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On 12/11/2018 at 3:29 PM, theguy777 said:

Unfortunately it's not just bouncing boobs; the guy is a talented modder and makes some very creative things, such as full blown animation improvers and replacers. The boobs mod is just one of many things, and really only got removed due to the name and presentation; the game has torture and cutting off limbs level of gore in it! https://twitter.com/ConjohKohime/status/1068386268306825216 However with Valve being schizo with their treatment of adult content ( one moment they're cracking down on it, then they allow absolutely everything, now they're cracking down again ) Valve took down all of the guy's mods so, properly angered, he had left and requested the mods not to repost the mods on the workshop or on the steam forum.

What a stressful time.

Someone send this guy a loverslab link. He's got a potentially supportive community if he can understand us :D

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23 minutes ago, clrpurp242 said:

Someone send this guy a loverslab link. He's got a potentially supportive community if he can understand us :D

I bet that steam told him he would be banned, ( account & all games siezed or removed permanetly ) if he probably didn't take the mods down. Who would risk all their paid rights to play games being taken away ^^

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Okay, I found the website with supposedly all his mods, Skeleton mod v.06  and the Animation mods replacers and etc.  It is in Chinese or some form similar. My Windows is too old for chrome to translate, so someone else would have to upload them here.


It seems you have to sign up to the sight to download. 






Careful if you get the full con list, you might get some hentai or some crap you don't want in the list , but the first several mods there is what everyone seems to want.

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Steam almost certainly just took the mods down on their own and then just notified the author after the fact. Apparently you can't make 'adult' mods for whatever reason. I guess it's fair since steam is actually hosting those files, but it's annoying to have stuff just disappear. I don't really like how the steam workshop works.

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kenshi is ripe for adult modding to be honest, there are nude mods but i dont know if animations, lest say interactive ones, are even posible, there is so much to add if someone can mod it tho, we only need someone that know his stuff and orthers will help they, hopefully we dont have to wait that long util a talented modder apears with enough interest and free time to create framework.

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On 12/12/2018 at 2:43 AM, saviliana said:

I doubt that if he name the mod as bounce muscles then it would be a pass. SJWs always track down names that on their NPC codex.

This has probably something to do with Kenshi not being marketed with a 'mature content' tag on steam. Age restricted games still have their nude mods on steam, for example.


Valve took the mods down, the author had a meltdown (I guess) and removed the mods from other places as well. Or it was just the language barrier that made him confused as to why his mods were removed, so he went the extra mile and made sure only japanese players have access to his mods.

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I wonder how open Kenshi actually is. Given that the dev didn't want players or NPCs to finish off defeated enemies and no mod has been able to implement that option, I reckon it's pretty much impossible to add in new systems. You probably can only use what's already there. Which means something like 'furniture' with animations could be implemented, but not much else.

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You can mod Kenshi to an extent, but it's not built like a bethesda game; substantial modding is going to take some effort. I DO wish we could expanded character interactions and stuff. I like the game, but it doesn't have much narrative or interaction between beating the crap out of each other. Hell, even just add more types of slavery instead of work-camp only.

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34 minutes ago, clrpurp242 said:

You can mod Kenshi to an extent, but it's not built like a bethesda game; substantial modding is going to take some effort. I DO wish we could expanded character interactions and stuff. I like the game, but it doesn't have much narrative or interaction between beating the crap out of each other. Hell, even just add more types of slavery instead of work-camp only.

I thought modding was pretty similar to Bethesda games, given that you can have multiple mods running. It's actually even somewhat better, given that the entries are pretty self contained - you can add an item to a vendor list, for example, without overwriting anything. If you have four mods active that all modify the same list with new entries, they won't overwrite each other, so that's a plus in my book. That being said, I think that in order to mod Kenshi to include entirely new interactions, like being able to kill downed enemies or to play synced animations which would be necessary for any kind of animated sex to happen, you'd need people that can crack open the game like the script extender team that made many mods for Skyrim & co possible in the first place.


The game has potential, but only if the modding scene expands. The vanilla game is pretty linear and straight forward. Many systems in the game, like slavery, trading, recruiting and base building are very binary and limited in nature, mostly due to balance reasons. Which is bonkers, given how easily you can abuse what's there to quickly make progress. You can add as many races, weapons and armors as you want, it won't change the base game. You can tweak the numbers however you want, it won't change the game in any meaningful way. Sure, mining copper is an easy and safe way to generate infinite money, so you could nerf that, but then players will simply kite bandits into city guards or camp Mongrel for easy fog prince heads. You pretty much just fight enemies to let them kick your teeth in until you start to kick their asses. And then you look for new enemies that are stronger than you. Rinse and repeat. You'll outlevel most of what's present on the map pretty quickly if you know what you're doing, and thanks to how leveling works in Kenshi, you have absolutely zero reason to go back. Which leads to the problem that's prominent in many MMOs, where only a few end game areas are active eventually.


I really like the game. Or rather, the potential, what could've been. But I won't count on modders fixing it, tbh. It's too much of a niche game, I think.

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