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[WIP] Long Life Milk Mod (Expired Milk Edition!)


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the milking cuirass wasn't working with the mod, it was just the standalone one posted earlier in this thread, but it did go to the right size


the 2 times in MCM thing might be due to me running the spriggan one also from page 16/17

i uninstalled the old version from page 10 and installed the three new ones at the same time, in the order of page16 edition, spriggan, page 17 (to overwrite the others in proper places)


Hi hurp,


I don't think me nor the guy responsible for the spriggan mod intended the old version on page 10 to be uninstalled.


The economy pack is probably incompatible with the spriggan one (i haven't checked if he added new objects to the .esp or not)

Right now uninstallation is a bit iffy (not everything is being properly removed), and I have run into a variant of the issue you are reporting myself.


* which I fixed by returning to an earlier save before pg 10 installation and just replacing files and continuing without unchecking the mod and rechecking or anything like that.


It's mostly inconvenient, but I will try to sort it out down the line.

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I think that is original motion in dawnguard. And other standing feed pose is more two. That is hug and teeth to neck front and back. :)


Awesome find! Too bad I'm a werewolf.


Hey daedrasp, did you ever manage to finish _0 of the manga body milking cuirass?

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Awesome find! Too bad I'm a werewolf.


Hey, it doesnt matter. We could re-use it as breast feeding animation, non vampire related. :)


Problem is its not supposed to look like that I bet. Could be wrong tho, but check my link above.

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Awesome find! Too bad I'm a werewolf.


Hey, it doesnt matter. We could re-use it as breast feeding animation, non vampire related. :)


Problem is its not supposed to look like that I bet. Could be wrong tho, but check my link above.


Oh you're right, didn't even think about that; but like you said, will have to tweak the positions in the animations to get the effect in daedrasp's pictures.

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Are my latest changes in conflict with whatever you're working on?  I doubt we can contact sumaka that easily and update this thread.


If you're alright with it I'm suggesting the revamped economy edition as a good baseline.  I do plan on continuing getting the rest of the systems up to par.


The only possible conflict could be taking 'milklevel' as multiplier for price. I wanted milk levels to be gone. And maid limit removed. + each maid would have their own dynamic "efficiency" stat that goes up when milked and down when not.


But since Erond was writing this and he seems to be lost in action im not sure whats going on anymore.


I cannot add my part of work here without receiving his code first. So we are stuck.

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Are my latest changes in conflict with whatever you're working on?  I doubt we can contact sumaka that easily and update this thread.


If you're alright with it I'm suggesting the revamped economy edition as a good baseline.  I do plan on continuing getting the rest of the systems up to par.


The only possible conflict could be taking 'milklevel' as multiplier for price. I wanted milk levels to be gone. And maid limit removed. + each maid would have their own dynamic "efficiency" stat that goes up when milked and down when not.


But since Erond was writing this and he seems to be lost in action im not sure whats going on anymore.


I cannot add my part of work here without receiving his code first. So we are stuck.


good thing is i kinda kept all of that in mind (what with nipple endurances and what not).  When he does show up and you merge your stuff with his, it shouldn't be too hard to for me to modify mine to fit the new system.


Also, is there a way to "copy" form data easily?  I'm primarily concerned about esps without MilkPotion00s and MilkEcoWhiteruns and what not.  I mean, if it's a manual process I'll just bloody do it but still.

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Quick dumb question: when you adjust settings in the mod control panel and it says 'reset required' like it you tweak the polling frequency per tick, what do you have to do for the "reset" do i need to disable/enable milk production after or save and load or?



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Quick dumb question: when you adjust settings in the mod control panel and it says 'reset required' like it you tweak the polling frequency per tick, what do you have to do for the "reset" do i need to disable/enable milk production after or save and load or?


I believe it's just toggle disable/enable.  You could exit MCM between the steps but I think the toggle is sufficient.

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What that toggle does:


Disabled -> UnregisterForUpdate

Enabled -> RegisterForUpdate


If you changed milkpoll, you need to unregister then register again with the new value.


Also, is there a way to "copy" form data easily?  I'm primarily concerned about esps without MilkPotion00s and MilkEcoWhiteruns and what not.  I mean, if it's a manual process I'll just bloody do it but still.


The only method known to me is opening both files, with the one you want to COPY TO set as active, then duplicate all forms manually.

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So Milk Mod shows up twice in MCM eh?  Was the mod already running when you added the potion and econ files? 



I'm pretty sure that's my fault - I renamed the ESP in the Spriggan version, so that I could have both installed and enable one or the other at will.   Sorry for the potential confusion.


I did say this was experimental. :blush:

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If we can consolidate the various contributions into a single mod, and create a topic for it in the Downloads section, it would make it easier for folks to find the 'right' version.  That might be premature, at this point, but if there's enough interest it would save some confusion.


On a related question, how do people feel about including the Spriggan variation in this (theoretical) consolidated mod?  Am I hijacking the topic by adding this variation, or do folks want to keep it in?  Or would it be better to treat it as some sort of plugin (though I'm not sure how that could be done)?


One other question: would there be any objections to having a dependency on tha Zaz animation pack?


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stobor, I dont even know what SD mod is about so really no idea for now. Plugin wont hurt for sure. but maybe we could integrate them even more?


Dependency on Zaz would be fine, but currently I dont see even one fitting animation there (but if you have some ideas post them here ofc). but since Chris seems to be away now, he wont add anything new any time soon.


About new topic, I think we should definitely start it, but when we have something more to show or at least next version.


Just my opinion though.

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Question: are the levels intended to get progressively harder to achieve?  Because it looks like you reach level 3 at 150 total milk (on classic difficulty), rather than at 250 (100 for level2 + 150 for level3).   Which means that level 3 is 50% easier to achieve than level 2 was.  If that's intended, why does it reset TimesMilked to zero when you level?

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It was supposed to reset times milked so you go from 0-50 0-100 0-150, every new level intended to be harder. Why do you say lvl3 is easier than 2?


Function LevelCheck()
    if MilkLevel.GetValue() < MilkLvlCap.GetValue()
        while TimesMilkedAll.GetValue() >= (MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1) * TimesMilkedMult.GetValue()
            ;debug.Notification("Level up!")
            MilkLevel.SetValue(MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1)
            (MilkQ.MilkMsgHyper[MilkLevel.GetValue() as int]).Show()

Note the 'while' test: it is checking TimesMilkedAll - at least in the version I used as a baseline.  And play testing confirmed it for me.


Hmm.  Why is there a loop in there at all?  Even on 'Easy', I don't think it is possible to level multiple times at one sitting.


Also: 0-50?  I've never noticed a level zero, it always starts at level 1.

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Has anyone considered changing the polling to game-time (e.g. 0.5hours to 6 hours) rather than wall-clock time (30-600sec.)?  It would be more "realistic", but it might not be better for playability.  Has it been discussed and discarded? 

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Has anyone considered changing the polling to game-time (e.g. 0.5hours to 6 hours) rather than wall-clock time (30-600sec.)?  It would be more "realistic", but it might not be better for playability.  Has it been discussed and discarded? 


There is certainly code I put in (for the economy) that does exactly that, but it wouldn't work well for boob sizes.  Currently the quest is not checking on zone change, so there will be an interesting effect of boobs suddenly becoming bigger when the next tick comes (whenever that is).


I do have an issue with dependencies though, since that is one of the biggest "issues" regular users would run into (read the deadly dragon forum posts for an example).  That and not every one runs SD.


I've personally always liked standalones too, unless the dependency is a framework (like SKSE).


I agree with plugins.


ZAX: ya the times milked is not resetting (display is, but not the internals, but it's okay for now because testing it is faster LOL).  I'll debug when I find the bug.

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I do have an issue with dependencies though, since that is one of the biggest "issues" regular users would run into (read the deadly dragon forum posts for an example).  That and not every one runs SD.


I've personally always liked standalones too, unless the dependency is a framework (like SKSE).


I agree with plugins.


That's a fair point about dependencies, and is the reason I asked.  The SD dependency though is not a problem - I'm checking for a keyword string, nothing more.  If the SD mod is not present, my changes should have no effect on MilkModNEW.


I'm not sure if it is even possible to do a plugin (different ESPs cannot reference each other, as far as I know), but I'm willing to take that approach if there's a way... and enough interest.


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Corrected the code for leveling:


Function LevelCheck()
	if MilkLevel.GetValue() < MilkLvlCap.GetValue()
		int multiplier = 0
		int index = MilkLevel.GetValueInt()
		while index > 0
			multiplier += MilkLevel.GetValueInt() - 1
			index -= 1

		if TimesMilkedAll.GetValue() >= multiplier * TimesMilkedMult.GetValue()
			;debug.Notification("Level up!")
			MilkLevel.SetValue(MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1)
			(MilkQ.MilkMsgHyper[MilkLevel.GetValue() as int]).Show()

Kind of don't want to re-up for such a small change.  If you change it, you will keep current levels, the next is just going to be a PITA cuz you skipped a bunch that you have to catch up on.


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That version of LevelCheck seems more complex than it needs to be.  If I understand the intent correctly, it can simply be written as:


Function LevelCheck()
    if MilkLevel.GetValue() < MilkLvlCap.GetValue()
        if TimesMilked.GetValue() >= (MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1) * TimesMilkedMult.GetValue()
            ;debug.Notification("Level up!")
            MilkLevel.SetValue(MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1)
            (MilkQ.MilkMsgHyper[MilkLevel.GetValue() as int]).Show()


Note: 'if' test,  not 'while' loop, and testing TimesMilked (which starts over at zero at each level) rather than TimesMilkedAll (which does not reset).

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That version of LevelCheck seems more complex than it needs to be.  If I understand the intent correctly, it can simply be written as:


Function LevelCheck()
    if MilkLevel.GetValue() < MilkLvlCap.GetValue()
        if TimesMilked.GetValue() >= (MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1) * TimesMilkedMult.GetValue()
            ;debug.Notification("Level up!")
            MilkLevel.SetValue(MilkLevel.GetValue() + 1)
            (MilkQ.MilkMsgHyper[MilkLevel.GetValue() as int]).Show()


Note: 'if' test,  not 'while' loop, and testing TimesMilked (which starts over at zero at each level) rather than TimesMilkedAll (which does not reset).


True enough.  Keeping things simple was never my strong suit.


I'm not quite sure zax intends to keep milk levels around anyways.  Whenever we hear back from Erond we'll see.

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INCREDINLE mod,this is the sort of thing ive been waiting all this time.I have manga body installed and i must say that it looks gourgeos at all stages(level 5 is my fave tough :P).Ty for  creating this piece of awesomness and cant wait for the animations to be introduced.The future looks bright  :D.Peace

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