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Latex Collar, Orgasm Curse and Fetish Dreams 1.21 Released

17 Screenshots

About This File

1.21 Released




What you experienced in cryo-chamber when watched your husband shot was so traumatic that you almost completely lost ability to have a normal orgasm.
It's only when you are under traumatic experience (like being raped or wearing a shock collar / cursed collar) you can experience an orgasm. For all other situations, including masturbation your mind is completely shut!


Traveling trough Commonwealth you are looking not only for your son but also for a cure. Who knows, may be finding your son is part of a solution...


Latex Collar Curse


The origin of this collar is unknown, it may be created by some mad scientist, by institute or maybe it's alien built. What is known that it may get auto equipped on a human when it's sex desires are not satisfied for too long. Once equipped it will require to start managing your desires and try to avoid having orgasms for some time.


The problem is that the curse will put more and more devices on you if you are not satisfied for too long. Each new device will have its own unequipping conditions. Some may require you to have sex, having number of orgasms, walking naked or even being raped or gang-banged. Some may require you to do all this in public, or some will give you limited time to meet those conditions. Some may demand you to stop using stimpak, some nasty devices may even ask you to stop eating regular food. The way out is either to satisfy those conditions or wait till curses dispel on their own.


One more thing. Collar likes cum-sluts so you can please the collar by consuming all kinds of cum to get the key!

Can you control your desires or will you be forever trapped?


P.S. Majority of devices are not preventing the wearer form walking or fighting. So, you can fight, do quests etc. You will get equipped with arm-binder if you are wearing all other devices, but arm-binder will not require a special key, and can be opened with regular DD key or once character will get raped defined number of times. If you enabled KFT gags it may become a real challenge since you cannot talk, so save some cum for tough situations.



This mod is esp flagged with esl, so it will not take space in your load order. Load order should not be important, mod does not override any forms.
This is ALPHA release, Devious Devices are tricky on their own, and here we are throwing KFT into the mix. But most of the time everything should work :) You can use MCM to pause mod/ unequip devices if you must. Also this is my first published mod, I'm still learning :) There may be conflicts with mods that heavily use DD, and for sure there are bugs.




Devious Devices_2.0_RC9_Beta1+ (RC8 is NOT enough). RC9 beta 2 IS recommended. When will be prompted by your mod manager, DO overwrite devious devices (safe!), there are 3 updated meshes of corset for Beta 1 and 1 file for Beta 2.
SexAttributes2.7.3. Earlier versions are likely OK.

Torture Devices 2+

ComMoisturizer_v1_05. Things may get messy when you eat cum :)

SkimpyArmorKeywordResource1.1.2. Some devices will require you to have SAKR rating 99 if installed

AAF_Violate_V1.60        MCM Option: Cursed Devices will be unequipped by Violate. Cursed devices will be equipped back once KFT devices are off.

Confirm Boxes If you have some issues with information/skills notification window. it's great UI mod, has no dependencies, no esp, no scripts, save to install/uninstall any time

AAF and F4SE




Kziitd Fetish Toolset 1.0 Beta 2 or higher (with compatibility patch!). Will work without but you will miss variety of hoods and harnesses
RealHandcuffs.0.4.14 and SexHarassment1.19.3. Everything is just sexier and challenging with these mods and collar will be treated as Shock Collar (can turn off in MCM).
Better Living Through Cumistry. You can use CUM potions from BLTC to get a key!
RobCo Patcher  if you use Deviously Cursed Wasteland or FO4 Nude Basics
Nuka Ride 6.4.0+ if you want Bimbo walk from Nuka Ride mod while wearing the collar. Collar will NOT equip if Nuka Ride Bimbo Collars are equipped




Wasteland Dairy Framework v3.025a.     Collar recognizes CUM bags from WDF
WLEGG_WastelandEggspansion_0.423+.    Devices that demand eating cum will not treat Jelly as food, so you can trick them
Commonwealth Slavers 2.3+.         Collar will NOT equip if Slavers Collars are equipped
Deviously Cursed Wasteland.         Removes slot 36 from jack's belt to prevent conflicts with harnesses (RobCo Patcher required)
FO4 Nude Basics v1.07 KP    Remove slot 41 from Milker Pasties to allow milking with latex suit (RobCo Patcher required). Disable F4B Gag Quest when wearing LCC Gag
Boston Devious Helper 0.3.21.         Collar will NOT equip if Boston Devious Helper are equipped




Unequip all devices using MCM option and DISABLE the curse in MCM. Throw away all Daytripper CUM you collected. Then should be safe to uninstall.


Game Mechanics

  • Collar itself cannot be unequipped if you are wearing any other cursed devices. Its max duration will RESET and RESTART when expires if other curse devices are still equipped!
  • Each Device will have maximum duration. It will auto unequip once you had it long enough, even if you did not satisfy it's conditions. So e.g. if device is asking you not to use stimpaks it does not prevent you from doing so, the condition will restart but max duration will stay the same and eventually device will be auto removed. Wait or Sleep does not count!
  • You will get small random penalties/side effects on your sexual attributes regularly (can be turned off)
  • Devices are getting equipped in defined order and with matching color and style (when possible). Hand-picked KFT hoods and KFT Harnesses will be used if turned on in settings and if KziitdFetishToolset installed
  • DD and KFT keys will NOT work! Also once you get right key you it will disappear in 30 seconds so plan accordingly
  • There are no curse Plugs, Piercing and Chastity, but you may want to wear it at some point plus Sexual Harassment mod will do its part :)
  • Public requirements are either 5 observers or being in vanilla public place (settlement or town or pub) with at least one non-companion observer. FPSH (Sexual Harassment) distance settings are used (Sex Reputation Scan Distance) if installed
  • Mod has its own implementation of CUM (Daytripper CUM). if you are addicted you will get aroused periodically. Can cure with regular addictol. Doctors may fail to cure if BLTC is installed. Eating 10 portions of this QUICKLY (or other supported cum) will give you a key.
  • If you managed to unequip any device illegitimately it may get equipped back shortly. Bench or helpers will not help! If you really want to cheat out use MCM options.
  • Cursed devices will respect (do not unequip) other mod devices tagged as QUEST ITEM (DD_kw_IsQuestItem)




All creators and contributors of all mods listed above. Those are my favorite mods and they are making the game so much fun!


For Modders

  • If you don't want your collars to be removed add your collar form (or keyword) to LCC_Blacklisted_Collars formlist (or use DD_kw_IsQuestItem)
  • If you do want your CUM forms to be recognized add CUM form (or keyword) to LCC_Cum_List formlist
  • If you want to pause/reactivate the mod call LCC:LCC_Main functions pauseCurse() or activateCurse()
  • To force-equip collar (will respect blacklist) and start the curse call LCC:LCC_Main function equipLCCollarAndActivateCurse()
  • You can find several other APIs in LCC:LCC_Main.psc
  • You may find different applications of LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor, you can register your own events and receive custom events. So you can disable LCC entirely and use ED for your own scenarios. ED can support multiple mods working at the same time. We all remember that Structs are passed and held onto by reference (!)
  • Example (also can use LCC_Main as example how to use ED):


; ---- LCC

LCC:LCC_Main lcc_script
LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor ed_script

function LoadLCC()
    if lcc_script == none
        quest Main = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000800, "Latex Collar Curse.esp") as quest
        lcc_script = Main as LCC:LCC_Main
        ed_script = Main as LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor
        if lcc_script == none
            Debug.Notification("Error: LCC did not load")
        RegisterForCustomEvent(ed_script, "OnConditionMet")
        RegisterForCustomEvent(ed_script, "OnConditionReset")

function equipAndActivateLCC()
    lcc_script.CallFunction("equipLCCollarAndActivateCurse",new Var[0])

function activateLCC()
    lcc_script.CallFunction("activateCurse",new Var[0])

function pauseLCC()
    lcc_script.CallFunction("pauseCurse",new Var[0])

bool function unequipCurseItem(bool baAll = false, bool removeConditions = true, int iaAmount = 1)
    Var[] args = new var[3]
        args[0] = baAll
    args[1] = removeConditions
    args[2] = iaAmount
    return lcc_script.CallFunction("unequipCurseItem",args)

bool Function isPartOfCurrentLCCOutfit(armor aaDevice)
    Var[] args = new var[1]
        args[0] = aaDevice
    return lcc_script.CallFunction("isPartOfCurrentLCCOutfit",args)

string function randomizeUnequipConditions(armor aaDevice, LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor:ConditionData dCondition)
    Var[] args = new var[2]
        args[0] = aaDevice
    args[1] = dCondition
    return lcc_script.CallFunction("randomizeUnequipConditions",args)

int function addEDCondition(LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor:ConditionData iaStruct) ; return unique ID
    Var[] args = new var[1]
        args[0] = iaStruct

Event LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor.OnConditionMet(LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor akSender, Var[] akArgs)
    LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor:ConditionData dCondition = ed_script.getDefaultCondition()
    dCondition = akArgs[0] as LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor:ConditionData
    if dCondition.name == ""

Event LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor.OnConditionReset(LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor akSender, Var[] akArgs)
    LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor:ConditionData dCondition = ed_script.getDefaultCondition()
    dCondition = akArgs[0] as LCC:LCC_EventsDistributor:ConditionData
    string type = akArgs[1] as string
    if dCondition.name == ""







Edited by awesomeSPAS
added links and updated requirements

What's New in Version 1.21 Released


1.21 Release Notes


If you want to experience KFT dreams only and NO cursed devices you can. Go to MCM setting and turn Curse Off. Dreams will work as long as you keep Allow Dreams Without Collar ON. You will need to have required mods installed though including DD for all this to work. They may be also disabled, just need to be installed




- Fixed: 1.20 is unintentionally limiting the duration of all AAF scenes to 30 seconds before your first dream, and to 60 seconds after your first dream. @spicydoritos
- Safety: blocked ability of actors to get into dialogue with a player during dreams. They still say things, just not dialogues @jbezorg


Minor Additions:

- MCM settings for Dreams:
    Minimum arousal for dreams to happen. Set to 0 to ignore arousal (dreams will be happening even if you are not aroused). Default: 65. @guliguliradish
    Duration of a scene during a Dream. Default: 30
- Added 3 Non-Amputation Suits to list of potential dream KFT devices. So amputation devices chances are 60% instead of 100%
- Added a possibility of a strange dream with PetSuit   


Thank you all for feedback and ideas! Next release will be likely early July, unless some emergency patches will be required.


1.20 Release Notes


NEW FEATURE (alpha release):


Fetish Dreams (KFT is required, could be turned ON/OFF in MCM. Default: ON). Big thanks to @kziitd and @EgoBallistic for creating wonderful framework


  • Warning: hardcore. Prepare to rape, gang bang, dogs, robots and AMPUTATION KFT outfits! Dreams are designed to be weird.
  • When you are trying to sleep while desperate for sex you have a chance to see a KFT dream.
  • Your Sex attributes will not be impacted by dream scenes. BLTC addiction will also not change. Will it be just a dream with no impact? Well, you can try and see for yourself :) What you get for sure is small amount of Sexperience rewarded for your O-Level :)
  • Chances could be adjusted in MCM (Default: 100%)
  • Dangerous Nights is handled. Any other mod that is doing something during/after sleep may be conflicting!




  • Anal Orgasm Chance: develop this to increase orgasm chance during anal sex




  • Each Perk now has 6 maximum levels instead of 5. Total Max Level is increased to 42
  • Sexy Killer Level 6 added




  • Several vanilla quests will give you rewards for Orgasm Skill Tree development
  • If you finished some of those quests before upgrading to 1.20 version you will get instant reward on 1.20 install. Make sure Orgasm Skill Tree is enabled before you upgrade





  •     Safe to update even if wearing LCC devices / safe to install mid-game.
  •     Your MCM settings will be overwritten since additional MCM options added
  •     To Uninstall: Unequip all devices using MCM option and DISABLE the curse in MCM. Throw away all Daytripper CUM and O-Injectors you collected. WAIT 10 seconds. Then should be safe to uninstall.

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