will force-greet the player, announce that play time is over and offer to remove all the devices added by the follower at the beginning of play time. If the player consents then all keys are returned and all devices locked on by the follower are removed. Once the player is free it's adventuring and work time again. The player may, through dialogue extend the play time. In order not to delay the game any more than the player wants, all bondage is fully consensual by the player. When the follower asks to tie up the player, the player may allow it, hesitate, refuse, or ask the follower to wait two minutes. If the player hesitates the follower will make a feeble attempt to persuade the player. The player may end play time early by asking to be untied. The follower will only approach the player for "play time" when in eligible locations such as Player homes. When in the wilds or a dungeon the follower will not ask to tie up the player and will always cooperate in the removal of devices. The eligible locations currently include Player homes, Stores, Inns, Dwellings, and Inhabited areas. Dungeons, Forts and other locations tagged "LocTypeClearable" may be eligible after they have been cleared. The categories Player homes, Stores, Inns, Dwellings, Inhabited outdoor areas and Cleared Locations can each be enabled or disabled in the MCM options. As a blatant exception to the consensual bondage philosophy there is an MCM option (all the way at the bottom) called "Bondage lover" which defaults off. When off (default), any and all bondage is fully consensual as described above. When on, indicates that the player loves bondage and will not refuse to be tied up or ask to be untied early. The dialogue options like "Can you help me out?" and "I'm not in the mood." are not present when the follower wants to tie up the player or during "play time". Also, if the player walks away from the tie-up dialogue the follower will tie her up anyway. The disruption to game progression that this causes has two adjustable mitigations: The follower will only ask in eligible locations and the "play time" can be kept short. This is adjusted in the MCM. The player may start play time early by saying "I think it's time to relax for a while." or "I feel like being tied up." which will lead to the follower tying up the player. Requirements: links provided below The most current version of Devious Devices SE And their requirements. Devious Devices SE All-In-One installer Known issues: Some custom devices from other mods may not work and generate errors. There are some items from other mods which the follower should be able to remove, but won't. This is due to the item being tagged with block generic. The lock jam state, time lock state and cool-downs are not respected. This is actually symmetric since none of these apply to the player removing devices from a NPC. Slaves acquired with Paradise Halls Enhanced will not function properly as "followers" with this mod. Acknowledgement: The code which ties up the player is taken, with minor changes, from Deviously Cursed Loot by Kimy. The users for their ideas and bug reports. Permissions: This is a Lovers' Lab exclusive. Do not upload it anywhere else. You may not use any part of this in a for-profit project. Tips are fine provided they are voluntary. This is an open source project. You may use my code in your own project but if you do then your project must be open source too and you must allow others to use it in a similar manner. If you publish a "fork" of this project with similar functionality, please make sure that no one is confused about which is which. What's New in Version 1.04.8 Released May 5 Fix: No explanation was given for failure when attempting to remove high security armbinder without enough keys. Fix: The "no items locked without key" option wasn't checked for "always gag" rule. Thanks: @TurboNerd for allowing me to share this conversion with all of you! If you enjoy my conversion work and would like to toss a coin to my coffee fund, you can visit my Patreon ~ Nomkaz Submitter nomkaz Submitted 05/25/2019 Category Other Requires Most Recent Devious Devices SE Regular Edition Compatible No
Suomu Posted May 28, 2019 Posted May 28, 2019 Just a question... I have Biki as my follower from riverwood. Before I installed this mod I let him go and took him back as follower after the install. I do not get any options to ask my follower to help with the devices. Same happens with most of the npcs I try to talk to while gagged. Only options are regular sexlab shit and begging for food and money. Only very VERY few npcs I talk to give the option to ask for help and I think that's from devious loot mod. Do you know what could be the problem? EDIT: Aaaand never mind I was a blind person and didn't see requirements needing SKSE runtime plugin for DD. Fixed.
Miister Spiice Posted May 31, 2019 Posted May 31, 2019 How about when the cutting has been attempted there is a chance for the PC to get injured or stunned for a brief period? Making them vulnerable if they are not choosing their location well. Sound possible?
unmog Posted June 3, 2019 Posted June 3, 2019 Hey, thanks! I was wondering where the "Can you help me" option went, thinking it must have been from a previous mod I couldnt remember.
unmog Posted August 18, 2019 Posted August 18, 2019 Hmm I saw it was recently updated but its still the same version as last time, 1.04.9, so did something change? I checked the notes and couldnt find anything about v9 so was the update a fals flag? Edit, @nomkaz
nomkaz Posted August 20, 2019 Author Posted August 20, 2019 I just added a pic so it get noticed easier. I don't know why L.L. considers that and "update". Nothing about the mod changed.
nomkaz Posted August 20, 2019 Author Posted August 20, 2019 On 5/31/2019 at 5:53 AM, Miister Spiice said: How about when the cutting has been attempted there is a chance for the PC to get injured or stunned for a brief period? Making them vulnerable if they are not choosing their location well. Sound possible? I only converted the mod. I don't know anything about building them. You can ask the author on the original upload page, and if they make changes I will certainly pass them on to the SE version.
unmog Posted August 20, 2019 Posted August 20, 2019 29 minutes ago, nomkaz said: I just added a pic so it get noticed easier. I don't know why L.L. considers that and "update". Nothing about the mod changed. Thanks for replying. If you dont mind answering one other thing, I notice were on v1.04.9 but I dont see the changelogs mentioned for it anywhere. I took a look at the original file and it says they're still on v8. So, being a bit confused, could you tell me what was updated for SE but not LE or is that just a typo and its still v8 not 9?
nomkaz Posted August 25, 2019 Author Posted August 25, 2019 On 8/19/2019 at 9:49 PM, unmog said: Thanks for replying. If you dont mind answering one other thing, I notice were on v1.04.9 but I dont see the changelogs mentioned for it anywhere. I took a look at the original file and it says they're still on v8. So, being a bit confused, could you tell me what was updated for SE but not LE or is that just a typo and its still v8 not 9? It's there, all the way at the bottom of the DL page. it was just an ESP fix, b/c i uploaded the unconverted esp for some reason the first time, and generated a new SEQ file.
Kristus Kringle Posted February 18, 2020 Posted February 18, 2020 I recently updated skyrim/skse to the current versions and I no longer get dialog options for followers or blacksmiths to remove devices, on a brand new game. I do get dialog about tying me up. Anyone else running into this? 1
f0rs4keng0d Posted June 4, 2020 Posted June 4, 2020 Anybody else got tied up by our own horse? I bought one from the Whiterun Stables and suddenly it wanted to tie me up and even followed me indoors, while it was supposed to stay put ?
cerebus300 Posted June 5, 2020 Posted June 5, 2020 I've been having a problem with, what I assume is devious helpers, as it has to do with followers "borrowing keys." On all games, even new creations, after I have a follower and properly release them and send them on their way I get a message whenever I find a restraint key that says "your follower borrows your - key." The key then disappears. The problem is that I don't have any followers. I've used the debug to get the keys back, but that doesn't work because they just get borrowed back by the non-existent follower. This really sucks because keys are useless for getting me out of restraints. Anyone else with this problem, or hopefully, a solution?
frogstar Posted January 22, 2021 Posted January 22, 2021 @Nomkatz, thank you so much for your wonderful conversion!. Like you, I found unable to get out of bondage gear was fun for all of about 5 minutes. After an hour of unsuccessfully trying to get out of an armbinder, I thought "there has to be a better way". Which is when I found your conversion. I then spent another hour walking half way across Skyrim to where my follower was. Only to have them tell me that that armbinder was cursed and they couldn't help me! ?
Grimdolly Posted April 21, 2021 Posted April 21, 2021 Any way to get this mod to recognize the 5.0 version of DD?
unmog Posted April 21, 2021 Posted April 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Grimdolly said: Any way to get this mod to recognize the 5.0 version of DD? Unsure what you mean. I use DD5 and this. If you mean maybe using the newer stuff I'm unsure, since I havent paid that much attention to the specific devices it uses.
Grimdolly Posted April 22, 2021 Posted April 22, 2021 21 hours ago, unmog said: Unsure what you mean. I use DD5 and this. If you mean maybe using the newer stuff I'm unsure, since I havent paid that much attention to the specific devices it uses. I had an entire set of Ebonite gear in my equipment and when I asked Lydia to tie me up, she says "No fair you don't have any toys". or something to that effect.
cerebus300 Posted June 3, 2021 Posted June 3, 2021 (edited) On 1/21/2021 at 10:13 PM, frogstar said: @Nomkatz, thank you so much for your wonderful conversion!. Like you, I found unable to get out of bondage gear was fun for all of about 5 minutes. After an hour of unsuccessfully trying to get out of an armbinder, I thought "there has to be a better way". Just popped on to also give thanks for this, although it has been out for a while. I love DD and DCL, but you are absolutely right with the five minute rule. Like so much of this B&D stuff in mods, it is great fun ... until it isn't. When mods outstay their welcome it just becomes torture that we put up with because we like the first five minutes so much. This mod has been in my load since I've been playing with DD & DCL. Can't imagine putting up with those two without it. Edited June 3, 2021 by cerebus300
Aladsk Posted August 23, 2021 Posted August 23, 2021 This might be a silly question, but how long does the follower wait for if we ask for two minutes? Does the whole adventure time cycle reset?
Farsh-nuke Posted November 30, 2021 Posted November 30, 2021 On 2/18/2020 at 8:42 PM, Duncan Idaho said: I recently updated skyrim/skse to the current versions and I no longer get dialog options for followers or blacksmiths to remove devices, on a brand new game. I do get dialog about tying me up. Anyone else running into this? I have exactly this
pokkla Posted May 15, 2022 Posted May 15, 2022 On 6/5/2020 at 2:32 PM, cerebus300 said: I've been having a problem with, what I assume is devious helpers, as it has to do with followers "borrowing keys." On all games, even new creations, after I have a follower and properly release them and send them on their way I get a message whenever I find a restraint key that says "your follower borrows your - key." The key then disappears. The problem is that I don't have any followers. I've used the debug to get the keys back, but that doesn't work because they just get borrowed back by the non-existent follower. This really sucks because keys are useless for getting me out of restraints. Anyone else with this problem, or hopefully, a solution? Was having trouble with the "follower borrows a key" glitch too, even with no follower around. It is indeed related to the DD Helpers mod. I found a variable, "DDHPlayerIsTied", was stuck on 1. I think it was intended to be a flag to indicate to followers that the player can't extricate themselves and a follower should grab a players key. Go into the console and "set DDHPlayerIsTied to 0". Seems to work across saves, so far. PS. Tip of the hat to whoever included the script source code in the package. It helped me figure out what was happening. 2
DTESSurvivor Posted July 2, 2022 Posted July 2, 2022 Is there a version of this where the companion simply ties the character with rope, or use POP devices instead of DD? Honestly, for immersion purposes, I don't have use for 99% of the stuff in DD.
Sathar Posted February 7, 2024 Posted February 7, 2024 Is this currently working (or is there a newer alternative) with current versions of SE (.1170), DD (5.2+) and things like DD-NG? 2
Gameplayer Posted July 3, 2024 Posted July 3, 2024 It sort of works, From my experience the companions just stop asking if you want to be tied, So you have to ask.
Jim55 Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 It's borken for me on 1170. Partially. They loop does nothing, the timer runs in the negative forever, you never get asked, and the loops are broken when you force them manually. When asked to be tied, the follower equips like 200 devices on you. When it finishes a loop, it goes on to finish another and another. Walking away from your follower stops the cycle. When asking to be released, it tries to release you but also the equip loop has remnants and it unequips, then equips, then unequips some more. Most of the time it leaves some restraints on. It also has a minor (i think original) issue where it doesn't respect equip order and tries plugs after belt and piercings after bras. Another minor issue I noticed it is has the same equip order always, no RNG. What DOES work is the helper part. It reliably detects heavy bondage and removes it if you are stuck. For this alone it's earned its place. They work fine as a portable blacksmith. Oh, also, it works well to detect quest devices and back off from breaking anything. Also, it works that if you check the bondage lover it takes away the menu until time elapses. 1
Jim55 Posted September 10, 2024 Posted September 10, 2024 15 hours ago, Jim55 said: They loop does nothing, the timer runs in the negative forever, you never get asked, and the loops are broken when you force them manually. Of course that, after days if it being broken, I fiddle with load orders and reset the mod and check the lover option and bam. I get harassed by the giantess with no sense of mercy. It now triggers, buggy as it is, but it does trigger. 15 hours ago, Jim55 said: When asked to be tied, the follower equips like 200 devices on you. When it finishes a loop, it goes on to finish another and another. Walking away from your follower stops the cycle. If the cycle is broken, entering dialogue with the follower resumes the equipping. And you should, cause it only starts counting once it's done. If you move, it gets suspeneded and goes nuts. It never ends, because the timer doesn't start. Pausing and resuming also restarts the loop sometimes, making it queue another full equip over. 15 hours ago, Jim55 said: When asking to be released, it tries to release you but also the equip loop has remnants and it unequips, then equips, then unequips some more. Most of the time it leaves some restraints on. This is likely to do with breaking the sequence by moving. I think a broken sequence can haunt you. Resetting the mod fixed it and if I wait for the equip sounds to end sometimes they do (and the countdown starts). When done, you can ask for release. If left alone to do its equip cycle, it will clean up correctly after itself. Note that to run a recovery after a broken sequence, I spend 2-4 hours ingame IRL, as in not waiting, for the cycle to end and for it to starts counting, 15 hours ago, Jim55 said: It also has a minor (i think original) issue where it doesn't respect equip order and tries plugs after belt and piercings after bras. Another minor issue I noticed it is has the same equip order always, no RNG. Sometimes it uses RNG, sometimes it uses the same order. it tries to equip every slot so more exotic binds are reused. If, for example, you only have one hood, it WILL use it and reuse it no matter what. But sometimes it just chooses the blue shoes even though I have 14 pairs on me. Never uses anything the follower has.
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