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Skyrim SE for Beginners - V 3.2.6 (3BBB / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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... still working on my first Guide installation.  I've completed Lights and Weather, turned one Form 43 .esp into a Form 44, and have been running around Shor's Stone amazed at what I'm seeing.


I haven't played SLE or SSE for nearly 4 years.  I have no idea how many run-throughs I've completed.  I didn't think I ever used ENB except for memory management, mainly because I never had a powerful enough PC/video card to take the extra load 5-6 years ago.


I had a good computer (Intel Core i(-9900K @3.60GHz with 32GB of ram.  I wanted to upgrade my 2-year old Nividia GeForce RTX 2060, and decided to give myself a Christmas present last year (AMD Radeon EX 6800 XT OC).  I couldn't wait to jump into a good SSE modding guide.  It's like you and others have said: the right ENb, weather and lighting make for a beautiful Skyrim.


Please keep what you've been doing with your modding guide.


Note:  No crashes!  No error logs.  ?


Edited by Decopauge123
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Happy New Year! I spent my New Year's Eve following this guide and trying out your setup. So far, I like what I see! (I'm still in the Alt Start prison cell).


A few issues have popped up... and by that I mean I've been jumping between DynDoLod and SSEEdit for the last 8 hours. Running the Dynamic Snow patcher caused DynDoLod to throw errors about duplicated FormIDs.


DAR's DLL can't be loaded by SKSE? I Googled and found some versions of the DLL listed on the Nexus forums. So far, none of those have made the error message go away.

Nemesis says one of the animations for DAR is 32bit and is causing issues. It's a 1h weapon animation if that means anything to you.

Now to cache some grass...

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1 hour ago, annanymus said:

Nemesis says one of the animations for DAR is 32bit and is causing issues. It's a 1h weapon animation if that means anything to you.



One of the DAR mods in this list, I don't remember which one.  Will give that error but not actually cause any problems. 

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4 hours ago, annanymus said:

Good to know! Thank you.


 I think the mod might be - Smooth Combat - Non Combat Animation System


"If you're using Smooth Combat - Non Combat Animation System it has a dummy file in 32-bit hkx format. It's safe to ignore the Nemesis warning on that file. Link to Nexus sticky post for more information on that https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45221?tab=posts "



But then the posts link referenced in that forum link results in "This mod has been set to hidden.  Hidden at 24 Jun 2021, 10:23AM by skypia"


If its been hidden since June I would think it would have been removed from this list.  Perhaps it was uploaded against on a different mod page.  Perhaps it only used to be on this list.  Maybe it was never on this list and it was just a mod I added, or maybe it was another mod with that same cause of error but I do remember the mod that gave me the error did so because it had a dummy 32-bit animation file. 


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57 minutes ago, axz2 said:


 I think the mod might be - Smooth Combat - Non Combat Animation System


"If you're using Smooth Combat - Non Combat Animation System it has a dummy file in 32-bit hkx format. It's safe to ignore the Nemesis warning on that file. Link to Nexus sticky post for more information on that https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45221?tab=posts "



But then the posts link referenced in that forum link results in "This mod has been set to hidden.  Hidden at 24 Jun 2021, 10:23AM by skypia"


If its been hidden since June I would think it would have been removed from this list.  Perhaps it was uploaded against on a different mod page.  Perhaps it only used to be on this list.  Maybe it was never on this list and it was just a mod I added, or maybe it was another mod with that same cause of error but I do remember the mod that gave me the error did so because it had a dummy 32-bit animation file. 


I used the list yesterday, so if I have it, it's on the list.

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6 hours later... grass is cached! There was a problem with a trap in Assorted Mesh Fixes (I apparently had an out dated version). So when I went to check for the updates, I noticed that there is a separate file for parallax fixes. Should that be included in the list?

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57 minutes ago, axz2 said:


 I think the mod might be - Smooth Combat - Non Combat Animation System


"If you're using Smooth Combat - Non Combat Animation System it has a dummy file in 32-bit hkx format. It's safe to ignore the Nemesis warning on that file. Link to Nexus sticky post for more information on that https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45221?tab=posts "



But then the posts link referenced in that forum link results in "This mod has been set to hidden.  Hidden at 24 Jun 2021, 10:23AM by skypia"


If its been hidden since June I would think it would have been removed from this list.  Perhaps it was uploaded against on a different mod page.  Perhaps it only used to be on this list.  Maybe it was never on this list and it was just a mod I added, or maybe it was another mod with that same cause of error but I do remember the mod that gave me the error did so because it had a dummy 32-bit animation file. 


Here is the new version on the Nexus: Smooth Combat Non Combat Animation


I am still using the older one (v.2.3) as it doesn't cost an ESP slot, unlike the newer one. There is also another site where skypia has a few other of their mods. I am using a few and they are pretty decent.

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2 hours ago, sweetrollskiwi said:

Happy new year!


Sorry for the stupid question but SPID and Papyrus Extender mods all list powerofthree's Tweaks as hard requirement, but how come I don't see powerofthree's Tweaks being included in the modlist?

Not a stupid question.


I think those mods used to not require Po3's Tweaks, but recently updated to require that mod. I am using the older versions of SPID and Papyrus Extender that don't need Tweaks. Tweaks didn't run well on my (weird, large) current build.


This guide has understandably not been updated for a little while. Among other things, the Skyrim mod community is in a state of flux with the AE thing. Most of us are letting things settle down. Thanks to pioneers like Wollboi and several others for testing the AE waters and letting the rest of us live vicariously through them!


If the Po3 Tweaks mod works on your system you probably can install it.

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2 hours ago, Auxitism said:

You guys and gals are experienced modders , What do you think about BSAs ? I was thinking of unpacking most mods bsa aside from the games ones because I'd be able to see file conflicts easier . Would that be an ok idea ? 


You do not need to go onto the settings tab for mo2, there is a tick box called enable archive parsing (experimental), tick that box and it will show loose files conflicts with archives as well now, though as it says it is experimental, but it does work or at least seems to for me.  Do not forget the game loads archives quicker than it loads loose files so doing that could make your game load a lot slower that it already does, also some mods specifically state do not extract the archives included with them, no idea if any in this list do however as I never really extract them, unless I am building custom merges and then I will rebuild a new archive when finished and everything has been checked.

Edited by Varithina
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2 hours ago, Auxitism said:

You guys and gals are experienced modders , What do you think about BSAs ? I was thinking of unpacking most mods bsa aside from the games ones because I'd be able to see file conflicts easier . Would that be an ok idea ? 

I don't think you need to go down the rabbit hole of resolving conflicts. It's time consuming with little reward unless you're trying to fix one particular conflict. Besides, using bsa is faster for performance.

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Please help! I spent all that time pre-caching grass. (Almost 8 Gb worth of files!). I ran TexGen like I'm supposed to.

I tried to run DynDOLOD with the settings on the first page and....


The grass LOD is greyed out. When I hover over it, it says "Found 0 grass cache files. Found 81 grass LOD files." Neither of those numbers sound correct. I have thousands of grass cache files! 13120!


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1 hour ago, annanymus said:

Please help! I spent all that time pre-caching grass. (Almost 8 Gb worth of files!). I ran TexGen like I'm supposed to.

I tried to run DynDOLOD with the settings on the first page and....


The grass LOD is greyed out. When I hover over it, it says "Found 0 grass cache files. Found 81 grass LOD files." Neither of those numbers sound correct. I have thousands of grass cache files! 13120!



Where are the grass files? Overwrite or a created mod for it?

Make sure the mod is activated when running DynDOLOD.

The path has to be correct: Put all created .cgid files into a folder called grass inside your mod.

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12 minutes ago, Numa_Cway said:


Where are the grass files? Overwrite or a created mod for it?

Make sure the mod is activated when running DynDOLOD.

The path has to be correct: Put all created .cgid files into a folder called grass inside your mod.

So I need a mod (Grass Cache) with a folder inside (grass)?

Right now the files are all in a mod but not inside another folder inside the mod.


Edit: That did it! Thank you.

Edited by annanymus
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First of all, thank you Aylis for this amazing guide. I used it in 2019 when I first got into modding and now, with a new computer, I'm at it again.


After a clean new installation, I rolled back my Skyrim to 1.5.73 as instructed (skse 2.0.15) and everything was going pretty smoothly, testing the game after every mod install section.

Then, I got to the PC mods part, and although everything else works perfectly, the Schlongs of Skyrim dll won't load.


"Couldn't load SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll (Schlongs of Skyrim SE)" is what I get on MO2. The game says I'm using an old version... What I have installed is the current 1.1.4 available here at LL.
I reinstalled it twice, together with all the mods that work with SoS, no luck.

I have been looking around for an older version of SoS, but with no luck.


Does anyone know how to fix this, or knows where I can find an older version of SoS which works with 1.5.73?
Should I update my game to 1.5.97?


Thanks guys!  

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18 hours ago, trgdolors said:

Not a stupid question.


I think those mods used to not require Po3's Tweaks, but recently updated to require that mod. I am using the older versions of SPID and Papyrus Extender that don't need Tweaks. Tweaks didn't run well on my (weird, large) current build.


This guide has understandably not been updated for a little while. Among other things, the Skyrim mod community is in a state of flux with the AE thing. Most of us are letting things settle down. Thanks to pioneers like Wollboi and several others for testing the AE waters and letting the rest of us live vicariously through them!


If the Po3 Tweaks mod works on your system you probably can install it.

Thank you so much, I'll give it a try. Hopefully Tweaks won't mess with the modlist!

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1 hour ago, Double11 said:

"Couldn't load SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll (Schlongs of Skyrim SE)" is what I get on MO2. The game says I'm using an old version... What I have installed is the current 1.1.4 available here at LL.
I reinstalled it twice, together with all the mods that work with SoS, no luck.


This message appears whenever SoS can't find the SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll and, in your case, probably has nothing to do with the version.  Hit your Data tab and scroll down to the SKSE folder, open it and then open the Plugins folder.  Scroll down in that folder and make sure that SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll is there.  If not, you may have to do a search.  It may be that it is somehow going to the wrong folder or has inadvertently been disabled.  This same message also appears when the SoS dll is set to hidden.

Check back with whatever you find out.

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1 hour ago, Temphyx said:

This message appears whenever SoS can't find the SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll and, in your case, probably has nothing to do with the version.  Hit your Data tab and scroll down to the SKSE folder, open it and then open the Plugins folder.  Scroll down in that folder and make sure that SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll is there.  If not, you may have to do a search.  It may be that it is somehow going to the wrong folder or has inadvertently been disabled.  This same message also appears when the SoS dll is set to hidden.

Check back with whatever you find out.

Thank you for your reply, Temphyx. So, I found the SchlongsofSkyrim.dll file at "...mods\Schlongs of Skyrim SE\SKSE\Plugins." It is the same destination where I have all the mods installed by MO2.

I hit the data tab> skse > plugins and the .dll is showing up there as well.

Just to play it safe, I uninstalled all of the SoS mods again, and reinstalled only Schlongs_of_Skyrim_SE - v1.1.4. MO2 instantly showed the alert "Couldn't load SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll (Schlongs of Skyrim SE). The last error code was 1114."

Is MO2 installing the mod incorrectly?

Edited by Double11
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1 hour ago, Temphyx said:

This message appears whenever SoS can't find the SchlongsOfSkyrim.dll and, in your case, probably has nothing to do with the version.

I thought it might be the version because that's the explanation given at the mod's page:

  • DLL is missing or reported to be the wrong version: mismatch between SKSE64 and SoS SE; see the requirements at the top of the page.

These are the requirements listed: 

  • Skyrim SE v1.5.97
  • SKSE64 v2.0.17

And I've been running 1.5.73 as instructed, (skse 2.0.15).  I looked everywhere for an older version of the mod that might be compatible with what I have installed, but I can't find it anywhere.


Anyway, the .dll is there. Should I move it somewhere or try reinstalling the mod manually? 

Edited by Double11
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