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Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation - Modding Thread and Discussion -

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19 hours ago, KuroKaze78 said:

@avenger54 - Yes and No. There isn't a hard cap on how many command lists you can have in a cycle directly, but there is a limit on how many characters you can have on the "run" parameter. This means you can squeeze as many command lists as possible if you change the names of the command lists to single character differences. I first encountered the issue when I tried adding a 16th list to the cycle for the Aradia Lace mod and thought the same thing. However, a couple of weeks ago I made a test INI to play with re-coloring in the pixel shaders and I noticed it was complaining at a different point in the cycle line. So I shortened the names of the Command lists and was able to fit a 16th command list. Judging by my examples, I imagine the code for 3dmigoto only allotted 255 or 256 characters for the value of the run properties of a Key section. 3DMigoto uses a commom buffer for many of its parsing logic and uses a buffer of size MAX_SIZE which is Windows WIN_API definition of the maximum filename length at 260 characters.



Instead of doing something like this (which is already relatively short)

run = CommandListTSP_, CommandListTS_N, CommandListTS__, CommandListT_PN, CommandListT_P_, CommandListT__N, CommandListT___, CommandList_SPN, CommandList_SP_, CommandList_S_N, CommandList_S__, CommandList__PN, CommandList__P_, CommandList___N, CommandListTSPN

(This one is 253 characters long, includes 15 command lists. Adding one more CommandList causes it to fail parsing such as CommandList____ which would have been a full nude option in the Aradia Lace Mod)


run = CommandList1, CommandList2, CommandList3, CommandList4, CommandList5, CommandList6, CommandList7, CommandList8, CommandListN7, CommandListN6, CommandListN5, CommandListN4, CommandListN3, CommandListN2, CommandListN1, CommandList0

(This one is 229 characters long and 16 command lists. Probably could add one more)


Theoretically, assuming that the max number of characters is 260, it takes 12 characters for "CommandListX" plus the need for a comma. Not sure if the space in between is necessary but either way a it's take either 13 or 14 characters for each one. If 13 characters are all that's needed then you can fit a maximum of 20 command lists. If the space is required, then you can only fit 18 command lists in a cycle. My recommendation is to possibly just break up what you are cycling in 2 different categories and use 2 different cycle keys if needed.




@Hans Jürgen - I've found the modifications to how the girls tan tend to be the most glitchy (at least some of them). The way I do it is the following:

  1. Enable "Mods/Costumes/Square Bikini Nude" mod and the included tan.ini in it. This mod's tan override has no tanlines.
  2. Enable Mods/Tan"
  3. Reload Mods
  4. Choose character
  5. Set costume to Square Bikini (Loquat?)
  6. Set Tan
  7. Go back to home screen. This should save your tan effect.
  8. Go back to costume selection
  9. Change costume to desired costume.
  10. Disable "Mods/Costumes/Square Bikini Nude/tan.ini"
  11. Optional: Disable Mods/Tan (not sure if this by itself causes graphic glitches)
  12. Reload mods.

*NOTE - I believe you'll have to repeat this about once a week or so, because the tan lines do tend to fade and will revert to what you are wearing.


Back several months ago there were issues were many of us would see many things turning pink on screen. which is likely due to ps-t3 (the tan mask) bleeding over into other draw calls that also use ps-t3 and weren't reloading the correct textures. There probably could be another fix in the d3dx.ini to fix those glitches, but the tan effects are a bit weird and I'm not completely sure on what the fix should be.


Alternatively, I preferred an even darker tan, so I created a modified pixel shader: 88919121becebe35-ps_replace.txt

If you drop that in your DOAX-VenusVacation/ShaderFixes folder it'll apply a modifier on the tan level of all the girls. If you want a strict even tan across everything, rather than abide by tan-levels, you can change line 92 to a static value (1.0 = no tan, 0.0 = full tan allowed normally, <0 = darker tan than the game normally allows)


line 85: // SkinSuntanColor override (currently NyoTengu's color for all girls), comment out to leave the tan color the default per-character
line 86: r4.xyz = float3(0.32, 0.38, 0.4);

line 88: // Flat Tan Darkening, this will over tan by 50% effectively
line 89: r4.w = 0.5;

line 91: // Apply Tan Darkening (r0.x is currently based off the tan-line UV)
line 92: r0.x = r0.x - r4.w;

// This would force an even tan at full normal tan
line 92: r0.x = 0;

// This would force an even tan at pale skin
line 92: r0.x = 1.0;

// This would force a darker than max tan of about 50% additional
line 92: r0.x = -0.5;

Sorry this isn't as user-friendly as it could be, it was largely just an experiment at this point.

Awesome man ! Thanks again !

How or where did you get all this knowledge ?

I wish I would understand anything about modding and give something back.

(Only thing I ever was able to was changing some textures for "Bullet Witch", you can find it here on LL)

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17 hours ago, knight77 said:


The White Lace Bikini should have a full nude tan
But the rest of the modded suits have their original or softened tan lines. In case you want to have a certain tan look. So one fully nude tan costume is enough if you want to go fully tanned.



It definitly works! Also the new thread for the mods, has ALL IN ONE PACKS, solving all the problems from the last 5 or more pages.

Please go visit that thread and download everything. You will see how everything will be working :)

Thanks man ! Please keep going on modding forever !

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14 hours ago, Beach Paradise Team said:

Here's the reshade files. Stick the contents of this archive in your DOAXVV executable directory. I believe you will have to manually select the config from a dropdown list in the reshade UI which you can bring up by pressing the home button on your keyboard by default. Please let me know if there are any issues or difficulties installing aside from the ones I've mentioned.



i cant run the game after moving the contents to the doax directory. help?

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23 hours ago, knight77 said:


The White Lace Bikini should have a full nude tan
But the rest of the modded suits have their original or softened tan lines. In case you want to have a certain tan look. So one fully nude tan costume is enough if you want to go fully tanned.



It definitly works! Also the new thread for the mods, has ALL IN ONE PACKS, solving all the problems from the last 5 or more pages.

Please go visit that thread and download everything. You will see how everything will be working :)

I am using something you summarized. Thank you.
The right foot of the MOD of the 1st anniversary costume will be like a photo, but is this the current situation?
common body was reflected normally.
(There was no problem in common body.)


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30 minutes ago, xyuz00111166 said:

I am using something you summarized. Thank you.
The right foot of the MOD of the 1st anniversary costume will be like a photo, but is this the current situation?
common body was reflected normally.
(There was no problem in common body.)



Yeah I noticed that too. I exported the wrong body.
I allready updated it in my version. I will upload it asap

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UPDATE: Fixes for Anniversary SSR for Honoka. New optional Suit: Skirt and Panty removed. TOP REMAINING.


On 11/15/2018 at 2:12 AM, knight77 said:

Anniversary Event:



     All Girls: First Rouge

     149832205_EventSSR_Anniversary_icon_FirstRouge.jpg.559300e747456cfd5435b4e971011861.jpg (Top and Skirt removed. Panty Option: On | Off)


     Marie Bigger Breast Options

     Normal  |  Swollen  |  Implants 

  Reveal hidden contents



     File Download:



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@Renatobustillos - I don't believe you are supposed to, however looking at the INI it's completely incompatible with my mod due to the conflict with the w7 variable.


@avenger54 - I was a bit worried it'd come down to a conflict like this. I do try to limit as much use of the Ini Params as much as possible and even more so for assuming persisted values. For my mods, I've used the following INI Params

  • w7 - d3dx.ini (global usage) - Set to represent the category of the shader that is currently being rendered, constantly changes every frame
  • x7 - Costume Customizer - Temporarily persistent while the menu is displayed for the Clothing Group
  • y7 - Costume Customizer - set only when an option is applied from the menu
  • x5, x6, y5, y6, z7 - Costume Customizer - Used as inputs for the 2D pixel shader used to draw the menu on the screen while displayed
  • w6 - Most of my mods. set anytime one of my mods (and a few from others if they followed my example) to denote that a given mod is currently rendered on screen. Used to isolate key cycles only to perform their logic when the suit is currently worn and displayed.

Back when the full set of the facial expressions were made available, I also considered doing a cycle mod on switching between them, the primary reason i didn't pursue it was because I hesitated given the fact it originated from users I didn't know how to contact to verify they were ok with me repackaging it. Regardless of how I'd release it, I was already thinking about how to de-conflict the "active on screen" checks. Effectively, your use of w7 is the same usage i have with the w6 variable, but because they could be both active at the same time, ideally it'd be nice to have each mod detect independently. I always figured segregating the same variable for this purpose (example: CCC SSS meaning 113 for Face 101 for suit) or something. Then the conditions would like this:


Facial mods (floor divison)

condition = (w6 // 1000) == 113


Suit Mods (modulus)

condition = (w6 % 1000) == 101


Really this is just compressing how many variables are used, but given that there are only 32 of them right now until 3DMigoto adds support for custom INI variables, its a bit necessary to play nice. If you want to go with something like this, let me know and I can publish a quick update for the mods as currently i used 4 digit numbers. Pretty sure they are represented as floating point numbers in the back end so I'm not sure if the precision is there to maintain integrity if we attempted to do (CCCC SSSS) splits.


Most of the comments for the INI variables is that they were more geared toward shader inputs as they are always floats, and all of them are passed into the shaders for usage each call, comments I've seen on the GeForce forums regarding 3DMigoto are to create a separate set of declared INI variables but not sure when that'll be released.


Another way to reduce the usage of INI Params is if you are using booleans or can figure a way to do the same logic using strictly booleans, you can use the following:


format = R8_UINT
data = 1




; Empty therefore treated as -0.0





ResourceBooleanVariable = null


; Because ResourceBooleanVariable = null, this will pass

if ResourceBooleanVariable === -0.0

   ;Do stuff if ResourceBooleanVariable is not bound



ResourceBooleanVariable = ResourceTrue


; Now, because ResourceBooleanVariable = ResourceTrue (meaning its bound), this will fail

if ResourceBooleanVariable === -0.0

   ; Do stuff if ResourceBooleanVariable is not bound



; Alternatively you can check the other way too

if ResourceBooleanVariable !== -0.0

   ; Do stuff if ResourceBooleanVariable is anything but not bound



Best resource for what you can do for conditional logic is in the release notes for 3DMigoto for release 1.3.11 when conditional expressions were added: https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/685657/3d-vision/3dmigoto-now-open-source-/133/

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@KuroKaze78 Yeah, I expected conflicts like this. At first I just wanted to do a simple cycle mod but then decided to try to make it more "interactive". Doing all those things without custom parameters is a challenge indeed plus I don't have a lot of expirience with 3dmigoto. So the code is messy and clumsy and sadly I don't have much time to improve it right now, this mod took way longer to do then I expected.  Guess I should change those problematic parameters to another, but I always wondered, which ones are free to use? Like, can I use x1 and so on, or only starting from x4 for example?


The boolean trick is neat though, I actually tried to use something like this to check if resource exists or not. Wish we could just have proper variables :weary: 

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DarkStarSword has namespaced variables on the 3DMigoto todo list, but seeing as 3DMigoto is more universal than for just DOAXVV, it might not be a priority. I'm not sure how many other communities are using it as a modding platform as much as we are. Anyways, I haven't poked around too much regarding what variables aren't used. I know the d3dx.ini has some comments on expected usage of the INI Params. Doing a search in the base mod, the following are used:

  • 3D Vision Mode
    • d3dx.ini (initialization)
      • w1, x1, y1, z1
      • w2, x2, y2, z2
      • w3
      • w4
      • z4
    • 3dvision2sbs.ini
      • Controls Output mode
        • x7
    • auto_convergence.ini
      • y4
      • x3
      • y3
      • z3
      • w4
    • mouse.ini - 3DVision mouse?
      • Only when 3D mode active?
        • w5, x6, y6, z6, y7, z7, w7
  • debug_2d.ini, debug_cb.ini - Either only for testing purposes or related to the F9 usage
    • z7
    • w7
  • help.ini - Text Drawing Global routine
    • Always active
      • z5
    • On-demand
      • x5, y5
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On 11/21/2018 at 7:56 AM, Beach Paradise Team said:

Here's the reshade files. Stick the contents of this archive in your DOAXVV executable directory. I believe you will have to manually select the config from a dropdown list in the reshade UI which you can bring up by pressing the home button on your keyboard by default. Please let me know if there are any issues or difficulties installing aside from the ones I've mentioned.



how to switch on/off in the game?

and how to uninstall? remove all data?


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11 hours ago, Kooki974 said:


Is it possible to have only the panty removed please? :)

So Skirt and Top should remain and only Panty removed?


8 hours ago, ted08191 said:

Hello , sorry can I ask why my skirt looks like this?  dosen't happend on marie but others do. 


Which file is activated? This was a WIP. I was looking what the last layer of the Skirt looks like, but since it wasnt visible, they let it poke the hips. But I never uploaded it. I deleted that file immediatly. So it's probably a problem with the D3DX.INI file and an entry for the shaders.

Look at these:


; Asari Lace
hash = 09f61c0ac6f12581
run = CommandListClothes
; Flower SR
hash = 441139afc0100f69
run = CommandListClothes
; Fiona NobleTutu SSR
hash = 3fe8a7d99f96b151
run = CommandListClothes
; Common Mermaid | Martini SR SSR
hash = 142f047d3792cc72
run = CommandListClothes

Any of these missing and you might get problems

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