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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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14 minutes ago, AZKjr said:

Hey can someone please help me with this/these errors? 

I checked my fx file folder and this the estate rank files aren't there (obvious problem) and non of the mods override that file 


estate rank atlas.PNG

estate rank skel.PNG


Those are animation & skeleton file errors. It looks like two of them are related to the hamlet. Did you replace any of the hamlet files to make buildings look different in town? If so then the new files that you used are broken. That's impressive. There's not a lot of mods that affect the hamlet itself.

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22 minutes ago, Balgin said:

Those are animation & skeleton file errors. It looks like two of them are related to the hamlet. Did you replace any of the hamlet files to make buildings look different in town? If so then the new files that you used are broken. That's impressive. There's not a lot of mods that affect the hamlet itself.

Nope, clean install and have never downloaded a mod that changes any of the hamlet stuff. deleted my entire FX file and verified the game, and the file still doesn't show up. 

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6 minutes ago, AZKjr said:

Nope, clean install and have never downloaded a mod that changes any of the hamlet stuff. deleted my entire FX file and verified the game, and the file still doesn't show up. 

In that case that's quite bizarre. A mod you're using might have added broken files.

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3 hours ago, nailuoheren said:

Sorry, I found that this skin action doesn't work. I can't find the problem here.

you chaged grave robber's png name. 
the atlas and png names must be the same to operate normally, 
you must open art.darkest to modify the image to be output for each technology.
Please understand that I used a translator because I am not good at English.

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9 hours ago, speka3096 said:

你更改了盗墓者的 png 名称。 
atlas 和 png 名称必须相同才能正常运行, 
您必须打开 art.darkest 修改每种技术要输出的图像。

Yes, I tried, but failed.

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I would like to kindly request a mod and a clarification if possible:


1- Can someone kindly give me Serona mod, but the not-nerfed one? Because i have now the nerfed one, and since i like this dragongirl, i would like to use her more powerful version. (will it make a mess of my current save file ? )


2- Can someone also tell me what files should i overwrite ?


Thank you

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On 7/23/2022 at 5:16 PM, DOther1 said:

I've made some more edits and ended up with this shirtless and pantless (with a sort of skirt) idea for the falconer. Let's see how it goes.



Honestly mate, really good stuff IMO. Been hoping someone would do some lewd edits for the falconer! Looking forward to the final product.

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On 7/30/2022 at 11:53 PM, AZKjr said:

Nope, clean install and have never downloaded a mod that changes any of the hamlet stuff. deleted my entire FX file and verified the game, and the file still doesn't show up. 

Looks like the .atlas or .skel for estate_rank_display is missing from your fx folder.
You might want to check again, this fx folder is located at dlc/1117860_arena_mp.
If you have any mods that will affect this dlc you should check again.

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On 7/31/2022 at 9:49 PM, nailuoheren said:

Yes, I tried, but failed.

If you want to replace grave robber with that skin.

1. You should delete every folder in the mod except heroes.

2. Delete [darkwraith.art.darkest] and [darkwraith.info.darkest] in heroes/darkwraith.

3. Change the name of each darkwraith in the heoes folder to grave_robber (including .png in darkwraith_A).

4. Modify the .png name corresponding to darkwraith/heroes/grave_robber/anim/.atlas. The .png corresponding to each .atlas must have the same name.

ex: Rename [darkwraith.sprite.attack_axe.png] to [grave_robber.sprite.attack_axe.png], then rename [darkwraith.sprite.attack_axe.atlas] to [grave_robber.sprite.attack_axe.atlas], and then use txt open this .altas and change the first line from [darkwraith.sprite.attack_axe.png] to [grave_robber.sprite.attack_axe.png].

5. Finally, find your game folder (Darkest Dungeon\heroes\grave_robber), find [grave_robber.art.darkest] and open it with txt, check the seven lines about combat_skill, and modify the corresponding anim to the corresponding one action.
ex: The first combat_skill in [grave_robber.art.darkest] is pick, and its string is [combat_skill: .id "pick" .icon "one" .anim "attack_pick" .fx "pick" .targchestfx "blood_splatter" ], change anim "attack_pick" to anim "attack_axe" (or whatever moves you think is more suitable).
Then change fx "pick" to fx "collect_bounty" (or any other effect you think is more suitable), do not change targchestfx.
Each combat_skill is analogous, choose the action you think is suitable from the anim to modify.

If the above actions are completed, then the skin will take effect on the Grave Robber.
Last two things to note:
1. I'm not sure if this darkwraith has the same bones as the grave robber, if they are different then your other grave robber skins will turn into white blocks in the game.
2. It is best to back up a file before starting, whether it is darkwraith or grave robber.

Edited by ro5960015
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13 hours ago, ro5960015 said:

Looks like the .atlas or .skel for estate_rank_display is missing from your fx folder.
You might want to check again, this fx folder is located at dlc/1117860_arena_mp.
If you have any mods that will affect this dlc you should check again.

Yep, I ended up loading 2 different save that both had Butcher's Circus disabled, and realized that was the problem. Ended up having to delete a very far along save file, but its whatever

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On 7/23/2022 at 11:16 AM, DOther1 said:

I've made some more edits and ended up with this shirtless and pantless (with a sort of skirt) idea for the falconer. Let's see how it goes.



Are you going to offer a version that's not fully exposed (like you do with your other skins, such as Omen Seeker)?

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9 hours ago, jayblah said:

Are you going to offer a version that's not fully exposed (like you do with your other skins, such as Omen Seeker)?


I thought about it but wasn't liking the idea. Since she has a kind of stiff-looking leather armor on, it seemed weird to have some bits of boob showing instead of, well, removing the piece entirely. The cute version would be more feseable, but still. I'm doing the edits from scratch, not using already existing nude versions and expanding them, so im good for now. I also really like the more wild look of her being barechested and with cuts on arms and legs.


Btw, there's only the combat/idle/walking sprites left to do, fix some inconsistencies between colour palettes and everything sould be ready to start compiling the mod.





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