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Billyy's SLAL Animations (2024-6-1)

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Hello Billyy! ... I did not want to offend somehow and I did not suggest to watch the movie (I thought it was clear that you were using your animations, it even said in your comments that it uses your animations) - I just wanted to find a solution together for you (Because it really deserves) and enjoy them. Anyway, after all, I've succeeded and even that everything is ok now and I just managed to use Matchmaker without using SexLab Tools anymore. My problem was from the SexLab mod settings - from the MCM menu. ... anyway, thank you for the explanations, especially for those related to SexLab Tools - which I could not do just half. So, after all, I managed only with Matchmaker and more careful settings in SexLab. Thank you for wonderful animations - they are the best of everything I've ever tested!


Well, first of all I'm not Billyy.


I did see in the credits below the video that the maker was using his animations, but I wasn't sure, from the cuts I saw in the first minute or so, if he would actually show the menues and spells used, or not. I suspected not and thus did not think the video would help me help you.


I am sure Billyy will appreciate your good words for his animations.

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Well, first of all I'm not Billyy.


I did see in the credits below the video that the maker was using his animations, but I wasn't sure, from the cuts I saw in the first minute or so, if he would actually show the menues and spells used, or not. I suspected not and thus did not think the video would help me help you.


I am sure Billyy will appreciate your good words for his animations.


... Sorry Karlpaws! I was a little rushed and glad because I managed to make good Skyrim modding and I have OK animations that work well together with Bazinga's "Naturalistic HDT jiggle and collisions" package. In addition, I was reading on the phone (where the web page looks more similiar than on the PC and did not scroll to the top of the post) ... finally, thank you anyway for advice, especially for those related to SexLab Tools - I did not know how to use it in detail ... although I confess that I did not even understand how to do this: "Set your Matchmaker hotkey in the option according to the directions ..." - but it does not matter! thank you ! a good day !

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I can't get any of the dog animations to work properly, during a basic, non tag specific scene, the Billyy animations don't even appear in the usable animation list in Sexlab Tools, after cycling through the various tags to find the one that Billyy is assigned to, I eventually find the anims in the list but they don't work right, the character animates but the dog doesn't.

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SLAnimGenerate is saying that some of your FNIS List files are not up to date:

- Needs update: meshes\actors\character\animations\Billyy_CreatureFurniture\FNIS_Billyy_CreatureFurniture_List.txt

- Needs update: meshes\actors\character\animations\Billyy_Creature\FNIS_Billyy_Creature_List.txt


and the wolf's eye nodes need to be moved forward a bit in your animations, as they are the eyeballs are behind the eye sockets.


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Pardon me, Billy? Please add the 'blowjob' tag to the animations that have a creature humping the human's face, as well as the 'cunnilingus' tag to the animations that include cunnilingus. Sexlab Aroused does not allow orgasms or arousal adjustments for the 'oral' tag alone, unfortunately. This is causing problems with Sexlab Separate Orgasms.


I -adore- your animations, but things like the rock facefuck from wolves have oral but no blowjob tag, so the creature does not get their arousal reset/is not allowed to orgasm. I'm spreading this around, sorry to be a pest, I really appreciate your hard work!


TL/DR: The 'oral' tag does not defaultly allow orgasms in Sexlab Aroused, which causes arousal adjustment errors in many mods, any tag that includes blowjobs, facefucking, or cunnilingus should include the tags blowjob/cunnilingus where appropriate. Thank you for your time, love your mod.

Noted, I’ll add the blowjob/cunnilingus tag to all oral animations.




Thanks for sharing those awesome animations.


But I got 1 problem is somehow I cant trigger these threesome animation. Another Rieking, Falmer, Draugr 3some & 4some animation from another people is working normally for me.

I try to use Matchmaker to trigger but it only play Creature on Female animations.

Did I missing something ?


i had the same problem with a earlier version, sexlab mass matchmaker didnt work, i used defeat to trigger the animations


Defeat didnt work for me, I already set 100% "Multiple" & "Creature Allowed".

Rape happend but no threesome.


To manually start scenes I recommend using Ashal’s MatchMaker. I use it all the time for testing my animations, so it should work perfectly. Mass MatchMaker doesn’t work because of how it was coded. I’ve also used defeat before and it should work. I’ve personally never tried using sexlab tools to start scenes, not sure why there may be issues.


I can't get any of the dog animations to work properly, during a basic, non tag specific scene, the Billyy animations don't even appear in the usable animation list in Sexlab Tools, after cycling through the various tags to find the one that Billyy is assigned to, I eventually find the anims in the list but they don't work right, the character animates but the dog doesn't.

The canine animations are for wolves only, so they won’t start with a dog. Wolves are bigger and a slightly different angle on their dick, so even if I let dogs use the animations they wouldn’t align correctly.


SLAnimGenerate is saying that some of your FNIS List files are not up to date:

- Needs update: meshes\actors\character\animations\Billyy_CreatureFurniture\FNIS_Billyy_CreatureFurniture_List.txt

- Needs update: meshes\actors\character\animations\Billyy_Creature\FNIS_Billyy_Creature_List.txt


and the wolf's eye nodes need to be moved forward a bit in your animations, as they are the eyeballs are behind the eye sockets.

SLAnimGenerate says it needs to be generated because I’ve manually added the –AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tag thing at the beginning of each animation in the FNIS_Billyy_Creature_List after I’ve generated it. So if you regenerate it, the file should be the exact same minus that tag on the animations. I’ve heard it’s supposed to let you rotate the animation and have the foot IK thing turn off, but I’ve never actually had any success with it.


Wow, I’ve never noticed the eye thing on the wolves. From what I can tell some other wolf animations seem to have the problem as well? I’ll see if I can do something about that.

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SLAnimGenerate says it needs to be generated because I’ve manually added the –AVbHumanoidFootIKDisable tag thing at the beginning of each animation in the FNIS_Billyy_Creature_List after I’ve generated it. So if you regenerate it, the file should be the exact same minus that tag on the animations. I’ve heard it’s supposed to let you rotate the animation and have the foot IK thing turn off, but I’ve never actually had any success with it.


Wow, I’ve never noticed the eye thing on the wolves. From what I can tell some other wolf animations seem to have the problem as well? I’ll see if I can do something about that.


ok, i'll just ignore it then, i was just making sure because i sometimes miss files when i copy them for uploading.


i think everyone may have missed the eye problem, it's just one of those things that no one warns anyone about (like the slightly different dick angle on the dog vs the wolf)

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Billy, out of curiosity, would you, at some point, entertain the notion of maybe creating a 3P animation for horses? Or is that already in the "they're too big, difficult to fit a girl between them" category?


((Incidentally, has anybody ever created horse 3P for Skyrim? I didn't find any so far.))

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To manually start scenes I recommend using Ashal’s MatchMaker. I use it all the time for testing my animations, so it should work perfectly. Mass MatchMaker doesn’t work because of how it was coded. I’ve also used defeat before and it should work. I’ve personally never tried using sexlab tools to start scenes, not sure why there may be issues.



Thank you sir, I use to thought MM and MMM basicly is the samething, now every animation working perfectly. somehow Defeat still didnt work but it not really a problem. Thank you very much for these awesome animations !

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Billy, out of curiosity, would you, at some point, entertain the notion of maybe creating a 3P animation for horses? Or is that already in the "they're too big, difficult to fit a girl between them" category?


((Incidentally, has anybody ever created horse 3P for Skyrim? I didn't find any so far.))

It wasn't easy, but I have made some 3P horse animations. They'll be released in the next batch.

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Billy, out of curiosity, would you, at some point, entertain the notion of maybe creating a 3P animation for horses? Or is that already in the "they're too big, difficult to fit a girl between them" category?


((Incidentally, has anybody ever created horse 3P for Skyrim? I didn't find any so far.))

It wasn't easy, but I have made some 3P horse animations. They'll be released in the next batch.



Ooohhh. Looking forward to that. :D Thank you, Billyy.

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Billy, out of curiosity, would you, at some point, entertain the notion of maybe creating a 3P animation for horses? Or is that already in the "they're too big, difficult to fit a girl between them" category?


((Incidentally, has anybody ever created horse 3P for Skyrim? I didn't find any so far.))

It wasn't easy, but I have made some 3P horse animations. They'll be released in the next batch.


Looking forward to it. My shameless horse fetish is impeccable, I can hardly contain myself.

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Next update is up.


This time it’s draugr, horse, netch, werewolf, and skeever 2.0 with some extra. The draugr has some table anims so both files have been updated, which will now have version numbers.


I also tweaked the animation tags slightly.

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Next update is up.


This time it’s draugr, horse, netch, werewolf, and skeever 2.0 with some extra. The draugr has some table anims so both files have been updated, which will now have version numbers.


I also tweaked the animation tags slightly.


Will the skeever animation overlap the your skeever animation in More nasty Critter? and will you add horse bj animation? And thank you you are our beasti animation God

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Will the skeever animation overlap the your skeever animation in More nasty Critter? and will you add horse bj animation? And thank you you are our beasti animation God

The animations files aren't overwritten, but I believe only 1 will come up in-game if you register 2 animations that share the same name. So you'll have to choose which one you want to register. I'd like to make a horse bj at some point, but the to-do-list is long, so maybe eventually.


Thanks for the beast animations Billyy but what will i do with all thoses animations my fnis xxl is almost at maximum capacity, i need a xxxl finis tongue.png

Ya, it's an unfortunate issue.

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First post here but under such circumstances I just had to say something: Dude, you are a beast! Seriously!

The sheer quantity as well as quantity just leaves me stunned.


I was just in the process of getting my own animation tools to work but you made me realize that I really have to step up my game now xD


A big thank you for your anims. You really supply a great demand for me.

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