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14 minutes ago, SexDwarf2250 said:


If a second SL scene starts, and SLTriggers kicks in for both, will one of them overwrite the variables set by the other, or are they separate instances?



Each "instance" is a spell. There are 10 different spells. So up to 10 different instances in paralel per actor.

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On 5/9/2019 at 9:18 PM, SexDwarf2250 said:

Woulnd't be surprised if it used faction ranks, I think that's what SL Aroused Redux uses, but am not sure.

Well I digged around and tried to see if the faction works, but I dont think thats the one, modifying them didnt change anything.

Using SSEEDIT I noticed a lot of the things like sr_cummultiplier under the Global section which I tried to see if I could modify, but didnt have luck with that
Most of the things are probably controlled underneath the global and quest section so I dont really know what they fall under or if they are editable at all via this way.

Setting the multiplier for the start of sex scene to 3.0 and then have it go normal afterwards is what I tried to pull off but no luck there.

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1 hour ago, Metaton said:

So Fotogen would be possible to add more triggers? (10-15 15-20)?

I'm holding my breath - the better the conditional statements and checks get, the fewer triggers we'll need. EG you'll only need one for start, one for orgasm, etc, because you can then tell each one: if female, goto, if male, if rape, if beast, if etc... and just fit it all in one trigger.


I mean, I wouldn't complain if we just had more triggers, though, sure. ?It would definitely make for less spaghetti code, too. (And in turn maybe better performance.)

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19 hours ago, Fotogen said:

Trigger pages 11-20 are in v5.


If you can't see them, then maybe MCM is on strike. Or maybe Skyrim didn't reloaded script. Upgrade is always a PITA.


Thank you, you are amazing Fotogen!!!!... Hmm....Would it be too cheeky to ask for 10 more? That way I would be able to separate all of my commands from each other. Now some will trigger together which is...not desirable :)

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Yea I had to disable SLTriggers.esp and clean the save to get the new mcm options to kick in.  Worked fine afterwards.


Quick question,  when we are converting the editor ID to decimal.. are we supposed to drop the first 2 digits indicating load order before converting the hex into decimal?  

I'm having a bit of trouble getting an item add and a spell cast.

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27 minutes ago, Lodakai said:


Quick question,  when we are converting the editor ID to decimal.. are we supposed to drop the first 2 digits indicating load order before converting the hex into decimal?  

I'm having a bit of trouble getting an item add and a spell cast.

Yes. You allways do that.


In general, only in Skyrim console you put in "load order number", but for anything else you remove it. Load order can change. So codes with load order number would break 24/7.


If you see "module_name : number", then no load order number.

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Ok this is for whoever wants...  finally got it working.   This is meant to be used on orgasm event with SLSO.

It will light a brief campfire light and distribute the "Cream" ingestible (to the person who has orgasmed) from CACO. 

It is used in some cooking recipes or can be eaten directly if you are starving. (requires caco to work of course)

 Fotogen, feel free to edit and distribute as/if you see fit.

I've added a few pauses to minimize message overlap and give scripts some breathing space.



    "cmd" : 
        ["spell_cast", "sl_triggers.esp:6215", "$self"],
        ["util_wait", "2"],
        ["msg_notify", "Warm cream starts to flow..."],
        ["item_add", "$self", "Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp:13410594", "1", "0"],
        ["util_wait", "5"],
        ["spell_dispel", "sl_triggers.esp:6215", "$self"]

If your partner gets the cream, you can always trade or pickpocket it =p

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On 5/17/2019 at 6:45 AM, stallion74 said:

can someone plz make a food effect macro i tired to myself and failed i don't understand how it works i need it to work like the old sexlab utility did

Copy Lodakai's script 2 posts above yours, and change item_add to item_adduse. This makes you immediately eat the item after getting it.

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10 hours ago, Lodakai said:

fotogen, are the json script commands pulled on the fly?  Or do we need to reload the game to update them?

Hmm, I dont know. Never tested that.


I use functions that are part of PapyrusUtil (that comes with SL framework). Functions from JsonUtil.psc.

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ok I wrote a little script to solve the issue with npcs completely losing timerate and unable to be aroused by giving them a boost to it on orgasm.   It all seems to work, except the messages do not show.   Can someone hint me as to what i might be doing wrong?


    "cmd" : 
    ["msg_notify", "SLAroused FACTION is updating"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["if", "$$" ">", "20", "end"],
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "+2"],
    ["msg_console", "UPDATED FACTION BOOST"],
    [":", "end"]

the "if" placement is intended to be a failsafe to prevent ridiculously large numbers for showing up if there are too many orgasms.

I added both the notify and console version of messaging, but I can't get either of them to show up.  They're really there as a way to debug the script, but it's very odd... because the timerate is indeed boosted...  so the setfactionrank portion appears to be kicking in.   I'm baffled.   Maybe I'm just imagining that it's working.. arrghhhh.


ETA: Setting for the trigger is set to command 1 on orgasm (slso) for female npc

The hex for sla_timerate faction is xx07c025

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9 hours ago, Lodakai said:

ok I wrote a little script to solve the issue with npcs completely losing timerate and unable to be aroused by giving them a boost to it on orgasm.   It all seems to work, except the messages do not show.   Can someone hint me as to what i might be doing wrong?


    "cmd" : 
    ["msg_notify", "SLAroused FACTION is updating"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["if", "$$" ">", "20", "end"],
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "+2"],
    ["msg_console", "UPDATED FACTION BOOST"],
    [":", "end"]

the "if" placement is intended to be a failsafe to prevent ridiculously large numbers for showing up if there are too many orgasms.

I added both the notify and console version of messaging, but I can't get either of them to show up.  They're really there as a way to debug the script, but it's very odd... because the timerate is indeed boosted...  so the setfactionrank portion appears to be kicking in.   I'm baffled.   Maybe I'm just imagining that it's working.. arrghhhh.


ETA: Setting for the trigger is set to command 1 on orgasm (slso) for female npc

The hex for sla_timerate faction is xx07c025

There is a comma missing in "if" line between "$$" and ">".

["if", "$$" ">", "20", "end"],

should be


["if", "$$", ">", "20", "end"],


If you use Notepad++, there are plugins that help with .json files.


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@fotogen ok now that I got the debug portion of the script working...  I can see what is going on.  I redid the script as such:


IGNORE THIS POST:   It's all in the first dang paragraph of the dang script text guide ><    I am a moron.  indeed.




    "cmd" : 
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "30", "end"],
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "+2"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    [":", "end"]




the problem now is line 7:

["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "+2"],


This is working as intended by you...  but misunderstood by me.   I want to increment the faction by 2 ranks instead of setting it to 2

is there a way to add the numerical value?   or would I have to create a bunch of labels for each potential value.


would this work?  

["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "$$", "+2"],



This is my current spaghetticode workaround



    "cmd" : 
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "30", "end"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "27", "SLA27"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "25", "SLA25"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "22", "SLA22"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "20", "SLA20"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "17", "SLA17"]
    ["if", "$$", ">", "15", "SLA15"],
    ["if", "$$", ">", "10", "SLA10"],
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "31"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA10"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "15"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA15"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "17"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA17"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "20"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA20"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "22"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA22"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "25"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA25"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "27"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["goto", "end"],
    [":", "SLA27"]
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941", "30"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$$"],
    [":", "end"]



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Here's a cleaned-up version of "Learn Skill from Partner". Tested and working. Selects a random skill, and levels it up if your partner has it at a higher level than you. Advised to use at 100% trigger chance - the chance to learn anything is still pretty low, based purely on how badass your partner is compared to you.



    "cmd" :
        ["rnd_list", "OneHanded","TwoHanded","Marksman","Block","Smithing","HeavyArmor","LightArmor","Pickpocket","Lockpicking","Sneak","Alchemy","Speechcraft","Alteration","Conjuration","Destruction","Illusion","Restoration","Enchanting"],
        ["set", "$1", "$$"],
        ["msg_notify", "Attempting to learn ", "$1"],
        ["av_get", "$partner", "$1"],
        ["set", "$2", "$$"],
        ["actor_name", "$partner"],
        ["set", "$3", "$$"],
        ["msg_notify", "$3", " has ", "$1", " at ", "$2"],
        ["av_get", "$self", "$1"],
        ["if", "$$", ">=", "$2", "end"],
        ["msg_notify", "$1", " learned from ", "$3"],
        ["actor_incskill", "$self", "$1", "1"],
        [":", "end"]


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A little question: if you use "util_wait" with a rather long countdown (way after the scene ends), then save the game and exit, will the script continue after loading the game again, or is it interrupted?

Just want to figure out if it's sensible to use it for anything that takes a long time, like adding an effect then ending it after several minutes (or if it's better to make custom spells with a set duration for it).

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Here's a whole bunch of scripts I've made.


Name: Harm if healthy

Preferred conditions: Victim

Description: Harm if health is above a certain low threshold. Can be used to counteract the spontaneous healing when "Defeat" kicks in during Death Alternative bleedout.


Name: Relationship

Preferred conditions: Consensual, partner orgasm (SLSO)

Description: Raises relationship. The higher the current relationship, the less likely the increase is to occur.


Name: Spank

Preferred conditions: Begin. Victim? Or not, if you desire so. Having SLSO installed recommended. Set % chance to whatever you feel like.

Description: Partner starts spanking you the longer the act lasts. Kind of a bare-bones uber-simplified version of what this mod does (I haven't tried it though). Drains magicka and some health, raises stamina.


Name: Squirt

Preferred conditions: Female orgasm

Description: Just a visual. Requires ZaZ Animations pack.


Name: Succubus Soul Trap

Preferred conditions: Player orgasm.

Description: Soul trap your partner and deal 50 damage.


Name: Succubus Sustenance

Preferred conditions: Whatever. Useful with any needs (food) mod.

Description: You feed on sex. Transform sex into a bowl of Beef Stew. ? That you eat.


Name: Thief

Preferred conditions: End, 100% chance if you are committed to being a thief.

Description: Steal some gold from your partner based on your Pickpocket skill. Low skill value means lower chance anything will happen, and lower amount of gold if successful. Amount is based on what the partner actually has. Never steal from friends (Relationship rank 2 or higher). After some time, the partner may (about 1/3 chance) notice the missing money and blame you, decreasing relationship by 1 and putting a bounty on you (2x of stolen gold). Updated: After ending, gives a boost to Pickpocket for 10 seconds. Also, if the partner is a bandit, he doesn't try increasing your bounty, and just gets angry.


Name: Vampire feed

Preferred conditions: Whatever. Probably not a victim, just for immersion's sake.

Description: Simulates vampire feeding by consuming a Blood Potion from Dawnguard, and draining partner's stats (100 of each).


Harm if healthy.json Relationship.json Squirt.json Succubus Soul Trap.json Succubus Sustenance.json Vampire feed.json

Thief.json Spank.json

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On 5/23/2019 at 6:39 AM, Lodakai said:


This is my current spaghetticode workaround

Can be done:

    "cmd" : 
    ["set", "$0", "SexLabAroused.esm:507941"],
    ["actor_getfactionrank", "$self", "$0"],
    ["set", "$1", "$$"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Timerate:", "$$"],
    ["set", "$1", "$1", "+", "2"],
    ["actor_setfactionrank", "$self", "$0", "$1"],
    ["msg_notify", "Partner Updated Timerate:", "$1"]

- store faction id into $0 for later reuse

- get faction rank

- store it into $1

- display it

- increment it by 2

- set faction rank

- display new value


["set", "$1", "$1", "+", "2"]  is like $1 = $1 + 2



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On 5/23/2019 at 6:54 PM, Warlock3000 said:

A little question: if you use "util_wait" with a rather long countdown (way after the scene ends), then save the game and exit, will the script continue after loading the game again, or is it interrupted?

Just want to figure out if it's sensible to use it for anything that takes a long time, like adding an effect then ending it after several minutes (or if it's better to make custom spells with a set duration for it).

Made a quick test. Display something, wait for 120, <save>, <exit game>, <restart>, .... display something. It works.



- the whole thing is a spell that has max duration of 24 hours. So it will drop at one point.

- plus, as its a spell, Skyrim engine will drop spells on actors(NPC) that are far away from "you" (PC)



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5 hours ago, Fotogen said:

It works

Nice! Relevant to that - does it also account for using Wait/Sleep, skipping ahead according to in-game time rate?


Another question, regarding Mod Events... I've no experience with this, so I'm just trying things out.

As a test, I tried calling Sanguine Debauchery enslavement, according to this page.

Tried 2 different methods (not at the same time), neither of them worked:

["util_sendmodevent", "PCSubEnslave"]

["util_sendevent", "PCSubEnslave", "form", "$partner", "string", "Consensual"]


Did I do something wrong, or is it something with SD+?

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38 minutes ago, Warlock3000 said:

Nice! Relevant to that - does it also account for using Wait/Sleep, skipping ahead according to in-game time rate?


Another question, regarding Mod Events... I've no experience with this, so I'm just trying things out.

As a test, I tried calling Sanguine Debauchery enslavement, according to this page.

Tried 2 different methods (not at the same time), neither of them worked:

["util_sendmodevent", "PCSubEnslave"]

["util_sendevent", "PCSubEnslave", "form", "$partner", "string", "Consensual"]


Did I do something wrong, or is it something with SD+?

"util_sendmodevent": Looks like there are 2 versions. One for form/actor and another for ActiveMagicEffect. In v05 util_sendmodevent is of ActiveMagicEffect type.


Custom sendevent: 

- have zero experiance with SD, but maybe ...

- event for PCSubEnslave is defined as:

- Event OnSDEnslave(String _eventName, String _args, Float _argc = 1.0, Form _sender) ...

- so maybe:

- ["util_sendevent", "PCSubEnslave", "string", "Consensual", "float", "1.0", "form", "$partner"]


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