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[AAF] RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions (12/30/19)

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14 minutes ago, Plaguetard said:

So I updated, mid play-through by the way, which being able to do is always impressive. I maxed the "rounds" and went to a camp I knew had 4 raiders. I have a mod that makes all raiders male, so I didn't have the female aspect in this test through. The raiders each went once, and that was it. So perfect there. I decided to try and see what happened with insects and monsters, and it also made it so that the insects only took one turn each. So, from my perspective, this was implemented flawlessly and seems to work in every aspect that it should.


Thank you very much, and well done.

Awesome! Good to know! Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad I could make the mod feel a little more realistic for you (and others).

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Everything is working correctly! Thank you very much for your mods!


Is it possible that the arrest problem in the Diamond City jail is due to the same case of male / female character that you found in Abduction?

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41 minutes ago, Plaguetard said:

I have a mod that makes all raiders male, so I didn't have the female aspect in this test through.

Interesting. What is the mod called or is it something that you modified yourself?

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24 minutes ago, JBpy said:

Everything is working correctly! Thank you very much for your mods!


Is it possible that the arrest problem in the Diamond City jail is due to the same case of male / female character that you found in Abduction?

Remind me what the issue was? If it was hostility when you were in the jail cell, thats likely faction crime settings, which should disappear in 24 game hours.


Anyways, I wont speculate, but rather just wait for a full explanation of what you encounter, so I can look into it and try to resolve it.

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24 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Remind me what the issue was? If it was hostility when you were in the jail cell, thats likely faction crime settings, which should disappear in 24 game hours.


Here. I haven't been able to get her arrested yet. In all my attempts I was warned to flee in 10 seconds.



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I think the problem is that the surrender is not picking up the guard as being the last NPC to hit you for some strange reason and thus, it doesnt fire up its condition of imprisonment. I am working on changing this now and will test it out. Should what Ive done work, I'll push out another update later on.

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Yup, I was right -  the original method I was trying to use wasn't picking up the DC guards properly.


But now, with the changes I've made ...







Which is to say....


v1.9 is now available to download


The sole fix has been to make DC guards and Minutemen, as combat targets, to arrest you and throw you in jail.

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4 hours ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

v1.8.1 is now available to download




Fixes the survival mode thirst and hunger force-feeding issues noted in the posts above this one. Clean save / new game NOT required. Auto-updater will do its thing.


If you DON'T play on Bethesda's survival mode and already have v1.8 installed, there is no need to update to v.1.8.1 at this time - nothing else has been changed.

In regards to the updating of your mods, I’m a new user of MO2 and was curious of whether to replace or merge your mods when updating?


im guessing RSE II adv needs places the proper states for csa to be forced feed.

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49 minutes ago, fobbadabalaba said:

In regards to the updating of your mods, I’m a new user of MO2 and was curious of whether to replace or merge your mods when updating?


im guessing RSE II adv needs places the proper states for csa to be forced feed.

You install the update, overwriting the previous files. Thats it, thats all. When you launch the game, it will detect the new version and do what it needs to do. Its that simple.


Advanced Needs and force-feeding in abductions will not work together. Yet. I have ideas to possibly make it work. More on that later.

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Everything works great. Thank you very much again, especially for writing the script for a game mode (Survival) that you do not even use.


I do not know if you noticed, but I play in Spanish and I usually translate the mods that I install for myself. Your mod has many lines, I would like to translate them and send you the translated version via private message. RSA CSA and Resources. Maybe it will be useful to other people.

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4 hours ago, JBpy said:

Interesting. What is the mod called or is it something that you modified yourself?

It's called MTO - Males Take Over. Be warned. Do NOT use the all in one default that comes with the mod. The mod itself is older. There are some posts about certain ones that were causing CTD. I use the following esps found in the mod;



MTO BoS Males.esp

MTO DLCNukaWorld.esp

MTO DLCworkshop02.esp

MTO DLCworkshop03.esp

MTO Enemy Males.esp

MTO Institute Males.esp

MTO Railroad Males.esp

MTO DLCCoast.esp

MTO Miscellaneous Males.esp

MTO Minutemen Males.esp


These are safe to use (as of posting this) and have not caused me any grief. To see which exact ones to avoid, check the posts on the mod.



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1 hour ago, JBpy said:

Everything works great. Thank you very much again, especially for writing the script for a game mode (Survival) that you do not even use.


I do not know if you noticed, but I play in Spanish and I usually translate the mods that I install for myself. Your mod has many lines, I would like to translate them and send you the translated version via private message. RSA CSA and Resources. Maybe it will be useful to other people.

Easier for you to manage if you make your own download thread, but yeah, Im sure tonnes of people would appreciate having native Spanish language files to use.

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Hi, Flashy JoeR :) This is just to give an update since applying the patch to break out of the feeding loop.


The patch did fix the endless loop of trying to feed me, but after that nothing really happened. A couple of days went by during which I was given a sleeping bag to use twice, and my jailor (Sparta, whom I figured out was the boss of the dungeon) walked around the jail cell. But nobody ever came to visit, and Sparta never talked to me again.


Eventually I killed Sparta and will now go about the process of retrieving my things and doing the revenge quest. When that's all done I'll trigger another capture so I can test it without having started broken, but that'll take a while to get to that stage again.


It's very possible the capture would have worked normally if I hadn't been in survival mode at the beginning, but from this test I don't know. I look forward to the next capture when this one's done :) Thanks again.

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3 hours ago, Karna5 said:

Hi, Flashy JoeR :) This is just to give an update since applying the patch to break out of the feeding loop.


The patch did fix the endless loop of trying to feed me, but after that nothing really happened. A couple of days went by during which I was given a sleeping bag to use twice, and my jailor (Sparta, whom I figured out was the boss of the dungeon) walked around the jail cell. But nobody ever came to visit, and Sparta never talked to me again.


Eventually I killed Sparta and will now go about the process of retrieving my things and doing the revenge quest. When that's all done I'll trigger another capture so I can test it without having started broken, but that'll take a while to get to that stage again.


It's very possible the capture would have worked normally if I hadn't been in survival mode at the beginning, but from this test I don't know. I look forward to the next capture when this one's done :) Thanks again.

Were you in an abduction when you updated the mod? Curious about this point because if you were abducted and in the middle of that abduction, its possible that the update / script change might have messed it up.


But if it was a case of you updated and then got into a fight / surrendered / were abducted, then that is a different matter that needs looking into.

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v2.0 is now available for download


This version includes a MAJOR fix and should be considered a mandatory update.


Fixes and changes:

  • MAJOR FIX: Selling companions into captivity - the actual "send to captivity" function was missing from post-dialogue scripting.
  • Added KARMA SYSTEM increases and decreases to certain actions.
    • Selling a companion into captivity earns negative affinity and karma.
    • Rescuing a companion from captivity earns positive affinity and karma.
    • Whether or not you sold your companion into captivity affects karma and affinity gains during rescues.
    • Executing a surrendered enemy earns negative karma.
  • Added BOUND tag to all animation calls, to take advantage of Gray User's excellent 50 Shades of Fallout.
  • Excluded SPANKING tagged animations from all CSA and Abduction animation calls.

Two notes:

  1. There isnt an actual KARMA mod yet. Making karma work with this mod was a forward thinking action.
  2. For BOUND animations, you REALLY want and need to install Gray User's 50 Shades of Fallout animation pack.


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7 hours ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Were you in an abduction when you updated the mod? Curious about this point because if you were abducted and in the middle of that abduction, its possible that the update / script change might have messed it up.


But if it was a case of you updated and then got into a fight / surrendered / were abducted, then that is a different matter that needs looking into.

Yeah, I was already in a jail cell. Not much had happened in it because I'd been getting spammed about the feeding. So the patch that fixed the feeding didn't get a fair test as I was already in the jail cell abducted when it kicked in :)


Once I wrap up the revenge quest (which will take a while as I believe it's in a large dungeon) I'll trigger a new abduction. Thanks a ton :)

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v2.1 is now available to download!


This update includes:

  • Family Planning Enhanced integration, to remove condoms and birth control pills upon abduction.
  • RSE II Advanced Needs integration, to prevent fast travel enabling at end of abductions, if you have it disabled in Advanced Needs.
  • Added secondary visitation type - random beatings. No rape, no clue it's coming. They walk up, beat the shit out of you and walk away.
    • If this occurs, you get beat more than once, losing HP at each hit and suffer a concussion at the end of it.


The FPE integration plus the new visitation type, are done to make the abductions a little more perilous. Add Wastelander's Rash into this mix, and you have a recipe for very bad things happening to you. Possibly pregnancies, diseases and maybe even severe injuries leading to death.


I'm still looking into re-adding companion / Minutemen rescues, so that could be coming soon, as well as the old hardcore abductions setting.

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@Flashy (JoeR) I'm definitely experiencing a major bug with the 2.0 & 2.1 builds. Namely that Surrenders just aren't working anymore. If I surrender solo the Aggressor(s) just stand there and don't do anything ( I also don't get the Character dialog pop up saying "I surrender, I can't fight anymore."). If I surrender with a companion all of the above holds true with the addition that my companion DOESN'T go into a surrender state and continues to attack until all engaged enemies are dead (enemies will just stand there and let themselves get killed.)


I also noticed that when I updated to 2.1 (not sure about 2.0) that I didn't get the normal (CSA is Updating) message. Perhaps this is related.

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2 hours ago, Number24 said:

@Flashy (JoeR) I'm definitely experiencing a major bug with the 2.0 & 2.1 builds. Namely that Surrenders just aren't working anymore. If I surrender solo the Aggressor(s) just stand there and don't do anything ( I also don't get the Character dialog pop up saying "I surrender, I can't fight anymore."). If I surrender with a companion all of the above holds true with the addition that my companion DOESN'T go into a surrender state and continues to attack until all engaged enemies are dead (enemies will just stand there and let themselves get killed.)


I also noticed that when I updated to 2.1 (not sure about 2.0) that I didn't get the normal (CSA is Updating) message. Perhaps this is related.

I can tell you this much, I too have (had) the same issue.


And the worst part is, I don't even know what caused this.


I rolled back completely (scripts, esp, all of it - after backing up my current build of course!) from 2.2  to 2.1, test it. It was fucked, as you noticed. Quit. Rolled back to 2.0, same thing, overwriting scripts, esp, all of it. Same thing in game - broken. Rolled back to 1.9. Broken. Rolled back to 1.8.1, worked perfectly.


The "send the player to jail" code is the ONLY difference between 1.8 and 2.2, in terms of the CSA Script, plus the selling your companion to captivity thing that I fixed.


And if I monitor the break point, its immediately after the player surrenders - it just kind of hangs, precisely where the code is to see if an attacker is a DC guard. 


So rolled back to 2.2. Removed the jail code. New dev save, never had this mod on it - same problem. So maybe not the script per se, but definitely relating to it. Figured, ok... lets try the 2.2 ESP with the 1.8 CSA script.


Nope. Wasn't having it.


So possibly something in the ESP - one of the other quests, scripts, fragments. I just dont know.


The bottom line, after 2 hours of trying to narrow it down, Im no closer than I was when I first read your post. AND ... I have reverted completely to v1.8.1 and am going to try to come at this a different way while readding all of the stuff that was put into the 2.0 and 2.1 releases.


Gah. Modding is so frustrating sometimes.


Thank fucking christ for insomnia.

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For shits and giggles, I took the v1.8.1 ESP and put it in place and then added the v2.2 scripts into the mix - ensuring all script properties in the ESP were filled out. Figured, I didnt want to lose all of that scripting work. Whatever I did to the ESP, it wasn't much and I can always rebuild it. Then, I went into the CSA script and took out the jail code. Went back to the previous way I was trying to do, that wasn't working, but I've now done something about that and I will test it soon.


Anyways... tl;dr.


Fired up the game and low and behold, everything worked precisely as it was supposed to. So. It was either the jail code (which I dont think it was, at least not on it's own) or the ESP. I am more inclined to blame the 2.2 ESP because with it in place and the 1.8.1 scripts, nothing worked. But with the 1.8.1 ESP in place and the 2.2 scripts in place, it works. So probably the newest .ESP file.


I will work on rebuilding what I've lost in the esp itself, which isnt much and then I will test the fuck out of it before releasing v2.2 to you all.


Sorry. I don't know what happened, I truly dont. And that says something about just how fuckered the esp file was, for me not to know.

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v2.2 is now available to download


Fixes all of the problems that were breaking earlier builds, in relation to the jailing subroutines.


I have tested it with both normal hostiles (get the usual results) and with DC Guards (get jailing).


You all should be good to go now.



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I dont know about anyone else, but it is working perfectly. Provided you are fighting no more than 2-3 bad buys.


I mean, my test save, it just near the gunner overpass near Drumlin Diner. There are 8 gunners there (some are mod added by Snipers of the Commonwealth). When I engage them, shit... it take 5 minutes for the surrender pose and hostile pacification to happen.


Got the idea to look at my save in Fallrim Tools. Didnt see anything out of the ordinary, but being that guy, I just manually deleted ALL csa instances, scripts, variables, everything. I didnt even deactivate the mod first, lol. So, saved the modified save file, loaded up the game and as expected, it didnt give me the CSA IS UPDATING message. I mean, why would it? I cleared all instances of it from my save. So, opened the console, manually started the main quest (rseii_mod_csa_mainquest) and then went to pick a fight with those 8 gunners to see what would be seen.


Low and behold, surrender pose and pacification happened in like 5 seconds and I was approached by a gunner within a total of 15 seconds of surrendering. Understand... in the previous attempt, it was 5 minutes for the pose and pacification. It took another 5-6 for the gunner to come talk to me. It was painful.


But now, now its silky smooth.


So my thinking here, observationally, because thats what I do for a living, I observe, analyze and then come to a conclusion based on observed facts, is that v2.0 or v2.1 was very dirty somehow and it botched my save a little - in terms of CSA anyways.


So if you are having the same issue and were a victim of v2.0 or v2.1, you know whats happening, and you know how to fix it.


Friendly PSA.


And an apology. Sorry that you may need to clean that save, hopefully just this one time, after all.




Actually. Wait. Hold off. I've got some bug fixes under way and will likely deploy a v2.3 later tonight.

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Thanks for all your hard work Flashy. On the one hand it's good to know that it wasn't just something I botched ( prior to checking up on this thread I was actually convinced that I had some mod conflict on my install or that I had borked my load order) but on the other hand it sucks that you had to put in all that extra work to hunt down and squash this gremlin.


I hope that my post was of some help to you, though it seems I didn't tell you anything that you didn't already know. That said, if I ever post about a bug and you feel like there's additional info that I could provide that help in your endeavors please don't hesitate to ask. I'm more than happy to help in any way I can.


On a somewhat unrelated note: You mentioned the possibility of selling your companions into slavery. Is that something that is going to be (or is already) a part of CSA or is it going to be a part of the forthcoming RSE: Karma mod?

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I fired up 2.2 and surrender is working again, but after CSA rape animations complete (or after a rape or beating as an abductee), movement control is never returned. I can look around and access the pipboy, but otherwise just stand there immobile. Is that happening to anyone else?

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