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Dead or Alive 6 - Modding Thread and Discussion

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On 11/8/2019 at 7:22 AM, vietdung said:


On 11/9/2019 at 1:39 AM, vietdung said:


On 11/10/2019 at 2:38 AM, vietdung said:

Thank you very much.


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Hello im trying to turn this .dds files into g1m


Im using linkdatatool that is able to do that transformation and the inverse


but i open it, then drag the folder with textures, and nothing happen

can someone explain how it works or aanother way to do it? thanks

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6 hours ago, HonokaHonkers said:

Some mods (this one included) are missing from his Patreon sadly.

It's not missing per se. He usually uploads the mod to his drive 2-3 weeks after he previews it on DeviantArt. There are 5 mods due to be uploaded there before we get to this one. Next update is in 3-4 days. A quick way to find a mod you're looking for is to use the search function along with the mod name on DeviantArt (in case you think you missed a mod).

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Hey there. I'm pretty decent with Blender myself and I'd like to create some mods for this game. Although, having to read 100+ pages with outdated info in order to find out how anything works/which tool does what, it's quite overwhelming.

Is there a more comprehensive and clear guide for DoA6 modding? If not, is someone willing to write it? There are many informative posts scattered around this thread and the first post - Has it been updated recently? - provides links for many tools, but after digging for a while I'm still uncertain on where to start. (How to extract a specific model from the game? What tool is always necessary for modding? Maybe a step-by-step tutorial of some sort.)

I hope my request doesn't bother any of you guys. I know that actually doing it would take time and effort from you. Thank you and keep up the good work.  ( ´∀`)b


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2 hours ago, HonokaHonkers said:

Hey there. I'm pretty decent with Blender myself and I'd like to create some mods for this game. Although, having to read 100+ pages with outdated info in order to find out how anything works/which tool does what, it's quite overwhelming.

Is there a more comprehensive and clear guide for DoA6 modding? If not, is someone willing to write it? There are many informative posts scattered around this thread and the first post - Has it been updated recently? - provides links for many tools, but after digging for a while I'm still uncertain on where to start. (How to extract a specific model from the game? What tool is always necessary for modding? Maybe a step-by-step tutorial of some sort.)

I hope my request doesn't bother any of you guys. I know that actually doing it would take time and effort from you. Thank you and keep up the good work.  ( ´∀`)b


For mesh modding, you need the @vagonumero13's g1m tools:

and @ausgeek's blender import plugin

On 11/15/2019 at 5:05 PM, gatto tom said:

I edited the 3DMigoto Blender.py ,as @fgh1t6 said, for preventing some DOA6 meshes for not being loaded correctly. There could be some loss of the data (if i'm not wrong).

Download here ? 3DMigoto Blender DOA6fix.py


@rjqnraos19 You could be interested in into too.




It's a nice idea to bring that costume to males too! Thanks for using my work


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18 hours ago, HonokaHonkers said:

Hey there. I'm pretty decent with Blender myself and I'd like to create some mods for this game. Although, having to read 100+ pages with outdated info in order to find out how anything works/which tool does what, it's quite overwhelming.

Is there a more comprehensive and clear guide for DoA6 modding? If not, is someone willing to write it? There are many informative posts scattered around this thread and the first post - Has it been updated recently? - provides links for many tools, but after digging for a while I'm still uncertain on where to start. (How to extract a specific model from the game? What tool is always necessary for modding? Maybe a step-by-step tutorial of some sort.)

I hope my request doesn't bother any of you guys. I know that actually doing it would take time and effort from you. Thank you and keep up the good work.  ( ´∀`)b


I suspect that here it is simply no one wants to do. :(


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On 11/20/2019 at 11:35 PM, HonokaHonkers said:

Hey there. I'm pretty decent with Blender myself and I'd like to create some mods for this game. Although, having to read 100+ pages with outdated info in order to find out how anything works/which tool does what, it's quite overwhelming.

Is there a more comprehensive and clear guide for DoA6 modding? If not, is someone willing to write it? There are many informative posts scattered around this thread and the first post - Has it been updated recently? - provides links for many tools, but after digging for a while I'm still uncertain on where to start. (How to extract a specific model from the game? What tool is always necessary for modding? Maybe a step-by-step tutorial of some sort.)

I hope my request doesn't bother any of you guys. I know that actually doing it would take time and effort from you. Thank you and keep up the good work.  ( ´∀`)b


I'm not sure about all the details of actually editing meshes but i can try explaining the other steps.


1. First you need REDELBE, rdbtool and g1mtools from vagonumero13's thread and the blender import plugin that was posted here earlier.


2. To find out the file name of the costume, open the REDELBE config file and change "slot_info_in_css = false" to true. Now when you go to character select ingame and hover over a costume, it'll show its file name in the lower right. For example, Kasumi's first costume will be "KAS_COS_004".


3. To extract the costume file, open rdbtool and open "CharacterEditor.rdb" from the game's folder, then find "KAS_COS_004.g1m" (and KAS_COS_004a.g1m probably, that's the damaged version of the costume) and extract it. (Not sure what the other files like .grp or .ktid are for myself so idk if you need those)


4. To extract the meshes from the costume file, drag KAS_COS_004.g1m onto g1m_export from g1mtools (or g1m_export_with_vgmap but again, idk what those are for) and it'll extract the meshes in .fmt, .ib and .vb files.


5. The extracted files you can then import in blender with the import plugin (might be missing some steps here since i don't know how mesh editing works yet)


6. To import the meshes back into the costume file, drag KAS_COS_004.g1m onto g1m_import while your edited meshes are in a folder called KAS_COS_004 in the same directory as the costume file and it'll import all of the meshes that are in the folder.


The modded KAS_COS_004.g1m can then be put into REDELBE, either in CharacterEditor or in a Layer2 mod.

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