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On 5/25/2022 at 2:15 PM, andrew79 said:

I've got a bunch of requests and an offer, probably will go ignored, but whatever right, it's always worth a try -_-"

  • Different kinds of cum, penis-race decides what thickness, amount, fertility, taste & smell.
  • A "Hate/Dislike Cum" and "Love/Like Cum" trait (causing negative hediff's different from cumflation and other mods I have seen so far)
  • mix serums/hediff's machine (Takes items which are applyable to pawns and turns them in to one item with all properties or a singular injection with all properties. No more applying serums or hediff manually would be amazing when you try to apply 100 cum+ serums.(I got this idea from the game "people's playground"))
  • More penis hediff, furry, messy/filthy, sweaty, crotch (Causing postive/negative hediff's)
  • Uncap penis sizes on all races or show me the directory of where this information is stored, I will change it myself with pleasure, I found oyt nude/alienraces and some other c# files but can't seem to find it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Fix cumflation bug of Licentia Labs (In a blowjob (pawn face fuck) stomach of both pawns fills up for some reason? Make it so that only the prey-pawn gets bloated)
  • "Psychological/Sexual Trauma Mod" Pawn develops fears of being raped/abused again, become worse when pawn is raped again, causes low mood and leaves memories of being ejaculated in, used, abused or even beaten.


I would make these mods by myself. Heck I would take over "RJW Races Support" if I knew how too.
RJW Races Support is essential to RJW and should be kept in high regard even with the pawnmorpher in place.

I do c, xml and some other stuff yet I have no idea where to pick up where Abraxas has left off even though I want to provide full support (I do not claim nor think I am as good as him)

Look. I got time and money. I will pay you in return of your time/mods/efforts if you make any of these mods and/or take over "RJW Races Support"
Yes, I am putting bounties out. How much? Lets talk, we can make a formal and decent agreement in full transparency.

[I offer crypto. Don't expect ludicrous amounts unless you're going to do something truly insane. I respect hard work, notice it and reward it. Maintaining race support will get you a monthly income and making these small mods would result in receiving rather small bounties varying from a couple hunderd dollars to thousands depending on the difficulty/time]

I've had some luck going to the discord 'suggestions' subforum.  You've got the right idea; you want something in the game but can't program (like me) then you should pay someone for their help.  I had Ed make my addon mod (below) and every time it pops up it's a thrill for me to realize that the feature is there because of me!  I contributed something to this pervy game!


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A minor problem
I'm not sure if this is intentional, but am I the only one experiencing this?
My pawn seems unable to masturbate with whatever bionic arm installed,The masturbation options menu does not show any options at the last step.
I tested it in a copy of the game without any other (hugslib and rjb of course) mods and got the same results.

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26 minutes ago, CrockanWN said:

A minor problem
I'm not sure if this is intentional, but am I the only one experiencing this?
My pawn seems unable to masturbate with whatever bionic arm installed,The masturbation options menu does not show any options at the last step.
I tested it in a copy of the game without any other (hugslib and rjb of course) mods and got the same results.

You are aware that in vanilla all parts below the parent part are removed right ?

A person with bionic arms has no hands.

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1 hour ago, CrockanWN said:

A minor problem
I'm not sure if this is intentional, but am I the only one experiencing this?
My pawn seems unable to masturbate with whatever bionic arm installed,The masturbation options menu does not show any options at the last step.
I tested it in a copy of the game without any other (hugslib and rjb of course) mods and got the same results.

Perhaps try this mod. It might help with the no arms issue because of bionics.

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4 hours ago, NeverLucky4Life said:

You are aware that in vanilla all parts below the parent part are removed right ?

A person with bionic arms has no hands.

Ah ...... weird mechanics

3 hours ago, hebisama said:

Perhaps try this mod. It might help with the no arms issue because of bionics.

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working for me, is this how you can fix it in your case?

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I need some help to understand rape mechanics. Basically i gave all futas on my colony rapist trait, but they rarely do it, even to masochist pawns and/or prisioners, i tried changing the vulnerability sliders on options to 150/50 (girls-go-raping/to be raped) but then they never do it, does this mean a pawn can't be on both spectrum at the same time? I did notice that giving bloodlust trait gives much more chance to rape others than anything else.


Would simply disabling masturbation force them to "seek other options"?

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 Nothing game breaking or anything. It still work perfectly fine
Not sure if this is a big issue

Object with load ID Thing_FilthCum325293 is referenced (xml node name: internalThing) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Warning (string)
Verse.DebugLoadIDsSavingErrorsChecker:CheckForErrorsAndClear ()
Verse.ScribeSaver:FinalizeSaving ()
Verse.SafeSaver:DoSave (string,string,System.Action)
Verse.SafeSaver:Save (string,string,System.Action,bool)
Verse.GameDataSaveLoader:SaveGame (string)
RimWorld.Autosaver:DoAutosave ()
Verse.LongEventHandler:UpdateCurrentSynchronousEvent (bool&)
Verse.LongEventHandler:LongEventsUpdate (bool&)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Root:Verse.Root.Update_Patch1 (Verse.Root)
Verse.Root_Play:Update ()

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23 hours ago, CrockanWN said:

Unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working for me, is this how you can fix it in your case?

Yes, in my case. I tested onto my pawn with both bionic arms to masturbate with his penis and it worked as intended. And yep, having bionics = losing hands is kinda weird mechanic that I installed the mod on the first place.

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Hello! I've spent about 30 hours on my mod list and have just ONE critical launch window error that only gets triggered by RJW in the ~350 other mods I have installed. There's no help to point to what mod it may be, I even manually looked through about 250 mods Def folders to track what mod is triggering it all to no avil. I just thought on the off chance anyone knows they might be able to help me. Here's my debug log error.


Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.BodyDef named HairBeast (wanter=bodyDefTypes)
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader:TryResolveDef<Verse.BodyDef> (string,Verse.FailMode,object)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRefForList`1<Verse.BodyDef>:TryResolve (Verse.FailMode)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>c__DisplayClass15_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b__0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>c__DisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b__0 (object)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()



I took out ALL RJW add-ons. WIth all my add-ons for RJW I get 4 more errors all revolving around this 'hairbeast' bodyDef. I sure hope someone can help me track down this issue! The ONLY hint I have is one of the add-ons speak of "humanoid alien races" so it seems like it might be from a mod that has that as a dependency.

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1 hour ago, Avey said:

Hello! I've spent about 30 hours on my mod list and have just ONE critical launch window error that only gets triggered by RJW in the ~350 other mods I have installed. There's no help to point to what mod it may be, I even manually looked through about 250 mods Def folders to track what mod is triggering it all to no avil. I just thought on the off chance anyone knows they might be able to help me. Here's my debug log error.


Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.BodyDef named HairBeast (wanter=bodyDefTypes)
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader:TryResolveDef<Verse.BodyDef> (string,Verse.FailMode,object)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRefForList`1<Verse.BodyDef>:TryResolve (Verse.FailMode)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>c__DisplayClass15_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b__0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>c__DisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b__0 (object)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()



I took out ALL RJW add-ons. WIth all my add-ons for RJW I get 4 more errors all revolving around this 'hairbeast' bodyDef. I sure hope someone can help me track down this issue! The ONLY hint I have is one of the add-ons speak of "humanoid alien races" so it seems like it might be from a mod that has that as a dependency.

Looks like its from my mod anim addons animal patch. Specifically from the patch for StarWars Animal Collection. It looks like that mod removed that particular body def for 1.3 for whatever reason. So the patch is adding a body def that no longer exists. It's an ignorable error. But I'll update to remove that body def from the patch. Will make 1.1 and 1.2 users not be able to use animals with that body def but whatever.

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OMG that's awesome.


Sadly turns out the group of errors included something I assumed attributed to that certain mod but they didn't. Anyone know what this error might be tracing to?


Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.HediffDef named BigRaceBreats found to give to AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic


Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.HediffDef named BovinePenis found to give to AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRefForObject:TryResolve (Verse.FailMode)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>c__DisplayClass15_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b__0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>c__DisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b__0 (object)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()


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31 minutes ago, Avey said:

OMG that's awesome.


Sadly turns out the group of errors included something I assumed attributed to that certain mod but they didn't. Anyone know what this error might be tracing to?


Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.HediffDef named BigRaceBreats found to give to AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic


Could not resolve cross-reference: No Verse.HediffDef named BovinePenis found to give to AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator+BodyAddonHediffGraphic
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch1 (string)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRefForObject:TryResolve (Verse.FailMode)
Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/<>c__DisplayClass15_1:<ResolveAllWantedCrossReferences>b__0 (Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef)
Verse.GenThreading/<>c__DisplayClass7_1`1<Verse.DirectXmlCrossRefLoader/WantedRef>:<ParallelForEach>b__0 (object)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:WaitCallback_Context (object)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext,System.Threading.ContextCallback,object,bool)
System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback:System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem ()
System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue:Dispatch ()
System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback:PerformWaitCallback ()


Something, likely Rimnude, is referencing content from the mod Race Support. I tried to update all patches to avoid these errors but maybe some slipped through the cracks. You can ignore these too. not going to cause issues. Or you can use Race Support and errors will go away.

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Okay thank you so much for your help! I'm waiting patiently for you to update your mod. As a side note you might wanna keep existing version for players on 1.2 and before, just adding a new version with your update. Because you mentioned it would restrict users.


EDIT: OMG just found you already updated it with the changes on github a few hours ago! Thanks again for your help today ❤️

Edited by Avey
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6 minutes ago, Avey said:

Okay thank you so much for your help! I'm waiting patiently for you to update your mod. As a side note you might wanna keep existing version for players on 1.2 and before, just adding a new version with your update. Because you mentioned it would restrict users.

I updated animal patch when i responded to you. Im not gonna update the changelog on LL for something so small. So its up now.

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On 5/31/2022 at 9:13 PM, hebisama said:

Yes, in my case. I tested onto my pawn with both bionic arms to masturbate with his penis and it worked as intended. And yep, having bionics = losing hands is kinda weird mechanic that I installed the mod on the first place.

I'm really not sure what's stopping it from working in my case, can you share your sorting on PNMBP or something else I should be aware of?

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On 6/3/2022 at 10:51 AM, CrockanWN said:

I'm really not sure what's stopping it from working in my case, can you share your sorting on PNMBP or something else I should be aware of?

I put PNMBP above RJW and its submods, specifically on the part where mods that configures the game's behaviors there.

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