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naught night gown and sexy night gown support belly scale?


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Sexout Pregnancy doesn't scale that outfit itself, but Maternity Pack Overkill does. Do you have the latter mod installed, including its dependencies?




Sexout Pregnancy doesn't scale that outfit itself, but Maternity Pack Overkill does. Do you have the latter mod installed, including its dependencies?


i do which is why im confussed as why it wont scale :(


here is anything missing from my mod list?




You have a mod that changes sleepwear settings. I think it overrules the changes that are made in Maternity Pack Overkill.


which mod is that? the one that changes their look?


cause i tried without the look change and still no scale was being used


josexysleepwear.esp is the reason move the maternity pack overkill.esp to the bottom of your load order so that it's last. Both .esp's are altering the same thing and the last one in the load order is going to trump the one above it and overwrite it because it loads last. Using NMM might also be a cause of some problems.


Sexy sleepwear thats sexy for type 3 by jonas opines


v5 Main Sleepwear File ZIP sexy sleepwear by jonas66 - replacer version main file -- adds all meshes, textures, and esp


Non replacer esp - requires main file, does not replace vanilla sleepwear or nightwear.


josexysleepwear.esp is the reason move the maternity pack overkill.esp to the bottom of your load order so that it's last. Both .esp's are altering the same thing and the last one in the load order is going to trump the one above it and overwrite it because it loads last. Using NMM might also be a cause of some problems.

This advise unfortunately doesn't work. While Maternity Pack Overkill (MPO) has an .esp extension, it is still flagged as a master. This is also needed because the "fertile breeder" mods are dependend on MPO and are also masters.


I doubt josexysleepwear.esp is flagged as master, so it will always be below MPO and overwrite it.


You can easily do it yourself with mesh rigger. Or wait and hope that the author adds the required nodes. Which might be a long long wait.


im not confortable messing with meshes as i would screw something up and wounldn't know how to fix it :( ill wait



That's why you back up the nif file before hand and even if you did mess it up then you can use it to overwrite it and try again as well as you would still have the nif inside your rar/zip file that you could extract out to replace the messed up file. Lots of info in the first post of the mesh rigger thread as well as lots of people that can answer any questions if you might have any.


That's why you back up the nif file before hand and even if you did mess it up then you can use it to overwrite it and try again as well as you would still have the nif inside your rar/zip file that you could extract out to replace the messed up file. Lots of info in the first post of the mesh rigger thread as well as lots of people that can answer any questions if you might have any.


thank you :) like i said ill wait tell its done by someone good at it HAHAH


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