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Anyone know how to fix Lobelia's side hair?


With hair color mod it looks like this (blocky texture, I checked the alpha and even if I import a direct export from game it becomes blocky for whatever reason)


Without the hair color mod its like this.


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On 4/8/2023 at 2:44 AM, zecknor said:

Anyone know how to fix Lobelia's side hair?


With hair color mod it looks like this (blocky texture, I checked the alpha and even if I import a direct export from game it becomes blocky for whatever reason)


Without the hair color mod its like this.



Are you editing the texture correctly? Hair is always edited without checking "Load transparency as alpha layer" so it has transparency, it should look like the left pic



and when saving you can choose mip maps from layers to smoothen the hair texture like in-game


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On 4/9/2023 at 2:58 PM, DoMopi said:


Are you editing the texture correctly? Hair is always edited without checking "Load transparency as alpha layer" so it has transparency, it should look like the left pic



and when saving you can choose mip maps from layers to smoothen the hair texture like in-game


Even when i hunt the hair and extract it with F8 and use the original file it causes the problem. Is the original extraction with 3Dmitogi flawed?


I found that part of that hair shares the texture with the middlle of her head..... So im not really sure what to do



Can anyone remap her hair texture so it isn't overlapped on that part of her head?





Modded dds






I made the deleted part 1% transparency to get this effect where you dont see the deleted borders or the sideburns anymore, but theres just a chunk of her hair missing...


1% opacity dds


Edited by zecknor
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She has two hair texture maps. One for most of her hair, and another for her scalp.

Each of the 2 different diffuse maps also have different alpha layers...

I did try replacing ps-cb2 & ps-cb12, but I still couldn't change the color of the highlight.... sorry I don't actually know shit about directX shaders.

Here is something that is working for the most part.


Demo Hair Lobelia.zip



Edited by krunkDunk
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50 minutes ago, krunkDunk said:


She has two hair texture maps. One for most of her hair, and another for her scalp.

Each of the 2 different diffuse maps also have different alpha layers...

I did try replacing ps-cb2 & ps-cb12, but I still couldn't change the color of the highlight.... sorry I don't actually know shit about directX shaders.

Here is something that is working for the most part.


Demo Hair Lobelia.zip 13.1 MB · 0 downloads



Thanks a bunch! I'll study your edit and see if I can fix the one I have right now, otherwise I'll probably just addon to your current mod if you don't mind.


How did u get the codes for the diffuse? Are they simply the names of the files from dump? Because I always used hunting index or vertex up to this point.


I'm able to get rid of most of the blue shine by adding this






Brown Hair Lobelia.rar

Edited by zecknor
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I need some help with how to replace body and make the swimsuit transparent? I managed to change color, but changing opacity in photoshop doesn't change transparency.


So far I skipped handling meshes on the Japanese Swimsuit Contest





Did a very simple color switch, there's black, white, and red in file. just drag the dds textures out of the folder to use.

Japanese Swimsuit Contest (Marie).rar


Edited by zecknor
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I managed to get Ayane's Trend SSR on DMM.  It's the festive goldfish suit, and I have a mod for it which does work for Leifang, but it doesn't seem to work for Ayane:

Is there any chance that this mod could be updated to work for Ayane?

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@zecknor Glad the hair thing is (sort of) solved! I haven't managed to land Lobelia yet so I couldn't take a look.

If you want to get into modding for real, you'll eventually have to work with the meshes/objects, swapping bodies and objects requires zero blender knowledge, but the way to do it is so hard to explain a lot of people get lost, however once you can inject one object, you can basically do anything. Also, making mods by using the hunting mode's hash values is not recommended in the long run, it's much safer to load the frame analysis dump to blender and find all objects and their hashes/indexes there, because the hunting hashes aren't 100% accurate.


Give Kurokaze's post on swapping meshes a look and if it makes no sense at first (or second or third, Kuro goes over the steps very well, the problem is imo a lack of visual aid and, the old vid tutorial is admittedly too long, so I'm cool with helping out whether here or through DM in further simplifying the steps of swapping meshes and add pictures along with it so you can swap the body successfully (and from there on you're pretty much set!) in fact I might upload my own video with just the steps to do the mesh swapping when I have some time since everybody has so much trouble with it, which is understandable.


Transparency is very easy though, no blender (for this suit at least, sometimes you'll need to re-inject the object) or photoshop needed, because the texture's opacity doesn't matter.

I'll use one of the TextureOverrides from your mod as an example:


hash = cf577f59
match_first_index = 16980


Then, the CustomShader is added the same as other resources like so:

blend_factor[0] = 0.3
blend_factor[1] = 0.3
blend_factor[2] = 0.3
blend_factor[3] = 1
;handling = skip

;draw = from_caller
drawindexed = auto


Everything not yellow you should keep as is, and just like TextureOverride, you can change Transparency to any word you want. Numbers go from 0.9 to 0.1, lower number, higher transparency (so for minimal transparency you'd do 0.9, and all 3 factors have to be the same number) of course, you can add multiple shaders for each object or transparency amount (CustomShaderTransparency1, CustomShaderTransparency2 etc)

The last three lines I added because depending on the mod, you might need to add handling = skip or not, so test that out (but I think it only applies if you're injecting an object as well as adding the transparency) and some objects need to be drawn from caller (this means instead of drawing the whole object transparent, it only draws the part of the index you specified) but in the case of this suit you'll probably need auto and no skipping.


If you want to give swapping the body a go with the info from Kuro's post (as transparency is meaningless if the body isn't swapped, the chest/groin will just be an empty hole) here's krunkDunk's marie body from the square bikini, Blender 3.5 just came out, and here's Teddy's 3dmigoto plugin which takes care of importing and exporting in Blender. Good luck!


PS: sometimes transparency is a bit of a bitch when you mix it with recolored textures, so I would put both the recolor and transparency in the same ini file and TextureOverride section to save trouble. And sorry for the long post, but I wanted to explain as much as possible so you know what each line of code does and you don't have to go by trial and error like I started out ^^u

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8 hours ago, DoMopi said:

@zecknor Glad the hair thing is (sort of) solved! I haven't managed to land Lobelia yet so I couldn't take a look.

If you want to get into modding for real, you'll eventually have to work with the meshes/objects, swapping bodies and objects requires zero blender knowledge, but the way to do it is so hard to explain a lot of people get lost, however once you can inject one object, you can basically do anything. Also, making mods by using the hunting mode's hash values is not recommended in the long run, it's much safer to load the frame analysis dump to blender and find all objects and their hashes/indexes there, because the hunting hashes aren't 100% accurate.


Give Kurokaze's post on swapping meshes a look and if it makes no sense at first (or second or third, Kuro goes over the steps very well, the problem is imo a lack of visual aid and, the old vid tutorial is admittedly too long, so I'm cool with helping out whether here or through DM in further simplifying the steps of swapping meshes and add pictures along with it so you can swap the body successfully (and from there on you're pretty much set!) in fact I might upload my own video with just the steps to do the mesh swapping when I have some time since everybody has so much trouble with it, which is understandable.


Transparency is very easy though, no blender (for this suit at least, sometimes you'll need to re-inject the object) or photoshop needed, because the texture's opacity doesn't matter.

I'll use one of the TextureOverrides from your mod as an example:


hash = cf577f59
match_first_index = 16980


Then, the CustomShader is added the same as other resources like so:

blend_factor[0] = 0.3
blend_factor[1] = 0.3
blend_factor[2] = 0.3
blend_factor[3] = 1
;handling = skip

;draw = from_caller
drawindexed = auto


Everything not yellow you should keep as is, and just like TextureOverride, you can change Transparency to any word you want. Numbers go from 0.9 to 0.1, lower number, higher transparency (so for minimal transparency you'd do 0.9, and all 3 factors have to be the same number) of course, you can add multiple shaders for each object or transparency amount (CustomShaderTransparency1, CustomShaderTransparency2 etc)

The last three lines I added because depending on the mod, you might need to add handling = skip or not, so test that out (but I think it only applies if you're injecting an object as well as adding the transparency) and some objects need to be drawn from caller (this means instead of drawing the whole object transparent, it only draws the part of the index you specified) but in the case of this suit you'll probably need auto and no skipping.


If you want to give swapping the body a go with the info from Kuro's post (as transparency is meaningless if the body isn't swapped, the chest/groin will just be an empty hole) here's krunkDunk's marie body from the square bikini, Blender 3.5 just came out, and here's Teddy's 3dmigoto plugin which takes care of importing and exporting in Blender. Good luck!


PS: sometimes transparency is a bit of a bitch when you mix it with recolored textures, so I would put both the recolor and transparency in the same ini file and TextureOverride section to save trouble. And sorry for the long post, but I wanted to explain as much as possible so you know what each line of code does and you don't have to go by trial and error like I started out ^^u

Thanks for your indepth reply, I was able to get the transparency working but I think it will be awhile before I'm able to do the body mesh swapping lol

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Been trying to fix Facial Expressions mod v4.1 

for Lobelia but I can't figure it out. The original ini just doesn't trigger anything or do anything in general.

I tried recreating it by taking parts from and and organizing it with Marie's ini file however there are now problems with the eye highlights being gone,, the upper eyelash not following her blinking and the menu still doesn't turn on.

If anyone is knowledgable about this mod or ini editing in general please help.


Edited ini


Original ini


Edited by zecknor
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Hey all can anyone help me out?


I last played the game (steam version) around August last year. Since then I have had a new graphics card and reinstalled my pc. Before doing that the game worked fine as did the mods. But Today I installed the game, downloaded a new copy of the mods to ensure they were up to date and added them to the game.


Im using 3D Vision Mod v2.3 from this post


Im also using Mod Pack v10 from step 2 in this post

Im then also using the ALL IN ONE PACK from this post


As the guide says from the first link I have ensured that the games graphics & display settings are all on there max value. I have also tried the d3dx.ini from both the 3D Vision and one provided from the last of the 3 above links. I also removed the conflicting files from Mod Pack 10 and used the versions from the ALL IN ONE PACK.


When I start the game I see the yellow text at the bottom left that tells me to press F1 for help, and when im in game I can press F2 and I can see the bottom left it telling me the mods are enabled/disabled but nothing seems to be actually working. While pressing F2 to enable/disable the only thing I can see that actual changes is a very small hardly noticeable change to the lighting/shadows.


I've tried to uninstall the games and the mods (and even use an older copy of the mods I had saved as a backup) but nothing seems to change no matter what I try to do. Im running Windows 11, Im also running the game in 4K with HDR (I have also tried with HDR turned off, again no difference).


If anyone can help or suggest something I can try for fix it I would be really grateful.

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On 3/24/2019 at 5:09 AM, HokageSama said:


Hey. I'm trying to work on the import and export of sandals, but I'm having some problems with 3dmigoto. Does anyone know how I can resolve this error? I imported the material from the game honey select, in .fbx, but when I export it presents this error. Note: I took the sandal from this site: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/forum/hentai-lair/hf-modding-translation/honey-select-mods/5724164-amazing-combination-high-heels-for -honey-select-v1-31-by-ac-need-ggmod-update-2016-10-14 / page2 I'm just wearing this sandal to test and learn how to import to the DOAXVV.



Sorry to quote a post so far away. I just want to know if you have solved this problem. There are so many mods from illusion games but it seems fbx models cannot directly exported as 3dmigoto models.

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On 4/19/2023 at 2:17 AM, lordsylvanas said:

does anyone knows who made this cc mod?

From the text style and round border, I guessed it was by MaasimG, went to his patreon, and indeed he's already ported this amazing suit to CC, only for paid patrons for now though. His patreon is 100% worth it, he has so many fun costumes ported to CC, with a lot of options each. But if you can't afford it like me, some of his mods are available for free after around a month so keep an eye out.



@linrjun It seems the problem this person had was the object was corrupted, or it's position is wrong? Regardless of initial format, sometimes modding a model to have more/less/any texture maps or to a different stride does this, and the object has to be modded from zero (so if those heels were an .fbx to begin with, you have to use that file again & start over, editing this one that already gave the error will only cause further errors; even if the vb and ib can be exported, the game will say "failed to load custom object in /directory" when pressing F10)

Check or redo these steps to make sure it's not corrupted:


Start from zero with the fbx model, and once edited to your liking do the object transfer to inherit properties, which should be:

XYZ location: 0 m

X rotation: 90º

YZ rotation: 0º

Scale XYZ: 1.000) 


The uv maps should be 4 if it's injected to the body (stride 80) and 3 if it's replacing an existing pair of shoes (stride 76)

TEXCOORD.xy TEXCOORD.zw TEXCOORD1.xy TEXCOORD1.zw (only for body)

They all have to be mapped the same, you can do this by deleting all uv maps except the first, line that one to the texture, then copy it with + and change the names accordingly. If you've done all that and even the last step of weight transfer (make a copy before transferring weights: try one with nearest vertex and another with nearest face interpolated) but you still can't export it, then it might be true that .fbx can't be used...


I've been interested in adding heels to mods but because the game devs simply deform/shorten the leg for any heels, and they're all very short except for the ones in Luminary Dress Tube, it's really hard to. So before you get into trying to fix this issue too much, I think If you want a girl to wear something like these shoes without the platforms sinking to the ground, you'd have to change and mod the position of the head, body, eyelashes, etc higher, which is way too much work especially for every swimsuit that uses a different body.


@xnajoe If you're using the steam version of xvv, hopefully the issue is just the d3dx.ini file you're using being outdated, try TEDDY's d3dx.ini, most of us have agreed it's the best one to use right now, because now we're using similar hashes to DMM since the hot spring was added and with it came a major hash update.

Edited by DoMopi
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9 hours ago, DoMopi said:

@xnajoe If you're using the steam version of xvv, hopefully the issue is just the d3dx.ini file you're using being outdated, try TEDDY's d3dx.ini, most of us have agreed it's the best one to use right now, because now we're using similar hashes to DMM since the hot spring was added and with it came a major hash update.


Thank you that seems to have done the trick and everything seems to be working now.

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On 4/20/2023 at 6:19 PM, DoMopi said:

From the text style and round border, I guessed it was by MaasimG, went to his patreon, and indeed he's already ported this amazing suit to CC, only for paid patrons for now though. His patreon is 100% worth it, he has so many fun costumes ported to CC, with a lot of options each. But if you can't afford it like me, some of his mods are available for free after around a month so keep an eye out.



@linrjun It seems the problem this person had was the object was corrupted, or it's position is wrong? Regardless of initial format, sometimes modding a model to have more/less/any texture maps or to a different stride does this, and the object has to be modded from zero (so if those heels were an .fbx to begin with, you have to use that file again & start over, editing this one that already gave the error will only cause further errors; even if the vb and ib can be exported, the game will say "failed to load custom object in /directory" when pressing F10)

Check or redo these steps to make sure it's not corrupted:

  Reveal hidden contents

Start from zero with the fbx model, and once edited to your liking do the object transfer to inherit properties, which should be:

XYZ location: 0 m

X rotation: 90º

YZ rotation: 0º

Scale XYZ: 1.000) 


The uv maps should be 4 if it's injected to the body (stride 80) and 3 if it's replacing an existing pair of shoes (stride 76)

TEXCOORD.xy TEXCOORD.zw TEXCOORD1.xy TEXCOORD1.zw (only for body)

They all have to be mapped the same, you can do this by deleting all uv maps except the first, line that one to the texture, then copy it with + and change the names accordingly. If you've done all that and even the last step of weight transfer (make a copy before transferring weights: try one with nearest vertex and another with nearest face interpolated) but you still can't export it, then it might be true that .fbx can't be used...


I've been interested in adding heels to mods but because the game devs simply deform/shorten the leg for any heels, and they're all very short except for the ones in Luminary Dress Tube, it's really hard to. So before you get into trying to fix this issue too much, I think If you want a girl to wear something like these shoes without the platforms sinking to the ground, you'd have to change and mod the position of the head, body, eyelashes, etc higher, which is way too much work especially for every swimsuit that uses a different body.


@xnajoe If you're using the steam version of xvv, hopefully the issue is just the d3dx.ini file you're using being outdated, try TEDDY's d3dx.ini, most of us have agreed it's the best one to use right now, because now we're using similar hashes to DMM since the hot spring was added and with it came a major hash update.

Dude I know Maasim and have joined his patreon membership for a long time. As far as I know this work is not from Maasim who actually made cc mod of the same suit but in different colours, specifically without a black colour variation.

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On 4/20/2023 at 11:13 AM, linrjun said:


Sorry to quote a post so far away. I just want to know if you have solved this problem. There are so many mods from illusion games but it seems fbx models cannot directly exported as 3dmigoto models.


Trying to fix stuff. Add Racemenu sliders.

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