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Here is the first part of my story. Lesbians, lesbians and still lesbians ? I hope you enjoy ?

School girls

Chapter 1: An empty bed

Amy and Felicity are roommates, and something more ...
But the arrival of the new schoolmate Eva creates some problems between the two girls...

[here are the main carachters, the story is in the hidden content! ? ]






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I got two messages through the Christmas period, asking for more femdom scenes. I realise this isn't everyone's 'cup of tea'. But i enjoy doing these scenes :)

I'll call this -

*Essie torments her Sissy Husband* ?Femdom-1.jpg.ab24cfa714e1b8a7025e18c82d0df994.jpgFemdom-2.jpg.d94b210ce62583fadaac8da5c4e22e78.jpgFemdom-3.jpg.abfafa4bc9d2f6cceaa828848fd58810.jpgFemdom-4.jpg.2c4329a0c202849c24dd413db0f8fb75.jpgFemdom-5.jpg.419fea147ec8353fd4b86b0c881f6395.jpgFemdom-6.jpg.1d2d9a9ba77cadaffb5b01f02b67abf2.jpgFemdom-7.jpg.e1cd796165cc7c46655340dd21afe646.jpgFemdom-8.jpg.620d5b6c8da61b2268903978e69a2d7a.jpgFemdom-9.jpg.f91c94890ecd610202a5078265e7cdb6.jpgFemdom-10.jpg.ffbd8659df0794cf926cef63ae7f3a8d.jpgFemdom-11.jpg.4ede6f44227c006c617cbde9dd41bb42.jpgFemdom-12.jpg.142a5476d2f958606f9d510dccb305da.jpgFemdom-13.jpg.a1f718d004dc06b74255c932ee3e774a.jpg1636155835_Femdom14.jpg.11643cbd62751e89492782e8461da8c0.jpg1546538867_Femdom15.jpg.f93c92adee88100747a230e795c1fdcd.jpg  ?

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I'm nearly done writing the next chapter for Cambion's Tale, so I thought I'd share some test pics of the sex scene (it's been a while, hasn't it?) between Noémie and Maia. I took these with low graphics settings just for the sake of convenience, so the ones I'll use later will be higher quality. I'm debating over whether I should include some strap-on action or not since I know that a lot of people – I think mostly men, actually – tend to get bored by non-penetrative sex. I also have to make a few poses for a couple shots I wanna take.


Test pics:




I want to stick to shots where Noémie is pleasuring Maia, while Maia takes a passive role. There's an actual story reason for that, but I don't want to spoil anything. Just know that it isn't because Maia's a bad, lazy fuck or anything like that lol.


Also, fuck, I just realized I forgot to give Noémie a tongue.

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7 hours ago, porkybork said:

 I'm debating over whether I should include some strap-on action or not since I know that a lot of people – I think mostly men, actually – tend to get bored by non-penetrative sex.

Looks really good to me. As for the strap-on, this is just my opinion, but if you want the scene to be more about the physical aspect of sex, you can use it (though it can be just as physical without it). However, if you want it to be more romantic, or even sensual, definitely leave it out.

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To take screenshots of my latest Simmies I downloaded a fairy castle. It looks nice on the outside, but it was rather unplayable. ( Maybe I will build something myself, but I'm no great builder) A nyway, using some grass as a toilet gives some funny pics. 








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Hey all! 

It's  hectic week for me, lots going on and schools closed for holidays! 

Last few nights have been experimenting and soon something interesting for animation and gameplay is on the way,

Im sure turbo will be shedding some light on it soon and it'll open a few doors for new possibilities and also convenience! ?


Meanwhile, this experiment I can show! 

I've been learning to use the rig by Dagger with some well appreciated coaching from @Simite and this is my first attempt at animating it?




This is a rough test and it went pretty well! 

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@R-Lo: So good of you! Looking forward to see what's coming next. 

Let me say that yesterday evening I was reading lots of topics on animating here. At some point, it was buzzing in my head. I need to dive into it thoroughly (Ik's, Fk's and such). But at some point, I get bored, not able to focus anymore (yep ADHD ?) and give up. Saying that I really admire the people here - also having usual real life stuff - who are able to make all these wonderful animations and other stuff. 

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8 hours ago, R-Lo said:

Hey all! 

It's  hectic week for me, lots going on and schools closed for holidays! 

Last few nights have been experimenting and soon something interesting for animation and gameplay is on the way,

Im sure turbo will be shedding some light on it soon and it'll open a few doors for new possibilities and also convenience! ?


Meanwhile, this experiment I can show! 

I've been learning to use the rig by Dagger with some well appreciated coaching from @Simite and this is my first attempt at animating it?


This is a rough test and it went pretty well! 


Woaaaah! Congratualitions R-Lo!

Btw. I really miss Dagger a lot!

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1 hour ago, kortjakje said:

@R-Lo: So good of you! Looking forward to see what's coming next. 

Let me say that yesterday evening I was reading lots of topics on animating here. At some point, it was buzzing in my head. I need to dive into it thoroughly (Ik's, Fk's and such). But at some point, I get bored, not able to focus anymore (yep ADHD ?) and give up. Saying that I really admire the people here - also having usual real life stuff - who are able to make all these wonderful animations and other stuff. 


Same here!! Lots of the things I want to improve on and yet to create will be easier with this, 

I know what you mean as by head is constantly buzzing too and it gets frustrating while time is limited, 

It's often difficult to decide where to get stuck in with so many ideas and half finished projects, 

I have some attention issues too and find it very hard to focus on one thing at a time ?

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31 minutes ago, Mariana Soprano said:


Woaaaah! Congratualitions R-Lo!

Btw. I really miss Dagger a lot!

Thank you so much! I wanted to try this for a while but kept chickening out ?

I miss Dagger too, his animations were quite stylish! He clearly knows what he's doing! 

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15 hours ago, R-Lo said:

Hey all! 

It's  hectic week for me, lots going on and schools closed for holidays! 

Last few nights have been experimenting and soon something interesting for animation and gameplay is on the way,

Im sure turbo will be shedding some light on it soon and it'll open a few doors for new possibilities and also convenience! ?


Meanwhile, this experiment I can show! 

I've been learning to use the rig by Dagger with some well appreciated coaching from @Simite and this is my first attempt at animating it?




This is a rough test and it went pretty well! 


8 hours ago, kortjakje said:

@R-Lo: So good of you! Looking forward to see what's coming next. 

Let me say that yesterday evening I was reading lots of topics on animating here. At some point, it was buzzing in my head. I need to dive into it thoroughly (Ik's, Fk's and such). But at some point, I get bored, not able to focus anymore (yep ADHD ?) and give up. Saying that I really admire the people here - also having usual real life stuff - who are able to make all these wonderful animations and other stuff. 


I'm also looking to learn to animate, I'm not bad with poses, although sometimes they look a bit rigid.

Yes, that pesky thing called real life does get in the way, there's so much more I want to do. For 10 years I've done clothes and hair mainly.

Would like to get more into modding and animations.


I work full time and don't have a lot of time to learn more, also lack ideas a lot, don't get as many ideas as I used to :)

R-Lo looking forward to this  new project, sounds exciting.


Also when the school's are off my commute to work is easier as the buses are empty lol ;)

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I've put together this club/rave outfit thing and here's a little story to go with it. :)


Pharah's Night




Full story in the spoiler below, warning - many images.



This is the place Angela talked about...




It seems everyone is already inside.




Wanna dance?




Let me show you some moves!






Pretty cool, huh?




It seems I've got some admirers already...




Let's get some drinks at the bar first though!




Gotta pee, lol.




Time to get to know the locals now.






That escalated quickly!




I need to clean myself up...






Let's cool outside...






...and then dance with the ladies...




...and maybe do some karaoke too before going home!




Ugh, I'm so tired! Wait, why is it so bright out here?!




The end. ?


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