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SL Tag and Prostitution with 3P (add on for tag and dialog sex) 1.8.5

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SL Tag and prostitution with 3P



Current Version 1.8.5


To update 1.8.5 download recent Tag and Dialog sex (1.5.7) and up-date it first >>  up date this add on please?

you do not  need to use clean save data to up-date.


add function to change Member display name as dialog. you may see new dialog only about your club member, then it offer UI text input menu.

then change it as you need.   it is useful when you add No unique name NPC. as Club member. (it is same as nick name of EFF or other NPC manager function)

 I keep to use yield to me, and have 8 or 10  bandit as Yield NPC(slave)  and I add some of them as Club member.

. then hope to set name, without use other  mod.. then added it.









fix some 2p Dialog sex use different slot animations.. which you set (or auto selected as random /  loop option) 

 it is caused  when I add new List option for more than 125 animation ..>> then I re-use function in tag and sex MCM with customize for this mod

.  so actually I needed to edit tag and sex script functions... then to it work correctly, you must need to up-date Tag and Dialog Sex ? 





Finally I could fix why when use list select mode (choose one 3P animation then start sex) ,  sexlab auto exchange animation for 3P (without PC) only...

The reason was, I set sslbaseanimation [] as property without clear reason only for 3P start without PC dialog script.., if I use those dialog, even though I select animation,

and can confirm animation name, sexlab ignore it, and exchange new animation.


, so I set sslbaseanimation [] as temp variable again,, and remove property from those 2 dialog  script.. now it can show correct animation which I selected...? 

so I suppose I can move function again,  but afraid if it return this problem, then keep them . anyway this version should solve "auto change animation issue" for

3p dialog with list menu...



Fix A  I changed condition  to show dialog for   2P  sex with called member, for 1.8.0  but it conflict and cause un-expected dialog issue. so I now return condition.?


Then 2P taste mode (Player VS NPC)  need to set NPC as Prostitute Actor.  The reason is  it count player sex and show continue dialog for same Actor NPC  (continue/ stop)

so if I expand it for all called member,, condition break (or show un-expected dialog  or hide necessary dialog)


About 3P, you can start it with any Called member..  (not limit as Prostitute Actor).. so if Prostitute Actor is currently sex with Prostitute guest,, 

you can not start 2P sex with member (from this mod dialog) but can start 3P sex with this mod dialog. .  so to start 2p with called member, please  use tag and sex dialog.


(to correct it,   I need to add new DIalog for Called member  with new MCM menu, and may need to check, which NPC you sex with >>then show dialog to continue/finish.

for the Actor only.    so at current I avoid it.   I may up-load if I could confirm, it work without new save data.


FIX B  I just move one custom sex start function, and set correctly, but it seems still show issue when I select 3P animation with list. sexlab auto change animation.

and I really see role change for female.  (though I can not find script error, but actually confirm sexlab auto change animation )


I suppose this prolbem only happen when I use Non clean save data. (some property not up-date I suppose) . but I hope to use my saved data, then I return those script.

It seems up-date issue of property..   it just add same Function for all 3P script. but so it work without clean save data... To stability, I may keep it .

The demerit  is , all 3P  dialog script, describe same custom start sex  function to select one animation,, but it not cause issue and stable with old save data.

. so I prefer the old way. ?




To update this version, you do not need clean save data. actually. but  I recommend up-data tag and sex too. because this add on use same script functions to use saved slot and custom function to start sex. . then I up-date this mod function >> sometimes I  change tag and sex  script function too.. after up-load 1.8.0 I up-load tag and sex too as my current modify version.


  Though I believe, each version is OK (at least  I described for each version) .. but to be frankly said,    I do not remember,  which version of tag and sex  script I tweaked for each version up-date (and up-load) ^^; 


I just confirm "recent Tag and Sex" with "Recent this add on", work without problem for my pc,  with show all functions  which I added or modify as I intend. Then  I do not hope to ask user reflection. but if you can take time, please report it worked or not in support page.. if no feed back but I only got one DM (which not worked!!)  I may stop this mod up-load here ^^;    (there is no meaning to up-load unstable or actually not working  mod  If I can not confirm it work for others)



A  Change conditions to PC  start Sex with Called Member. before I forced to limit dialog only when there is  No Prostitute customer.   Though it work as intended,

but when Customer start sex with Prostitute actor, PC or other called  member can join, but could not start sex with other member by this mod.

(though I had used dialog sex, but it not offer 3P)


Now PC can start sex with Called Member or Prostitute Actor anytime you need, even though there is Prostitute Customer. (so Customer  just see  you playing ^^;)


(Pair 3P scene example)

By dialog  <talk with prostitute customer)>   then start  "Pro customer VS Pro Actor VS called member"  3P.

then  you(PC)  can start 3P/2P  with currently called member ..  (use Player taste dialog  for 2P or 3P)


B  This mod use saved slot (in Tag and sex) for 2p . then you can set slot for dialog with mix use other option (use Set slot for dialog/ loop slot/ Swap slot/show animation list/page list )

actually it worked , but you may sometimes hope to confirm, which saved slot (you may set label I suppose) are actualy used, , untill start animation. (then may check list)

Before I only show them in console log, but now I add inform to show current Slot name for Most of 2P option.   if you choose "Select slot" option, there is no inform,

because you decide which slot will be used. 



A.   Expand member club max 20 to 40 


when you load save data, first time, you may see confirm message once. (then expand and up-date current member list)

I make it work without new save data to keep current member list.. then it auto up-date all related list. (called member ,etc),

then  your current club member (max 20)  remain as same as before.  but  you may better once return all called member. from MCM menu, with 1.7.6

then up-date this version later..  I did not think I may set more than 20 NPC, but to set 3P actor, I now often set Male NPC too. so for me 20 was not enough..?


B.   Show Actor nick name for list when call/fly to/check member)


 before member list show base name.. now I change list, when NPC have display name it use display name.  (aka nick name or shot name, or your modified name by other mod)

I only test EFF changed nick name NPC, but now it seems work.   (I test with Yield to me slaves which change display name by EFF)

without it,  those NPC  shown as "bandit" only... (you might see same issue for defeat captured list, or some mods which may show actor list)

if NPC have no nick name, it use base name as same as before.. and it auto-up-date current members club list. ( at least I think I made so ^^;)




For interrupt 3P  start (target any NPC vs NPC sexlab animation,  and use dialog to stop current scene then start 3p with PC/called member ), 

before it have no option to swap actor for same gender , and option to  list select animation.   now this mode can use those option. as same as other 3P start dialog.  

Now all 3p play use same option. in MCM







And I had set flag for one  dialog which can  stop NPC vs NPC  "Stop sex now!" 

before it worked with Tag and sex,  show dalog option = ON (tag and dialog sex MCM menu),  Then  if you set it as OFF,  but set Prostitute dialog on (this mod MCM menu)

it never be shown.. Now correctly set flag (dialog condition), so you can see it, when Prostitute dialog on in this mod MCM.  with off it disappear.


And I clean up dialog attached script, (to devid function for sex start, in quest script),, I believe you need not use clean save data for this up-date , (I tried it work so)

but if it still not work,, (eg,, when you try to start 3p with interrupt mode, or with dialog which start  new 3P animation),, please try with clean save data.


the problem was add new sexlab property in script, and set it with CK,, sometimes (or often), the property are not updated with save data.  then sexlab function which use the property

can not work correctly ^^;   I follow this guide ,, so now it work without clean save data, (once property set correctly in game, then save data seems work without problem)


But if you see issue,, you may need to use clean save data,, and try again please.. 

(and actually it is most stable way, to up-date mod which may add/change script property often..)?




Add new option to show more than 125 animation as page list     (which recently added  for  Tags and dialog sex )

so if you use 1.7.5 , should up-date   tags and dialog sex (version 1.5.5) please.?


when you activate this option in 1st page MCM menu,, now this add on Auto adjust other options (use tags and show list menu to select animation)

 so you can select from more than 125 animations, for each slot, about  NPC vs NPC or PC vs NPC 





you can still set saved Slot for each dialog (start/continue) ,  or   loop/random or force to use  temp slot (tag and sex main slot editor)

  with check all Page list of current slot


Btw  This option   take more time than sexlab auto generate list (limit as 125),  though I make it fast as I can, but  if you can not wait 20 seconds to max 1minutes

, you should not use this option. ? Then if you need to confirm  script working , open console... you may see valid animations added . all detail about this option check tag and sex please.   



If you use my  tag and dialog sex (Required mod) to 1.5.0  you need to use  1.7.2 


if you do not up-date tag and dialog sex (keep to use 1.4.0),  you should not up-date.   use 1.7.1 please?


Tag and dialogue sex expand slot count to 16, so only some sex option (loop/ random slot) need to change count.. 



Just Fix in MCM > player>continue sex> victim list show other list  ?

I notice it when I up-load 1.7.0 pics.. 

from 1.7.0 you need not clean save data,, but it had saved wrong value of the  property,, so to correct it,,


after up-date 1.7.1, load save data >>> select here (in pic)  >> set value then save again..  





 it had shown wrong list data but index is correctly used for Player SEX...  

I hope this version should be  stable version. (so I remove beta ? ) if find new bug etc,, I may change again..



Add 2 new MCM  3P option 

opt A   Show/Hide list menu when start 3P sex with dialog. ("sexlab auto select and  start"  OR  "you select from animation list")

opt B  Show/Hide  MessageBox when start 3P to swap Actor position for Same gender Role.

it work well. ?



 1. Go to MCM menu >> player page >> 3P sex option.   then activate (toggle on) 




 2. when start 3P with dialog, you will see new Message box, (swap actor for same gender  NO/YES)

if you select NO, it use default role which I set..




 3.  if you select Yes ,  swap Role for Same gender.   like this (I may recommend use show list menu, then select same animation to clear see actor swap!)





4  it work FFM too.. about this case, 2 Female swap role ^^b  


swap OFF





swap ON






Swap menu  work for Pro(Act) VS Pro(Guest) VS Member too.  (non PC join)  


Then to enjoy all MFF animation  I strongly recommend, to use This json for Leito SLAL SE pack.or how you set Actor you should see wrong animation I suppose. 

(Male always act as Female,  and there is no way to correct it I suppose)


And if you are SLAA user, and you like to use my add on offer Interrupt mode, (target 2P sex play actor, then select  dialog an start new  3P)  

you should use my SLAA custom, and de-activate SLAA in MCM  please.. or you can not see any other dialog (include other mod I suppose)

if you do not use this mod interrupt 3P mode, you do not need it.   Of course you can use SLAA and this add on without issue. 

(so only interrupt dialog need to un-activate SLAA,  with my custom version)




1.6.5 Added new dialogs to start 3P for Current Prostitute Actor / Customer and Member/PC 


 it need not to start from  2p animation. but directly use dialog for each. There are some way to start 3P. 


to up-date this version ideally I hope you use clean save data. or at least once clean up all Pro actor/customer

and called member from MCM menu.. then save >> try new version.

(for me it worked... )


At first you need to set one Prostitute Actor   =   the prostitute Actor usually set as Passive role. (female F role) 

it is not matter, whether she is called from club member or just you set near NPC without use club member.


then there will be 2 case 


Case1     without set Prostitute Guest       =   (same condition as Player taste mode PC VS  Prostitue Actor )

 you need to call al least one Club member , she will be 3rd actor.  if you have called some members already,

 you can select which called member will join from list.   The list will  auto exclude current Pro Actor/ and actor who sex at current


Then talk with Prostitute Actor  and select 3P start dialog .  " I need to train you for 3p option."

after that you select One club member from list. then select animation from animation list


About this case,   Actors should be (Prostitute Actor Player, and Club member)

animation will change with your select Club member gender  So I make this mod for PC male, then Player set as Male role. 


Case2   with  set Prostitute Guest     (same condition as Prostitute Guest  VS  Prostiute Actor )

 Female passive role = Prostitute Actor,    Male role = Prostitute Guest

when you  talk with Prostitute Guest ,  You may have 2 dialog to start 3P.


"Lets play  3p,  I will join..." >>  Player will join

"Lets play  3p,  I select member to join..." >> Club member will join



Though  you do not remember all condition to start 3P for this mod..but anyway For 3P ,

you need to select 3 Actors (include PC or not), then you may easy understand, after start dialog with current your condition.


To test easy,, I recommend anyway call 3 club member, then set one of your favor NPC,  as Prostitute Actor .

and talk with her... you can start 3P animation, include player.  (I mostly use this..)


after that, try to  set Prostitute guest, (male role), then talk with him.  you may see 2 option (PC join or member join)

and I found Leito SLAL pack seems not correctly set JSON role then , eventhogh I change Actor pos for all case,

Male always try to act as F,  so I corrected and add it for SE topic.  then you can see correct male role for leito FFM animation.   

you may download and test it if you find same problem ..?



add 3rd shout "WIF fly to"

so you can fly to club member from list .. so simple. ?


1.6.1 small fix



 when you choose member join to 3P. but if you do not have any member who called or can start sex,  I made PC join and start 3P

but 1.6.0 I miss set PC for the case only ^^;   (if you choose PC to join , it worked.. so it only issue when you select member without valid member..)

anyway I fix it in 1.6.1 


And I should  say thanks  @Sailing Rebel ?


Without his quick answer I could not set actors for 3P correctly I suppose.. 

even though it is basic for others, to understand each ssl props or functions are not easy for me?



added  3P start dialogs when target SEX npc !!






update infomation




update infomation



update information



Hi I hope to introduce new small Prostitution add  on for Tag and dialog SEX  to test NPC VS NPC animations easy ^^b


The purpose is to check SL tag and dialog sex slot animations, and tag setting  for NPC VS NPC,, then you work as manager of  Prostitution member who you employ.


The animations which you use  will be decided by Tag and dialog SEX MCM menu, saved slot data.


from 1.3.0  now it come with  Individual MCM menu, then you  set saved slot animations/tag settings,  for this mod dialogs. and some option menus added. eg

PC VS NPC dialogs and Club functions (kind of member list function, to easy call your member)


Of course,  if you do not like to use  dialog setting, you can directly choose Slot from Slot list menu. (it change by Tag and setting MCM setting)




Require MOD

SL Tags and dialog sex  +  all require mod for SL Tags and dialog sex


For SL tags and dialog sex V 1.5.5 (slot 16 +  page list)    download V1.7.5

For SL tags and dialog sex V 1.5.0, (slot 16)    download V 1.7.2

For SL tags and dialog sex V 1.4.0 (slot 10)     download V1.7.1 


How to use ? 


At first,,  to use this add on, you must need to download SL tags and dialog sex sorry !! ? 


then I recommend with  SL tags and dialog sex,    save some slot first,, (and may test it offered dialogs please...to understand how slot work with dialogs)

After that,   you can set saved slot for Prostitution sex animations in this mod MCM menus.


I may hope you imagine how it work with these images ?

















After finish animaiton, you may choose "continue" / " stop and pay for you" by dialogs.  .  then you may get money.  

I tweak conditions, then those dialog only visible, when it need. 


you can serch another customer, or keep same customer, but only change member, etc,,, but if you stop today work,  order  your member,  then she return to home.

(if you forget to stop your customer, he keep to follow you ^^; ,  so please use dialog to finish time for your customer and your member. 

both set function, when you employ/invite.. then it removed, when you stop with dialog.


. (of course she need money for her hard work.. you may notice when you leave her.  confirm it by yourself please)


At current it is basic dialog, and I do not add complex things,  (though I hope to add many things), but for purpose to test NPC vs NPC animation with use my tag and slot saved data,

it already work well...   but so I am foolish man, then even though current status, I enjoy this ^^;


And at current not count customer gold etc,, but I may planning,, (if others like more condtion, or specific dialog or more interesting faction rank etc) I may add... 





So for this add on work,

you need  SL tag and dialog sex  (+ require mods),  because this is add on plug in for SL tag and dialog  sex which use same slot datas.


if you have not used SL dialog sex, this mod not for you...sorry,?

, because  it not work without Tag and Sex slot data. and settings.




How to install and start


Unzip, then loate This mod plug in (ESL falg ESP) under WIFtagandsex.esp

I locate like this, as you know, so WIFtagandsex.esp is master, so you locate add ono under the master. please.  






So current stage is beta,, then you test it with clean save data which separated from your usuall game save data  please.

(though I do not see strange issue at current, but I can not confirm) 


I do not install AE runtime version, so if you use current SE version, (AE) esp, I can not confirm it work or not,

if my SL tag and dialog sex work,, this mod should work without problem. 


anyway if you find error or bug or problem, teach me please.. I ll try to correct it, (or remove this soon ^^;)


future plan


I may plan to use Member club NPC for other purpose,, if I can... like Capitve follower,,,, 


Not plan (sorry I can not do it)

Creature VS animation.   sorry...  it need many up-date not only about this mod, but tag and sex slot menus...  after I content with current NPC vs NPC

and  PC vs NPC, I may try to add. if I can..  (but I do not think creature sex animation need many tag setting variation...)


as usual any report or request ,  I welcome.. but sorry I still learn every day, then can not make so difficult thing I suppose... 

hope someone enjoy this little tweak mod ^^



Edited by greenmango12

What's New in Version 1.8.5


1 Add function to set Deisplay Name for member club

2. Correct 2P dialog sex script, which had used wrong slot index..(need to update tag and sex!!)

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