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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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22 hours ago, craigg6 said:

im having the same exact issue. help please! or i get error code 123 :( 


Well, your issue might not be what i had going on but what happened with me was that script mods were disabled automatically when i updated my game. I re-enabled script mods whilst in game. That in of itself was an issue because the options were grayed out. I found a post on the official forums that said that if you load up a save, then go into options, the settings arent grayed out and you can re-enable script mods. So i did that and whilst in game, it looked like script mods were enabled. However, when i restarted the game, the WW script was reported as missing. If i had looked closer, i would have realised that in fact all script mods were still disabled. WW was the only mod that actually complained about it when i started my game up which is why i thought it was WW that had a problem. The fix was to go into documents\Electronic Arts\Sims 4 and look for a text file called "config". That file has a setting you need to change to read "ScriptModsEnabled 1". That got all my script mods working again including WW.  Hope that fixes things for you. ?

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Hi all!! Quick question...I'm trying to find the become casual sex partner option and I can't seem to find it. Sometimes I can click on a sim then ww and it will say become casual sex partner and other times, like now, I can't see to find it. Does anyone know why it's available sometime and not other times? thanks!

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53 minutes ago, sharris8 said:

Hi all!! Quick question...I'm trying to find the become casual sex partner option and I can't seem to find it. Sometimes I can click on a sim then ww and it will say become casual sex partner and other times, like now, I can't see to find it. Does anyone know why it's available sometime and not other times? thanks!

I assume it's because NPC Sims aren't always available.

They can have buffs, or other things that can prevent sex, along with those that are scheduled to leave the lot/zone.

Or it could be because of some other WW settings.

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1 hour ago, TwentySeven272727 said:

Hi, I don't have CAS option 'does this sim has a penis' anymore, just regular 'pee standing'. What should I do to have male sim without penis?


You don't choose your Sims' genitals in CAS anymore.

Click on your Sim ➔ Wicked ➔ Personalization ➔ Anatomy & Clothing ➔ Genitals and choose your desired... part.

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Bonsoir ? quand y aura t-il ne Maj de WW ?  


  • InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v169b\injector.py', line 26, in _wrapped_function [ args : (<sims4.log.Logger object at 0x000007FFB5F1A3D0>, 'Exception in {}: {}', 'Sim Timeline', 'Exception running Element'), kwargs : {'exc': AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'priority'"), 'log_current_callstack': False}, new_function : <function _on_exception_occurrence_record_clean_file at 0x000007FFB7F030E0>, original_function : <function Logger.exception at 0x000007FFB8156050>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v169b\clean_exception.py', line 29, in _on_exception_occurrence_record_clean_file [ original : <function Logger.exception at 0x000007FFB8156050>, self : <sims4.log.Logger object at 0x000007FFB5F1A3D0>, args : ('Exception in {}: {}', 'Sim Timeline', 'Exception running Element'), kwargs : {'exc': AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'priority'"), 'log_current_callstack': False}]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v169b\injector.py', line 26, in _wrapped_function [ args : (<sims4.log.Logger object at 0x000007FFB5F1A3D0>, 'Exception in {}: {}', 'Sim Timeline', 'Exception running Element'), kwargs : {'exc': AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'priority'"), 'log_current_callstack': False}, new_function : <function _on_exception_occurrence at 0x000007FFB8150D40>, original_function : <function Logger.exception at 0x000007FFB1210C20>]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v169b\exceptions_feedback.py', line 18, in _on_exception_occurrence [ original : <function Logger.exception at 0x000007FFB1210C20>, self : <sims4.log.Logger object at 0x000007FFB5F1A3D0>, args : ('Exception in {}: {}', 'Sim Timeline', 'Exception running Element'), kwargs : {'exc': AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'priority'"), 'log_current_callstack': False}]
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hello everyone,

i have some problem whit the mod..during this days

it's working but, they can't do "fiki fiki" ...my sim  just play whit her\him self not more, i try whit toys sofas and other stuf but notthing .... i have the last update of the mod so.. i can't explane what it happen to the game

i try to cancel all mod folder and put again the last update , but notthing happen T_T  .. somebody can help me !!! 


in this 2 pic you can see ther's some problem .. if i try romantic interaction whit any kind of sim a empy message was show on the right top :( 






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4 hours ago, edoen92 said:

hello everyone,

i have some problem whit the mod..during this days

it's working but, they can't do "fiki fiki" ...my sim  just play whit her\him self not more, i try whit toys sofas and other stuf but notthing .... i have the last update of the mod so.. i can't explane what it happen to the game

i try to cancel all mod folder and put again the last update , but notthing happen T_T  .. somebody can help me !!! 


in this 2 pic you can see ther's some problem .. if i try romantic interaction whit any kind of sim a empy message was show on the right top :( 





I used to have a similar problem. For me the solution was to check one of the options in the mod's settings.

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v169b [2022-05-11]

need help y'all, not sure if its wicked whims, or not, but i've recently mucked up my game (nothing serious, but this is bothering me) so before when an option popped up with say Parenting, you'd be given a scenario, then 3 choices on how to respond. well now i've done something to mess that up somehow, and now i'm only given 1 option. usually its like an optimal option, but i've come to dislike this, i prefer all options, and make the right one or the one of my choosing. anyone else know what i speak of? i do have several mods so i could be someone else mod

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2 hours ago, SilentDetective said:

need help y'all, not sure if its wicked whims, or not, but i've recently mucked up my game (nothing serious, but this is bothering me) so before when an option popped up with say Parenting, you'd be given a scenario, then 3 choices on how to respond. well now i've done something to mess that up somehow, and now i'm only given 1 option. usually its like an optimal option, but i've come to dislike this, i prefer all options, and make the right one or the one of my choosing. anyone else know what i speak of? i do have several mods so i could be someone else mod

Post what mods you use....


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8 hours ago, carnation77 said:

Non credo che la finestra di chat vuota sia imputabile ad una qualche impostazione.

Hai provato a far girare il gioco solo con WW, cancellando il localthumbcache package prima di avviare il gioco?

diciamo ho risolto .. e si ho eliminato i salvataggi di WW nella cartella che si crea in save e sembra funzionare ... anche se ogni tanto va in blocco, non vorrei aver toccato qualche impostazione e si è rotto tutto 

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6 hours ago, SilentDetective said:

avete bisogno di aiuto a tutti voi, non sono sicuro se siano capricci malvagi o no, ma di recente ho rovinato il mio gioco (niente di serio, ma questo mi dà fastidio) quindi prima, quando è saltata fuori un'opzione con dire Parenting, saresti dato uno scenario, quindi 3 scelte su come rispondere. bene ora ho fatto qualcosa per rovinare tutto in qualche modo, e ora mi viene data solo 1 opzione. di solito è come un'opzione ottimale, ma sono arrivato a non piacermi, preferisco tutte le opzioni e prendo quella giusta o quella di mia scelta. qualcun altro sa di cosa parlo? ho diverse mod quindi potrei essere qualcun altro mod

hello.. i "fix" the problem, try tu delete the save folder (ww) in this directory  documents\electronic arts\ the sims 4\ saves\ wickedwhimsmod ... my WW mod it's working right now... just try, don't worry you won't lose any game save, just WW mod settings..now it seems work, i think i'v touched too many things inside the mod and had saved the changes, every time you put for ex. a cheats (always accept) the mod create a save in that directory... let me know :D

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9 hours ago, SilentDetective said:

need help y'all, not sure if its wicked whims, or not, but i've recently mucked up my game (nothing serious, but this is bothering me) so before when an option popped up with say Parenting, you'd be given a scenario, then 3 choices on how to respond. well now i've done something to mess that up somehow, and now i'm only given 1 option. usually its like an optimal option, but i've come to dislike this, i prefer all options, and make the right one or the one of my choosing. anyone else know what i speak of? i do have several mods so i could be someone else mod

Is this happening to sims that previously didn't have this problem or are they newly created sims/premade sims?

When sims have low parenting level or haven't gained the skill yet they're only given 1 option and it doesn't show which trait it will affect. To see more options and how each of them will affect the personality of the child/teen they need to level up the skill.

Edited by 0PoisonPink0
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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v170a [2022-06-06]

Dunno if anyone else saw it... but the latest update for WickedWhims




Is seismic. Earthshattering.


It's got animation bones for the good stuff now. Amazing. It might breathe a second life into The Sims sex mods!


Exciting stuff... gonna try making a new nude mesh for it now (with much more anatomically accurate details). Anyone know where I can find a good tutorial for making a body mesh for this game? (Just need to know the steps for importing/exporting in and out of Blender, I can handle everything in blender itself).

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v170a [2022-06-06]

I get massive freezes with the latest version (using the instant sex settings) forcing me to reboot my PC. I've yet to manage to play one animation. A true shame because the previous version was exemplary in terms of performance, not a single freeze or crash. I'm seriously considering to roll back to it.


Got a beefy PC (AMD R5600X, 32GB DDR4 RAM and RTX 3080) and just updated NisaK's mod. Any suggestions please?

Edited by Nas00
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