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21 minutes ago, mrrakkonn said:

When I did the mugshot pictures of Linnie, I used cheats to give her the NPC prisoner trait and then had a player controlled sim be a cop and travel to the station and there she was in the cell, so I could take the mugshot pictures of her and the other itneractions you can do with prisoners around the police station. That's a way to do it. If you use the less random townies mod and designate a number of uncontrolled sims as police officers and such and prisoners you can even control pretty much everyone who shows up on that lot when you travel there (for work that is). 

Cool! Thanks for that and I'll try it one day as I'm thinking of doing some more stuff there ?

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As the weeks became months, Roxy & Skye became quite at home at Sadie's place,

Of course Sadie didn't mind,

It'd been a couple of years since her father passed and the converted factory they shared was kinda huge for just one person,

They quickly became as close as before when they were kids, they often shared baths when sleeping over so it wasn't a thing to see each other naked,


During this time Sadie decided to turn her dad's old workshop into a studio for Roxy to work on her photography and art,

Roxy wasn't very confident at first... That is until Sadie offered to be her model!



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8 minutes ago, erplederp said:

Aww, they are so sweet together! ❤️

Also incredible poses, the putting on make-up sequence looks so natural.

Aren't they just!!

Right now they are comfortable with being around each other but things will spice up soon ?

The make up poses are by Concept Design 97 and found here! http://conceptdesign97sims.tumblr.com/post/141317641413/ts4-makeup-couple-pose-set-1-pose-pack/amp

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Preview for "Cambion's Tale: Prologue - Part 3" below:


Many people can't stand failure




But it's important to realize that every failure




Provides a new opportunity to learn and improve.




So, no matter how much you fail, try








again, and maybe you'll achieve something...




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12 hours ago, mrrakkonn said:

I don't have time to check exactly which ones they are, but I am almost completely sure they are made by https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/MJ95


1 hour ago, erplederp said:


Thanks to both of you!

I got a lot from madlen but dunno how I missed those ?

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I love Madlen shoes and boots so very much - but I guess, MJ95 needs some inputs for special ideas and should create some more incredible heels like he did for S3.


Oh, I forgot to mention - this is not my wish to MJ95 - I prefer more "normal" high heels (like we get with S3 late night EP)


My reason is, the original but recolored (at Create a Style) heels never had glitches in extrem movements of the sims while dancing or having sex.

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Using a door as a location for an animation turned out to be a pain!

Theres not a tag that I could find so each one requires it's own WWID to be used!


That's not even all of them!?!


TS4_x64 2018-09-27 13-41-05.png



Much happier with this one now! ?















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