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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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3 hours ago, Gildoniel said:

I noticed another few things:

* Raynor's bedding ceremony fires when replacing an existing married ruler via Ruler Designer. It shows but the first scene and decisions according to the old ruler.
  Problem now: When I "Arrange Marriage" (in any way) for any couple, I lose the "Virgin Trait" instantly.

  For instance: Inviting "Elastigirl" dw_hvevents1261a (I welcome his wife.) decision cancels virginity. Does not happen, when I invite her as girlfriend. Same thing with using vanilla "Arrange Marriage" with random partners (does not matter who with who).

  This does not seems to happen when choosing lands with unmarried rulers as starting point with Ruler Designer. I can "Arrange Marriage" for whoever I wish and stay virgin.

  I noticed, because I am writing a mod including a society, requiring members to stay chaste (no lovers, no wife, no consorts and can't be consort yourself + keep virgin trait to prevent event sex).


* VERY MINOR thing: Wolverine's dynasty should be:

3100044 = {
    name = "Howlett"
    culture = german

But is set to:

3100043 = {
    name = "Sara"
    culture = greek

Which made me smile ;) "Logan Sara aka "Wolverine""

Thanks for the Wolverine catch. I'll make the adjustment.


Regarding Raynor's Bedding Ceremony, the only idea I have, since I've not encountered what you're posted, and I usually use the Ruler Designer myself, is that somehow it's triggering immediately at on_startup (which is when the game begins) instead of on_chronicle_start. On_chronicle_start is when a created Ruler from the Designer enters the game, and it fires after on_startup. So it is possible that in the brief moment of game load, before the ruler has been replaced, the marriage ceremony is being triggered. Off hand, not something I see as game breaking and in need of a fix.


Regarding the Virgin issue - I see the issue. Where I'm removing it in the on_marriage - on_marriage doesn't target the husband and wife - it targets their lieges/employers. I'll need to remove it from there. Interesting catch.

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It's me once again, this time with a wish: Would it be possible to add a check for a negative character_flag to Raynor's bedding ceremony?
Something like:
trigger = {
        ROOT = { NOT = { has_character_flag = no_bedding_ceremony_raynor }}
        FROM = { character = ROOT }

Reason: I wish to add special scenes on some weddings and it would be strange to have both triggered.
Raynor's scenes are great, so I would like to keep them as "default".

Without some kind of check I'd need to overwrite the stuff and I'd rather not do that.

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Hey Dewguru; during the Werewolf campaign when you choose to not be an omega to Fenris; is he at some point supposed to try and kill off your character if he's not a member of your court? During my current save I managed to become friends with Fenris; and I got a event notification saying that he wanted to meet up with me to discuss something; and when the event finished resolving my game ended because my character "vanished without a trace" upon meeting him. Upon reloading that save since I didn't have an heir at the time so my game ended, the event to meet with Fenris fired again; only this time upon meeting with him my character apparently kills him instead when he tries to betray me? 


Am slightly confused because now he's marked as dead; does the werewolf campaign still carry on without Fenris being around? Not sure if I should attempt to reload my save and try something different or if this is just an event that can happen during the campaign.

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1 hour ago, Arutha103 said:

hi there everyone, sorry if this has been asked before or is considered a dumb question. has anyone else lost the Build observitory decision while running DWR. i turned it off and the decision returned on a new playthrough.

did you character already somehow have the Mystic or Scholar trait? I know if you have either of those traits then you can not build an observatory in the base game rules

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Okay, so what I was planning to release last weekend didn't make it through the test I ran. I'm going to try and get through it this weekend. If I can't get it to work, I'll just post up the fixes that have accumulated since the last update.


Issue is Jim Raynor put together a cool Siege Victory narrative event chain, and my initial and second attempt to get it to work as intended, hasn't. Work has resumed it's overtime schedule (not complaining - just explaining - I'm thankful for my job), and I'm working this weekend too.


On 8/23/2020 at 10:46 AM, Gildoniel said:

It's me once again, this time with a wish: Would it be possible to add a check for a negative character_flag to Raynor's bedding ceremony?
Something like:
trigger = {
        ROOT = { NOT = { has_character_flag = no_bedding_ceremony_raynor }}
        FROM = { character = ROOT }

Reason: I wish to add special scenes on some weddings and it would be strange to have both triggered.
Raynor's scenes are great, so I would like to keep them as "default".

Without some kind of check I'd need to overwrite the stuff and I'd rather not do that.

Maybe. Let me see the state of my brain after wrestling with the siege issue.


On 8/24/2020 at 10:10 PM, sage20500 said:

Hey Dewguru; during the Werewolf campaign when you choose to not be an omega to Fenris; is he at some point supposed to try and kill off your character if he's not a member of your court? During my current save I managed to become friends with Fenris; and I got a event notification saying that he wanted to meet up with me to discuss something; and when the event finished resolving my game ended because my character "vanished without a trace" upon meeting him. Upon reloading that save since I didn't have an heir at the time so my game ended, the event to meet with Fenris fired again; only this time upon meeting with him my character apparently kills him instead when he tries to betray me? 


Am slightly confused because now he's marked as dead; does the werewolf campaign still carry on without Fenris being around? Not sure if I should attempt to reload my save and try something different or if this is just an event that can happen during the campaign.

... Something is clearly not working the way it should. Anyone else seeing anything like this?


Just curious since I would have expected someone else to have raised this issue too by now.


If I get the chance, I'll take a look at the event chain though to see if something catches my eye.

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3 hours ago, dewguru said:

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

Not in relation to that specific game setup, but the interaction is definitely from the great work "private conversation" dialogue option. Normally, someone who owns a wonder with a feature that enables private conversations can invite a court member to a one-on-one meeting, where one of the options is an assassination attempt with various results - succeed, wound target but have it escape, get wounded when target fights back, or even die if the target overpowers you.

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1 hour ago, s520864 said:

@dewguru Since CK3 did away with 2D portraits from CK2 (Last i checked this was the case) will your be looking for a 3D modeler for your CK3 project? I assume Non-Human characters would be in need of custom models? This is my personal speculation so please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not that knowledgeable on CK modding.

My initial plans are pretty modest. There are too many unknowns about the event imagery options.


For example, the question has already been raised to Paradox about non-human models. Everything that I read, and what others seemed to have noted as mentioned in the Crusader Kings 3 thread here in LL, is that it'd be difficult. Since modeling isn't my thing, and the game designer is indicating it's difficult, then I'd be better served to not seek to build anything along those lines, until things change in the future (via a modder's modeling skills overcoming the difficulty or perhaps a DLC that opens it up more).


The other thing that remains to be seen is what kind of interaction can be done. For example, Paradox talked specifically about model placement, which someone who knows animation better than I already mention could complicate any potential animations. As a potential counter to that, since the UI can be heavily modified, it might be possible to also move the anchor points I would imagine, but once again, it's really only speculation at this point. Plus, I'm not an animator, so I'd end up waiting to see what resources were made available to the community anyway on that end.


So, my plans are largely humble beginnings, exploratory in nature. And if it's limiting enough, the result could be me just putting a little more time into the DWR mod instead.

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@dewguru What are your first impressions about CK3?

Personally I find it an improvement in some areas above CK2, like graphics obviously. They have also improved upon the depth of Way of Life foci, that is very refreshing. 

I do find it a bit bland, with the UI scaling option a bit too harsh. The colors seem faded out as well, but maybe that's just me being unaccustomed to the new game. All other stuff like low density of events and so on is to be expected imo, and unmodded CK2 gets just as repetitive events wise.


From the modding perspective the good thing is you can put up static portraits so 2d portraits would work - and many events from CK2 mods can be ported as is to CK3.

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On 8/29/2020 at 3:52 PM, s520864 said:

@dewguru Since CK3 did away with 2D portraits from CK2 (Last i checked this was the case) will your be looking for a 3D modeler for your CK3 project? I assume Non-Human characters would be in need of custom models? This is my personal speculation so please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not that knowledgeable on CK modding.

I bet you almost no one is going to use the CK3 3D models for their mods. I mean people barely used the 3D-model-screenshot avatar generators in CK2 for anything. The skillset required to create and utilize 3D models that dynamically move is infinitely more complex, and given the very low barrier to entry in modding CK2 (literally just notepad and MS paint), I imagine 99% of the existing modding community don't know how to work with 3D models. That's not to say no one can... but mods that utilize it will be extremely, extremely rare. 

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21 minutes ago, veedanya said:

I bet you almost no one is going to use the CK3 3D models for their mods. I mean people barely used the 3D-model-screenshot avatar generators in CK2 for anything. The skillset required to create and utilize 3D models that dynamically move is infinitely more complex, and given the very low barrier to entry in modding CK2 (literally just notepad and MS paint), I imagine 99% of the existing modding community don't know how to work with 3D models. That's not to say no one can... but mods that utilize it will be extremely, extremely rare. 

I dont think the fake-3D avatar was modifiable so it was replaced with 2D images, the base avatar was actually 2D, someone with more experience can correct me if im wrong

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So a small idea to get semi non-human characters (like nekos and kitsunes) is to have the ears and tails tie those to custom hairstyles and make them only visible if you have the neko or kitsune race trait, that way the color and style is still passed down through genes however if you want them to line up with crowns you would probably need to make custom headgear. The only big issue some might have with this is they wouldn't move since I doubt hair really has any sort of rig. You can also get the ears and tails either through free 3D models online or by just taking them from skyrim or something.

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On 8/31/2020 at 3:39 AM, s520864 said:

Is there a way to disable the Marvel NPCs like deadpool? Or is that not from DWR? 

You turn off the Heroes and Villains in the Game Rules at start up.


On 9/2/2020 at 1:34 AM, jim raynor said:

@dewguru What are your first impressions about CK3?

Personally I find it an improvement in some areas above CK2, like graphics obviously. They have also improved upon the depth of Way of Life foci, that is very refreshing. 

I do find it a bit bland, with the UI scaling option a bit too harsh. The colors seem faded out as well, but maybe that's just me being unaccustomed to the new game. All other stuff like low density of events and so on is to be expected imo, and unmodded CK2 gets just as repetitive events wise.


From the modding perspective the good thing is you can put up static portraits so 2d portraits would work - and many events from CK2 mods can be ported as is to CK3.

One thing that is obvious, like you mention, the lack of DLC or real mods yet makes it bland after a period of time, and I didn't really play it for that long, stopping my play session about during the reign of my original character's son. I did do the tutorial as well, just to see how it was. So two brief play sessions and I already can tell that I'll need to mix things up if it'll keep me engaged.


I do like the models, although it limits my capabilities in what I'd like to do with a mod, and I've noticed the same color fade issue as well. While it's cool that 2d portraits could work, I'm not certain it's really the ideal way to proceed. It could be too jarring a difference unless you set it up where all of the 3d models were replaced. I'm hoping to see more information on how to set specific dna like you could in the old version, to get a certain look. That could be a way to at least portray certain likenesses for NPC's that could be added.


On 9/2/2020 at 8:04 AM, Drax70 said:

Hello @dewguru!

Any news on the new update? ?

Some good news - I did get past the initial error that was causing me issues. The bad news, work overtime. It's just been sucking the life out of me. On one hand, it's been fun, as I've shifted from simply maintaining stuff, to once again creating new things, but once I'm done, I'm drained mentally. Where when my work is heavy on the maintenance side, my brain didn't get the exercise it wanted, which then lead to modding.


That said, it's open on my computer now and I'm working on wrapping things up. So, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow for the release and it'll include Jim Raynor's contribution.


22 hours ago, Hobokilla24 said:

So a small idea to get semi non-human characters (like nekos and kitsunes) is to have the ears and tails tie those to custom hairstyles and make them only visible if you have the neko or kitsune race trait, that way the color and style is still passed down through genes however if you want them to line up with crowns you would probably need to make custom headgear. The only big issue some might have with this is they wouldn't move since I doubt hair really has any sort of rig. You can also get the ears and tails either through free 3D models online or by just taking them from skyrim or something.

Like you mention, I imagine custom headgear coming at some point with cat ears or the like. Although I'd be a little surprised if at some point we don't get a DLC that brings back the Glitterhoof events, complete with a horse model.

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Update to be posted in the coming hours. Change log for it below.


Side note - I make no promises, however, I'm going to take a stab at splitting some time between CK2 and CK3. So there should probably be at least one more update in the future that will include more content.


v1.86 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update is compatible with Save Games created with DWR version 1.83 or later. Save games with earlier versions of DWR will break.
    - Some minor updates on demon related content (specifically the Blood Moon)
    - Contribution from Jim Raynor - Siege Rape Event
    - Fixed an issue with a brothel visit random list that could result in a bad pairing (thx Drax70)
    - Fixed an issue where Jessica was not appearing in the refurbished brothel (thx HiddenPlayer625)
    - Fixed an issue with some Belle events having the wrong images. (thx Drax70)
    - Fixed an issue that Wolverine with the last name Sara. (thx Gildoniel)
    - Fixed an issue where marriage arrangements was removing the Virgin trait from rulers (when applicable) (thx Gildoniel)


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On 7/23/2020 at 7:31 PM, dewguru said:

This looks like a problem with your installation. I cannot even come close to replicating your issue. From what you're showing - the issue is with your localization files.


I have found the problem but don't know how ro fix it. I updated to v1.85 but still i can't get the hero/villain-traits. I have the decision and the event and then happens nothing. There are no trait icons und i don't get the hero/villains-events.

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22 hours ago, dewguru said:

You turn off the Heroes and Villains in the Game Rules at start up.


One thing that is obvious, like you mention, the lack of DLC or real mods yet makes it bland after a period of time, and I didn't really play it for that long, stopping my play session about during the reign of my original character's son. I did do the tutorial as well, just to see how it was. So two brief play sessions and I already can tell that I'll need to mix things up if it'll keep me engaged.


I do like the models, although it limits my capabilities in what I'd like to do with a mod, and I've noticed the same color fade issue as well. While it's cool that 2d portraits could work, I'm not certain it's really the ideal way to proceed. It could be too jarring a difference unless you set it up where all of the 3d models were replaced. I'm hoping to see more information on how to set specific dna like you could in the old version, to get a certain look. That could be a way to at least portray certain likenesses for NPC's that could be added.


Some good news - I did get past the initial error that was causing me issues. The bad news, work overtime. It's just been sucking the life out of me. On one hand, it's been fun, as I've shifted from simply maintaining stuff, to once again creating new things, but once I'm done, I'm drained mentally. Where when my work is heavy on the maintenance side, my brain didn't get the exercise it wanted, which then lead to modding.


That said, it's open on my computer now and I'm working on wrapping things up. So, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow for the release and it'll include Jim Raynor's contribution.


Like you mention, I imagine custom headgear coming at some point with cat ears or the like. Although I'd be a little surprised if at some point we don't get a DLC that brings back the Glitterhoof events, complete with a horse model.

Love your mod, been enjoying it allot for quite some time! I just had a suggestion regarding the models, I imagine that anyone can make models in blender then import them into CK3 quite easily, a bit like making custom ship models in Stellaris. Making the models is of course the hard part but I know there are allot of artists making 3d porn of world of warcraft characters and they make their own custom models of elves, werewolves and a whole host of other fantasy creatures. Some even share their models to the public for them to download! (I know for example Liard shares his models on patreon and he makes really great animations) Perhaps you could collab with one of these artists! Perhaps they could use their existing models and even animate them. Just a small suggestion, hope it helps :)

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17 minutes ago, theman221 said:

Love your mod, been enjoying it allot for quite some time! I just had a suggestion regarding the models, I imagine that anyone can make models in blender then import them into CK3 quite easily, a bit like making custom ship models in Stellaris. Making the models is of course the hard part but I know there are allot of artists making 3d porn of world of warcraft characters and they make their own custom models of elves, werewolves and a whole host of other fantasy creatures. Some even share their models to the public for them to download! (I know for example Liard shares his models on patreon and he makes really great animations) Perhaps you could collab with one of these artists! Perhaps they could use their existing models and even animate them. Just a small suggestion, hope it helps :)

I'll be honest, I have no idea how to even really approach a modeller/animator, especially since any collaboration would entail them not receiving any money from me - as I don't take money from others for what I create.


I've pondered the idea of setting up a very transparent Patreon where any donations would be flipped towards obtaining assets for the mod, and all who donated would have access to the assets outside of the mod, but I've avoided this because modding is already like a borderline job sometimes. If I collected money, that elevates the responsibility level in my mind, and I don't know if I want that. When I'm having fun, I create more. When it feels like a job, I create less.

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1 hour ago, dewguru said:

I'll be honest, I have no idea how to even really approach a modeller/animator, especially since any collaboration would entail them not receiving any money from me - as I don't take money from others for what I create.


I've pondered the idea of setting up a very transparent Patreon where any donations would be flipped towards obtaining assets for the mod, and all who donated would have access to the assets outside of the mod, but I've avoided this because modding is already like a borderline job sometimes. If I collected money, that elevates the responsibility level in my mind, and I don't know if I want that. When I'm having fun, I create more. When it feels like a job, I create less.

Makes complete sense, a higher level of responsibility means obligation. That being said, ck3 feels and seems like a higher ceiling for mods in general- can't wait to see what dark world looks like on it 4 years from now!! 

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