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Skyrim SE for Beginners - V 3.2.6 (3BBB / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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1 hour ago, trgdolors said:

@Jessica_Degurechaff and @rajinthetroll In the Posts section of DAR there is a link and discussion of a replacement file that allegedly increases DAR animations significantly (for SE PRE-AE, not the official update for AE). I am using it, though I do not have over-the-limit animations. That is not the best test, but the game is still working.



Nice find, Thanks have to test that once i finished going through the list to see what is not yet updated to AE.


And since i was going through my personal List anyway i wanted to suggest this small fix for the prisoner Cart in the vanilla start with smim:

Prisoner cart fix SMIM

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Do you guys have any idea why my game is a bit too bright? 
The in-game settings are at the min so its not that

Maybe its luminosity?  its not. 
Well, its not really something that bad, i just wish i could make the game (specially interiors like inns) a bit darker, just a bit.

It was windows Shadows, the optional config on the FOMOD changes the lighting inside cells, fixed-

also, some of the subtitles show up for like.. 0.1 seconds and then they dissapear, anyone knows why? (not that it matters imo, just wondering)

Edited by Jessica_Degurechaff
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7 minutes ago, remodel said:

Has anyone followed the A Guide to making a proper Bashed Patch by judge007.   I'd like to know before I start; Is the effort worth it?


I'll use it if no one knows.


I would not call that a 'guide'. More like a general rant 'stupid mod authors get your effing bashtags in order'.


In general broad terms adding bashtags is not a bad thing. When you have a rough understanding what each tag does. Indiscriminately running a script through all your plugins might yield unexpecting results. For example back in the oldrim days when I just dipped my toe into skyrim modding I did exactly that, and ended up with several different crafting recipes for each armor (vanilla, mod a, mod b, up until CCOR) which was not what I was looking for.


So yeah, it is not a magic wand you can wave at your plugins and everything gets fabulous. ?

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18 minutes ago, alaunus01 said:


I would not call that a 'guide'. More like a general rant 'stupid mod authors get your effing bashtags in order'.


In general broad terms adding bashtags is not a bad thing. When you have a rough understanding what each tag does. Indiscriminately running a script through all your plugins might yield unexpecting results. For example back in the oldrim days when I just dipped my toe into skyrim modding I did exactly that, and ended up with several different crafting recipes for each armor (vanilla, mod a, mod b, up until CCOR) which was not what I was looking for.


So yeah, it is not a magic wand you can wave at your plugins and everything gets fabulous. ?

Thanks much for that warning!  


I like sunjeong's TAWOBA and in my previous mod loads I couldn't get them in the leveled lists; IE no bandits wearing them.  Where might I go to learn how to bash tag it so it shows up properly?  Googling often turns up a bunch of junk and I'd like to bypass that effort and go straight to a reliable source.


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Anyone's been trying to cache grass recently?
I got crash loop at DLC2SolstheimWorld, and the crash log shows as following:


Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF63A94DDDA (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA) on thread 7408!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 07 Jan 2022 01:23:35.977

Possible relevant objects (3)
  [ 288]    BGSMovableStatic(FormId: 0004318B, File: `Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 288]    TESObjectREFR(FormId: 2F00C35B, File: `Raven Rock Reborn.esp`, BaseForm: BGSMovableStatic(FormId: 0004318B, File: `Skyrim.esm`))
  [ 295]    BSFadeNode(Name: `misttest_p_1__imp.nif`)

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FF63A94DDDA     (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA)          unk_D6DD70+6A
  [1]   0x7FF63AF083B5     (SkyrimSE.exe+13283B5)         unk_1328370+45
  [2]   0x7FF63A848CEF     (SkyrimSE.exe+C68CEF)          unk_C68BA0+14F
  [3]   0x7FF63A91A58E     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3A58E)          unk_D3A4D0+BE
  [4]   0x7FF63A0859D8     (SkyrimSE.exe+4A59D8)          unk_4A5810+1C8
  [5]   0x7FF63A919ED7     (SkyrimSE.exe+D39ED7)          unk_D39DA0+137
  [6]   0x7FF63A91BA20     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3BA20)          unk_D3B8D0+150
  [7]   0x7FF63A91C6A0     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3C6A0)          BSResource::EntryDB<BSTextureDB::DBTraits>::Func3_D3C670+30
  [8]   0x7FF63A823EBE     (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E
  [9]   0x7FF63A086B58     (SkyrimSE.exe+4A6B58)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_4A6A40+118
  [10]  0x7FF63A08CE6C     (SkyrimSE.exe+4ACE6C)          LoadBTRMesh_4ACDC0+AC
  [11]  0x7FF63A0911F8     (SkyrimSE.exe+4B11F8)          unk_4B1030+1C8
  [12]  0x7FF63A09139A     (SkyrimSE.exe+4B139A)          unk_4B1270+12A
  [13]  0x7FF63A08F030     (SkyrimSE.exe+4AF030)          unk_4AEEE0+150
  [14]  0x7FF63A090750     (SkyrimSE.exe+4B0750)          BSResource::EntryDB<BGSBtrDB::DBTraits>::Func3_4B0720+30
  [15]  0x7FF63A823EBE     (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E
  [16]  0x7FF63A90D69D     (SkyrimSE.exe+D2D69D)          IOManager::Func21_D2D630+6D
  [17]  0x7FF63A90A361     (SkyrimSE.exe+D2A361)          BSTaskManagerThread::Func1_D2A220+141
  [18]  0x7FF63A7ED6BD     (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD)          StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
  [19]  0x7FFEECAB7034     (KERNEL32.DLL+17034)           
  [20]  0x7FFEED2A2651     (ntdll.dll+52651)              


It seems to be something at Raven Rock Reborn, but since no one has any issues with it, I'm not sure what's wrong with my mod list. I tried to reinstall all the mods from scratch but nothing changed.

Thank you in advance. I've seriously been stuck at this for weeks and I can't seem to find a way out of this. :(


Edited by sweetrollskiwi
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2 hours ago, sweetrollskiwi said:

Anyone's been trying to cache grass recently?
I got crash loop at DLC2SolstheimWorld, and the crash log shows as following:


Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF63A94DDDA (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA) on thread 7408!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 07 Jan 2022 01:23:35.977

Possible relevant objects (3)
  [ 288]    BGSMovableStatic(FormId: 0004318B, File: `Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 288]    TESObjectREFR(FormId: 2F00C35B, File: `Raven Rock Reborn.esp`, BaseForm: BGSMovableStatic(FormId: 0004318B, File: `Skyrim.esm`))
  [ 295]    BSFadeNode(Name: `misttest_p_1__imp.nif`)

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FF63A94DDDA     (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA)          unk_D6DD70+6A
  [1]   0x7FF63AF083B5     (SkyrimSE.exe+13283B5)         unk_1328370+45
  [2]   0x7FF63A848CEF     (SkyrimSE.exe+C68CEF)          unk_C68BA0+14F
  [3]   0x7FF63A91A58E     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3A58E)          unk_D3A4D0+BE
  [4]   0x7FF63A0859D8     (SkyrimSE.exe+4A59D8)          unk_4A5810+1C8
  [5]   0x7FF63A919ED7     (SkyrimSE.exe+D39ED7)          unk_D39DA0+137
  [6]   0x7FF63A91BA20     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3BA20)          unk_D3B8D0+150
  [7]   0x7FF63A91C6A0     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3C6A0)          BSResource::EntryDB<BSTextureDB::DBTraits>::Func3_D3C670+30
  [8]   0x7FF63A823EBE     (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E
  [9]   0x7FF63A086B58     (SkyrimSE.exe+4A6B58)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_4A6A40+118
  [10]  0x7FF63A08CE6C     (SkyrimSE.exe+4ACE6C)          LoadBTRMesh_4ACDC0+AC
  [11]  0x7FF63A0911F8     (SkyrimSE.exe+4B11F8)          unk_4B1030+1C8
  [12]  0x7FF63A09139A     (SkyrimSE.exe+4B139A)          unk_4B1270+12A
  [13]  0x7FF63A08F030     (SkyrimSE.exe+4AF030)          unk_4AEEE0+150
  [14]  0x7FF63A090750     (SkyrimSE.exe+4B0750)          BSResource::EntryDB<BGSBtrDB::DBTraits>::Func3_4B0720+30
  [15]  0x7FF63A823EBE     (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E
  [16]  0x7FF63A90D69D     (SkyrimSE.exe+D2D69D)          IOManager::Func21_D2D630+6D
  [17]  0x7FF63A90A361     (SkyrimSE.exe+D2A361)          BSTaskManagerThread::Func1_D2A220+141
  [18]  0x7FF63A7ED6BD     (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD)          StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
  [19]  0x7FFEECAB7034     (KERNEL32.DLL+17034)           
  [20]  0x7FFEED2A2651     (ntdll.dll+52651)              


It seems to be something at Raven Rock Reborn, but since no one has any issues with it, I'm not sure what's wrong with my mod list. I tried to reinstall all the mods from scratch but nothing changed.

Thank you in advance. I've seriously been stuck at this for weeks and I can't seem to find a way out of this. :(

Crash_2022_1_7_1-23-35.txt 58.14 kB · 0 downloads

Do you have any mods that are installed but not activated? I had a lot of errors with meshes that weren't "on" but that NGIO could still find in the folder. Almost every crash you get from the grass is going to be a mesh problem... unless it's a texture problem.

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1 hour ago, Decopauge123 said:


Well, heck, I had to find another AV program.  Bit Defender Free Support has ended.


I've followed your AV Guidance for Windows Defender, but I'm back to CTD at the end of the wagon ride.


Suggestions/Comments/Ideas/Thoughts/etc. would be appreciated

The wagon ride is notorious for crashing.  All the MCM menus are initializing and the script load often overcomes the event according to many mod authors and users.  I use Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE and select camping in the woods to start the game.  The camp site is next to Helgen.  Other locations are good for testing. I don't leave the prison until all mods are configured to begin the game.


Load Alternate Start early for testing the guide as you go.

Edited by remodel
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2 hours ago, remodel said:

The wagon ride is notorious for crashing.  All the MCM menus are initializing and the script load often overcomes the event according to many mod authors and users.  I use Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE and select camping in the woods to start the game.  The camp site is next to Helgen.  Other locations are good for testing. I don't leave the prison until all mods are configured to begin the game.


Load Alternate Start early for testing the guide as you go.

Thank you very mush for that helpful information, remodel..  I got fixated on getting through the wagon ride.  Sigh.  Take care.

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4 hours ago, annanymus said:

Do you have any mods that are installed but not activated? I had a lot of errors with meshes that weren't "on" but that NGIO could still find in the folder. Almost every crash you get from the grass is going to be a mesh problem... unless it's a texture problem.

Thank you for your answer, sadly I activated all the mods, the only one I didn't is the SSE Parallax Shader Fix Beta and FNIS. :(


Could anyone please give me some pointers? I've been unable to play for months because I can't get past this Grass caching part.

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3 hours ago, Decopauge123 said:

Thank you very mush for that helpful information, remodel..  I got fixated on getting through the wagon ride.  Sigh.  Take care.

I am happy to report that that Here Be No Dragons, or crashes, or crash reports, or suddenly  frozen NPCs disappearing into the blackness. 


Thank You! Again!, remodel, for your help.


Now all I have to do is reinstall the other 450 mods and I'll be golden.  ?

Edited by Decopauge123
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11 hours ago, remodel said:

Thanks much for that warning!  


I like sunjeong's TAWOBA and in my previous mod loads I couldn't get them in the leveled lists; IE no bandits wearing them.  Where might I go to learn how to bash tag it so it shows up properly?  Googling often turns up a bunch of junk and I'd like to bypass that effort and go straight to a reliable source.


i use them and they show in my game (using this guide as base ofc) i can share you my mods and load order if ya want

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15 hours ago, remodel said:

[...]I like sunjeong's TAWOBA and in my previous mod loads I couldn't get them in the leveled lists[...]


It has been a while since I looked at TAWOBA but does it even do inject its armors into leveled lists on its own?


If I recall there are a truckload of remasters, 'I added this', 'I fixed that', 'added keywords', 'removed keywords' variations etc etc.


What you probably need is a TAWOBA that is not a 'replacer' (which only switches the vanilla armors for TAWOBA and would be overwritten by anything in the guide), but a version that adds its own leveled list (as an extra plugin) which you then could add into the bashed patch. And move the TAWOBA leveled list in your loadorder that it overrides potential conflicts before you bash it, not the main plugin.


Remember MO2 color codes overrides.

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8 hours ago, sweetrollskiwi said:

Thank you for your answer, sadly I activated all the mods, the only one I didn't is the SSE Parallax Shader Fix Beta and FNIS. :(


Could anyone please give me some pointers? I've been unable to play for months because I can't get past this Grass caching part.

I'm sorry that my answer wasn't helpful, but it is likely a mesh or texture issue. I read somewhere that if the grass cacher is crashing, your game would likely crash at the same spot if you were playing.

In console, what cell is it crashing on? It will look something like Tamriel (-24, 20) or something like that. You said Solstheim, but where in Solstheim?

Looks like Raven Rock Reborn has a mesh that isn't agreeing with something. Go into the mod and look for


It may just need run through CAO or it might be conflicting with something.

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1 hour ago, annanymus said:

I'm sorry that my answer wasn't helpful, but it is likely a mesh or texture issue. I read somewhere that if the grass cacher is crashing, your game would likely crash at the same spot if you were playing.

In console, what cell is it crashing on? It will look something like Tamriel (-24, 20) or something like that. You said Solstheim, but where in Solstheim?

Looks like Raven Rock Reborn has a mesh that isn't agreeing with something. Go into the mod and look for


It may just need run through CAO or it might be conflicting with something.


Thank you so much for your kind help. I really appreciate it. And yes that's why I really want to fix this issue before starting a new game, as it wouldn't matter anyway when I reach that spot.



It always crashes right here:




I think the mist is from Volumetric mist nif, so I ran CAO (optimize nif) over it. The crash log doesn't show Raven Rock Reborn anymore, but it crashes there still regardless:



Unhandled native exception occurred at 0x7FF7F37CDDDA (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA) on thread 14380!

FrameworkName: NetScriptFramework
FrameworkVersion: 15
FrameworkArchitecture: x64
GameLibrary: SkyrimSE
GameLibraryVersion: 18
ApplicationName: SkyrimSE.exe
VersionInfo: Successfully loaded
Time: 07 Jan 2022 18:32:54.873

Possible relevant objects (0)

Probable callstack
  [0]   0x7FF7F37CDDDA     (SkyrimSE.exe+D6DDDA)          unk_D6DD70+6A
  [1]   0x7FF7F3D883B5     (SkyrimSE.exe+13283B5)         unk_1328370+45
  [2]   0x7FF7F36C8CEF     (SkyrimSE.exe+C68CEF)          unk_C68BA0+14F
  [3]   0x7FF7F379A58E     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3A58E)          unk_D3A4D0+BE
  [4]   0x7FF7F2F059D8     (SkyrimSE.exe+4A59D8)          unk_4A5810+1C8
  [5]   0x7FF7F3799ED7     (SkyrimSE.exe+D39ED7)          unk_D39DA0+137
  [6]   0x7FF7F379BA20     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3BA20)          unk_D3B8D0+150
  [7]   0x7FF7F379C6A0     (SkyrimSE.exe+D3C6A0)          BSResource::EntryDB<BSTextureDB::DBTraits>::Func3_D3C670+30
  [8]   0x7FF7F36A3EBE     (SkyrimSE.exe+C43EBE)          BSResource__EntryDB_gs_T1_ge_::unk_C43E70+4E
  [9]   0x7FF7F378D69D     (SkyrimSE.exe+D2D69D)          IOManager::Func21_D2D630+6D
  [10]  0x7FF7F378A361     (SkyrimSE.exe+D2A361)          BSTaskManagerThread::Func1_D2A220+141
  [11]  0x7FF7F366D6BD     (SkyrimSE.exe+C0D6BD)          StartAddress_0_C0D680+3D
  [12]  0x7FFEECAB7034     (KERNEL32.DLL+17034)           
  [13]  0x7FFEED2A2651     (ntdll.dll+52651)              



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20 hours ago, remodel said:

Thanks much for that warning!  


I like sunjeong's TAWOBA and in my previous mod loads I couldn't get them in the leveled lists; IE no bandits wearing them.  Where might I go to learn how to bash tag it so it shows up properly?  Googling often turns up a bunch of junk and I'd like to bypass that effort and go straight to a reliable source.


I recomend using BD, then TAWOBA, TEWOBA and a few mods that use SPID to inject those into vanilla/script heavy NPC:

BD replacer use the same armors as TAWOBA/TEWOBA its just not modular for max compatibility so literally ANY npc can use it, this is just for consistency so i dont have bikini warriors on the civil war but all geared up guards and bandits, this also haves the advantage that it covers ALL armors and CLOTHES in game. So again, consistency

TAWOBA and TEWOBA: they will replace all armors for generated NPCS (bandits, some adventurers etc) you know the drill with these two, they are modular and variable

2 extra mods to affect (a few) selected vanilla NPCS so they wear the TAWOBA-TEWOBA version, so far i only find for the imperials, stormcloaks and a few selected npcs (Aela for example)

The leveled list come integrated into TEWOBA-TAWOBA, the problem is that a few mods here totally void and replace them so they never show up in game, to get this to work you need to remove a few mods on the Guide. 
How i know all of this? i spend a few -months (and most of my free time) getting everything to work and managed to integrate that and a lot other mods into the guide.
If you want i can tell you what mods you need to remove, but it will require to reinstall a few mods and a new game (a few things get baked intro the save game) if you dont remove those it will simply not work, i know by experience.

You have no idea how much time i spend last year getting this to work properly and good




Edited by Jessica_Degurechaff
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