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can someoen check these 2 rules for me.


 the first Male C on Female H works fine but the second rule to fire after it

creatre on female after creatu will fire but it will only play 1 stage of the animation then stop for no reason. it seems to be only on creatures its doing it. i have asimilar rule for people and it works fine.



if u try them the creare on female after creatu should be set to fire if male c on female fires

Male C on Female H.json

creatre on female after creatu.json

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I ended up deleting the save/game I was playing on because of the constant CTDs and started a new one today. But I did notice since yesterday that the rules I created duplicate and even if I delete them, they come back the next time I continued my save. When I started a new game today I did not have to change or add any rules - all of the ones from my last game were there but, they were duplicates of the ones I had already deleted. I deleted the rules again, saved, came back to the game and they were there again.


What's going on? And how can I stop this from happening. There are only supposed to be two rules, the first ones. The rest I have deleted countless times but, keep showing up duplicated every time I log into Skyrim.



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I ended up deleting the save/game I was playing on because of the constant CTDs and started a new one today. But I did notice since yesterday that the rules I created duplicate and even if I delete them, they come back the next time I continued my save. When I started a new game today I did not have to change or add any rules - all of the ones from my last game were there but, they were duplicates of the ones I had already deleted. I deleted the rules again, saved, came back to the game and they were there again.


What's going on? And how can I stop this from happening. There are only supposed to be two rules, the first ones. The rest I have deleted countless times but, keep showing up duplicated every time I log into Skyrim.







This is exactly what is happening to me. I deleted the config file as suggested and have posted it as requested but not heard anything yet. Rules are repeated and can't be deleted without coming back.

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Try deleting their .json files




This is exactly what is happening to me. I deleted the config file as suggested and have posted it as requested but not heard anything yet. Rules are repeated and can't be deleted without coming back.


I did this, went into game and the rules were gone. That wasn't or isn't the problem, I created new rules, then saved and my game CTD. I went into my game again, wanted to make a new save and I CTD again. I've tried three times. I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling the mod and see if this helps. I'll keep posting results.



EDIT: I uninstalled Scent and cannot save at all without CTD now. I've run FNIS and TES5edit and nothing is giving me the "red flag" which means, in my case that I have to kill my game and start over.


EDIT 2: I restarted a new game, played for several hours, and am having some minor issues with the dialogues but, the rules are working, no more duplicate rules, and I can now save without crashing. HUZZAH!

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haveing a issue where its calling people from a differnt zone  for sex. a example is it called my companion for sex when i was in dragon reach and my companion was in breeze home. here the catch thou i ddidnt turn on SSX till i was in dragon reach. i had switched to the cell scan as wanted it to be a shorter range than the cell wonder if thats causeing the issue? but i have it set for 100feet so why would it call someoen in breeze home?

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haveing a issue where its calling people from a differnt zone  for sex. a example is it called my companion for sex when i was in dragon reach and my companion was in breeze home. here the catch thou i ddidnt turn on SSX till i was in dragon reach. i had switched to the cell scan as wanted it to be a shorter range than the cell wonder if thats causeing the issue? but i have it set for 100feet so why would it call someoen in breeze home?


Yeah I still have some issues with those people in here.. This is funny though. One time when I was in deep dungeon... Suddenly Ysolda spawned in front of me and anally raped me. This was with 8 meters cell scanning. Hopefully this will get fixed soon. 


OMG! That is so odd and kinda funny. ;) I do hope that gets fixed for you both.

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it seems to be mosstly on the cloak one. it happens some but not alot on the cell scanning. i think whats happening is on the cloak its getting stuck on them when u disable than when u reenable i calls the first actor that the cloak is stuck on insted of a fresh new scan.


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I still wonder what way is  the best for scanning. I use SSX together with Deadly Drain. In some cases my Drainslaves reanimater dead actors, in some cases they go for PPL thast are at the end of a dungeon instead of picking those who are nearby. and there is one more little issue in my case. Every time I want to modify my 'go for a creature 'rule to a 'go for a gangbang with the creatures' rule it says that the collaborators are not active.  


BTW: Are there any animations for dwarven Spiders or Spheres?

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I'm running the game with SSX and over 300 mods with .esp files (I had to merge several dozen of them to stay below 255 limit), and the game is pretty much rock solid with no CTDs.  Of course it doesn't mean it couldn't happen - there's always possibility that SSX conflicts somehow with a specific mod.  But much more frequently it's something like a load order problem, mod conflict, missing .nif file or insufficient memory.  I arranged my load order by hand - LOOT is a really good program.. until you get past 50-100 mods, then it gets pretty much mandatory to do manual ordering to keep the game stable (which can be a frustrating task in itself.. it took me about 2-3 weeks to get things set up right).  Mod conflicts you can lessen to some extent by making a TES5 merged patch and bashed patch, also cleaning up dirty edits from mods can help.  Some mods might simply refuse to work together though.  Missing .nif files is another pretty common cause for crashes - often it causes a crash on specific areas when you enter them.. and can be a real pain to track down.  Another common one is running out of memory - setting up memory heap in SKSE.ini should usually help with that, and using memory blocks log to find how much memory you need can be helpful.


I'm not going to get further into details about fixing CTDs - on one hand it's outside the scope of this thread, and on other hand it's an issue that can get really complicated really fast.. as evident by many threads and guides written about it.


About scan modes for SSX - I'd recommend using alias scan, and only falling back to other scan modes if for some reason it doesn't work for you... in that case try cloak scan, and use cell scan only as last resort.


About mod organizer and overwrite folder - generally speaking if you have files in the overwrite folder, you are doing things wrong (there's a reason why mod organizer gives you the red warning sign when it's not empty).  Move them out.  If you don't want to deal with arranging them, then easiest solution is to right-click the overwrite folder, and select 'create mod...'.  Name it something like 'config files' or 'my overwrite files' or whatever you please.  From there on you can dump any files that pile into your overwrite into that config mod.  Personally I keep them arranged though - different config 'mod' for FNIS, dual sheath redux, perMa, bashed patch and so forth.  I feel it makes it easier to handle updates and the like.


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Ok... so it is alias scan. Next questuion is how to define Targets/ Sources. If I want my Drainslaves drain only enemiesIs it better to work with factions, or would it be easier to work with the generic NPC Setting and exclude the frindly NPCS with the negativ faction Setting... And which Factions do I have to exclude in this case? In my opinion it takes a Long time for SSX to start the Scenes. maybe i have done to much experiments with the settings so far. It also seems like I have messed up some of the faction Settings of NPCs. checking the factions with SSX sometimes lead to no result.


And if I set my Drainslaves to be the source and the enemies as target,  I could not add Colaboraters from the enemy side. Is this intended?


I would like to see the Option that the drainslaves ask me whether the should go for the enemies or not, then move to the enemy and if there are more than on of them start a gangbang with all of them with out me includetdin the Scene.

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Ok... so it is alias scan. Next questuion is how to define Targets/ Sources. If I want my Drainslaves drain only enemiesIs it better to work with factions, or would it be easier to work with the generic NPC Setting and exclude the frindly NPCS with the negativ faction Setting... And which Factions do I have to exclude in this case? In my opinion it takes a Long time for SSX to start the Scenes. maybe i have done to much experiments with the settings so far. It also seems like I have messed up some of the faction Settings of NPCs. checking the factions with SSX sometimes lead to no result.


And if I set my Drainslaves to be the source and the enemies as target,  I could not add Colaboraters from the enemy side. Is this intended?


I would like to see the Option that the drainslaves ask me whether the should go for the enemies or not, then move to the enemy and if there are more than on of them start a gangbang with all of them with out me includetdin the Scene.


Well source is the one 'initiating' the scene, and the one that walks over to the target.  Normally source would be the 'active' participant and target would be the 'passive', in most M/F animations male would be active and female passive.  If you want to involve only enemies, it may be possible with relationship to player - I'm not sure, haven't checked.


Generally there's four concepts - source, target, collaborator and spectator.  First three are relevant to actual scene.  However if you want the scene to involve companion and multiple enemies, but also player as someone to ask from, then I'm not entirely sure how that would work.  Maybe you could set up companion as 'source', player as 'target but does not participate' (if that was possible) and enemies as collaborators.  But the problem would be that the collaborators would have to be optional - and yet you would somehow need to keep the scene from playing when there's only companion and player.  I don't know if you can make a rule that asks player and yet doesn't have player as either target or source.  Perhaps it could work if you define specific animations that have at least two participants - if player doesn't participate, scene shouldn't be able to start until there's at least one collaborator.


A more simple alternative, if you don't need the dialogue, would be to set up companion as target and enemy as source + collaborators, make the rule trigger from 'when target health below 99%' and 'when source in combat'.  It wouldn't keep combat from happening, but would stop it very short..and since it would trigger from hit event, it should start relatively fast.


The problem with pure 'ask' rule would be that if companion is defined to ask, then they'll keep asking and asking and asking and asking - because the conditions will keep being met.  You could of course set up a cooldown timer for the rule - but that means the rule won't trigger on any actors.. and once the cooldown runs out, the companion would immediately ask again.


Yet another option would be to set up the rule for SSX faction, and use the faction spells to tag enemies to appropriate faction as a drain target.  This would give you fine tuned control, but the effect would not be instant - it could take a couple of minutes for the scene to trigger.. and meanwhile to get close enough to tag the enemy with spell, they would probably also notice you.

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I have  tested this with companion as source, Player as target, but not participating and the enemys at collaboratoers. I always get the message that collaborators are not participating, too.

with the companion as source and the enemy as target i could do a one on one Scene, but i can not add further enemies for gangbanging the companion.I will check if the combat Trigger is working better than just sneaking.


 Maybe i can find a Fitting rule for a start up and then start another rule for the gangbang...

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I have  tested this with companion as source, Player as target, but not participating and the enemys at collaboratoers. I always get the message that collaborators are not participating, too.

with the companion as source and the enemy as target i could do a one on one Scene, but i can not add further enemies for gangbanging the companion.I will check if the combat Trigger is working better than just sneaking.


 Maybe i can find a Fitting rule for a start up and then start another rule for the gangbang...


I couldn't find anything that would work very well for determining 'enemy' other than someone who is actually attacking player or follower.  Factions aren't entirely reliable for it.  Also couldn't see a way to 'ask player' if player isn't target or source.  Combat state is a trigger, so you could use that one, but it can still leave it ambiguous who is on your side and who is not.  Health rule triggers on actual hit, so it's more reliable.  Setting source: human not follower, target: human follower, starts on target health less than 99% and source is in combat, should give pretty good results.  Collaborators are still kind of tricky - for example if there's bunch of vampires attacking you in city, and guards move in to help - you'll have both vampires and guards in combat.  A vampire hits your follower and triggers the rule.. how do you define collaborator so that it doesn't catch guards too.

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I have  tested this with companion as source, Player as target, but not participating and the enemys at collaboratoers. I always get the message that collaborators are not participating, too.

with the companion as source and the enemy as target i could do a one on one Scene, but i can not add further enemies for gangbanging the companion.I will check if the combat Trigger is working better than just sneaking.


 Maybe i can find a Fitting rule for a start up and then start another rule for the gangbang...


I couldn't find anything that would work very well for determining 'enemy' other than someone who is actually attacking player or follower.  Factions aren't entirely reliable for it.  Also couldn't see a way to 'ask player' if player isn't target or source.  Combat state is a trigger, so you could use that one, but it can still leave it ambiguous who is on your side and who is not.  Health rule triggers on actual hit, so it's more reliable.  Setting source: human not follower, target: human follower, starts on target health less than 99% and source is in combat, should give pretty good results.  Collaborators are still kind of tricky - for example if there's bunch of vampires attacking you in city, and guards move in to help - you'll have both vampires and guards in combat.  A vampire hits your follower and triggers the rule.. how do you define collaborator so that it doesn't catch guards too.



It is tricky... Combat leads to no Scenes if the enemies don't survive the first strike (Minerva is a Killer) I started with rules triggering when sneaking, but it takes a LONG time bevor they Trigger a Scene.

I still have the problem that in some cases dead actors are reanimated.


I guess it would solve my problems if i could define optional collaborators on the side of the target.

First i will start a new game and test it with some weak slaves from Paradise halls....

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Back after some more testing:


I  switched between the differen scanning methods and came to the point, that the cloak scan gets the most fitting results.  I have  created two sets of rules for exterior/interior and for creatures/humans by switching source and target for them. They are starting at random, followers have a weapon.  (It works pretty well so far) But i still have the Problem, that my drainslaves sometimes reanimate dead actors for the Scenes. and it also seems that actors doing idles (sitting) sometimes are not realized. cansomeone confirm that?

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Yeah I am using SL Deadly drain too, but im just starting it with requiem and other mods. But my playthrough I am not a drain master(I am male) or anything but two of the installed followers(succubus-san and Xana(succubus)) are, so if I am not strong enough they will kill me when sex acts are over, but in battle they are quite to spectacle to watch. Unfortunately I have not yet gotten to the point where i can test out what you are trying to fix, mainly as I dont have drain slaves and requiem is deadly for a new character.


Do you think it is a conflict? It seems to me that they are reanimating because they have not realized that the fights stopped for the scene, which is a problem I had even before DD(in a previous playthrough). Regarding the sitting part, no I have not seen that. But you could do it with a simple test I think, create a simple rule and tell a follower to sit down and stay there. Then run a rule that has them as the source and its conditions, see what happens, I will try it out too when I can. Unless of course you did and that is why you are asking about, then I dunno :c


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Hey CPU, I also wanted to say thanks for working on this mod. You made the game much more interesting, mainly because its always funny to see Balgruf and Ireltih going at it with her getting pregnant. Man, I knew Balgruf was ballin' but wow to see it game... I know you dont care for the Milk Mod Economy implementation(reason I keep bringing it up before is because its the only consistent way to get adequate septims with requiem installed),  but duuuude, this mod you made makes the game more "alive", at least sexually with the expansive rules I can put in to effect.


You are a damn legend to me in the modding community. ^_^   gimme dem skillz


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It is a simple settimg: As soon as an enemy is detected, my Drainslaves have some fun with them bevor they give them a sweet death.

On exteriors the Enemy moves to the Drainslave, in Interiors the drainslaves move to the enemy.


It took some time to get a good staerting condition, but having a weapon drwn seems to work pretty good for my purposes. It is quick enough for starting the Scenes before actors enter combat what would stop the mod from doing what I want it to do.


After experimenting with the scanner setting it seems that the cloak scan seems to work better, because it takes the neares enemy first. Cell scan and alias scan work well, but they pick the actors with a different order, so the drain slaves are passing the nearer enemies and go for some that are far away.


My last problem seems to be a timer thing. Ususally it would not matter if a rule restarts with actors, that has already been in a scene, but if the actor dies in the Scene he might be reanimated because he is still in the actor list. I need to figure out a different setting. By now i start a rescan every 5 seconfds..

Another problem seem to be enemies that are sitting on a chair. They seem to be ignored by the scanner. Is a minor Problem. I just have to kill 1 out of 10 myself.




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Actors using a furniture are ignored.

Because they can be problematic.


And, yes, I am aware that if an actor dies, it is not removed from the actor list.

I will try to improve the cleaning function.


About distances, the selection is random, it does not go by proximity.

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Actors using a furniture are ignored.

Because they can be problematic.


And, yes, I am aware that if an actor dies, it is not removed from the actor list.

I will try to improve the cleaning function.


About distances, the selection is random, it does not go by proximity.


I hope i didn't sound offending...

This mod is a really good work. It offers so many Options that it could replace a lot of mods that I used before and reduce the loading order and a lot of scripts.I just pouint out some problems that I found because I don't if i just miss understand something or if something in the mod is not working correctly.


i have question to the Settings for 'staring on...' Settings: where ist the differencwe between TG/SCR and TG,SCR?

I'm not a native Speaker and sometimes it are the small things that make me missunderstand the guides.

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