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About This File

Did you know that Vanilla Skyrim has bounty hunters who will come after you If you have a high enough Bounty somewhere?
No? well, no problem. They are pretty shitty anyway.

BUUUT, wouldn't it be cool if committing crimes (even minor ones) would actually result in someone competent coming after you in order to cash in that Bounty?
Apparently there are some people who Think so, and therefore, I made this mod.

So, what is this Mod?

Just as I said, It adds a specialized group of Bounty hunting orks to the world which will send Hunting parties of varying strength after the player if their Bounty exceeds a MCM configurable Threshold. The mod was initially meant to serve complement to my other mod Prison Alternative, by providing some means for the player to actually end Up in Jail. But as Development progressed, I came up with with a few features which make this mod worthwhile on its own.
quick feature Overview:


Huntig parties

Whenever your bounty in one of the Holds exceeds the threshold set in the MCM, there is a possibility that you might get ambushed By a hunting party. composition and strenght of those parties increases with your Bounty. There is a large number of checks in place to ensure these attacks dont happen while anything of importance is going on, so it shouldn't break any other mods or vanilla story Events. Also, attacks will only happen in the Tamriel worldspace (Not in interiors, cities, Solstheim, or modded locations like Bruma)

Specialized combat
In order to ensure compatibility with other combat defeat mods, The Orks use a special scripted poison damage which will accumulate with each hit you take. The total poison accumulation is indicated by a small onscreen widget and increased poison levels will increasingly blur your vision and reduce your movement speed. If the poison meter reaches 100%, you will fall unconscious. There is a chance for your follower to save you if they are nearby and still standing.



Defeat Outcomes
When you are defeated and your follower didnt manage to save the day, an Outcome will be selected. (Probabilities can be adjusted in the MCM)
The first and Default outcome is the simple transfer To Jail. this works For PA-enabled Jails, but also for Vanilla Jails. (not POP or DCL)

Ork camps
The other outcome for now is the Ork camp (there will hopefully be more outcomes in the future)
This temporary camp serves as a stopgap for the night before the Player is brought to a more permanent location (Only regular Jail for now, but there will be more dangerous locations added in the future)
When brought to this temporary camp, the Player has the choice between trying to escape or waiting it out. Depending on how many of my PA-Bad Ends mods you have installed, going to Jail might be fairly dangerous, so You might want to try your luck and get out, but this obviously has its own risks.


If the player Decides to attempt an Escape, his primary objective is to get away from the camp without waking up the sleeping orks. Due to the after effects of the poison, your movement speed is reduced and you will go down in a single hit if the orks get to you. So you want to be careful here.
Optionally, the player can also try to retrieve his items from the camps chest before leaving, as well as trying to free his followers from the cage. Similar to the player, followers will also get recaptured with a single hit if the orks are alarmed, but they might also serve as a valuable distraction to make it easier for yourself to escape.


If you get recaptured during your Escape, the Orks will be very displeased and do some nasty stuff with you. If you have Deadly Furnitures installed, they might even do something very drastic/final to you or your unlucky companions (if you have any)
If on the other hand your escape was successful but you had to leave your gear of followers behind, there is a small followup quest which allows you to retrieve them later or at least find out what became of them.



This entire Project is still in an relatively early phase, so the outcomes and content are somewhat limited right now, but will likely get a few major expansions in the future.
The content that IS currently here has gone trough a fair bit of testing by me and my awesome supporters on Subscribestar and Patreon, so it should be mostly stable. but Its of course still within the realm of possibilities that I overlooked something, so use it at your own risk.






  • Pretty much all other combat Defeat mods (Avoid using surrender hotkeys)
  • Prison alternative (highly recommended)
  • Pamas Deadly Furnitures (Needed for some outcomes)
  • Followers (system supports up to three followers)



  • Devious Devices (Just having it installed COULD be ok, but if you actually wear something from DD during an OBH event, stuff will break)
  • Certain standalone followers which use scripted effects/teleportation, or follower frameworks which do the same (AFT or NFF for example)



Related/recommended mods:



And If you want exclusive early access to new Stuff, want to vote on what I should make next,
or Just like my work, consider supporting me:

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Or join the Discord to get more news on Dev-updates and a steady stream of Images featuring the Stuff.

Edited by Pamatronic

What's New in Version 0.3


Fixed some dirty Edits.

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