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19 hours ago, Firch50 said:

On my end, even if aggressor's bar is filled, orgasm does not trigger. Same for victim. Also it doesn't go back 1 or 2 stages like you said. What am I doing wrong ?

Issues such as Arousal bar not filling or no orgasm triggering is usually caused by wrong install order.

Try to disable SexLab Utility Plus, and have SLSO overwrite everything.


Also, this might help


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4 hours ago, Someone92 said:

Issues such as Arousal bar not filling or no orgasm triggering is usually caused by wrong install order.

Try to disable SexLab Utility Plus, and have SLSO overwrite everything.


Also, this might help


Thanks for replying me, my kind sir. 

What i've discovered also is that : Without "End animation with Orgasm" in MCM or whatever it is called, bars are filling to 100%, flashing, but no orgasms triggered or arousal lost, no last stage occurs (cum animation). WITH "End animation with orgasm" in MCM TICKED, well last stage occurs so I can see cumming animation but no arousal loss at the end of the anim. I don't know if it helps, or if someone has this issue also.


I've looked at the link you sent, and according to my MO2 left panel, no mods overwrites slso scripts (it is located at the end of my load order). I also do not use Sexlab Utility Plus as you mentioned. 

What I do have though is Defeat. But Defeat works only for hostiles encounter right ? So in theory concensual encounters should be ok ? Also when i first installed this mod 3 days ago, my character did cum once (arousal decreased), but only once, and I had Defeat activated.

What your mod order looks like for SLSO ? I attached mine just in case, but I'm honestly starting loosing hope about this mod...

load order.txt

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Are you using the most recent version of SexLab Framework?



SexLab-Separate-Orgasm 2023-01-16

OSL Aroused FOMOD 2.3.0


are Acheron and ScrappiesMatchmaker are pretty much the only SexLab mods I use, and I have no issues with SLSO.

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I use the last version of Sexlab Framework for SE, which is 1.63
I use the last version of SLSO (2023 01 16)

And I use Sexlab aroused modified by Baka instead of OSL.


Yes no wonder you wouldn't encounter many issues with fex Sexlab mods. I probably have more than 10.


Pretty sad this mod seems buggy for a lot of people as far as i've seen.

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On 5/31/2023 at 1:19 PM, Ed86 said:
function BonusEnjoyment(actor Ref = none, int fixedvalue = 0)
slso functions at the end of script


its calculated in 

int function CalculateFullEnjoyment()
i think only gender change is in where it checks gender modifiers
function SLSO_StartAnimating()


I'm having trouble calling the BonusEnjoyment function. I've made sure the SLSO sources are available, but if I call "BonusEnjoyment(Actor, Int)", the compiler says the BonusEnjoyment function doesn't exist. If I use "sslActorAlias.BonusEnjoyment(Actor, Int)", then the compiler says "cannot call the the member function BonusEnjoyment alone or on a type, must call it on a variable". What is the correct way to call the BonusEnjoyment function?

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2 hours ago, girmrad said:


I'm having trouble calling the BonusEnjoyment function. I've made sure the SLSO sources are available, but if I call "BonusEnjoyment(Actor, Int)", the compiler says the BonusEnjoyment function doesn't exist. If I use "sslActorAlias.BonusEnjoyment(Actor, Int)", then the compiler says "cannot call the the member function BonusEnjoyment alone or on a type, must call it on a variable". What is the correct way to call the BonusEnjoyment function?

SexLabFramework.GetController(Thread_Id).ActorAlias(Actor).BonusEnjoyment(Actor, Int)


Edited by Ed86
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1 hour ago, Ed86 said:

SexLabFramework.GetController(Thread_Id).ActorAlias(Actor).BonusEnjoyment(Actor, Int)

Thank you for the help. I tried this and now I'm getting the same error but with the SexLabFramework: "cannot call the member function GetController alone or on a type; must call it on a variable". Should I create a SexLabFramework object and call the function through that? Like "SexLabFramework TempFramework" then "TempFramework.GetController(Thread_Id).... etc"?

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56 minutes ago, girmrad said:

Thank you for the help. I tried this and now I'm getting the same error but with the SexLabFramework: "cannot call the member function GetController alone or on a type; must call it on a variable". Should I create a SexLabFramework object and call the function through that? Like "SexLabFramework TempFramework" then "TempFramework.GetController(Thread_Id).... etc"?

you need to make a property and link it to sexlab

SexLabFramework Property SexLab auto

when scene starts you need to hook/save its Thread_Id

    self.RegisterForModEvent("AnimationStart", "OnSexLabStart")



Thread_Id = argString


Event OnSexLabStart(string EventName, string argString, Float argNum, form sender)
    sslThreadController controller = (self.GetOwningQuest() as SLSO_MCM).SexLab.GetController(argString as int)

    ;if thread has player, enable widgets
    int i = 0
    if controller.HasPlayer
        while i < controller.ActorAlias.Length
            if controller.ActorAlias.GetActorRef() != none
                ;add orgasms to player ince last animation if 1h hasnt passed
                if controller.ActorAlias.GetActorRef() == Game.GetPlayer()
                    (controller.ActorAlias(Game.GetPlayer()) as sslActorAlias).SetOrgasmCount(Player_orgasms_count)


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I am playing with this and unforgiving devices and succubus heart. Which seems to work fine with reducing and increasing arousal. But trying to figure out how sex skills actually impact enjoyment so I know if it's bugged or not.  I meet two grandmasters in the fine art of fucking who made my characters enjoyment go up very very fast. While theirs didn't move at all. In one case it even went down. So does the skill difference make it go down also or just faster for the one with lower value?

And no male character seems to orgasm unless I advance the stage, or do I just need to wait longer if I have ai edging on?

Enjoyment and arousal isn't supposed to match right? Arousal seems to spike at orgasm then go back down while enjoyment stays at 100. Or at least it did with the grandmaster skill.

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4 hours ago, Ed86 said:

you need to make a property and link it to sexlab

SexLabFramework Property SexLab auto

when scene starts you need to hook/save its Thread_Id

    self.RegisterForModEvent("AnimationStart", "OnSexLabStart"



I got it working, but I found that it isn't what I was intending. Instead of adding enjoyment, I want to increase the rate at which enjoyment is gained. Is there a way to do that?

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1 hour ago, girmrad said:

I got it working, but I found that it isn't what I was intending. Instead of adding enjoyment, I want to increase the rate at which enjoyment is gained. Is there a way to do that?

hm... increase actor arousal?

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On 7/16/2023 at 7:38 AM, Ed86 said:

hm... increase actor arousal?

I found an alternative way. I just call the BonusEnjoyment function repeatedly using a chain of OnUpdate events.

Also, what do the "Sexlab Male Enjoyment Modifier" and "Sexlab Female Enjoyment Modifier" sliders in the MCM do? Are they percentage multipliers of enjoyment gains? I've played around with them a lot and they don't seem to have any effect for me.

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21 hours ago, girmrad said:

I found an alternative way. I just call the BonusEnjoyment function repeatedly using a chain of OnUpdate events.

Also, what do the "Sexlab Male Enjoyment Modifier" and "Sexlab Female Enjoyment Modifier" sliders in the MCM do? Are they percentage multipliers of enjoyment gains? I've played around with them a lot and they don't seem to have any effect for me.

        ActorFullEnjoyment = (SLSO_FullEnjoyment * MasturbationMod / ExhibitionistMod / GenderMod * sl_enjoymentrate * slaActorArousalMod) as int

Edited by Ed86
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So I've been playing with SLSO for awhile and my character has become a nympho(Gains arousal really fast and drinking a frigid potion from DCL only helps a little). I will try to use SexLab Shrines to reduce it but I'm just wondering at what values (purity and perversion) it happens? Also, if I set orgasm loss mod to 0 in the MCM, can I still prevent my character from becoming nympho in the future?

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1 hour ago, Uncle64 said:

Stupid question

But are there anything like this mod for Flower Girls?

My game dont seem to like using SL and FG at the same time anymore, yea I have AE



8 hours ago, RoninDog said:

Also, if I set orgasm loss mod to 0 in the MCM, can I still prevent my character from becoming nympho in the future?


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2 hours ago, Ed86 said:





Okay. Can you tell me what the conditions for becoming a nympho are? I need to know because I want to go back to an earlier save before it happened. I have SexLab Stats Manipulator so I can compare my stats with the condition.

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37 minutes ago, RoninDog said:


Okay. Can you tell me what the conditions for becoming a nympho are? I need to know because I want to go back to an earlier save before it happened. I have SexLab Stats Manipulator so I can compare my stats with the condition.

i dont remember

i think it was something like 400 kLewd points, which was probably ~5 level of perversion stat

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1 hour ago, Ed86 said:

i dont remember

i think it was something like 400 kLewd points, which was probably ~5 level of perversion stat


It seems to be the "debaucherous" level that triggers it. I don't know how many levels that is but these are my stats:


Sexual Perversion: 176

Sexual Purity(no idea what this does): -31






But what you're saying isn't entirely correct. I made a test and set perversion to 0 in SexLab Stats Manipulator(A mod that let's you edit your stats if you didn't know) and orgasm loss mod to 0 in SLSO. Then I can reduce arousal normally and it also increases at a normal rate.


So that means you can "cure" nymphomania with the SexLab Shrines mod, if you set the values to something high enough that it reduces your perversion level, but I undestand if you don't remember everything.


Edited by RoninDog
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I am a complete modding noob and i may need some help here.

So i am using Separate Orgasms in combination with fertility mode+ and i have the problem that since i am using separate orgasms Fertility Mode is not adding sperm to my charackter any more after the male orgasm there is nothing and even the message of "x came inside x" is not showing up for my character anymore.

Do those 2 mods even work together and if they do ccan someone tell me how to fix this or direct me to a solution if one already exists?


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8 hours ago, RoninDog said:


It seems to be the "debaucherous" level that triggers it. I don't know how many levels that is but these are my stats:


Sexual Perversion: 176

Sexual Purity(no idea what this does): -31


  Reveal hidden contents



But what you're saying isn't entirely correct. I made a test and set perversion to 0 in SexLab Stats Manipulator(A mod that let's you edit your stats if you didn't know) and orgasm loss mod to 0 in SLSO. Then I can reduce arousal normally and it also increases at a normal rate.


So that means you can "cure" nymphomania with the SexLab Shrines mod, if you set the values to something high enough that it reduces your perversion level, but I undestand if you don't remember everything.


what is inorrect?

perversion is sexlab stat

orgasm loss modifier is sexlab aroused modifier for arousal reduction


nympho is based on sexlab stat

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6 hours ago, Terra1211 said:

I am a complete modding noob and i may need some help here.

So i am using Separate Orgasms in combination with fertility mode+ and i have the problem that since i am using separate orgasms Fertility Mode is not adding sperm to my charackter any more after the male orgasm there is nothing and even the message of "x came inside x" is not showing up for my character anymore.

Do those 2 mods even work together and if they do ccan someone tell me how to fix this or direct me to a solution if one already exists?


depends if FM has patch/support for slso

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