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[Sims 4] wild_guy's Female Body Details [01.10.2023]

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2 hours ago, wild_guy said:

You can use both CAS and dynamic pubic hair versions or you can use only one of them and remove another one, no problem. They are just different and each one works in its own way. Personally I use both in my game and apply the one that is more comfortable for a particular Sim or a particular situation.

Thus if you create an NPC in CAS, it's often more comfortable to apply pubic hair in CAS too anв if you want your playable sim to have growing pubic hair, you obviously have to use dynamic version that is intended for usage with WickedWhims.

Also WW doesn't randomize additionally installed dynamic pubic hair for sims but only do that for a few pubic hair types that are parts of WW itself. CAS version supports randomization via MCCC with adjustable parameters which is really comfoirtable.

So it's all depands on what you need or don't need in your game.

Ok thanks, that is interesting. I didn't know that the randomization in WW is not working for all types, cause i could choose in the WW pupic hair menu, the normal WW-types and all of your FBD-types for Randomization. I thought it work, but I haven't seen the FBD-styles on random sims till now, so I guess you're right. 

So, I dont need the growing pupic hair. What I want is randomization with all styles, but the color should fit the sim (hair color, eye color). Like red pupic hair for reahead sims. Does the mcc-file consider that?

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8 hours ago, poklo said:

What I want is randomization with all styles, but the color should fit the sim (hair color, eye color). Like red pupic hair for reahead sims. Does the mcc-file consider that?

No, unfortunately. As I can see MCCC Custom Definitions doesn't take hair color tags into account, it's a very specific situation when such behavior is needed. I would be happy to have it working too but this is the question/suggestion to Deaderpool, if it's possible.

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9 hours ago, wild_guy said:

No, unfortunately. As I can see MCCC Custom Definitions doesn't take hair color tags into account, it's a very specific situation when such behavior is needed. I would be happy to have it working too but this is the question/suggestion to Deaderpool, if it's possible.

Ok. That's good to know.

I think if WW could simply fix the randomization would be cooler. (Because of the growing and you could select in game the styles you like for random)


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22 hours ago, wild_guy said:

You don't need to configure anything because I already did that. All you need is to put the mc_dresser.cfg file in your ...\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\MCCC folder. Then you'll be able to adjust applying parameters using MCCC sim options if you want to change them, as shown in the picture here.

If you want to know learn more about MCCC Dresser Custom Definitions feature, you should look at MCCC documentation here.


Thank you!  But I have already download  the module but never put a value so I don't have a mc dresser.cfg file . How can I get one ?


And sorry to be so confused...

Edited by Latuda
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3 hours ago, Latuda said:


Thank you!  But I have already download  the module but never put a value so I don't have a mc dresser.cfg file . How can I get one ?


And sorry to be so confused...

The config file is included in the FBD download, you can find it in the 'MC Dresser Custom Definitions' folder along with instructions, so maybe you just need to redownload FBD.

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6 hours ago, poklo said:

I think if WW could simply fix the randomization would be cooler. (Because of the growing and you could select in game the styles you like for random)

I agree but it's a question to WW. So as you can see both dynamic and CAS versions have their own limitations and their own advantages, that's why I use them both.

Edited by wild_guy
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On 11/7/2022 at 12:33 AM, poklo said:

What I want is randomization with all styles, but the color should fit the sim (hair color, eye color). Like red pupic hair for reahead sims. Does the mcc-file consider that?

I talked to Deaderpool about this and hopefully MC Dresser Custom Definitions will be improved to support CC body hair. Fingers crossed.
However FBD CAS pubic hair version may require the global reworking in this case.

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17 hours ago, wild_guy said:

I talked to Deaderpool about this and hopefully MC Dresser Custom Definitions will be improved to support CC body hair. Fingers crossed.
However FBD CAS pubic hair version may require the global reworking in this case.

That's nice to hear. I'm really hoping for this, too. Fingers crossed and thx for the effort.

For now I would like to use mc dresser file and delete all red and blond styles and let gray, black and brown in it. Seems to me the most realistic option for random sims.  (I really appreciate that gray is working for Oldies by the way ?).


Do you have any Idea how can I do this quickly? Where  can I see which line in the file, stands for which object? Only in game? 


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19 hours ago, wild_guy said:

The config file is included in the FBD download, you can find it in the 'MC Dresser Custom Definitions' folder along with instructions, so maybe you just need to redownload FBD.


Omg. I'm really sorry it was obvious ? It is possible to remove parts that I don't use like breast veins? I need certainly remove them by myself and save the new configuration file ?

Edited by Latuda
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5 hours ago, Latuda said:


Omg. I'm really sorry it was obvious ? It is possible to remove parts that I don't use like breast veins? I need certainly remove them by myself and save the new configuration file ?

You can edit custom definitions in the game, the canges will be saved in the config.

In case like this when you want to disable the whole definition you don't actually need to remove anything, you can just set applying percentage of the definition to 0. Or if you definitely want to remove the definition, you can do it too, just look at custom definitions sim menu in the game.

Edited by wild_guy
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5 hours ago, poklo said:

For now I would like to use mc dresser file and delete all red and blond styles and let gray, black and brown in it. Seems to me the most realistic option for random sims.  (I really appreciate that gray is working for Oldies by the way ?).


Do you have any Idea how can I do this quickly? Where  can I see which line in the file, stands for which object? Only in game? 

Unfortunately I don't know an easy way to recognize specific custom definition parts. While I made the config manually adding the color swatches one by one, the mod later sorted their instances by name and messed them up, so now I don't know what color is where in the list. If I knew MCCC will sort the config, I would make a copy first, but now it's too late.

So the only way I imagine is to open the pubic hair color package via Sims4Studio (CAS version must be un-merged first) and search the instance to remove from the config file by instance taken from S4S using search option of the text editor.
Or maybe it can be easier to remove all parts of the definition and then re-add the necessary ones in the game. 
You need to manually apply each swatch to a sim to be able to add it in the definition using in-game MCCC menu, this is probably explained better in the MCCC documentation.

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3 hours ago, Onja said:

Is it not against the TOS to have just a Patreon?

I love your work.

You should stick to not being greedy for money though.

Just an opinion.

What are you talking about? Patreon page made for people who want to support me so I can actually create something. They get early access to updates as a reward but all my mods become available for free eventually. At the moment you can download the latest FBD version right from this topic.

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35 minutes ago, baloneysammich said:

The download page says to use [Fix] wild_guy EA Mermaid Tails.package if Island Living is installed, but there is no such file in the archive. The only [Fix] package is [Fix] wild_guy EAWeddibgDresses.package.

That mermaid tails fix was removed as no longer necessary but I forgot to change the description. Thanks for noticing that, fixed now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Привет) Так здорово, что можно написать на русском языке! У меня проблема. Я захожу в CAS, выбираю в семье одну из симок и устанавливаю ей твои "детали": соски, вагину, задницу. Все отображается, но ровно до того момента, как я переключусь на другого сима. Все мои настройки исчезают. Раньше, кажется, до обновления твоего мода (у меня стояла старая версия) все работало. Не представляю с чем это может быть связано.

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@severice, это игровой баг. Не переключайтесь на другого сима, делайте по одному симу за раз. Также, чтобы детали не слетели при выходе из CAS, может потребоваться применять их, находясь в первом повседневном наряде, вот здесь об этом подробнее, желтым.

Edited by wild_guy
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1 hour ago, wild_guy said:

@severice, это игровой баг. Не переключайтесь на другого сима, делайте по одному симу за раз. Также, чтобы детали не слетели при выходе из CAS, может потребоваться применять их, находясь в первом повседневном наряде, вот здесь об этом подробнее, желтым.

Это работает! Спасибо за ответ! И огромное спасибо за твою работу, body details великолепны!

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Hi! I'm currently having some issues getting the options to show up in the CAS menu. I've been looking for some help already provided, but I can't really find any fixes- so is there anything I can do? Open to answering any questions, I don't know what information y'all need. ❤️

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5 hours ago, OreoCC said:

Hi! I'm currently having some issues getting the options to show up in the CAS menu. I've been looking for some help already provided, but I can't really find any fixes- so is there anything I can do? Open to answering any questions, I don't know what information y'all need. ❤️

Do you not see any of the mod parts in CAS skin details at all? Honestly I can't imagine how this can happen, did you tried without other mods to make sure you don't have any conflicting CC?

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7 hours ago, wild_guy said:

Do you not see any of the mod parts in CAS skin details at all? Honestly I can't imagine how this can happen, did you tried without other mods to make sure you don't have any conflicting CC?

I have not! I'll definitely try that! Thank you!

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Is there any way to make it work with full cover skins? It works very well with every skin overlay i have tried, but it is not visible when using normal "full" skins. It would be great to have it work with those too. In any case thank you, i have been using these skin details for a long time now and they are fantastic, great job. 

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1 hour ago, babuchas said:

Is there any way to make it work with full cover skins? It works very well with every skin overlay i have tried, but it is not visible when using normal "full" skins. It would be great to have it work with those too. In any case thank you, i have been using these skin details for a long time now and they are fantastic, great job. 

Hey, thanks! It's impossible to use these details with full colored skins as they have a higher layer and will always cover FBD parts or at least most of them. It's just how these things work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, i have a problem with the mod. I can activate changes in the cas and everything (breast veins, vagina, hair, tanlines and so on) shows correct in the cas. When i leave the cas no changes are applied. I testet with WW bodyselector override and not override both do not work. When i go back to cas the changes are still set as active.

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