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Sink of Scrubbing - SexLab Integration 1.0.0

1 Screenshot

About This File

Sink of Scrubbing is a tremendous little mod that makes wash basins interactive. This mod integrates it with SexLab to clean cum.


Sink of Scrubbing already supports cleaning off the dirt and grime you can accumulate from mods like Dirt & Blood and Keep it Clean. With this mod installed it will also clean off cum from SexLab. 


Sink of Scrubbing can also optionally show the race menu popup so that you can adjust your characters hair and so forth. This mod slightly alters Sink of Scrubbing to use the "limited" Race Menu that the Face Sculptor uses. This patches a small bug. If a mod triggers the full new game race menu, then Skyrim creates a new profile in your save folder. When you go back to load a save you have to jump through extra hoops to find your full list of saves from all profiles, because Skyrim thinks you started a new character. Using the "limited" race menu patches that.


If there are not enough wash basins for your liking, you can place new ones with the console. Stand where you want it to go, then type PlaceAtMe SoS_Washbasin


Install this like you would any other mod.


This is as safe as any script can be to uninstall. To uninstall disable this mod in your mod manager.


Optional Integrations

  • Legacy of the Dragonborn The _SWAP.ini included with this will swap out the basin in LotD's player home with an interactive variant. If you have both LotD installed, then this integration will kick in. If you do not have that you can ignore or delete this INI file.


Credits & Thanks

Thanks to jakequery for the Sink of Scrubbing mod, and for giving open permissions to modify and use it.

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