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2 hours ago, jimy7 said:

this build is absolutely not reliable yet for a playthrough, so truely only just for testing and debugging?

Correct. For the moment it's unstable and it could be a lot of things causing it, maybe the ESMs/NIFs/HKXs were not converted properly or maybe SKSE64 is the culprit, it's still in an alpha state. But don't be shy if you want to test, the more eyes we have on this the better.

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Started new game with alternate start. Waited to all mods got registered. Tried to open menus, but this mod gives me instant ctd when opening skyrim menu. Before I can even enter the sos mcm.

Uninstalled sos. checked again and everything works.

Sos_debug log:

absolutely nothing available for actor 00000014 race 00013746


.DLL loaded correctly

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I experience CTD during savegame.  Logs aren't showing anything useful, but I've confirmed with multiple tests that everything is fine until an autosave/quicksave/manual save is triggered.  When I disabled autosave, I was able to open menus, etc. with no issue, until I saved for some reason.  The SKSE cosave is written OK, but the game crashes as soon as it attempts to write the ESS.  I'm left with 0 byte .ess.tmp files.

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try replaceing the SOSskeleton.nif with the newest one XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended and rename it to the SOS one and redo the behaviors with the GenerateFNISforModders.exe re-run FNIS with compatibility checked. I am now able to save, load interiors, and fast travel without CTD. I have ran into a few problem with the .nif files seems they didn't convert properly, but it has only been 4 nif's so far. this is the version I'm converting now  SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - 3.00.004. I haven't checked any of the .psc scripts yet but a couple of people say they need some tweaks but they haven't gotten back to me yet. I was able to have it running for almost an hour before I got a CTD. But this is what I have done so far I'll keep testing.

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11 hours ago, scipher99 said:

try replaceing the SOSskeleton.nif with the newest one XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended and rename it to the SOS one and redo the behaviors with the GenerateFNISforModders.exe re-run FNIS with compatibility checked. I am now able to save, load interiors, and fast travel without CTD. I have ran into a few problem with the .nif files seems they didn't convert properly, but it has only been 4 nif's so far. this is the version I'm converting now  SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim - 3.00.004. I haven't checked any of the .psc scripts yet but a couple of people say they need some tweaks but they haven't gotten back to me yet. I was able to have it running for almost an hour before I got a CTD. But this is what I have done so far I'll keep testing.

I didn't even realize it had its own alternatively named skeleton.  I'll give that a shot.  Thanks.

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23 minutes ago, 4nik8tor said:

I didn't even realize it had its own alternatively named skeleton.  I'll give that a shot.  Thanks.

I did it already it didn't help. I did look through all the scripts and everything is still looking for SKSE and not skee which is what SKSE64 is now so everything that looks for a version check for SKSE needs to be changed to skee. so here goes a good pot of coffee and a blunt wish me luck.

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4 hours ago, scipher99 said:

I did it already it didn't help. I did look through all the scripts and everything is still looking for SKSE and not skee which is what SKSE64 is now so everything that looks for a version check for SKSE needs to be changed to skee. so here goes a good pot of coffee and a blunt wish me luck.

May I have some coffee and blunt please?? :tongue:

So if thats the case in the scripts I dont suppose the dll may have also some calls for the wrong names of things?  Or was the dll simple stuff just needing recompile to 64bit?

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As far as i know, the C++ classes/functions/namespaces/etc in SKSE64 are the same, that's what i used and the dll compiled fine, without even a warning.

There were some calls in the psc/pex files using the old version of SKSE and I updated them, otherwise the mod would not work at all.


It's quite possible I missed things along the way, my priority was to get things working as soon as possible and worry about bugs later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



And... doesn't coffee and a blunt cancel each other? :tongue:

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If you look in the scripts anything that points to SOSracemenu.esp will need to hook to skee


NetImmerse Override Enabled
config path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\skse.ini

so anything that uses racemenu


sorry I think I F'ed up explaining it lol

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Here is the skinny from the test results just using normal setup mods. The ESM itself is the one being effected. I've tried to reconvert the meshes and make sure the animations where compatible.. SOS Full crashes on impact if you load it from Alternative Start. The first part of SOS will run, but... The minute it starts to hit the second esp to load. The game with CTD from load screen. The SOS will run the full script after the initiatilization it'll immediately crash. I'm running a converted alpha racemenu. I've tested it without racemenu converted. Every time the SOS loads it'll CTD. It'll always load the ESM first and after it syncs with the script extender it immediately crashes. 


I'm hoping this helps. It's got nothing to do with Meshes. It's got something to do with the scripts. Somewhere the scripts themselves are colliding and causing the crash. When your in the interior. The script will load and cause the crash When your outside it doesn't have to load. It might be a flag from what it's looking like causing the crash. I've gotten the .00007 second script to load looking through the console, but nothing else. I've replaced the nifs and hidden using MO2. Seeing if that was the issue. The issue seems to be some kind of flag signal in the scripting for when the mod first loads up. It's inside the ESM file. I'm going to turn the ESM into an ESP and see if I can get it to load by itself. 




I turned the core esm into an esp file and it still CTD after the first load. The problem definitely seems to stem from the loading scripts for the SKSE64 menus. 


The load list I'm using is USSEP, RealisticRagdolls, XMPSSE, SkyUI, FNIS, and Alternative Start. I've kept the load order pretty simple when I loaded it up. Why were getting the crash I'm still a bit confused, but it has something to do with the load/startup sequence. 

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I should probably start this post by saying that my experience with Skyrim modding started about 2 days before I posted the mod here on LL :cool:. Meaning, I might ask stupid questions...


I've been looking through the scripts and there are a few things I didn't get and I was wondering if they make a difference. It's mostly functions using some formIDs that I couldn't find in any of the ESMs/ESPs.



In SOS_API.psc, line 12

Return Game.GetFormFromFile(0x1eda4, "Schlongs of Skyrim.esp") as SOS_API

In SOS_SetupNPCMagicEffect_Script.psc, line 16

Spell actorSpell = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x12e9, "Schlongs of Skyrim.esp") as Spell

In SOS_SetupQuest_Script.psc, line 373

Spell SOS_SetupNPCSpell = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x12e7, "Schlongs of Skyrim.esp") as Spell

In SOS_Config.psc, line 872

ElseIf akRace.GetFormId() == 0x97a3d


Is it possible that those IDs reference something that doesn't exits in Skyrim SE?


And is there any way to execute the SoS scripts one by one and see which one causes the crash?


What confuses me to no end is that every feature of the mod seems to work. Schlong types, all the MCM options, potions, spells, revealing armors, dialogue option... If there was a problem with the scripts or the DLL code, things wouldn't work at all, or at least only partially, no?

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9 hours ago, galgaroth said:

I should probably start this post by saying that my experience with Skyrim modding started about 2 days before I posted the mod here on LL :cool:. Meaning, I might ask stupid questions...


I've been looking through the scripts and there are a few things I didn't get and I was wondering if they make a difference. It's mostly functions using some formIDs that I couldn't find in any of the ESMs/ESPs.



In SOS_API.psc, line 12

Return Game.GetFormFromFile(0x1eda4, "Schlongs of Skyrim.esp") as SOS_API

In SOS_SetupNPCMagicEffect_Script.psc, line 16

Spell actorSpell = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x12e9, "Schlongs of Skyrim.esp") as Spell

In SOS_SetupQuest_Script.psc, line 373

Spell SOS_SetupNPCSpell = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x12e7, "Schlongs of Skyrim.esp") as Spell

In SOS_Config.psc, line 872

ElseIf akRace.GetFormId() == 0x97a3d


Is it possible that those IDs reference something that doesn't exits in Skyrim SE?


And is there any way to execute the SoS scripts one by one and see which one causes the crash?


What confuses me to no end is that every feature of the mod seems to work. Schlong types, all the MCM options, potions, spells, revealing armors, dialogue option... If there was a problem with the scripts or the DLL code, things wouldn't work at all, or at least only partially, no?

My VS really hate sos for some reason which prevented me from loading anything after saving, and caused me to rage quit. But that's beside the point.

Either way you should check out pugwash99 's comment on their dll conversion. It seems skse64 changed some functions and their conversion was not crashing with standard pex(with revealing armor issue but those never worked back in Oldrim). Also might want to recompile psc with se's creation kit?

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Hmm, looks like you beat me to release I've been trying to contact Belisario with no luck.


I converted the plugin a few weeks back but I'm not experiencing a ctd with auto save on or saving in general. I've been testing it with a normal game with various versions of jcontainers, skee, racemenu and hdt smp installed plus mods like sexlab solutions and radiant prostitution and playing for several hours. However I don't have a male character or any male followers.


If you want the dll I'll post it as I wasn't looking into the scripts tbh I was more interested in getting the dll to work, I just extracted the bsa and then loaded the esm, esp in CK to update them to the new format.

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1 hour ago, pugwash99 said:

Hmm, looks like you beat me to release I've been trying to contact Belisario with no luck.


I converted the plugin a few weeks back but I'm not experiencing a ctd with auto save on or saving in general. I've been testing it with a normal game with various versions of jcontainers, skee, racemenu and hdt smp installed plus mods like sexlab solutions and radiant prostitution and playing for several hours. However I don't have a male character or any male followers.


If you want the dll I'll post it as I wasn't looking into the scripts tbh I was more interested in getting the dll to work, I just extracted the bsa and then loaded the esm, esp in CK to update them to the new format.

By all means, if you have a working one pls post it :smiley:. I only started this because I thought no one else had any luck with the plug-in.

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I've attached the dll and the project code to this. I've included the empty folders for where the skse64 files should be placed.


I've only made the odd change here or there, a few references and but one routine I changed completely. Most of the changes are in storage.cpp, I commented out the original line and with my replacement directly below it. The 'GameGetForm' I threw away completely and replaced with the technique jcontainers uses.


For those interested


I placed RelocAddr <_LookupFormByID> LookupFormByID(0x001943B0); at the top of the source of storage.cpp


I'm just testing an alternative to this, adding a #include "skse64/GameForms.h" means you don't need the line of code above and just the changes below as it's already defined in GameForms.cpp so it makes recompiling against a new release of skse64 a lot easier, just drop in the new skse64 release and recompile.


Replace all the references to GameGetForm such as

       TESForm * ptr = (TESForm*)GameGetForm((UInt32)(itr->first & 0xFFFFFFFF));


        TESForm * ptr = LookupFormByID((UInt32)(itr->first & 0xFFFFFFFF));


I think there are 5 or 6 which are similar but not the same.


Then comment out / delete the original GameGetForm routine to make sure you got them all.


The other big change I made was to the data object



        DataHandler * data = *((DataHandler**)0x012E2CB8);



        DataHandler * data = *(g_dataHandler.GetPtr());


g_dataHandler is defined in Gamedata.cpp of the skse64 codebase - using their reference means if the skse64 code changes it's only one line of code to update the plugin. The final changes were to skse version check and to where the log file gets saved.

SchlongsOfSkyrim DLL SSE.rar

SOS plugin SSE vs2015.rar

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That's pretty much what I did as well. And your DLL still causes a crash for me... Did you do any modifications to the psc/pex files, other then fix the checks for SKSE version?


Also, when I compile your VS solution it fails complaining that skse64_1_5_23.lib is missing. It seems the skse project doesn't generate a lib file, so what I did was change the build type from DLL to "Static Library" and link the SoS DLL against that. Did you do anything different?

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1 hour ago, galgaroth said:

That's pretty much what I did as well. And your DLL still causes a crash for me... Did you do any modifications to the psc/pex files, other then fix the checks for SKSE version?


Also, when I compile your VS solution it fails complaining that skse64_1_5_23.lib is missing. It seems the skse project doesn't generate a lib file, so what I did was change the build type from DLL to "Static Library" and link the SoS DLL against that. Did you do anything different?

Strange, not sure why it's missing the lib file. Might be worth forcing a complete rebuild on each of the linked projects.


The one thing I do see is that you've still got the bsa file, I extracted the original to loose files. I'll try running your version on my machine and see if it crashes.


edit: Disabled my existing installation. Installed yours with the same options as I had mine - didn't overwrite the skeletons from XP32 but did overwrite the dds files from other mods. Instant crash on loading my save. Disabled yours and re-enabled mine and it's working. Took your dll and overwrote mine - instant crash.


I've attached the build I'm using, to confirm it's working on my machine I removed and reloaded it. Be warned I think the malefeet nif files are corrupt as the meshes go nuts during a sex animation so if you've already got a set loaded - like I do with 'total character makeover 1.2', don't overwrite them when given the option - same goes for the xp32 skeletons. Textures I overwrote.


SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim SSE.rar

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20 minutes ago, pugwash99 said:

Strange, not sure why it's missing the lib file. Might be worth forcing a complete rebuild on each of the linked projects.


The one thing I do see is that you've still got the bsa file, I extracted the original to loose files. I'll try running your version on my machine and see if it crashes.


edit: Installed yours with the same options as I had mine - didn't overwrite the skeletons from XP32 but did overwrite the dds files from other mods. Instant crash on loading my save.





I did do a full rebuild, no lib file just the dll... Compiling just SKSE64 (downloaded from silverlock.org, no changes made) doesn't generate a lib file either.


I did extract the BSA, it still crashes. And if I look in the SoS log I see stuff like (logging level is set to 5):

loading mod info
  00 (000): Skyrim.esm
  01 (001): Update.esm
  02 (002): Dawnguard.esm
  03 (003): HearthFires.esm
  04 (004): Dragonborn.esm
  05 (005): Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
  06 (006): Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
  07 (007): SkyUI_SE.esp
  08 (008): XPMSSE.esp
  09 (009): Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
  0A (010): SOS - Shop.esp
  0B (011): SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
  0C (012): SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
  0D (013): SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp
  0E (014): 
  10 (016): 
  11 (017): 
  12 (018): 
  13 (019): 
  14 (020): 
  15 (021): 
  16 (022): 
  17 (023): 
  18 (024): 
  19 (025): indAttackLocation
  20 (032): ¨ß
  21 (033): 
  22 (034): 
  23 (035): 
  24 (036): ¨ß
  25 (037): @A
  26 (038): @A
  27 (039): 
  28 (040): 
  29 (041): 
  2A (042): 
  2B (043): 
  2C (044): 
  2D (045): 
  2E (046): \^
  2F (047): 

which tells me your DLL is reading from memory addresses which are probably wrong... Does your log contain similar stuff?


You mentioned you changed DataHandler * data = *((DataHandler**)0x012E2CB8). Could you pls tell me why? It was working before.

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32 minutes ago, pugwash99 said:

I've attached the build I'm using, to confirm it's working on my machine I removed and reloaded it. Be warned I think the malefeet nif files are corrupt as the meshes go nuts during a sex animation so if you've already got a set loaded - like I do with 'total character makeover 1.2', don't overwrite them when given the option - same goes for the xp32 skeletons. Textures I overwrote.


I fully uninstalled my version and installed yours, game still crashes... What version of the VC++ 2015 redistributables do you have installed? Just in case... Mine is 14.0.24215

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