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REASON... I am making a sex rule for Horkers, where if you carry Horker meat ( cooked or raw ), then Horkers mistake your scent for one of them.



This is a great mod, a lot of fun... Some triggers I've made.


ON THE RAG... Wearing a bloody tampon ( Beeing female mod )... Bears and Sabre cats smell the blood, and a sexual encounter is triggered. 


EARLY TO RISE... Skeevers are on the prowl in the early hours ( midnite to 3 am ) in Whiterun, just seeing nudity is enough to get you sexually harassed by those damned rats.


RANDY BEASTS... Centurions, Horkers and Sabrecats have instant urges to have sex with the player, upon seeing even a glimpse of naked flesh.


SMELLS LIKE A HORKER... ( need an item trigger in this mod, to work )... Horkers have a keen sense of smell, and will chase down the player and have sex with them, if they smell any kind of Horker Meat. The smell of Horker meat, sending them into a sex-crazed mania.



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Adding a "actor.getItemCount(item)>0" as starting condition is not complex.

I will consider that for future versions.

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Another Suggestion: 


After playing around with the rules and conditions, I'm thinking, that there should be an option to start a rule just once. This would solve my Problem with allowing followers to have sex with creatures without having me involved by creating a starting rule and putting the other rules in sequence to that.


Rule 1: Follower asks player for sex. Player sends them on the way with a kiss.


Rule 2:  Follower moves to enemy/creature and has some fun (ok, a gangbang with Draugrs might not be funny....)

  I'm  testing such a thing right now, but I don't get it to work as it should.

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Another Suggestion: 


After playing around with the rules and conditions, I'm thinking, that there should be an option to start a rule just once. This would solve my Problem with allowing followers to have sex with creatures without having me involved by creating a starting rule and putting the other rules in sequence to that.


Rule 1: Follower asks player for sex. Player sends them on the way with a kiss.


Rule 2:  Follower moves to enemy/creature and has some fun (ok, a gangbang with Draugrs might not be funny....)

  I'm  testing such a thing right now, but I don't get it to work as it should.


What does 'starting rule just once' mean?  One-shot rule that plays once in a lifetime and then never again?  You can set up a long cooldown timer for rule to make it fire with a long interval.

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Is it possible to allow sexual actions to succeed or fail based on the status/interest of the involved characters? For example, some NPC's are gold diggers, submissive, aggressive, rapists.


Also some quote ideas for interactions.


1.When in combat against generic NPC's while player health is below a threshold:

  " Poor fool, I am winning. Submit your body to me if you wish to live."

  "Look, you might be dead anyway, why not have some fun?"

  "Surrender your body or surrender your life, choose one." <-- sex lab defeat could be used here?


2. When in combat against a vampire or in the vicinity of a horny/hungry vampire:

"Hey, I have a proposition.  You feed me with the warmth of your body, and I won't feed on your blood and corpse. Deal?"


(if female NPC and player is male) <--- takes into consideration that you have deadly wenches installed

"Hey there, sexy. See my fangs? I could feed on your bloody corpse, but that would be wasteful. Why not let me use my mouth and your body in a more - pleasing way?"


(if vampire is a female and you are male): "I could use some blood, but I think your 'sword' would taste better. Your 'sword' would like it. Wouldn't you agree?"


3. If you have NPC's in your game that are succubus(either by follower or race, works superbly with Deadly Drain)[Recommend: Xana Succubus follower, Succubus-san or any succubus mod]:

"Hey, you don't seem to have much going on. Why not give me your life force for pleasure?"  <-- may result in player death[depends on setting]


"My body is as hot as the fires of oblivion, don't you want a taste? Ill make sure you ascend to the heavens with pleasure."


"Your body is crying out to me, why not give into your lust and lay with me?"


(if the succubus likes you enough)

"Hey there darling, wanna do it? Don't worry, I wont kill you. You are too... special for that."  <--- succubus favors you and wont kill you, but will still drain [depends on settings]


"Hey dear, I'm hot and hungry again; you look ready. Why not let me soothe you? I want to drown you in pleasure."  <--- Could be used if player is married to the succubus or otherwise. May drain you or wont, but will never kill you. Rules could be set so she heals you right after.


"I am hungry again. Whip it out, its time for you to feed me."  <-- possible aggressive action, if denied possible response could be


"Sorry sweety, while you are a warrior on the battlefield you are a slave to me in bed. You belong to ME!" <---- femdom animations, or animations where the succubus has the lead/control can be used.


[After sex dialogue]

"You were delicious, I can't wait for next time."

"Hehe, oh look you died. I guess you werent strong enough." <-- death by sex with succubus

"Oh my, you fed me well. I suppose I can cook you dinner now"

"Next time don't resist, or I'll make you cum until you are near death as punishment" <--- makes sense with multiple scenes and Deadly drain

"I told you you'd like it"

"You were great, I hope to see you again!"



Granted the Nature of scent of sexy allows for flexibility but these are the scenarios possible that would add more when other mods are involved.  I have more ideas but these are some suggestions. CPU, what do you think of them?




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Sorry if I gave you too many lines, but there might be a solution for that.


You could have it so that the user is able to add/remove both scene dialogue and ending scene dialogue. Appending each input to a dialogue array data structure up to certain cap(lets say a maximum of 255 separate lines of dialogue or so or more), each type of dialogue has its own array.


This way you wouldn't really have to keep putting in the lines yourself, we the users could append and share them amongst ourselves. I know how long it takes to add 10 sets of dialogue so I felt bad. :/


I do not know the syntax of skyrim's engine that well to know if it would work but this is something that could save you some time if it is possible

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Another Suggestion: 


After playing around with the rules and conditions, I'm thinking, that there should be an option to start a rule just once. This would solve my Problem with allowing followers to have sex with creatures without having me involved by creating a starting rule and putting the other rules in sequence to that.


Rule 1: Follower asks player for sex. Player sends them on the way with a kiss.


Rule 2:  Follower moves to enemy/creature and has some fun (ok, a gangbang with Draugrs might not be funny....)

  I'm  testing such a thing right now, but I don't get it to work as it should.


What does 'starting rule just once' mean?  One-shot rule that plays once in a lifetime and then never again?  You can set up a long cooldown timer for rule to make it fire with a long interval.



I found a way to get control over the starting of my Drainslave rules by starting them with a rule that is not connected to them. I simply added a non Drainslave Follwer to my Team and a rule to give her a  kiss. And this one triggers the Rules for the Drainslave to have some fun.

Tested it in Riverwood and they killed stump and some Chickens.... and a cow. I will test that with the rules today.

To prevent the Drainslaves from reanimating dead actors i have to restart SSX from time to time. 

The question is how long are the rules for the drainslaves active if they are triggered by abother rule? Do they play only once, once per  fitting actor,  or are they  permanetly activated as long as ssx is applyed? Or are they runnning as long a the starting rule is not restarted?

It seems like it is only starting on one of the drainslaves. as long as orgys are not enabled.

Sidenote; If iI enable orgys, it seems like the Scenes played for the orgys don't trigger the death after draining. (Not the first Scene, that is working properly)


one more thing: could you add an option for  starting a sex sceen it there is no animation available?

There are 4 races which don't have any animations and I didn't  find any for them so I need some sort of workaround.

(Dwarven Sphere, Dwarven Ballista, Dwarven Spider and the mudcrabs)

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It seems like i broke Scent of Sex. I've been using it in a longer playthrough and i'm not sure when it stopped working.

The MCM menu says it's intializing but it's forever stuck on 70%.

I mapped a button to start it but it doesn't seem to be working even though it displays a notification in the corner that it has started.


Any idea why this happens, or would cleaning the save file and reinstall fix it?

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It seems like i broke Scent of Sex. I've been using it in a longer playthrough and i'm not sure when it stopped working.

The MCM menu says it's intializing but it's forever stuck on 70%.

I mapped a button to start it but it doesn't seem to be working even though it displays a notification in the corner that it has started.


Any idea why this happens, or would cleaning the save file and reinstall fix it?


Post your log file, and I will try to understand what is going on.

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It seems like i broke Scent of Sex. I've been using it in a longer playthrough and i'm not sure when it stopped working.

The MCM menu says it's intializing but it's forever stuck on 70%.

I mapped a button to start it but it doesn't seem to be working even though it displays a notification in the corner that it has started.


Any idea why this happens, or would cleaning the save file and reinstall fix it?


Post your log file, and I will try to understand what is going on.


I found a save game not too far back when it was still working.

Can it be because i loaded a game, then immediately went through a door making it load again before it is initialized?


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I have a problem with creating the rules. when I click on Save the rules it came back to the page where they should be all the rules (which is currently empty since I just installed scent of sex) but the rule that I just created don't appears. I attach the file papyrus (i send the zero one- the guide say so- but i have also a 1,2,3.log papyrus, is normal?). sorry for my bad english. hope u can find a solution!


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REASON... I am making a sex rule for Horkers, where if you carry Horker meat ( cooked or raw ), then Horkers mistake your scent for one of them.



This is a great mod, a lot of fun... Some triggers I've made.


ON THE RAG... Wearing a bloody tampon ( Beeing female mod )... Bears and Sabre cats smell the blood, and a sexual encounter is triggered. 


EARLY TO RISE... Skeevers are on the prowl in the early hours ( midnite to 3 am ) in Whiterun, just seeing nudity is enough to get you sexually harassed by those damned rats.


RANDY BEASTS... Centurions, Horkers and Sabrecats have instant urges to have sex with the player, upon seeing even a glimpse of naked flesh.


SMELLS LIKE A HORKER... ( need an item trigger in this mod, to work )... Horkers have a keen sense of smell, and will chase down the player and have sex with them, if they smell any kind of Horker Meat. The smell of Horker meat, sending them into a sex-crazed mania.



It's been a while since i've played with this mod, according to the change log the bugs bugging me seem to be fixed, though. :)

So, how do you get those Skeevers into Whiterun? Has SSX an option to spawn creatures now? Or is that another mod?

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REASON... I am making a sex rule for Horkers, where if you carry Horker meat ( cooked or raw ), then Horkers mistake your scent for one of them.



This is a great mod, a lot of fun... Some triggers I've made.


ON THE RAG... Wearing a bloody tampon ( Beeing female mod )... Bears and Sabre cats smell the blood, and a sexual encounter is triggered. 


EARLY TO RISE... Skeevers are on the prowl in the early hours ( midnite to 3 am ) in Whiterun, just seeing nudity is enough to get you sexually harassed by those damned rats.


RANDY BEASTS... Centurions, Horkers and Sabrecats have instant urges to have sex with the player, upon seeing even a glimpse of naked flesh.


SMELLS LIKE A HORKER... ( need an item trigger in this mod, to work )... Horkers have a keen sense of smell, and will chase down the player and have sex with them, if they smell any kind of Horker Meat. The smell of Horker meat, sending them into a sex-crazed mania.



It's been a while since i've played with this mod, according to the change log the bugs bugging me seem to be fixed, though. :)

So, how do you get those Skeevers into Whiterun? Has SSX an option to spawn creatures now? Or is that another mod?



Some of the things are quite easy to realize from what i have tested so far. As Long as you can equip the item. As far as i understood, the problems with armors are fixed. But the mod will not spawn creatures.


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It seems like i broke Scent of Sex. I've been using it in a longer playthrough and i'm not sure when it stopped working.

The MCM menu says it's intializing but it's forever stuck on 70%.

I mapped a button to start it but it doesn't seem to be working even though it displays a notification in the corner that it has started.


Any idea why this happens, or would cleaning the save file and reinstall fix it?


Post your log file, and I will try to understand what is going on.


I found a save game not too far back when it was still working.

Can it be because i loaded a game, then immediately went through a door making it load again before it is initialized?




I had this problem too. ..worked fine for several saves then ... stuck at 70% and not working anymore.  Unfortunately, I don't have a log file. 


I fixed the problem by removing Scent of Sex from my mod list in MO. Starting a game and saving, then re-installing Scent of Sex.  Everything was working fine again.


FYI (unrelated to the above problem),

When browsing around in Mod Organizer files, In Scent of Sex /SKSE/Plugins/Scent of Sex folder I found a rule "Women for Male Elf" which isn't one of my rules.


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While v1.4f of Scent of Sex works well for me so far (after cleaning the savegame but you mentioned that) there is one little problem I have.

The pool of animations the mod chooses from doesn't seem to get greater than 128. I have installed a lot more animations than that though.

Also it doesn't count the creature animations correctly when I count available animations with the right conditions in the Scent of Sex MCM.


But maybe that's all just an issue with counting these animations and not with the animation pool it chooses from itself?

Because even though the creature animation number shown in the MCM is always incorrect the mod still seems to find the right animations when a rule plays out. At least for wolves.


Anyway, 128 indicates that this is using an array to for the list, right? So why not use a formlist instead? Or is that too slow / heavy on papyrus? And would that even be possible for animations? I know that there are limitations on what to use formlists for. How does Sexlab itself handle this? Maybe multiple arrays with while <128 and while >= 128 conditions in the scripts?

So many questions, sorry.   ^_^

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There is no real limit to 128 animations.


The problems are 2:

1) When you ask SexLab for animations, the maximum number you can get back is 125. The returned array cannot be dynamically allocated, so for each call this is the max. But the anims inside the result are randomly picked (respecting your search criteria.)

2) MCM does not support more than 128 items on a page. So it is not easy to show more of them.


Also if you see just 128 items, the actual number of possible anims is higher.

Trying to change this will require a deep hack in SexLab and MCM, and I am not going to do that.

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REASON... I am making a sex rule for Horkers, where if you carry Horker meat ( cooked or raw ), then Horkers mistake your scent for one of them.



This is a great mod, a lot of fun... Some triggers I've made.


ON THE RAG... Wearing a bloody tampon ( Beeing female mod )... Bears and Sabre cats smell the blood, and a sexual encounter is triggered. 


EARLY TO RISE... Skeevers are on the prowl in the early hours ( midnite to 3 am ) in Whiterun, just seeing nudity is enough to get you sexually harassed by those damned rats.


RANDY BEASTS... Centurions, Horkers and Sabrecats have instant urges to have sex with the player, upon seeing even a glimpse of naked flesh.


SMELLS LIKE A HORKER... ( need an item trigger in this mod, to work )... Horkers have a keen sense of smell, and will chase down the player and have sex with them, if they smell any kind of Horker Meat. The smell of Horker meat, sending them into a sex-crazed mania.



It's been a while since i've played with this mod, according to the change log the bugs bugging me seem to be fixed, though. :)

So, how do you get those Skeevers into Whiterun? Has SSX an option to spawn creatures now? Or is that another mod?



I thought it was normal to have normal, Rat sized Skeevers running all over Whiterun, I've used mods soo long, that maybe its one of those. I also have tons of small spiders in caves, about the size of Tarantulas. Which spawn in huge amounts...


I've only just gotten the Skeevers working again with Sexlab, as they just used to wander around, getting a large percentage of the women of Whiterun pregnant as they sleep. 



I use the mods below, along with a ton of other mods. I'm not 100% sure what spawns them, if Skeevers are not vanilla creatures in Whiterun. I'm guessing Immersive creatures...



The Immersive creatures is a brilliant mod, with a MCM menu for the spawns. The spawns being tough as nails, forcing me to look for ambush areas and high ground to kill them. My mods also spawn groups of really tough Bear cubs and Wolf pups, which kill me a lot... :)


- Immersive creatures    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24913/?

- More nasty critters    http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1140-more-nasty-critters/



Edit... 1.3.17


The mod that is giving me all the rats is... REAL WILDLIFE

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I thought it was normal to have normal, Rat sized Skeevers running all over Whiterun, I've used mods soo long, that maybe its one of those. I also have tons of small spiders in caves, about the size of Tarantulas. Which spawn in huge amounts...


I've only just gotten the Skeevers working again with Sexlab, as they just used to wander around, getting a large percentage of the women of Whiterun pregnant as they sleep. 



I use the mods below, along with a ton of other mods. I'm not 100% sure what spawns them, if Skeevers are not vanilla creatures in Whiterun. I'm guessing Immersive creatures...



The Immersive creatures is a brilliant mod, with a MCM menu for the spawns. The spawns being tough as nails, forcing me to look for ambush areas and high ground to kill them. My mods also spawn groups of really tough Bear cubs and Wolf pups, which kill me a lot... :)


- Immersive creatures    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24913/?

- More nasty critters    http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1140-more-nasty-critters/



I don't remember ever seeing rats in Whiterun, but Riften is infested by those vermin, and yes there's chicken running around too.  Those rats don't count as skeever though, and it seems they are added (at least in my game) by Dawn of Skyrim.. so maybe you get skeevers to Whiterun from some other mod.  I'm using both IC and MNC though.


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Just go close to one of them, open the console, click on one of them, and on the bottom right you will see which mod is adding it.


Brilliant... I didn't know the mods where displayed in that menu. Thanks... :)


The mod that is giving me all the rats is... REAL WILDLIFE



They are MATURE SKEEVERS, and are the size of standard rats, and are all over the place in Whiterun.



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Question... Where are the exported rules stored, as I've exported them and can't find them, and what files are they. As it would be nice to pack them as mods.



Feature request... Import / Export settings ( all settings for the mod. )


Reason... to store them, and maybe send them to people to get their mod rules working, as it can take a lot of work to get all the rules set - up correctly. So they could have the same, working set-up as mine at the click of a button.



Currently... you have import and export for rules only



I know its a lot of work, but it would simplify setting up the mod settings... :)



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