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SexoutNG - Beta (2.10.93b10) release thread

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Guest tomm434




Are you saying it just jumped straight to the CBDialog?

No, back then dialogue only happened after sex act.Doug (ActorX) was only set when in player lines so I'm guessing actors were swapped.



I tried new version and now Stage11 Sex was fine but 12 stage didn't start(No Sydney and player sex).

On the second try Sex didn't start for both girls  too but there was sound of sex(moaning and all).




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2.6.85b16 in OP

- Undress now a flag rather than Sexout:Started, player only.

- CSE and Questvar reset now in UDFs.

- Additional logging.


Not sure if this one will help any or not. More logging is good though, and there was definitely a problem with dressing/undressing that could cause a new freeze situation for the player.


Later on I'm going to make a test ESP with some dialog callback chains and stuff so I can test this (easily) myself in more detail, but for now... have at it, people.


Also, my SCOF logs are being somehow truncated. When I open them up now after exiting, usually a big chunk of the start of the file is missing. Don't know what's causing this or if it's happening to anyone else.

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Guest tomm434


Also, my SCOF logs are being somehow truncated. When I open them up now after exiting, usually a big chunk of the start of the file is missing. Don't know what's causing this or if it's happening to anyone else.

Doesn't happen to me. I open them in Widnows notepad. But when I try to delete some stuff from it, all lines messs up so I don't edit it at all.


I did the scene again. There is 1 log for 2 tries(I made it plain when I reload the game.).

So the first time scene didn't start for Sydney and player again.

And the second time again there was sex sounds but no sex scenes.


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Thanks. I'm going to focus on just the first run. The game engine doesn't actually cope well with loading one game and then another without quitting first at the best of times; when there are problems like this, the situation is even worse. Just the first failure is all I need.

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Oh the editing.. the engine does a stupid thing -- the lines are terminated with \n\r, not \r\n. This makes them look like unix text files with an extra character at the end of each line. You can just search/replace that character with nothing and then edit normally. Should be able to do that in Ultraedit (I use this), Notepad++, VIM, or any 'advanced' text editor.

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Ok tomm just so I have the complete picture here (I'm not sure what you mean by "scene didn't start for Sydney and player again" -- what exactly happened? In the log I see two scenes initially.


32 MS15SuperMutant01RotundaRef + Sydney, no CB.

33 MS15SuperMutant06RotundaRef + Player, cb = aaMS15MutantLeaderCB1


These both appear to complete ok and we move on to stage 12 after the conversation. At this point it's cleaning up act 33 still, which is normal. The cleanup finishes and we try to start act 34


34 MS15SuperMutant06RotundaRef + Sydney


That act bails with a 7.1 on MS15SuperMutant06RotundaRef.


Is that what you actually saw in game? The two acts played OK, then the dialog occured, and then the followup did not occur?

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Guest tomm434


Is that what you actually saw in game? The two acts played OK, then the dialog occured, and then the followup did not occur?

Yes, 32+33 scenes happen(player+ mutant06 and Sydney+ mutant01)

But after dialogue no scene happens(not with Sydney, not with player). And there are only sex sounds.

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Guest tomm434

Ok. No scene happening makes sense since it threw a 7.1. Sounds shouldn't have been playing but hell, lots of "shouldn't have" happening lately. I'll dig in. :)


Well, sounds are still something. You can close your eyes and imagine that everyting works fine. Good for imagination.

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Thinking out loud, but once I've fixed this, it might still error with a 8.2. That's because this:


32 MS15SuperMutant01RotundaRef + Sydney, no CB.

33 MS15SuperMutant06RotundaRef + Player, cb = aaMS15MutantLeaderCB1


is still a bit dodgy, since you're using Sydney in the aaMS15MutantLeaderCB1 dialog script as an actor for 34.


When the dialog exits the sanitizer for 34 is running. It's trying to wait until those two refs (Mutan06 and Sydney) are availble. Sydney might still be locked here from act 32, there's no "guarantee" that act will finish before 33 does no matter how you adjust the duration. Mods like Lust and Positioning can interfere with the runtime of an act no matter what duration you give them.


So if the dialog script runs and starts act 34, sydney may still be running her scene. This will cause an 8.2 because she's locked, and not yet in cleanup.


I'm going to get this fixed because the 7.1 is obviously wrong. The sanitizer should be waiting on Mutant06 to finish cleanup -- and he must be in cleanup here since cleanup is what starts the dialog to begin with. If I get that fixed and we end up with an 8.2 there is probably nothing I can do.

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Ok actually that's not entirely true. I can cause the sanitizer to wait for the act to finish even if the actors aren't in cleanup.. but this could potentially be a very long wait, and other acts may take place on one or both of those acts in the mean time. Hell it might never actually proceed and be stuck there for hours or days and then suddenly fire once both actors are available.

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Guest tomm434

Oh, sorry I didn't read your post properly.


So if I have no other oprion I'll have to change scene structure(stability comes first after all). I have 2 more scenes like that in mod and in the past sometimes sex didn't start in them and they got stuck maybe because of that reason.


But as I understand it is still okay to do:

ActorA ==player
ActorB == Mutant03
ActoX ==Mutant06
CbDIalogueX MutantCB01


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Hmm even waiting indefinitely is going to be problematic now that I think about it.


Act 1: A + B, dialog callback to do A + B again.

Act 2: C + B, waiting on B to become available.


Act 1 finishes, fires off dialog.


Act 3: A + B (from the Act 1 dialog), waiting on both to become available.


Act 1 is done now that the dialog is done, and unlocks A and B.

Act 2's wait is over and it starts, but the Act 3 setup has blown away the Sexout:Start vars for it, and it runs with the Act 3 params instead. It appears that Act 3 is running to the user.


Act 2 finishes, Act 3's wait is over and it starts, appearing to run again.


Thinking this over.

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Using b16:


CIOS SexoutNGFinishNow


No longer works when cast on an involved actor who is not the "sexout:start::spelltarget".


My script does this, it it didn't work. I retried casting it via console, still didn't work, I then did it via console on the spell target (actor A) and it did work.


This was a ZAZ animation (which otherwise work fine now... if you have 'SexoutZAZ.esp' loaded ;)).




On Scof logs: I too have noticed the start getting lost sometimes with a very busy one.


On '84: I think you did a great job and I really like the new methods. I suspect if you'd left it in beta another week or two no one would have actually reported the bugs anyway.

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I'm taking a bigger sledgehammer to it today, all these workarounds just aren't cutting it.


Next beta will queue up new acts and stage them, they'll all run, eventually. Later on I may add something to sort of FIFO them as well but for now, being it's such an edge case, running in any order is probably fine.


The sanitizer will simply wait on all locked actors and then issue the act when they're available.

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Guest tomm434

I'm taking a bigger sledgehammer to it today, all these workarounds just aren't cutting it.


Next beta will queue up new acts and stage them, they'll all run, eventually. Later on I may add something to sort of FIFO them as well but for now, being it's such an edge case, running in any order is probably fine.


The sanitizer will simply wait on all locked actors and then issue the act when they're available.


Sounds awesome

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I hope so. It's the only "right" answer to all this nonsense. I can't control when someone calls Begin (or Run), and when they do, I can't tell if the call came from a script of their own, a dialog result script, or what. So I can't treat them differently, but I sort of "have to" because of the dialog result problem -- I can't simply tell modders to check for lock and retry since doing the retry in the dialog result is impossible.


So the only real course of action is to make all acts wait in the event of a lock, until they can run. To do that, I need to store each act somewhere that it won't get overwritten by the next caller, so Sexout:Start and Sexout:Started are obviously out.


My solution is to use the actID here for now, and copy everything from Sexout:Start to Sexout:Start:$actID in the sanitizer. When the sanitizer is ready to proceed, it'll copy all of that to Sexout:Started and clear the holding area.


That's the plan anyway.


Of course, whenever possible, you should check InUse and just not start the act. That'll be even more important now because if you don't, the act will just queue up and run even if there are 50 other acts doing the same thing in front of it. ;)

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First time caller.. long time listener... :D


Forgive me as this is getting above my head.. Wouldn't that solution mean that a sex act can happen way later than a player expected it to? Perhaps even after that player leaves a cell and enters back in perhaps days later?


Don't get me wrong. I think that is awesome. Que Sex... :D.. The options are almost endless. ;) This can be a great resource for those that have mods that use sex in a series like the Train in GoodspringsTrade etc. Some situations with Tryouts ( perhaps ?) etc.


Is there some easy cleaning option available that can be used? Something the normal users can call on? Just in case some thing glitched and sex was in Que for some time and they kept on asking.. SexoutSexkey, Bangatron! etc.


Or am I just completely lost and wrong on the subject. :s

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First time caller.. long time listener... :D


Forgive me as this is getting above my head.. Wouldn't that solution mean that a sex act can happen way later than a player expected it to? Perhaps even after that player leaves a cell and enters back in perhaps days later?

Yes and no. Yes it can happen much later. No it can't happen if they leave the cell, or at least, it shouldn't. The sanitizer checks to ensure all actors are in the same cell and if they're not, errors out (that's new as of v85).


Don't get me wrong. I think that is awesome. Que Sex... :D.. The options are almost endless. ;) This can be a great resource for those that have mods that use sex in a series like the Train in GoodspringsTrade etc. Some situations with Tryouts ( perhaps ?) etc.

This is NOT what it's for.. ;) I'm certain people are going to end up abusing it, but it's just the lesser of three evils that I'm faced with.


I can:

1. Set up the queue.

2. State that initiating sex from a dialog result script is no longer supported.

3. Remove CBDialog support.


#2 and #3 will break pretty much every mod there is, so I'm opting for #1.


Ideally mods that use CBDialog should NOT be starting new sex acts within that dialog (they should cast a spell that waits for the actors to become available, and then start sex), but they are, and have been for a long time. The queue is the only way to ensure that functionality remains without mods having to be updated to use a new interface.

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2.6.85b17 in OP

- Massive overhaul in un/redressing, act queuing in sanitizer, etc.


Balls to the wall version. Have at 'er. Freeze and Marissa's Legion tour seemed ok.


May be NX and/or NVSE save bloat here. Hope not but lots of new UDFs and all kinds of stupid changes to try and get out from under this mess I've put myself in.

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First time caller.. long time listener... :D


Forgive me as this is getting above my head.. Wouldn't that solution mean that a sex act can happen way later than a player expected it to? Perhaps even after that player leaves a cell and enters back in perhaps days later?

Yes and no. Yes it can happen much later. No it can't happen if they leave the cell, or at least, it shouldn't. The sanitizer checks to ensure all actors are in the same cell and if they're not, errors out (that's new as of v85).



This is NOT what it's for.. ;) I'm certain people are going to end up abusing it, but it's just the lesser of three evils that I'm faced with.


I can:

1. Set up the queue.

2. State that initiating sex from a dialog result script is no longer supported.

3. Remove CBDialog support.


#2 and #3 will break pretty much every mod there is, so I'm opting for #1.


Ideally mods that use CBDialog should NOT be starting new sex acts within that dialog (they should cast a spell that waits for the actors to become available, and then start sex), but they are, and have been for a long time. The queue is the only way to ensure that functionality remains without mods having to be updated to use a new interface.


Thanks for the clarification.. At least I don't have Que sex waiting for my toon when I leave a cell and return again..


Sometimes reading your issues with Sexout makes me wonder why don't you just

Stablize the current version with basic features that are currently being used and then,

Build a new one, version with all the best tools and features from over two (perhaps 3 or so years) of learning and development. The best of the best. Lean mean code.


Being the best of the best, you won't have anybody here that won't quickly jump onto the new bandwagon and those old mods that are still stuck on the old way can be updated by someone here or perhaps a newer version created for your new creation. Much like mods have been "recreated" for Skyrim based on Oblivion ideas. (same for sexout mods.. I just found a mod that defy death. Like Another kick in the head. There is a savior in Skyrim..lol. Enough of that) I am sure you get the idea. Eventually you will break mods.


That would save quite a bit of the hair on top of your head from going grey .. or falling out.. save you from drinking and all the other problems that can come with stress.


Now that everybody else that created mods decide to hunt down my spaceship and draw and quarter me.. I will stop there.


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I'm basically trying to do just what you describe, just in (presumably) bite-sized pieces. I'm pretty confident I can get there without starting fresh from an interface perspective. There's no practical difference to starting with a new empty ESM, and just doing what I'm doing -- making new scripts, and then opening up the old ones and just blanking them out.


If you look in the ESM you'll find dozens of old sexout scripts that start with 00 that don't have anything in them at all except a comment stating they are no longer used/required. But *not* starting with a new ESM means that the old mods can, mostly, keep working.


That will change with 2.7 and 2.8, which are still coming eventually, but for now.. just need a stable "transition" version out there.


The UDF business is making things simpler though, despite appearances to the contrary. The issues exposed lately have lingered for a long time, it's just that they were rarely encountered. The new interface brought them to the surface. I've long known they had to be addressed eventually. ;)


So.. no bug reports yet? I know that's a jinx. It's intentional. I want them to roll in so I can fix 'em and move on. :D

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With the latest version and using sexkey the first encounter goes fine, except the PC does not completely redress. On subsequent attempts nothing happens-the players just stand there. Console message on subsequent encounters says "Fuck Spell Died". Sex initiated with dialogue using sexout sex or strap on yields the same results with the same messages. I took screenshots of the console messages if that would be beneficial.

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I see. The old scripts sitting there but start wtih 00 can still be accessed if needed. So if I understand it correctly it is like when SExout or other mods can still have their code accessed even with not active? Something like that. ( I know that isn't the same but close)


I'd be giving you some bugs reports but two things. You have very good assistants that can actually test the mod both better and be able to give good info on when and such. Basically modders and script people. And two I am playing around with skyrim a bit now. Taking another break with FNV.


Third..( even though really only two count) I have some issue with my computer with extracting and such. FOMM (regardless of the version) is giving me some pain when using 7z files regardless of the compression or source. The more complex the mod the more issues "CRC".. I have been too busy and desire to play some games (regardless of what they are) I haven't addressed this.yet. I am sure it is an easy fix. Even if it comes to a re-image. (nukeular option always a good quick easy solution to all your computer ills. provided it isn't hardware ;)) It isn't only FOMM. 7zp is also giving me problems as well. Basically anything that compresses or extracts can give me issues. (reason for problems with an upload recently for a split Maternity files)


Perhaps when it becomes more stable and closer to prime time I can fire it up and test out to be sure no other issues arise on the "user" side. Not much of a help but at that time you want many computer and many users testing it at any given time with all possible combinations of mods ( non conflicting mods that is) with hopefully those individuals that understand how to tell a conflict/ load order issue from an actual mod issue. :D



With the latest version and using sexkey the first encounter goes fine, except the PC does not completely redress. On subsequent attempts nothing happens-the players just stand there. Console message on subsequent encounters says "Fuck Spell Died"

Dam Pride .. that is just plain epic.. :D.. Both descriptive and expletive at the same time..


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With the latest version and using sexkey the first encounter goes fine, except the PC does not completely redress. On subsequent attempts nothing happens-the players just stand there. Console message on subsequent encounters says "Fuck Spell Died"

Hmm ok I'll give it a try. The un/redress did change in this beta, shouldn't leave them just standing though.


I see. The old scripts sitting there but start wtih 00 can still be accessed if needed.

No, they're empty. They were left in in case anything is referencing them. If I delete the records then mods get errors, so I just zero them out. What I mean is if you think about SexoutBegin. It's a spell that everyone uses, with a "well known" formID. I can change what it does by deleting it and making a new one, but that requires every script using it, in every mod, to be recompiled with the new one -- even if it has the same name.


So instead I just make a new script for it, and change the script the base effect points to. I'm on the 3rd or 4th one now, and no mods break (or even know) that I changed it.


It's all about just leaving all the existin formIDs in place. I can change their names, or their underpinnings, however much I like.


Don't worry about not being able to test, that's fine. hen I have some room to breathe I'm going to make a more extensive "test mod" that exercises sexout more completely and have it do testing for me, as close as I can get to automated testing anyway.

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