Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 [AAF] RSE II: Combat Surrender and Abductions (12/30/19) View File Combat Surrender and Abductions has finally been completed! At this time, all functions and features of the mod are in place and working. That said, this is NOT the Combat Surrender and Abductions that you remember - not really. It has been remade from the ground up, using new techniques and new scripting to perfectly accomplish things that were once not so perfect in previous iterations of this mod. What once was broken, no longer is. No longer will there be locked AAF actors without animations playing (fringe cases aside, which I cannot account for, but you do have the CSA Reset Hotkey to unlock in those moments). No longer will talking to surrendered enemies fail to work. No longer will robberies point to the wrong actor. This is the pinnacle of RSE Combat Surrender and Abductions, the version you have always wished it to be! What does this mod contain for features? Combat surrender mechanics, whether automatically triggered by low health or manually entered into. You have the ability to make hostiles surrender to you. Talking to them, you can kill them, rape them, let them go or access their inventory. Various pre-assault outcomes, like restraint application, robbery, etc. Sexual assault functions, featuring many options to tailor this phase of your surrender. Post assault outcomes featuring being robbed, beaten, teleporting to settlement locations and abductions. If player abductions are disabled, you can opt to allow companions to be taken. If player abductions are enabled, companions use the settings within the player functions. Player abductions features scenarios for rape, beatings, being drugged. Also escape and recapture mechanics. Abductions are a great role playing mechanism to enhance your games! Full featured MCM with many controls that allow you to tailor every aspect of the features of this mod. This is not just a mod about sexual assault and doesn't feature scenes of multiple partners or such. Think of it more as an extension of the combat system that happens to include a sexual assault component, alongside a myriad of other surrender related features. Requirements: This mod *requires* the RSE II Resources ESM v0.9+ file to be installed in your game. A functioning installation of AAF. MCM -> Installation: Make sure your F4SE is up to date and functional! Make sure AAF is up to date and functional! Make sure you can use the MCM via the pause/load/save menu! Install this mod with whatever mod manager you use or manually, if you are inclined! Play away! LEGAL: The source code is provided for you to make personal changes, should you wish to. It is not provided for you to alter, compile and redistribute your own version of the mod. The mod, Combat Surrender and Abductions for RSE II is only allowed to be hosted and downloaded from Lover's Lab, under my specific user account. Submitter Flashy (JoeR) Submitted 05/19/2019 Category Combat Sex Requires RSEII_Resources.esm, AAF.esm, MCM, F4SE
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 Surrender Phase: Using the RSE II Resources ESM, surrender now features six possible surrender poses, drawing on the usual hands-up poses as well as the cowering in fear poses. This mod is linked to the Resource ESM, so when it enters into a surrender phase, it passes that via variables to the ESM, which will then be able to send that on to other RSE II mods that check for such variables in the future. You can choose to manually surrender in one of two ways - via a defined hotkey in the MCM or by lowering your weapon. You can only use one method, which can be set in the MCM. You can also enable or disable automatic surrender due to your health meter, adjusting the level at which you will surrender, as a percentage of your total health. Now, instead of a popup menu, all pre-surrender options are represented in dialogue with your initial captor. You can choose to beg for mercy, to be let go, to bribery attempts and to deciding to attack them when they are close enough. Some of these options may not appear early game, until your stats improve, specifically your charisma, strength and endurance. Note that each successful bribery attempt increases the cost of bribed freedom by 25 caps. In the screenshot below, you can see my (B) is missing an option - this is the attack choice - missing due to my stats not being good enough. There is a new control in the MCM that allows consequences other than sexual assault to occur at the moment of surrender. At this time, there is only the option of being raped or having a paired kill animation played. Later, this will be expanded to include other means of degrading you for your cowardice, such as robbery, beatings, being tied up and left for dead, etc. Yes. You read that correctly - there exists a chance that you could just be killed for surrendering in a fight. RSE II's CSA is not necessarily a "death alternative", though you can turn off surrender phase outcomes in the MCM or at least decrease the chances of them happening (default is 15% chance each time you surrender). Note that sometimes, as happens with paired kill animations, they may not play - but you will still die. There is a glitch with these anims, when the player is paired into them, that makes them not play. Either way, sometimes they do and when they do, it is glorious! Especially when you are choked and have your neck broken. Shocking and realistic. Typical Flashy-mersion (tm). The CSA Reset hotkey has made a return, though to be honest, with the solid 12+ hours of testing I have put the surrender phase through, I have not needed to use it once. The new method of approach and sending to AAF is working flawlessly, at least for me. Also returning, after an absence in RSE Elements, is the Strength In Numbers (SiN) feature, where when enabled, your enemies wont surrender until their total count reaches a threshold that you can set in the MCM. New to CSA is Last Man Standing, where when enabled, there is a chance the last combat target may go into a frenzied state rather than surrender to you. You can set the chances of this happening in the MCM. Once I am certain the surrender phase is working for others every bit as well as it is for me, I will then start adding in the other surrender phase consequences and the post-assault outcomes, such as what you are used to from the original CSA mods - robberies, beatings, bondage, teleport to nearest owned settlement. And once those are certified to be good, I will then start adding in the Abductions phase.
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 For those looking to add Abductions to their mods, here is the required scripting. ; Required Script Properties GlobalVariable FactionDungeon = 0 Quest RSEAbductionLocation Quest RSEAdbuctionMain Faction Property RaiderFaction auto Faction Property GunnerFaction auto Faction Property SuprMutantFaction auto ; Then we define a function to load the forms from RSE II's CSA and call it from an OnQuestInit or OnInit ; Usage of event is dependent on how the script is assigned, be it a Quest script or a RefAlias script Event OnQuestInit() ; or if on a reflaias script, use Event OnInit() LoadRSEAbductions() EndEvent Function LoadRSEAbductions() If Game.IsPluginInstalled("RSE_II_CSA.esp") FactionDungeon = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000B7DF,"RSE_II_CSA.esp") as GlobalVariable RSEAbductionLocation = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000B7DE,"RSE_II_CSA.esp") as Quest RSEAbductionMain = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0000B7DB,"RSE_II_CSA.esp") as Quest Endif EndFunction ; And then when you want to send the player to an abduction site, check the last attacker / rapist against a faction ; This is done within one of your functions in your mod, that has access to the Actor called akAggressor If akAggressor.IsInfaction(RaiderFaction) FactionDungeon = 1 Elseif akAggressor.IsInFaction(GunnerFaction) FactionDungeon = 2 Elseif akAggressor.IsInFaction(SuperMutantFaction) FactionDungeon = 3 Else Return Endif ; Now we have the flag variable for which dungeon type to lock in, we start the quest to lock it and then send the player there ; Of course, originating mod can do whatever it wants to the player before calling this code, like robbing them, crippling them, etc ; Once the player is sent to the Abduction, no further action is required in the calling mod, aside from whatever cleanup functions it has RSEAbductionLocation.Stop() RSEAbductionLocation.Start() Utility.Wait(1) If RSEAbductionLocation.IsRunning() RSEAbductionMain.Reset() RSEAbductionMain.Start() Endif
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 DEVELOPMENT ROADMAP Look into adding a mechanism to add a custom race, or at the least document how to patch the file to do so. (DONE - in v0.4) Finalize enemy surrender, with dialogue and outcomes. (DONE - in v0.6) Add in the old "Strength In Numbers" mechanisms to prevent enemy surrenders when they outnumber you. (DONE - in v0.7) Add in post-assault cycle outcomes. (DONE - in v1.1) Add in other surrender phase outcomes. (DONE - in v1.1) Add in Abductions. (DONE - in v1.6) Incorporate Karma System usage, with toggle to enable or disable this via the MCM. Bugfix as needed (obviously) RSE II CSA Race Patch mod To add your race mod to it, you need simply open both it and the CSA patch file into F04Edit. Before you do, make them both active plugins in your load order and place them accordingly - this patch must ALWAYS be underneath RSE II CSA and the race mod you wish to use it with. Rule of thumb: CSA, race mod, the CSA race patch mod, in that order. Once they are active in your load order, then you can start to edit it. Now you can open them in Fo4Edit. Then you expand the patch mod and access the HEADER. Where I have marked in highlighter, you would right click and select ADD. Then, where it adds a blank master record, you double click on the empty space for the name and type the exact name of the race mod that you wish to have mastered to this patch file. Some rules of thumb on where to add your race in the formlists. Allowable is the base race list of what you can surrender to - meaning, when AAF extended is disabled. These are bipedal races. BipedalDialogue - only these races will talk to you prior to sexual assault. You should NOT use these for custom races, as dialogue cannot be patched for custom races, without mastering RSE II CSA to the race mod and making direct edits on the dialogue itself within the RSE II CSA mod. This is the one downfall to using a custom race - you cannot talk to them - you will surrender and you will be assaulted. That is the cost of using a custom race I suppose. Im sure you can live with it. Extended - if you are adding your race to Allowable, you need to also add it here. SurrenderCapable - these races uses the HUMAN/GHOUL skeleton and animations - if your custom race does NOT use that skeleton, do NOT add them here. But if they do use this skeleton, yes, ADD them here. Conversely, if you want to make your CSA only about humans, you can add this patch file to your load order and then modify the formlists, removing every race present except humans. Again, Control-S to save the patch mod once you've done editing it. And once ingame, you will only surrender to and be assaulted by humans - everyone and everything else will simply say "You cant surrender at this time". As a note, you do not need to add any new masters to the header, as you would if adding a new race. No matter what you do with the patch file, add a race or remove races your dont want, you MUST place this mod directly underneath any mod it masters to. So if you remove races only, put it under RSE II CSA. If you add a race to it, cluster RSE II CSA and the race mod and then put this one underneath them both. Load order is very important if you want the overrides to the formlists to function. And the good thing is, for now at least, once you edit this file to suit what you want it to do, you want need to do so again - until the formlists for abductions come out that is.
Nosimo Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 Install asks to overwrite TIF_RSEII_Mod_RS_Alias_02002684.pex (and others) from shenanigans, I'm assuming this is okay?
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 5 minutes ago, Nosimo said: Install asks to overwrite TIF_RSEII_Mod_RS_Alias_02002684.pex (and others) from shenanigans, I'm assuming this is okay? It shouldnt... shit.. did I put that in there by accident? Just overwrite for now, while I correct the download, you'll be fine. EDIT: Download is now corrected.
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 NOTE: I do not recommend installing this into serious in-progress games. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS build of the mod, intended as a public beta, for you to test and report on, should you wish to provide feedback to help fix or improve things. It will receive quite a few running updates. Just an FYI.
Nosimo Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 Getting an "all attackers were killed after the rape" popup after shenanigans happen now. I uninstalled both, then redownloaded and reinstalled. Didn't get the overwrite confirmation this time.
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 12 minutes ago, Nosimo said: Getting an "all attackers were killed after the rape" popup after shenanigans happen now. I uninstalled both, then redownloaded and reinstalled. Didn't get the overwrite confirmation this time. Uploaded a fix for this.
MrCruelJohn Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 4 hours ago, Flashy (JoeR) said: It shouldnt... shit.. did I put that in there by accident? Just overwrite for now, while I correct the download, you'll be fine. EDIT: Download is now corrected. @Flashy (JoeR) Just downloaded now and installing csa - still asking to overwrite the shenigan's alias pex file. (downloader says v0.2) as well as file name. John (PS - not sure if anyone jumped on the latest AAF download 78 - no aaf.esm file - but there is a aaf.esp file - so, just be aware it won't work)
Guest Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 1 minute ago, MrCruelJohn said: @Flashy (JoeR) Just downloaded now and installing csa - still asking to overwrite the shenigan's alias pex file. (downloader says v0.2) as well as file name. John (PS - not sure if anyone jumped on the latest AAF download 78 - no aaf.esm file - but there is a aaf.esp file - so, just be aware it won't work) Uploading a v0.3 now to permanently fix that.
MrCruelJohn Posted May 19, 2019 Posted May 19, 2019 16 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said: Uploading a v0.3 now to permanently fix that. No problem brother... just saw it was 4 hrs ago and same issue - in case everyone sleeping since then! I am just late to the game! Look forward to this flashy. Just did a fresh install - with minimal quality of life mods, and the AAF mods I normally run - so yeah, I will beat it up for ya! John
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 I dont know about anyone else, but I've been testing this solidly and not once has it NOT resulted in dialogue and an outcome, barring some minus hickups with updating my AAF (which have since been resolved and the approach and outcome are once again happening as expected). Update My dev map for this mod will be as follows: Finalize enemy surrender, with dialogue and outcomes. Add in the old "Strength In Numbers" mechanisms to prevent enemy surrenders when they outnumber you. Look into adding a mechanism to add a custom race, or at the least document how to patch the file to do so. (DONE) Add in other surrender phase outcomes. Add in post-assault cycle outcomes. Add in Abductions. Just to give you an idea of what you can expect and in what order those updates will occur. These items, I am sure they will work as expected. They were never the problem with previous versions of the CSA mod - it was the actual surrender and assault cycle that had issues, which I don't know... I feel kind of good about saying I might have just fixed that once and for all.
MetalMax Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 Can i make a request bud? Can you please make some version or option to use actor keywords instead of a formID list of specific races? I could *never* get your CSA for RSE 1 to work with my custom species, even after adding it to the form id list. It just constantly said i couldn't surrender at this time every time i fought any humanoid characters...
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 2 minutes ago, MetalMax said: Can i make a request bud? Can you please make some version or option to use actor keywords instead of a formID list of specific races? I could *never* get your CSA for RSE 1 to work with my custom species, even after adding it to the form id list. It just constantly said i couldn't surrender at this time every time i fought any humanoid characters... Because of the scripting in those older mods - they looked for specific races and were hard coded. But my road map is to make this version not use specific races down the road, at least not locked specifically to them. For now, yeah I did because it was easier for the public testing I needed. But yes mate, for sure I am looking at adding the capability for custom humanoid races - step three on my dev road map.
MetalMax Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 9 minutes ago, Flashy (JoeR) said: Because of the scripting in those builds - they looked for specific races. My road map is to make it not use specific races down the road. For now, yeah I did because it was easier for the public testing I needed. But yes mate, for sure I am looking at adding the capability for custom humanoid races. Thank you so much. I will point out, i think i might have some idea of a possible reason it never worked. I didn't just replace the player race, i replaced all Human NPCs, so raiders were the same custom race too, which might explain why surrendering worked for creatures but not raiders/gunners/etc?
MetalMax Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 Yep. Took a long time of on and off experimenting. It was because i used a mod that replaced everyone with the custom species. I feel like a doof now.
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 6 minutes ago, MetalMax said: Yep. Took a long time of on and off experimenting. It was because i used a mod that replaced everyone with the custom species. I feel like a doof now. Well, I know a lot of people are probably going to be using that new Nanokochan mod and its 'replace all NPCs' variant, so... I will find a way to make it work.
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 22 minutes ago, MetalMax said: Yep. Took a long time of on and off experimenting. It was because i used a mod that replaced everyone with the custom species. I feel like a doof now. Okay. Update. I have gone into the scripting and removed ALL hard coded race checks, opting instead to use formlists of races. This way, a patch mod can be made to use those formlists where one can master it to CSA and to the race mod you want to use and then, you simply add that race to the appropriate formlists. When that time comes for testing, we can go over the how-to and get a proto-type patch made for you to test out for that race (which is it by the way?) - which likely means sometime tomorrow, if I know which race mod it is. ?
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 The base patch mod is done. To add your race mod to it, you need simply open both it and the CSA patch file into F04Edit. Before you do, make them both active plugins in your load order and place them accordingly - this patch must ALWAYS be underneath RSE II CSA and the race mod you wish to use it with. Rule of thumb: CSA, race mod, the CSA race patch mod, in that order. Once they are active in your load order, then you can start to edit it. Now you can open them in Fo4Edit. Then you expand the patch mod and access the HEADER. Where I have marked in highlighter, you would right click and select ADD. Then, where it adds a blank master record, you double click on the empty space for the name and type the exact name of the race mod that you wish to have mastered to this patch file. After that, you simply look at the formlists provided in the patch and you add your custom race's race to it. When you have the race added, where appropriate, you do Control-S to save the patch mod. And then activate it in your mod manager. Its that simple. Oh... did I say tomorrow??? Just like The Doctor, I lied. RSE II CSA v0.4 and RSE II CSA Race Patch mod These are now available! You can use the patch mod with the instructions above to tailor CSA to your custom races. Some rules of thumb on where to add your race in the formlists. Allowable is the base race list of what you can surrender to - meaning, when AAF extended is disabled. These are bipedal races. BipedalDialogue - only these races will talk to you prior to sexual assault. You should NOT use these for custom races, as dialogue cannot be patched for custom races, without mastering RSE II CSA to the race mod and making direct edits on the dialogue itself within the RSE II CSA mod. This is the one downfall to using a custom race - you cannot talk to them - you will surrender and you will be assaulted. That is the cost of using a custom race I suppose. Im sure you can live with it. Extended - if you are adding your race to Allowable, you need to also add it here. SurrenderCapable - these races uses the HUMAN/GHOUL skeleton and animations - if your custom race does NOT use that skeleton, do NOT add them here. But if they do use this skeleton, yes, ADD them here. Conversely, if you want to make your CSA only about humans, you can add this patch file to your load order and then modify the formlists, removing every race present except humans. Again, Control-S to save the patch mod once you've done editing it. And once ingame, you will only surrender to and be assaulted by humans - everyone and everything else will simply say "You cant surrender at this time". As a note, you do not need to add any new masters to the header, as you would if adding a new race. No matter what you do with the patch file, add a race or remove races your dont want, you MUST place this mod directly underneath any mod it masters to. So if you remove races only, put it under RSE II CSA. If you add a race to it, cluster RSE II CSA and the race mod and then put this one underneath them both. Load order is very important if you want the overrides to the formlists to function. And the good thing is, for now at least, once you edit this file to suit what you want it to do, you want need to do so again - until the formlists for abductions come out that is.
Connovar Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 Hi... I cannot set on auto player surrender , everytime I close mcm setting it reverse in off.. (sorry my english..) and im going to die..☠️..if no press the key. Every else work very well except enemy surrender but that does not worked even whit Violate (and still i don't understand way)...
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 v0.5 is now available for download Fixes the MCM for the auto-surrender enable toggle. Also, it removes the "travel to surrendered player" package that was erroneously on the Ref Alias for the last NPC to assault the player - I noted last night that after rape cycle was done and I was told to leave the area, that the rapist followed me. Removing this travel package fixed that. This morning's task is already underway - finalize the hostile surrender functions and dialogues, which as Connovar noted, is not working - since it's not even in the mod yet, not in any way that you can use. But by the end of my dev cycle for the day, it will be. So expect another update at some point today! 3 hours ago, Connovar said: Hi... I cannot set on auto player surrender , everytime I close mcm setting it reverse in off.. (sorry my english..) and im going to die..☠️..if no press the key. Every else work very well except enemy surrender but that does not worked even whit Violate (and still i don't understand way)... See above - thanks for pointing out the MCM issue - it is fixed now.
Connovar Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 Good.. now the auto surrender work well !! But still the enemy surrender not work ...?
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Posted May 20, 2019 10 minutes ago, Connovar said: Good.. now the auto surrender work well !! But still the enemy surrender not work ...? Language barrier, I am sure since English is not your native tongue. Google translate what I wrote a few hours ago: " This morning's task is already underway - finalize the hostile surrender functions and dialogues, which as Connovar noted, is not working - since it's not even in the mod yet, not in any way that you can use. But by the end of my dev cycle for the day, it will be. So expect another update at some point today! "
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