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About This File

Continuation of Slaverun Reloaded's Enforcer. Adds features to enslaved cities, including NPC group sex & sexier outfits for women. Also, bugfixes, performance & compatibility improvements, and so much more. This mods builds upon the slavery laws, increasing their impact on the citizens and Player. The goal is to make the Enforcer more engaging, and for the city atmosphere to feel like the premise. You can add this mod to your existing Slaverun playthrough. Or start a new game.


Backstory and Premise

Civil war made Skyrim take an ugly turn. As men fight, women become outlets for their lust and frustration. Whiterun develops into the center of a new female slave trade. Thereafter it is commonly known as Slaverun. Misogynistic slavery laws take hold and begin spreading to other cities. Any female without wealth or resources to safeguard herself can be enslaved. Men start having sex with slaves in the city streets.


What is the Slaverun Enforcer?

When a city falls to slavery the Enforcers take over. They begin enforcing new laws on the female populace. These laws are customizable in the MCM menu. Default settings and Outfit Themes will strip poor and weak willed females of their clothes and enslave them. Men will have sex with slaves as often as they desire. On the street, in the markets, the inns, and keeps. The women who remain Free do not completely escape manly lust. Depending on your settings they might be given sexier clothes to wear, asked to give blowjobs, or get treated little different than slaves.


New Features

  • Quality of life improvements to make Slaverun more compatible with other quests and story mods. Includes major performance improvements, bug fixes, and miscellaneous tweaks.
  • Give women sexy clothes or bondage devices from other mods. The clothes given can vary based on the region.
  • Males can have sex with multiple females at once. Plays MFF - MFFFF animations.
  • Any slave can be gangbanged. MMF - MMMMF animations.
  • Hooded Slaver Guards at the entrance of towns intercept all incoming female NPCs and demand a blowjob. Before only the player was intercepted.
  • Pairs considerably more horny males and available females. Everywhere you go a SexLab animation can already be playing. It no longer feels like the player is the primary slave in Slaverun, all slaves behave like the player would have.
  • A sneaking player can avoid lustful men. But be careful. Females sneaking is against Slaverun law. MCM punishment settings apply.
  • Extensively customizable logic for determining who remains free and who is automatically enslaved.

20+ miscellaneous features:



  • NPCs from neighboring cells can be included in Enforcer runs. Distance customizable in MCM. This dramatically increases the number of SexLab animations you will see.
  • Added MCM options.
    • Slider to decrease how frequently the player is called versus other NPCs. You might find you want this as animations play constantly now.
    • Option for Basic Roleplay Notifications. This replaces commentary about how the player must be feeling with basic information about their recent experience. It accommodates more diverse roleplay options. Sometimes the commentary conflicted with your head canon.
    • Button to reset all NPC outfits back to their original.
    • Separate stripping options for boots and gloves.
    • Sliders for how often some animation tags play for Free Women or Slaves. Free Women can give blowjobs 0 - 100% of the time. Slaves can be 0 - 100% Anal.
    • Option to Skip Beast Races in the Enforcer. Functions the same as the Skip Old People setting.
    • Hotkey for showing Slaverun statistics will also toggle the enforcer on or off. Useful if you need to temporarily disable the Enforcer for a quest.
  • Now extremely rare that a conversation is interrupted by Slaverun. Major improvements when it comes to detecting who the player is currently talking to. Also prevents interruptions when player has the map open or a similar menu.
  • Increased compatibility with other story mods. Fewer interruptions of NPCs that are in scenes.
  • The Confidence ActorValue for male followers affects how often they will demand sex. Less confident followers will rarely ask the player or others for sex. Fully confident followers will bang you whenever they please. The result is that you might find some male followers more appealing companions than others.
  • Females are treated how they are dressed. When dressed as a Free woman ordinary men treat a female as free.
    • Slavers are not as naive as the common man. If the player is actually a slave, but dressed as a free woman, they will see through this disguise and punish you.
    • If MCM is set to automatically strip NPCs your outfit theme can limit this to only poor and weak-willed women. They will be enslaved while wealthy women and adventurers walk free. Or you can strip everyone. During installation choose the Outfit Theme that is right for you.
  • Sleeping males are ignored for SexLab animations. Better for thief playthroughs and the like.
  • Sitting actors are made available for SexLab animations. The location of this animation will take place in an open area of the room rather than clipping through a chair.
  • Increased variety when nearby actors are paired together. No more "Pike chooses Greta" every single time.
  • Improved scheduling of the next Enforcer run to happen more consistently at your MCM interval setting.
  • Major performance improvements. Also some MCM sliders can improve performance even more if needed. The Enforcer is also much lighter on your script load when you are outside of a Slaverun city. Might help if you ever crashed during combat in the wilderness.
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs from the original. Particularly ones that prevented animations from starting or the Enforcer from finding available actors. NPC animations play more frequently in this version.


Version 2

This mod is feature complete and contains no known bugs. Version 1.0.4 has been tested for over a year now by hundreds of beta testers. It is apparently free of bugs.


A spiritual successor to this mod called SES2 is under development. SES2 does not depend on Slaverun Reloaded for anything, but it is not an exact mirror of the original Slaverun Reloaded Enforcer. It is my version catering to my role play motivations. It changes how some of the features work. Some folks will prefer this mod and the Reloaded way of enforcement. Others might like the SES2 way of doing things. Comparison of the two mods:



NPC sex  
NPC group sex With this mod multiple men will gangbang a slave, or one man will have an orgy with multiple women. In SES2 Any free man or woman can initiate sex with any amount of slaves. They can also invite other free folk to join in. This is a subtle change that makes sex more of a free vs. slave thing, instead of men vs. women.
Men can be enslaved -  
Free women initiate sex w/slaves -  
Player stripping & punishments - Install the Licenses mod or Public Whore alongside SES2 to get a similar feature.
NPC stripping  
Follower stripping - Planned feature for SES2 that is not yet implemented. For now just take clothes out of their inventory if you wish to strip a follower.
Adds Slavers to cities - SES2 uses the existing city guards for enforcement.
Blowjobs demanded when entering a city - Planned feature for SES2 that is not yet implemented.
Customizable using SPID - Uses SPID for selecting who gets enslaved, making customization easy. Uses KID to tag clothes as slave clothing. Will soon use SkyTweak for additional customization options. Considerably easier to tweak things to your liking using INI files.
LE Compatible -  


If you are interested in beta testing SES2 you can download it here. It is still a work in progress. Some features have not been added yet.

Installing / Upgrading

First install Slaverun Reloaded (SE or LE) and its requirements. Then install this mod with a later priority. It overwrites some of Reloaded's files. Activate this mods .esp files in your mod manager. Detailed instructions and links to all of the required mods.


Upgrading midway into a Slaverun playthrough

  1. Before installation go to an area that is not enslaved and wait for the "This location is free from nudity law" notification.
  2. Save there.
  3. Exit and install the new version.
  4. Load the game and resume your save. Visit the Enforcer pages of the MCM menu as some settings may have changed.


Uninstall & Downgrade

Follow the steps outlined in the FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • How can I skip Reloaded's story quests and enslave all of Skyrim? Enable Cheats in the MCM options menu. This gives you a [Cheat] dialogue option when a Reloaded quest starts. One of the earliest cheat options is to skip the entire story and jump straight to Skyrim being enslaved. That activates the Enforcer in all cities. Once the story is over the only thing left running is basically the Enforcer.
  • Why are you calling it "Standsalone"? First, the Slaverun premise stands alone as the best story mod concept in all of Skyrim. In my opinion of course. However the main reason is because I began writing version 2 of this mod. It does not require Reloaded, nor any of its dependencies to be installed. I named this mod while planning a long term update that would live up to its name. Unfortunately rebuilding the exact same mod can be demotivating. Creating something new is fun! After months in the oven, version 2 began drifting from the original Slaverun premise and became its own thing. A spiritual successor. It has some of the same features but not all. And so it made sense to release that as its own mod.

More frequently asked questions and some tutorials can be found here.

Credits & Thanks

@pchs for the original Slaverun mod and permission to build follow-up mods.

@WaxenFigure for the original Slaverun Enforcer scripts.

@Kenjoka for the herculean effort that went into the Reloaded version. Also thanks to the Devious Devices crew, Zaz Animation Pack, and the other mods that Reloaded is built atop of.


You certainly have my permission to make modifications of my modifications. But be sure to give the afore mentioned folks credit. They did all the hard work.

Edited by kaxat

What's New in Version 1.0.4


This mod is now feature complete. This version has been beta tested since March of 2023, downloaded over 800 times. It has no known bugs. Future development is happening with a spiritual successor to this mod.


  • New Features
    • If your settings dictate that new outfits are given to slaves or free they will change this outfit daily. In other words females will change clothes daily.
    • Added new Outfit Themes. When switching themes don't forget to use the Reset All Outfits MCM option. This will give the new theme a blank slate to play with, and remove remnants of the old theme from your save.
      • Added a new Free Theme that uses clothes from the Luxury Collection. The free women of Skyrim will be expected to buy and wear luxurious lingerie. Those who can't afford it will be enslaved. Leaves around 75% of women free.

        Over 130 base outfits. Each outfit has numerous possible combinations. A single outfit can have 1000+ possible combinations. It is rare to see the same outfit twice. It can also optionally change hair styles every day if you have installed hair mods such as Xing or KS Hairdos. Theme varies based on which city you are in.

        The Luxury Collection is available for many body types. Links below. Be sure to give a thumbs up while you are there.
      • Added a new Slave Theme from @Corsec that includes both Devious Devices and items from the Zaz Animation Pack. This is the new version of his Non-DD collection that he actively maintains. The old theme is still here for legacy purposes and those who prefer DD only. New theme adds rope, metal, and wood restraints and various other improvements. Also adds patches to make the following optional: blindfolds, gags, and piercings.
      • Updated the Devious Devices (Non-DD Old) theme. Fixed an issue where harnesses and the like would not be removed during a SexLab anim. Added 4 patches for the for disabling some DD equipment from being given out. You can install one or all of these patches if you choose this theme.
        • Disable piercings
        • Disable posture collars
        • Disable harnesses
        • Disable chastity belts & bras
  • Bug fix
    • Fixed issue with Slaver forcegreet events so that they would properly reset and happen again. Thanks @asdfmovie666, @Onidai, @xyzxyz, & @SpectreOfDecay for the reports.
    • Fixed issue that prevented resetting all NPC outfits.
    • VR Only: Fixed issue that caused crash during forcegreet events. VR uses an outdated and CTD prone version of PapyrusUtils. This attempts to not call it when it might crash. Thanks @jc321, & @Silvain for the reports.
    • LE Only: Fixed a rare CTD one user experienced when resetting outfits. Issue occurs when SKSE's ResetInventory() function is called. Perhaps a result of some other mod in their load order breaking SKSE, or a bug in SKSE itself. Since I can not directly test on LE I stopped resetting inventories. On LE only outfits will be reset. Confiscated weapons stay missing. Thanks @xyzxyz for the report and testing a fix.
  • Minor bug fixes
    • Fix minor bug when the MCM "Max distance to call NPCs" was set to 0. The intent of setting this to 0 is to increase performance but it in fact decreased it.

    • Made stripping work when sex is disabled. Thanks @greenishp for the report.

    • Fixed bug with the "Enforcers check slavers" that caused it to behave in reverse. Unticking the box would cause slavers to be checked. Thanks to @drive.rafa3 for the report and finding the problem code.

    • Hide "Slave patrols are doing a routine check" notification. Did not realize this would spam the user if a patrol was not near by. Plus its intended purpose is now defunct.

  • Misc
    • Stopped stripping actors that are currently in the player's line of sight. Thanks @Gyra for the idea.

    • Added Kynareth Temple in Whiterun to locations. Thanks @greenishp for the idea.
    • Small performance improvements when stripping.
    • Stopped clearing list of city actors when the Enforcer is disabled. People are commonly temporarily disabling the Enforcer. And would have to wait a long time for it to rebuild. Cache can still be cleared by toggling many settings that would invalidate it. Such as Skip Beast Races.
    • Updated player violation punishments. Made Slaver Agent guaranteed to punish if at least one MCM punishment option is enabled. Regular men are still far less likely to punish.
    • Altered behavior of "Female Followers are NPCs too" MCM option.
      • When disabled their outfits will no longer be checked for validity and they will only be stripped.
      • When enabled both potential and current followers will be treated the same and have their outfits checked. This means potential followers that you have just encountered for the first time might have slightly different treatment than other women.
    • Updated player violation punishments. Made Slaver Agent guaranteed to punish if at least one MCM punishment option is enabled. Regular men are still less likely to punish.
    • Improved search when finding who the player is in a conversation with. Once found they will not be involved in the next SexLab anim. This event triggers when the dialogue menu opens. Sometimes the NPC being conversed with is not under the players crosshair and the mod has to search for the actor. Now finds the actor more reliably.
    • Disabled the MFF+ group animation sorter. It did its best to prevent females from being put in the male position of an animation. This code was written before SexLab 1.63 included a similar fix.
    • Added a version checking API. Backported from the upcoming version 2. This will give other mods an easy way to see if you are running 1.x or 2.x+.
    • When installing or updating this mod on LE it will now do a one time conversion of the .json files from the SE/AE format. It converts to the PapyrusUtils 3.3 format that LE is restricted to. This can take a minute or two after you load your save. Once converted the files are resaved, so the conversion does not need to happen again. Massive thanks to @xyzxyz for helping test that this change works on LE.

Important Note: If you have created or modified an Outfit Theme read this: How to update an Outfit Theme to be v1.x compatible.


More info: Changelog (Version History) | Known Bugs

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