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On 3/18/2020 at 10:19 AM, Caco Demon said:



As mentioned earlier on the page, I'm working on a script that applies items from Devious Devices to a character after an aggressive scene. My script has improved a bit since, and I'll happily upload it later - along with some variants I have in mind.




I was hoping to get some further input on the "actor_haskeyword" function and its implementation when used with keywords from other mods.


From what I have established, Devious Devices includes a script source that provides a list of keywords used throughout the mod to determine various player states. For reference, the script source is titled: "zadLibs.psc"


The keyword "zad_DeviousArmbinder" caught my eye, and I was hoping to implement it through SL Triggers as follows:


["actor_haskeyword", "$self", "zad_DeviousArmbinder"],
["set", "$2", "$$"],
["if", "$2", "=", "1", "goto", "end"]


(This is just part of the script I'm writing, bear in mind.)


My intention is effectively to have it so the script checks to see if the character is already bound by an armbinder - and if so, to skip to the end of the script instead of trying to add another armbinder to their inventory in the subsequent code.


Unfortunately, my attempts so far have proven ineffective - once assaulted and bound the first time (working fine), a second assault will inevitably add another armbinder to the character's inventory and attempt to equip it instead of adhering to the armbinder keyword check.


Any ideas on where I'm going wrong with this snippet of code?


EDIT: I assume, at this point, that I might just be using the keyword incorrectly. From what I can discern, checking if an armbinder is worn requires a "hasworn" prefix or something. Which I don't think SL Triggers currently supports. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I might get this working correctly, It'd be much appreciated.



Hey there! Is this working now? Could you share it?

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13 hours ago, eldr3d said:

Hey there! Is this working now? Could you share it?

For equipping devices (or any ARMOR items) after or before a sex scene, I use the mod Scent of Sex.  It has options for "must wear" and "must not wear" which you can incorporate into the sex rules.  So, for instance, you can create a rule to trigger a sex scene if the player is not wearing shoes and not wearing iron ring slave boots then equip iron ring slave boots on the player after the scene ends.  Some generic categories are available (like "shoes" but also any specific wearable item in current inventory can be put in a rule.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sexlabutil1 had an option to put an effect on an actor for a customizable timespan (used it mainly to calm victims or aggressors), would it be possible to create a command like this here? the calm spell is too short lived and the visual effect is kinda annoying.

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  • 1 month later...

maybe someone here can help me with this, because im absolutely pulling my hair out. what im trying to achieve is very simple: i want godmode to begin when a sex scene starts, and to end when the scene ends. simple. this is the command i made to do that. apparently it is wrong:


    "cmd" : 
    ["console", "$self", "tgm"]


thats it. thats the whole thing. i have it set at event start to run with 100% likelihood, and again at end, with the same.


it always triggers twice. the console says "God Mode Enabled", immediately followed by "God Mode Disabled". Same thing at scene end. enabled, instantly disabled.

ive tried adding a wait function. didnt help. im only using FIVE trigger slots, so its pretty easy to keep track of. it isnt being called twice anywhere. its just running twice. ive tried disabling the slot which runs it on event end, to no effect.


what error have i made?

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All triggers run on all actors in SL scene.  So if there would be 2 actors in SL scene, it would kinda trigger twice.


To pervent this, you set up conditions in MCM. to be like "If actor race: Player". So it only runs on Player.




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23 minutes ago, Fotogen said:

All triggers run on all actors in SL scene.  So if there would be 2 actors in SL scene, it would kinda trigger twice.


To pervent this, you set up conditions in MCM. to be like "If actor race: Player". So it only runs on Player.




thanks, that seems to have done it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

 Some questions to more experienced users:

Anyone figured out if you can manipulate SLSO enjoyment using this one? How would a line doing that look?

Is it possible to check for global variable? SLS hunger seem to use those, and thats why im trying to check for.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi, looking for help for my mod, been trying to get Ectoplasm to be added to player yet it doesn't work. All other named creatures work but unnamed creatures/humans don't. I don't understand because the condition is set to 'not' (monster name), so theorically, it should jump to "ECTO" when it's not an armored troll (or the other 30 named creatures), yet when it goes to ECTO nothing triggers. I created MSG_notify commands for debug but it doesn't trigger either. Like the whole ECTO section doesn't work. Tried renaming it, doesn't work. Even added a positive condition (&=, then jump to END), didn't work.


Here's the code so far. Been staring at it for hours.

    [":", "Next31"],
    ["if", "$$", "&!=", "Riekling Chief", "Next32"],
    ["item_add", "$self", "dragonborn.esm:96032", "1", "1"],
    ["msg_notify", "Mated with Tribekin and recieved Riekling Spear..."],
    ["goto", "ECTO"],
    [":", "Next32"],
    ["if", "$$", "&!=", "Armored Troll", "ECTO"],
    ["item_add", "$self", "skyrim.esm:241010", "1", "1"],
    ["msg_notify", "Mated with Armored Troll and covered in Troll Fat..."],
    ["goto", "END"],
    [":", "ECTO"],
    ["item_add", "$self", "skyrim.esm:240995", "1", "1"],
    ["msg_notify", "Covered in Cum..."],
    ["goto", "END"],
    [":", "END"]


EDIT: Nevermind... seems to be a hard limit of 32 named events.

Edited by Seraphim2000
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