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What are you doing right now in Skyrim (Screenshot required)

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14 hours ago, Alessia Wellington said:


Almost the same ones I have in real life. Also, I like the red glowing pommel of your sword.

The sword is this one.

Not sure what mod it is from. Maybe HSO, I'll check later.



Yep. Daedric Lord Sword from HSO. Random boss drop I think.

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... spreading the word of our goddess among the good people of Dragonbridge


returning joy to a marriage...




War time. :classic_sad: A burden to all local merchants. The overpowering fear that the army takes away all the goods - without pay? No wonder they are on the edge when the sun sets at dawn.




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Thinking "I say". ?

Just past Windhelm along the coast heading north towards Winterhold. Little bandit camp close to where the coast turns west.

First attempt, killed a few bandits then got DAYMOYL-ed. Only 8 bandits left but my gear has gone.

Second attempt, armed with my trusty pick-axe and fireball I steam in  . . .

 . . . and quickly realise it is not looking good.

22 of them in the picture. We've been running around for a while by this stage and I've already killed a few plus there are some still crossing the various water channels or battling with horkers. Don't be fooled by the level 10 archer there, I'm level 60 and most of this lot are similar or higher.


I died not long after this and the game bombed out on the DAYMOYL reload.

My armour rating is about 500 (thanks to Untamed) but something keeps taking chunks out of my health.

[Note to self: enchant the fucking pick-axe]


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Keeping mentally and physically fit for the many dangers in Skyrim is an important part of my days.


Often, you have just to take every opportunity you get. Thankfully, I found a friendly guy with similar priorities, who is assisting me now with my evening push-ups.

First warming up - the lady version, supporting your body weight with your knees.





Next excercise. Your full weight is placed on your hands, elbows and toes. You place your hands far from your center and go down until your elbows almost rest on the ground. Concentrate on your shoulder and back. Ask your partner to keep you steady, if necessary.




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Here is new Room in Sausan Photo Studio:





on Screen:


I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on.
Good luck searching for it online though.
Here's a useless number that Google has no resulta for. Try Bing. Just Kidding.



coc qlg_hotel_photostudio_grayroom_monitor

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4 hours ago, woodsman30 said:

Stopped by the College of Winterhold and went to the Hall of Incontinence to see if I could buy a spell of healing.... and yes my follower does distract me at times need to focus.

Nice glasses .... makes them look cute. Alsao a bit "intellectual", "friendly" and less  "muscle" ?

I guess they have it much easier to integrate in a social group than me. :classic_sad: Make new friends and such. I always tend to get rough with others.



Should I try to wear glasses, too? :classic_huh: Would they like me more if I look a bit more "cute"?

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Thinking that it was one thing having a 20-wolf spam at one location but having a 20-bandit spam every time there are bandits is a different kettle of kippers.

(The wolf spam failed to show up for the last game and has not been seen since. The bandit thing has just started in the last couple of levels.)



Near Mor Khazgur, heading south. I was giving a bandit camp a very wide berth but they still managed to spot me. Couldn't run because I was encumbered ( ? ). Doing alright in the fight when out of nowhere I'm DAYMOL-ed. After a couple of rapes I'm good to go with my trusty pick-axe and fireball combo (note to self: enchant the fucking pick-axe). Doing alright in that fight (at least I can now run thanks to being robbed) when some 'travelling bandit marauder' or something (I'd never seen or heard of before) jumps into the fight and DAYMOLs me. A couple of rapes later I get the 60 seconds grace from the marauder but the original bunch of bandits are still hostile.

More running around like a lunatic firing fireballs and swinging the pick. Eventually the penny drops and I realise that the pick is doing next to no damage. Added to this is the realisation that there is a mage out there giving it big licks with shock damage which is tanning my magicka and the bastard is invisible - as in the bug/glitch where they don't appear.

That's why I've got the succubus detect life on and why I'm hiding behind the rock.

There's 16 of them in the pic and I've already killed several (I think). Basically I'm sniping fireballs from a position they can't get to. I'm on fire from a zillion shots of that fire cloak spell from another mage. It was  case of putting my head above the parapet letting go a fireball or two quicksticks before the shocker got my magicka and then ducking back behind the rock.

Eventually I realised that I still had a staff of fireballs in my inventory so I equipped that and took the fight to them. It still took about three weeks to finish them.



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45 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Thinking that I'll never buy a chair from IKEA again.


  Hide contents





Don't suppose you know of any mods/patches that allow Estrus and SL to play nice with each other.
Having them fight for dominance of which was going to fuck my character would often leave me reloading saves.




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Trying to get off Solstheim at 1st level after LAL dumped me there.


Pretty much everything can 1 shot me in melee and those that can't and require two hits move so fast you will never get away.


Doesn't help when I get encounters like this




Which, if the image isn't that clear, is me running into the Hair Bair Bunch... On Steroids.
Doesn't need anything like this to finish me off tho' a couple of wolves or an Ash Hopper is enough to have me mashing my keyboard trying to resist rape.

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2 minutes ago, Mez558 said:

Don't suppose you know of any mods/patches that allow Estrus and SL to play nice with each other.

SL = Sexlab?


I'm using:

Estrus For Skyrim V241r1 (with the esp deactivated)

Estrus Chaurus V4.37

Estrus-Chaurus-Spider-Addon v4.342-5


Not noticed any problems. The 'IKEA' shot was earlier in the dungeon. I got another estrus attack at the point:


The spiders got involved because I went for the 'lure' option in a dialogue box which pops up from somewhere (PSQ?)


There used to be an issue with Estrus For Skyrim where only v1.61 or something worked (animations wouldn't load or play or something) but that was fixed a while back. As you can see the latest (?) version, 2.41 works. People are still warning about the the issue though.

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Doing a bit of tree-hugging.

For the last year or two


The tree is actually there, you can't walk across the space. Searched high and low in T5E but couldn't find anything wrong. Mesh and texture files were in the correct locations. Totally stumped (pun intended).

Downloaded a couple of replacers and manually replaced the mesh and textures but it didn't work.

Tried to install a replacer via NMM which said that the mesh had already been installed by Aradia's Mushrooms ! Hey? Loooked at the archive for Aradia's Mushroom (the phallic things I use) and sure enough there are meshes but . . . no textures.

So back to installing the replacer with NMM.

Gildergreen 4K Parallax-74498-1-03

The parallax really does the job - makes the bark look really thick.


Not bad. Let's try another one.

ElSopa - Decorated Gildergeen Tree HD-101630-1-0-1583249602

I like El Sopa's stuff.

This is the carved option. There is a plain option which is a bit too pale grey and washed out/bleached looking.


I could, of course, have just uninstalled Aradia's Mushrooms to see what would happen.


Meanwhile, for some reason between last night and this morning most of my saves are refusing to load. The only ones which work are those in the LAL cell. These last two screenies were taken after a LAL start to the Mare so I know the game works even though this save didn't have the MCMs loaded and it squawked about a zillion missing esps. I've tried double-loading but that didn't work either.

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10 minutes ago, Mez558 said:




Loading an auto save then loading a real save after?

Loading from any save which works and then loading the save you want. In my case any of the LAL saves I have worked and I can get into Skyrim from there but I can't load an existing save from there.


Did you have a look at the imperial body of that Lucien guy?

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After running around Solstheim for dear life, chased by things that could cut that life short very quickly. I am finally ready to leave.


what helped is that most things on Solstheim hate most other things. So Ash Hoppers, Burned Spriggans and Ash Spawn will all fight each other (along with Reavers) with very little convincing on my part. The hard part is staying away from Ash Hoppers long enough to be able to make this happen.





Managed to find 4 East Empire pendants in my travels (couple I wasn't aware of, before) hence my vast wealth.
I spent most of my headless chicken adventure naked as my Miner's clothes, Hide Armour, Bonemold and a suit of Studded were all eaten up Ash Hoppers or destroyed by fire from Spriggans or Spawn.


The elvish weapons I will have to sell, looted weapons have a tendency to break during use until they are sharpened/tempered (with MW&A) and it's just not worth the risk. At 3rd level, no one is selling any moonstone for me to upgrade them.


Time to see Gjalund.



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19 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:


Did you have a look at the imperial body of that Lucien guy?


From what I can tell, that is Mihail's Imps

Not an imperial race. But, I am a little confused as after unpacking the BSA I can't find any files for it.





And I don't see that mod as a requirement for the game,


24 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Loading from any save which works and then loading the save you want. In my case any of the LAL saves I have worked and I can get into Skyrim from there but I can't load an existing save from there.


Yeah, that's basically what I meant, I just end up using autosaves first.

I didn't know it had a name. :)

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22 minutes ago, Mez558 said:

Not an imperial race. But, I am a little confused as after unpacking the BSA I can't find any files for it.

That's what is confusing me. I had a look at the mod on Nexus and there was no mention of anything to do with animal/creatures. Just says he starts off as a bookworm type but gradually gets tougher.

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