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WSEX (Sexual Innuendo) Override (v0.0.6)

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just for the sake of clarity, but do sexout ESP's have any relevance in the load order? if so, then where should they be in the load order?


The "ESP" usually don' t have any relevance in load order. However keep in mind that since the mods change and are being developed there might be some aspects of one mod that changes some of the features of another mod. There are a few things you can use not only for Sexout mods but all mods:


1) You can use FNVedit to see the changes of records. It takes a while to learn how to use it but it is a very useful tool.


2) You can also check using FOMM by clicking on the mod and it will give the mods that are required to be used in order. For example if you click on a sexout mod it should show SexoutNG, Fallout New Vegas esms as a requirement. That is probably the quickest way to find out the requirements.


3) If you still suspect that a mod isn't working as desired (esm) try loading it LOWER in the load order. This mod then will be the first records that are used. If there are records that are being used by two mods the lower one will take over and the higher one's records will not be present in game.


Finally you can always post a tech support question in the Tech Support thread with the issue and ask for help. Remember to do 5 things:

1) check for other issues similar to the one you are having and try those fixes. You can check Google and this thread. Try to fix the problems you have yourself if possible.


2) Post in Tech support area if you aren't sure of the mod that is in question. If you are sure some feature of a mod isn't working then post in that mods support thread.


3) test and post repeatable issues. That is don't post if something happens very rarely or only once. This could just be some glitch that corrected itself. This limits the support to those issues that are trully troublesome. It also give you credit and reliablility when posting that you truly have an issue. If I post a issue or problem I usually get quick responses because i don't post these lightly. I have used all my skills to try to resolve the isseus to the best of my ability.


4) LOAD ORDER, LOAD ORDER, LOAD ORDER... get the point? You don't have to post it three times but at least once when asking for support and again and again in post after making the changes that you are instructed to do to show that you have attempted to fix the problem and it still persist if those instructions require you to make changes to the load order. 


5) when you problem is resolved whatever the result is. conflict, unloading, bad save whatever it is please click on the 'solved" button. This helps others that might have that issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This may sound like a noob question, but what will happen if i use SI and HtM alongside Sexout+stuffs WITHOUT the override patch?


As far as i read until this page, everyone discussing about script, animation, buff, token and load order. I cant find what i'm looking for my question.

Will each mod conflicted each other and crashing my game?

Or would my animation getting otherworldy weird since each mod having its own sex animation?

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This may sound like a noob question, but what will happen if i use SI and HtM alongside Sexout+stuffs WITHOUT the override patch?


As far as i read until this page, everyone discussing about script, animation, buff, token and load order. I cant find what i'm looking for my question.

Will each mod conflicted each other and crashing my game?

Or would my animation getting otherworldy weird since each mod having its own sex animation?


I haven't used any of the mods that you mention. I do know if they consist or contain animation they can mess up anything sex out without proper patches. As for what will happen I cannot tell you. I use the official mods in the way they were intended so I wouldn't be able to tell you the various troublesome issues that you can have with missing conflicting mods.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just added this and SI. I also added the Katie Mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45150/?


However Katie remains clothed during sex. Did I do something wrong?


Also, the armor she wears is just regular leather armor. not that skimpy armor she wears in the pictures. In fact several Companions I've installed that wear that skimpy armor in their preview pics, appear normally clothed in-game. Where do I get that?


Edit update:

So I've advanced the relationship with Katie, but problems persist. First even when she is told to do oral sex on my character, the animation that plays is my character performing on her. The dialogue and text messages in the upper left corner all indicate she's the one performing though. It's just the proper animation that won't work. She generally remains clothed during this, but a few times she did strip briefly. Then the clothes would reappear, mid-sex act.


When I specifically choose to perform oral on her, she strips naked as she normally should, and the scene plays out as it should. That aspect seems to work fine.


Edit Update: I have the other SI mod Humping the Mojave that's kind of like SexoutConsequences, adding contextual sex encounters to the game's normal quests. Using that I went to Ghost at the Mojave outpost, and discovered that whatever the problem is, it doesn't seem to be Katie's fault. When commanding Ghost to perform oral, the animation shows my character performing on her, just like with Katie. ghost does strip herself naked for the act though, unlike Katie.


if your having a problem with the animations for the wsex mods, i put sexoutZAZ (animations) as the first esp and it ran the wsex action with the sexout animation. tested on gambler and raquel the boomer.


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  • 2 months later...

Is there any chance this mod could be properly polished off?

Using sexual innuendo with sexout animations is quite awesome.

There are however some things that don't work.


You can't tell a woman to masturbate. - Nothing happens.

A male character can't request a blowjob. - Well they can, but the male ALWAYS ends up performing the oral act on the woman instead of receiving it.

The kings groupies still get rogered by the King and Pacer on the bed.  - Kind of, the males are always just on top of the bed while the females get buried inside the bed with just a leg or something sticking out.


I always prefer to play as a male character, sowing my digital seed across the wasteland. Just feels weird the other way around but this override doesn't seem to work quite right for male toons.

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If I had the knowledge I would!

I've actually had a few attempts at changing around the code so oral works for men, but I've failed every time and had to revert back to the original. :(

Wouldn't even know where to start on the masturbation thing or the kings groupies.

Honestly I'm pretty clueless when it comes to scripting, I was hoping people a lot more knowledgeable than me might be willing to 'fix' it.


You volunteering?

I don't have time to work on it right now, and probably won't any time soon.


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If I had the knowledge I would!

I've actually had a few attempts at changing around the code so oral works for men, but I've failed every time and had to revert back to the original. :(

Wouldn't even know where to start on the masturbation thing or the kings groupies.

Honestly I'm pretty clueless when it comes to scripting, I was hoping people a lot more knowledgeable than me might be willing to 'fix' it.



Here is what I would do if I wanted to work on this.. I also don't have scripting experience.

Judging that you can understand enough to tell what parts are needed to be changed...


1) copy the script with issues onto a spoiler here on LL. If you desire perhaps even create a post for fixing WSEX.

2) state what is happening and what is desired to happen.

2b) state what you did and what happened (what went wrong) This shows you are trying to fix it yourself (expending some effort)

3) Others can then chime in on a quick script fix for that issue and you can learn in the process. Make those changes

4) Test. If works rinse and repeat.


Getting someone to work on this is = very slim.

Getting someone to actually post and give guidance to someone that has tried and failed and need help = much better chance.


After doing a few of the fixes and posting it back for others to use helps motivate others to help you learn and grow. You will then start building a rep here and more and more people will chime in and start helping you . Soon you will be creating your own mods. Many here has started where you are and have gone on to make mods themselves. This is the only place where info is freely given to those willing to work for it.


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Yep I learned the proper way to proceed from you... :)


I read a lot of your post.. don't always "comprehend" what the hell you are writing but I still read it just the same. Especially those funny post with lots of colors and strange paragraph spacing.. :P


I guess I have been reading enough of them as I sometimes actually know what you are referring to and trying to accomplish... ;)

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Dive in! :D


have you ever seen a big headed alien try to swim... not a pretty sight... lol. Just a bunch of bobbing up and down... not to much swimming. I would need to find some little yellow floatation devices that I could put on my arms first... :D


On a more serious note I have already went to the "git repo" and looked around at the scripts and fomod stuff. I need to actually start opening and looking at the established mods and learn some of the more basic things like adding records, form list, items to game etc. Perhaps even look at some animations or textures/meshes. I don't really know what I want to start first. It all looks so interesting... :P I want to do it all..



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Okay, later I'll try and remember exactly what I did and report it back here.

Although if my memory serves it was just a basic attempt at editing the part of the script which reverse the actor values for oral.

Needless to say it was a complete failure.


I'd like to say though it is a crying shame that the override mod doesn't work (completely). Sexout is vastly superior to WSEX in almost every way, except one GLARING omission. Male player support. Almost every mod I look at is intended for a female player. Sexual innuendo gives a male player a LOT of options, and is also quite easy to add new sex acts via dialogue additions.

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Looking at the 'issue' another way, is it possible to initiate sex acts using embedded scripts in the dialogues?

I've added some sex acts to a few mods using the wsex dialogues. Dalls birds nest (Which is a freaking awesome sex-den if you fix a couple of errors) and paradise lost to mention a couple.

However this has only ever been done by using FNVedit to change form ids, then copy the embedded scripts over before chaning the form id's back...



I've actually had a look into doing this with some sexout mods. Rapist mod I can't do it with because it always gives negative karma, but besides that it never seemed to initiate once I'd added thos embedded scripts to another conversation. Looked like you needed to start from 'the beginning' of the function there, Ie press the rape key, choose a dialogue and then get to the act.


I downloaded a sexout companion 'Marisol' to see if I could 'reverse engineer' (copy embedded scripts) but that one is different again, using an item in the script and referencing the specific NPC in the embedded script.


Are there no 'generic' embedded scripts that can be using to start a wsex act simply by embedded them into a conversation?

I could simply alter the 'Suck me' and 'I'd rather watch you' dialogues in the sexual innuendo mod then. (Well, copy an override into the wsex override or my merged patch)


That way the only problem left would be the NPC's not 'doing it' on the beds properly. Although from what I've gleaned from these forums that's not currently possible anyway, and frankly not that big of a deal.

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Okay, so I've made my own hack attempt at making the oral sex (female on male) work and to my surprise it actually worked!!

I used the method I'd mentioned in the previous post. Found some embedded script in the basic companions sexout mod for oral sex on Cass.

Copied that into all of the "On your knees" Responses on the SI dialogues (via a bashed patch) and presto it worked! Had to remove part of the embedded script to stop the second scene from starting, which caused geck to screw with my patch, but I got it working...



set Sexout.SexType to Oral
set SexoutNG.ActorA to Player
set SexoutNG.ActorB to Getself
CIOS SexoutBegin


Basically just copied this into all of the blowjob dialogues. Not pretty but it works!

Now does anyone know how I could make the character I'm talking to masturbate, via a similar embedded script?

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I'm probably going to make myself look an idiot now in an attempt to try and help (My progamming is less that impressive), but I spotted this section of code on page 2:


if wSexQuest.sexType == 1
   set Sexout.SexType to Oral
elseif wsexQuest.sexType == 2
   set Sexout.SexType to Vaginal
elseif wsexQuest.sexType == 3
   set Sexout.SexType to Anal



So I'm going to go out on a whim here and suggest that if 1, 2 and 3 are Oral, Vaginal and Anal, then Masturbation is possibly 0? Like I said my programming knowledge is terrible.


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