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[WIP] Vault 69 - LL's modding resource

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Hi guys/gals!


So ever since the announcement of Fallout 4 I had the idea of a Sex Vault.

After playing the game I quickly realized that Fallout 4 did not have the equivalent of Riverwood or Whiterun where most modders anchor their mods from existing NPCs or areas.

Anyone who is well versed in modding knows how the dialogue system, existing settlements and NPCs limit everything we have done before in Skyrim.

I made this vault in the hopes that the community will build it together and fill it with life and this place can act as the location for various sex oriented mods that will be made here.

If Skyrim is any example to follow most mods will put a heavy emphasis on slavery and so I tried to cater to that... I dont know if its enough though. Especially for the Vault Interior itself.


Here is my current progress:


The Vault interior is Vault 75 but cleaned up, all textures will be turned into the clean version and the various Vault clutter either removed or re-organized. I attempted to make a vault from scratch but the process is incredibly frustrating. Nothing seems to fit and crap moves all the time!


Anyway let me know what you think and what you think I should add before uploading it here for everyone to use.


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Wouldn't the equivalent be Sanctuary tho

Sanctuary is kinda buggy but then again so was riverwood.  Also its best to use an area a bunch of modders wont also use to prevent problems.

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The problem with sanctuary is that not only it is heavily used by various things it is also one of those build yourself areas.

Some mods would need fixed interior spaces which the sanctuary does not offer at the moment. The place also has some dependencies on the main quest whereas Riverwood really didn't. The Whiterun Inns that some popular mods used as well was specifically for this purpose.

All in all there are many problems with FO4 and ultimately there are no perfect solutions to what we need.

It's ironic the one game Bethesda wants to be heavily mod is the unfriendliest of them all!

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This would be very useful in the future. Things like slavery, brothel and prison will need these nice spacious interiors

I think that's what I will do. Divide Vault 75's coordidoor to single locations designed for things you mention and those areas would have their own interiors.

Question is what else would we need space for?

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I mean id also just make big areas inside the vault for building if someone wants to use that space for a mod or have a mod where you need to build a brothel or kennel or w/e the fuck the degenerates here come up with. 

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I kinda figured concord would be the new Riverwood. Would love to see someone set up something where the user could easily connect a mods interior with any door in concord that way the user could avoid conflicts, and set up their concord the way they want. Maybe have one road for quest mods, one for bdsm mods and one for other assorted mods or whatever floats your boat. Unfortunately I have no idea if that's even possible let alone how to go about implementing it.


As for the vault idea maybe play around with the memory den things. When you first walk in it's just a small room with a few of those machines then you can sit in them and select what you want from a menu. Then the screen can fade and you wake up in a new interior specially designed for what ever you selected. Maybe make all the interiors the same and it would appear as just the furniture and clutter change according to the menu selection even though in reality its a completely different cell.


Just some thoughts I've had.

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  • 1 month later...

I am still working on the Vault and its nearing completion, lots of details still left but the bulk of the Vault is done. I think now I will go slowly and take my time.

Just FYI one day those exercise equipment will be replaced with sex-furniture or sexy poses/dances by the NPCs.




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When someone puts a lot of energy into stuff that looks exciting and it goes to extremes ... he either becomes self-serving or just dies and plenty of invested resources are wasted.




Amikor egy izgalmasnak látszó cuccba valaki hatalmas energiát fektet és az a végletekig elhúzódik... vagy öncélúvá válik vagy csak meghal és a rengeteg befektetés kárba vész.

Én éppen egy a 69-ről szóló információs dolgokat kergettem a világban. Úgy tűnik többen is felkapták ámde senki nem csinálta meg játszható formában... a képregénymódút nem számítva. Az a stílus... nem passzol az ÉN világomhoz és a jelen galaxistól amúgy is alaposan eltérő vágányon próbálkozik. 


Vajon miért ne lehetne a 88-ast átnevezni és futtatni egy hatalmas tevékenységi körrel? Olyan nagyon sokan csinálnak önálló projekteket ... de mind ugyanazon az úton halad és ugyanazt produkálja ami csak zűrzavart okoz a választékokban de ténylegesen nem viszi új útra a meglevő lehetőségek és a sokszor már érintett labdát csak magasra rúgja... hátha valahová leesik? De nem esik le... SexVault Quest most még működésképtelen és bár némileg érinti amit felvázoltam valójában nem azt hozza amit megtehetne. Eljutottam addig, amíg agyba főbe vernek... és aztán semmi... A felvezetés is hiányzik meg a folytatás is. De...! A fogatókönyv szerint az elképzelés eléggé FORRÓ képet alkot ámde a megvalósítás jégzuhany...


A nyugati oldal talán és többnyire a hanyagolt területeket adja. Néhány produkció kivételével üres. Ott a leszakadt felüljáró a beomlott alagúttal... és kivezetésnek is lehet akár több útvonalat csinálni akár 5000 egység távolságon belül. Éppen ahogy a 88-as. Minden lehetősége megvan és remekül élvezhetné a 69-es számot. De ami azt illeti nem feltétlenül kell nagy projektben gondolkodni ... hiszen minden csak fantázia kérdése. És éppen ezért van sok külvilág is amit a készítő alaposan kidolgozott... de kissé üres. Nincs benne műsor. Vagy némi segítséget vár az elképzelhető lehetőségek sokaságának megvalósításához. De nincs... mert aki lehetne az is dolgot dolgot készít majd amikor megunja dicsekszik kicsit és letörli a munkáját... (nos igen... megteheti) 

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