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Algunos modelos 3d, tercera parte



dhtdehtdtdt.jpeg.d67f8ddf6a1112318e2fdc8cf5a55081.jpegEn esta tercera entrada continuo resumiendo el trabajo realizado durante los ultimos meses. Tiempo atras realice un tren blindado para algunas viñetas de Carpa y me entraron ganas de realizar un numero dedicado al ferrocarril y su historia en el planeta de nuestras protagonistas. Al final, por eso, preferi hacer un numero dedicado a la historia de la aviacion, vease Carpa 500, aunque realice varios modelos ferroviarios y, de momento, los he archivado para proyectos futuros. La viñeta muestra el primer ferrocarril de la historia planetaria. Como en la historia del ferrocarril terrestre solo se dedico a trabajos mineros o industriales. Aunque me base en el modelo de Richard Trevithick tiene bastante de ficticio.

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In this third entry I continue summarizing the work done during the last few months. Some time ago I made an armored train for some cartoons of Carpa and I wanted to make an issue dedicated to the railway and its history on the planet of our protagonists. In the end, for this reason, I preferred to make an issue dedicated to the history of aviation, see Carpa 500, although I made several railway models and, for now, I have archived them for future projects. The vignette shows the first railway in planetary history. As in the history of the land railway, it was only dedicated to mining or industrial work. Although I based it on Richard Trevithick's model, it is quite fictional.


Para el primer tren para el transporte de mercancias y pasajeros me base en la locomotora de Stephenson, como en el caso anterior me base en el modelo original en muchos detalles, tiene bastante de ficticio.

For the first train to transport goods and passengers I based it on Stephenson's locomotive, as in the previous case I based it on the original model in many details, it is quite fictitious.


"Raton" es el nombre de la tercera locomotora que construi para Carpa. Esta basada en un modelo frances del siglo XIX utilizado en España para servicios industriales, este fue el ultimo de los modelos civiles que hice. Construi para el un par de vagones.

"Raton" is the name of the third locomotive I built for Carpa. It is based on a 19th century French model used in Spain for industrial services, this was the last of the civil models I made. I built him a couple of wagons.


Aqui esta "Raton" con un par de vagones cisterna.

Here is "Mouse" with a couple of tank cars.


Y con dos vagones de transporte generales.

with two general transport cars.


Este automotor blindado con torretas de Panzer 4 esta basado en un modelo de la segunda guerra mundial y del mismo hice una ficticia version con torretas de Kugelblitz.

This armored car with Panzer 4 turrets is based on a model from the Second World War and I made a fictitious version of it with Kugelblitz turrets.


Este es el modelo con armamento antiaereo.

This is the model with anti-aircraft weapons.


Esta es una revision de un pequeño automotor que hice hace algun tiempo y aproveche para realizar, tambien, una version Kugelblitz.

This is a review of a small car that I did some time ago and I took the opportunity to also make a Kugelblitz version.


Este es otro automotor como estacion de radio y reconocimiento ferroviario.

This is another railcar as a radio station and railway reconnaissance.


Este gran tren blindado es un diseño propio que hice pensando en un transporte de tropas y personalidades, de hecho, lo use el tren con el que Amparo y Teresa se incorporan a su unidad en uno de los Carpa, tras ser recibidas por Taciana VI.

This large armored train is my own design that I made thinking about transporting troops and personalities, in fact, it was used by the train with which Amparo and Teresa join their unit in one of the Carpa, after being received by Taciana VI.


Este tren blindado es la revision de un viejo modelo del que no quede demasiado convencido. En realidad el resto de modelos de trenes blindados, provienen de este.

This armored train is the revision of an old model that I was not too convinced about. In fact, the rest of the armored train models come from this one.


Para cerrar esta entrada presento dos modelos realizados para Carpa 500. El primero de ellos es este pequeño vehiculo de transporte para la exploracion planetaria y junto a otros modelos del futuro, presente de nuestras queridas redactoras, cerraba la edicion, pero, curiosamente, no llegue a incluirlo. El diseño es totalmente mio.

To close this entry I present two models made for Carpa 500. The first of them is this small transport vehicle for planetary exploration and along with other models of the future, present from our dear editors, I closed the edition, but, curiously, it did not arrive to include it. The design is totally mine.


Esta sonda la hice basandome en los modelos historicos de la serie "Lunika" aunque cambie algunos detalles para incorporarlo a las expediciones cientificas de nuestro imperio y la use en la viñeta que cierra Carpa 500.

I made this probe based on the historical models of the "Lunika" series, although I changed some details to incorporate it into the scientific expeditions of our empire and used it in the vignette that closes Carpa 500.


Y esta es la mencionada ilustracion.

And this is the aforementioned illustration.








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Tough question:
Do I like the gigantic, menacing tanks better because they are so nightmarishly impressive? 😮
Or do I like the small, cute tanks better because they are just so cute? 😇


The steam locomotives are the winners! I mean, has mankind ever invented anything better? Yes, but that doesn't matter to me ... 😁

Augsburger Puppenkiste: Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer





Working sketcheshghghgjgghjghj.jpg.94ac338a815ad89fe9e6c65b5e278164.jpg








It is the bridge and tunnel that leads to the central station of Agua Hechicera, the imperial capital.😄😄😄

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