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Raven Beak Prison




A way to roleplay in prison



I don't have the time anymore to take care of this mod. I know RBS was never really finished, but if any modder wants to pick it up and continue development, feel free to contact me.


I wrote this mod just for myself and not until later I decided to upload it. Therefore it come with no MCM, adjustable settings or ways for customisation. Afterwards it thought it had become a nice piece of work and that maybe someone else might also have fun with it. When you try this mod you will notice some "unused potential", rough transitions or other flaws. That's because I noticed I was losing motivation half-way through and started tp cut corners on purpose so I'd at least finish something. Maybe I'll develop this mod later on, but not anytime soon, I've real life incoming and then there is FO4 which I want to attend to ;)


A word to Prison Overhaul: I like PO and had a lot of fun with it, it's a very good mod. But it doesn't offer a lot of roleplay choices or freedom. So I made my own interpretation of a prison overhaul (with blackjack and hookers :D).

Raven Beak Prison:
This is the prison where the mod takes place. The vanilla prisons will be circumvented and ignored. The background I thought of was that there is an old fort on top of forgotten iron veins beyond Skyrims southern border. A group of shady people had the idea, similar to the Silverbloods in Markarth, to let prisoners do the mining and sell the ore. Now they buy prisoners from all over Skyrim and put them to work. The hold don't have to deal with their scum anymore and get the full bounty. The inmates get very high sentence, which gets reduced by the ore they dig up. Every piece of ore buys one day. Therefore it's in the prisoners own intent to mine as much ore possible. But since the guards are less more than bandits with a sense for business they don't really care for what the prisoners are doing. If they mine or not, have a fight or shady deals, the guards don't really care.



  • When you have a bounty over 1000 gold and go to jail you'll be sent to Raven Beak Prison. If you go to jail with a lower bounty you trigger the vanilla jail.
  • When your bounty is below 1000 gold you can offer the guard sex to get free. (I thought that is a good way to bribe a guard, but once you're a too high profile criminal the guard can't cover it up anymore, or can't reconcile helping you with his conscience or morals, or a fuck isn't just good enough for you just killing a couple of his long year friends and colleagues.)
  • You can pay any bounty are an orc stronghold with sex too. No prison here.
  • You get a sentence of one day per 10 gold of bounty, making it a minimum of 100 days.
  • For every piece of ore mined and delivered to a guard you loose one day. Don't worry, the ore veins have a respawn time from 1 to 5 hours in game. So 100 ore are easily mined on a day.
  • You can demand ore and other things from the other inmates.
  • Other inmates can demand something from you every hour.
  • You can team up with and fellow inmate to escape.
  • Trade things with one of the Khajiit (not the grey one, the red-ish, brown one).


The bully system:
When you come into the prison you start with a bully level of 50. Each hour between, 9 am and 10 pm, there is a percent chance that a prisoner will approach you, making it a 50% chance by default. They eigher want to steal your things or demand sex. An exception is when you are naked, you will be approached every hour and the demand is always sex. You can try to intimidate your opponent, submit, fight him or try to persuade him to escape with you.
When you submit your bully level decrases by 10 points, making it 10% more likely to be approached next hour again.
When loosing the intimidation you get -5 bully level, or gain +5 when winning. When choosing to fight you have to fight the other one with no rules. You need to get your opponent below 20% health or kill him to win. A win brings +10 points bully level. Respectively you loose the fight and 10 points bully level when your health drops below 20%. If sex was demanded it will result in an aggressive sex animation. Sex in general has a 50% chance to turn into a threesome.


When you demand stuff from another inmates you also gain and loose bully level like above. 10 in a fight and 5 in an intimidation.
The intimidation and persuation becomes easier or harder depending on your bully level:


1 - 30: Hard
31 - 80: Average
81-99: Easy


Your bully levels minium is 1 (you get approached every hour) and the max is 99 ( a 1% chance always remains).
There is no way to see your bully level at this time so you eigher ignor it or need to keep track in your head.




SexLab Framework
Fus-Ro-Do(h) - Silent Voice


Prison Overhaul
any mod that alters prisons or the guard dialouge most likely.



Use Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer
drop the extracted archieve into you Skyrim\Data folder


I haven't tested the mod with followers. (I just forgot). They might be teleported in with you, so I recomment to release them and hope they go away, but you can also try to play with them, it should also work out most of the time^^


Try not to wait. It won't break the game, but waiting messes with the rountine of the other prisoners. That will look a bit strange, but nothing more. If you need to wait, do it in one hour increments and see if you're approached. Sleeping at night is ok, the best wake up time would be 6 am or at least before 7 am.


The prison is not directly connected to Skrim, you get teleported in and out. Did I mention the unused potential? So you can't escape on your own. You either need to get your sentence to 0 days and be released in the morning. Or you use the escape quest. When you escape your stuff will be lost.


When you are arrested you still need to pay your bounty from the gold in your inventory and you're searched for stolen items. If you don't have enough gold you will loose all you have on you.




Ashal for SexLab Framework

What's New in Version 1.0


  • Initial Release (12/08/2015)

  • Create New...

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