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I want to make situation where aggressive pawn(s)(both humanlikes and animals) coming to attack another pawn(e.g. a colonist) randomly rapes the victim pawn instead of simply attacking the victim. Could I make such situations by controlling the RJW mod settings or adding other mod? It seems to be difficult by changing setting of RJW, so I guess that it needs another mod.

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@Ed86 Just a heads up the Dev branch version of HAR (https://github.com/erdelf/AlienRaces) added some pregnancy mechanics and messed up the transpiler from PregnancyUtility_CanEverProduceChild. It hasn't rolled out onto the regular release yet.


You can check by calling AccessTools.TypeByName("AlienRace.ReproductionSettings"), it is a new addition in the Dev version.


Edit: AlienRace.ReproductionSettings.GenderReproductionCheck would probably be the right place to patch.

Edited by Jin34
More info
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6 hours ago, renjo said:

I want to make situation where aggressive pawn(s)(both humanlikes and animals) coming to attack another pawn(e.g. a colonist) randomly rapes the victim pawn instead of simply attacking the victim. Could I make such situations by controlling the RJW mod settings or adding other mod? It seems to be difficult by changing setting of RJW, so I guess that it needs another mod.

use the prostrate button to down your colonists, only downed pawns get raped by enemies

1 hour ago, defcon9999999 said:

Any one know if they plan to add genes for genital sizes like breast/penis or if there a mod for it? I would like to give my colonist Genes for Titatnic Breast

rjw genes, third post of this thread

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Games freezing when closing and I get super large log files with tons of


C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/sound/SoundChannel.cpp(393) : Error executing m_FMODChannel->stop() (The specified channel has been reused to play another sound. )




Still not 100% sure what exactly causes it, but it didn't happen with rjw disabled

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So I downloaded this with all DLC and latest update, I have a pretty small modlist but for some reason DLC menus are completely broken (Ideology menu refuses to apply ideologies, Biotech menu is almost completely blank.) and when the world generates there is no faction save for one. All my mods are up to date on 1.4 or so they should be and I believe there shouldn't be any conflicts at all. Is anyone else experiencing this ?


Edit: Ok so this is embarassing but RJW works perfectly fine. The reason I thought it was broken was because I unactivated every mod other than it and the game was still broken (even though it works Vanilla). But apparently it was the Vanilla Expanded Framework that was just breaking half my game. So if anyone else is experiencing something like this maybe try to work about Vanilla Expanded Framework, update or delete.

Edited by stfuandhelpme
Problem Resolved/Found to be unrelated to mod.
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I have a question (first RJW playthrough, so just learning the ropes). Some of my pawns bred and now i have two children running around. Problem is I am playing without Biotech DLC, and cannot find a way to craft Kid-sized clothes. Any idea how I can stop the children from going around naked??? They are getting a mood debuff because of it. 


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Hey guys I got an issue (?), my pawns are having too much sex! I installed this mod with a few others, and now my pawns are always sleep deprived because they keep having sex instead of sleeping, anybody know how to fix the issue ? Apart from simply having them sleep in different rooms, I want them to have sex but not as much; I tried to install a mod that made it so sex filled recreation and sleep need, but it's not compatible with RJW. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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On 1/26/2023 at 10:48 PM, howlerleech said:

Is there a mod that makes rape, "feeling broken" hediff, and/or masochism suppressive to slave escape timer?

should be easy to make, you can even do it with rimmsquol settings in game

On 1/28/2023 at 12:45 PM, Wolfguard21st said:

Does mark for breeding not work on prisoners?

it should, unless you mean the animal-animal mating one

On 1/29/2023 at 2:46 AM, anon2117 said:

Quick one, pawns are spawning without a name or inherited traits, is this RJW related or just cuz not having the DLC?

no log idk

On 1/29/2023 at 3:22 AM, kitifax said:

Games freezing when closing and I get super large log files with tons of


C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/sound/SoundChannel.cpp(393) : Error executing m_FMODChannel->stop() (The specified channel has been reused to play another sound. )




Still not 100% sure what exactly causes it, but it didn't happen with rjw disabled

no log idk, fix your modlist (remove half of your mods until it works)

17 hours ago, DoctorFateMX said:

I have a question (first RJW playthrough, so just learning the ropes). Some of my pawns bred and now i have two children running around. Problem is I am playing without Biotech DLC, and cannot find a way to craft Kid-sized clothes. Any idea how I can stop the children from going around naked??? They are getting a mood debuff because of it. 


use one of the children mods babies and children or children school learning 

8 hours ago, Starnian said:

Hey guys I got an issue (?), my pawns are having too much sex! I installed this mod with a few others, and now my pawns are always sleep deprived because they keep having sex instead of sleeping, anybody know how to fix the issue ? Apart from simply having them sleep in different rooms, I want them to have sex but not as much; I tried to install a mod that made it so sex filled recreation and sleep need, but it's not compatible with RJW. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

reduce sex need decay in settings, could also be a rjw add-on issue

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6 hours ago, Starnian said:

Doesn't seem to have worked, I'm guessing it's from an addon but not sure which. Tried playing with the options in sexperience but hasn't changed anything.

Having the same issue. Watching their needs, they drop everything at 90% need to go have sex.

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54 minutes ago, Jim4258 said:

Having the same issue. Watching their needs, they drop everything at 90% need to go have sex.

Sexperience adds a lust stat that influences this, if I'm not mistaken. You should try adjusting the lust settings in Sexperience options. Also, make sure you do not have the Promiscuous Sex precept enabled. It can cause this as it both increases the chance for sex as well as increases the lust stat.

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1 hour ago, jllllll said:

Sexperience adds a lust stat that influences this, if I'm not mistaken. You should try adjusting the lust settings in Sexperience options. Also, make sure you do not have the Promiscuous Sex precept enabled. It can cause this as it both increases the chance for sex as well as increases the lust stat.

It wasn't promiscuous but it was the right train of thought. It was bestiality on encouraging.

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12 minutes ago, G-P-S said:

A quickly question. For people that don't have the DLC's this mod can work fine right? Just the features that requires certain DLC will not appear.

Everything should work fine but as stated in some earlier posts



"I have a question (first RJW playthrough, so just learning the ropes). Some of my pawns bred and now i have two children running around. Problem is I am playing without Biotech DLC, and cannot find a way to craft Kid-sized clothes. Any idea how I can stop the children from going around naked??? They are getting a mood debuff because of it. TIA!"
Reply Post

"use one of the children mods babies and children or children school learning"

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3 hours ago, Zahawk said:

I've looked every where... does anyone know how to remove 'Sex Need' by race?

Playing 1.4 with RJW and Android Tiers (the race in I want to remove need)

Easiest way would be to edit the RJW Race Support mod. You can see entries for other android mods in: \rjw-race-support\Content\Base\Defs\_Extra_Races.xml

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Can anyone help me with thie error message? I only have RimJob World Mods installed and get this?


Exception filling window for RimWorld.Dialog_Options: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Dialog_Options.RimWorld.Dialog_Options.DoModOptions_Patch0(RimWorld.Dialog_Options,Verse.Listing_Standard)
  at RimWorld.Dialog_Options.DoOptions (Verse.OptionCategoryDef category, UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x0011c] in <617d4a4b3c1842ffb4eb3fd1337f915c>:0 
  at RimWorld.Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x000d5] in <617d4a4b3c1842ffb4eb3fd1337f915c>:0 
  at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x001d3] in <617d4a4b3c1842ffb4eb3fd1337f915c>:0 
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Error (string)
Verse.Window:InnerWindowOnGUI (int)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)

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