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44 minutes ago, Amber02000 said:

here's a pic of the light eye shadow, one with fade and one without. I think the fade makes it stand out, tho its not super easy to see. one on right has fade, left has none. Fade means it fades away rather then an abrupt end



Fade is good.

Are you going to do top only for the half option and top & bottom for full?

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1 hour ago, ebbluminous said:

Fade is good.

Are you going to do top only for the half option and top & bottom for full?

Its going to be much smoother than the photo, just figured out how to get the fade to be smooth. Both will have fades. There's a model I'm using but I don't want to post because I don't have permission. 


half option will have the eye shadow similar to what is in the earlier post, with a fade leading above that going close to the eyebrow. The fade and eye shadow will be more transparent then the picture provided and will be much smoother.


Full option will have this faded area full, with a fade going out horizontal away from the nose bridge on each side.


The fade is difficult to see, I think it makes the image look crisper but it could be difficult to notice depending on the transparency


Mostly its just taking me forever because I'm trying to get it right. Was struggling with transparency for a minute :) which caused all the eye shadows to appear very bright and thick. The images posted should be similar to what the half and thick would look like.


Feels like everything is right now, but I always feel like it :) i swear this time its right.

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2 hours ago, Maidenslayer said:

[Retracted] Immersive 6.7.1 appears to be working on Skyrim AE 1.6.1170.

Yeah I've been playing around with previous versions and the last version I have that the piercing system works reliably is 6.5.5. Version 6.5.6 and on seems to break the piercing system, at least for me. I don't know if that's good to know @emily1673, but if I was better at this I'd have more useful information for them.

Edited by AechRO
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On 1/22/2020 at 3:31 PM, gnaddelwarz said:

I finally did it. Problem was that there were missing facegen-files (so all nifs and textures THAT WERE PRESENT were correctly converted, the problem were the files THAT WERE NOT THERE ? )

I simply believed the page https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Porting_Skyrim_mods_to_Skyrim_Special_Edition:

I have attached my brand new conversion of the 6.0.0-version, I could successfully enter both the temple of dibella (as female) and play through the new quest "Follower of Dibella" (as male obviously). (The attached Texture-Pack is the same as the oldrim-version after running Cathedral Assets Optimizer, also the textures are compressed (which also removed the TGA-versions). I have not tested, if the unmodified pack from oldrim works, too)


Other changes to the oldrim-version (some are the changes may also be useful in the oldrim version):

  Reveal hidden contents

Changes/fixes SSE-Conversion gnaddelwarz:
(Based on 6.0.0 oldrim version)
Changes to scripts (also the sources are moved from Script/Sources to Sources/Scripts, as required by SSE):
- yps_PC_MCM.psc: New option "min NiOverride height": makes it configurable which height is considered as "high"-heels.
  (original: anything != 0.0)
- ypsHairscript.psc: show Time needed as formatted time instead of int (days)
  (personal taste, if you do not like it, it should be possible to just revert to the original (LE-)version of the script)
- ypsHeelsNio.psc:
  + Correctly detect NiOverride (in SSE, "NiOverride" is not a separate plugin but build into "skee")
    (this check should also be compatible, i.e. it should also work in the LE-version)
  + use new MCM-value for NiOverride Heels
  + refactor detection of equipping/unequipping items (heels): instead of actually checking for high-heels inside
    of the OnObjectEquipped/OnObjectUnequipped-functions, move code to OnUpdate and use "RegisterForSingleUpdate"
    (I had a deadlock in this code on a previous (LE)-playthrough, according to SaveTool I has several hundred instances
    of this script running, all inside a "while(writeLock) Utility.Wait"-loop, and not a single instance inside the lock)
    This code should avoid that, i.e. it does not require a lock.
    (currently, the "high heels equipped/removed"-debug notifications are still in place, however I am pretty confident,
    that the new code works ? )
- ypsHeelsTicker.psc: also trigger OnUpdate (via RegisterForSingleUpdate) above, when variables are updated
- ypsPiercingTicker.psc: add slot 52 to tracked slots
  (can't remember which mod, but I had a mod with a piercing in that slot. or it was a local modification and I
  moved one of the supported piercing-mod to another bodyslot, to prevent funny conflicts with DD
  (something like: "you can't have a nose-piercing while wearing legcuffs"))
- ypsSnakeBitesUnsolder.psc: unsolder correct slot (instead of nostril)
- ypsRemoveNailPolish.psc, ypsShaveHair.psc, ypsShavingCreamC.psc: remove apparently obsolete/unused scripts
  (they do not compile ...)

(Re)generate FaceGenData (002856 + 0640EE were missing completely (NIF+Texture), 075ED6+07A54A only tex, leading to CTD)
(Funny sidenote, which did cost me several hours: When you read in a "porting mods to SSE"-guide:
"This [opening the mode in CK and saving it] will save the esp file in a format that works fine with SSE.
For NPCS, it also will create/update the facegen data (meshes and textures) of the NPCs added or modified
by the mod. There is no need to use the CTRL+F4 keys to do that."
(source: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Porting_Skyrim_mods_to_Skyrim_Special_Edition)
do NOT believe it! After CTRL+F4 on all yps*-NPCs, all the crashes went away!)

Recompiled all papyrus-scripts (maybe not needed, I was searching for the CTD)

- SKSE/Plugin/ypsFashion/*.json:
+ ApachiiHairFemales.esm.json:
  - Rename: ApachiiHairHumanBW => ApachiiHairHuman83BW
  - Add: ApachiiHairHuman75ShortDreads (as 10br)
+ Holiday Gift Hairdos.esp.json: new file for https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7768-hg-hairdos/
  (this is work in progress, not every hairstyle is already mapped, see comments at end of file, these styles are still missing)
+ KS Hairdo's.esp.json:
  add some missing styles, move some to other styles/length
  (personal taste, partly to get a better progression, i.e. some are moved to "wrong" lengths to fill holes in the progression,
  others were moved to more fitting lengths. This is what I currently play with (at 10x hair grow speed, a new hairstyle every few hours ;-))
+ KSHairdosSMP.esp.json: new file for https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31300
  basically a copy of "KS Hairdos - HDT.esp.json" with every prefix "1" replaced by "KSSMP_" (1Amor => KSSMP_Amor ...)
  should enable those hairstyles in yps (I have not yet tested it, since I currently have "use Custom hairstyles: yes" in MCM, and have
  not added these styles into my custom list)
+ LovelyHairstylesCE.esp.json:
  see notes for KS Hairdos, same applies here
+ SC_hairs.esp.json: new file for http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71561/?
  (that mod is for oldrim, but either it works as is in SSE, or it was straight-forward to convert, can't remember....)
+ ypsHairDatabase.json
  add the three new definitions above. If you have customized it yourself, remember to merge those
+ ypsHairDefault.json
  should be more or less "ypsHairDefault.json (both KS HAIRDOS and KS HAIR HDT)", addapted to SMP instead of HDT
+ ypsHairgrowthDatabase.json:
  mix some of the new files into the mohawk-progression, this file is always in flux in my play, consider this as snapshot/WIP!

and finally:
- remove hdt-master-file (only used for high-heels effect, replaced by NiOverride)
- resaved with SSE-CK
- fixed some properties (f.e. one of the vendors referenced another vendor instead if itself in ypsYolieOutfitScript)

- autocleaned with SSEEdit, which removed some ITM-records.


yps-ImmersiveFashion(6.0.0) SSE.7z

958.54 kB · 850 downloads yps-ImmersiveFashionSound&TexturePack(5.1).7z 28.38 MB · 1,025 downloads

Question.  For a "modern" install (skse 2.2.6, Skyrim SE/AE 1.6.1170) where there is a CTD when looking at a vendor for this mod (specifically you can stare at the floor right up to them, but when you interact or look at them from a distance, CTD).  Is this still the solution?  I've got all the required mods installed but seems if I attempt to face any of the needed NPS, it's instant CTD.


If so, there isn't much detail on how to implement it so suggestions would be ideal.  Is it simply to copy these files over to overwrite the others?


EDIT:  Nevermind, I fixed it.  The cause was me being stupid and having an older version installed.

Edited by sema4
Cause I fixed my stupid mistake
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23 hours ago, AechRO said:

Yeah I've been playing around with previous versions and the last version I have that the piercing system works reliably is 6.5.5. Version 6.5.6 and on seems to break the piercing system, at least for me. I don't know if that's good to know @emily1673, but if I was better at this I'd have more useful information for them.

I might look into it. Just to be sure: The issue is not caused by the new sound&texture pack introduced with 6.5.6, correct?


On 4/29/2024 at 12:12 PM, Amber02000 said:

here's a pic of the light eye shadow, one with fade and one without. I think the fade makes it stand out, tho its not super easy to see. one on right has fade, left has none. Fade means it fades away rather then an abrupt end



Looks great, thanks a lot!

But somehow it seems that the eyeshadow is covering the eyelashes as well. Or is it just the angle of the screenshot?

One possible way to correct this could be to reduce the alpha value.

In any case, keep on with the good work!


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5 hours ago, emily1673 said:

I might look into it. Just to be sure: The issue is not caused by the new sound&texture pack introduced with 6.5.6, correct?


Looks great, thanks a lot!

But somehow it seems that the eyeshadow is covering the eyelashes as well. Or is it just the angle of the screenshot?

One possible way to correct this could be to reduce the alpha value.

In any case, keep on with the good work!


I did a bit more work with the alpha values on all of them. I finished full and light eyeshadows as well as their smudges. posted some screenshots for everyone to see. character is bald to make it more apparent. all of them are 50pct in the pictures. 


On the smudged ones, I tried to approach it by measuring out the exact size of the tools for the eyes. Also This is a actual just poor attempt to put on eyeshadow by someone. Inorder to simulate this, I drew it semi blind using the nonsmudged version as a guide. Had the nonsmudged version on top, and tried to fill it in on a lower hidden layer. All 8 smudged versions are different.


I was wondering what the 25 pct files are used for? Is the makeup values only for 50-100? I think the 25pc is used to show it wearing off, but i am not sure.


The color can overshadow the eyelashes I think in the thicker versions. The eyelashes exist, they are 3d and on top of the eyeshadow. I'm not sure how thick dark eyeshadow would look with eyelash extensions.


I used a fade on all the non smudged ones. its very slight and hard to see. When the main menu is open, it stands out a lot more.


50 light




50 light smug




50 light smug dist



50 full




50 full closeup




50 full smug closeup




50 full smug closeup



50 full smug distance



Edited by Amber02000
labeling photos
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7 hours ago, emily1673 said:

I might look into it. Just to be sure: The issue is not caused by the new sound&texture pack introduced with 6.5.6, correct?

Correct, I used the newest sound and texture package as well as 20230506 package with 6.5.5 and everything worked fine any texture package from 6.5.6 and on, the system still doesn't work for me.

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On 1/16/2024 at 6:01 AM, Sospice said:

The hair check function causes the facial expression to reset to default.

So frequent hair check means it's overriding the facial expression command every 10-15 seconds.  I noticed this issue with blush when aroused, where the arousal expression would stop working when the hair check command happened.  What I would do is turn off frequent hair checks and turn expressions in blush when aroused on and off again and that would fix it.

If there's a way to do something similar in SL animations (I think there is) then that should work the same way.

Also from what I recall having hair with physics can cause a problem with expressions as well. Basically it seems you can really only have one command effecting the head at a time and it will stop/ interfere with any existing command, I guess.

edit; I'm going to add I figured this all out like 2 years ago, so I have no idea if it's the same problem now, and this was how it appeared to work, so I could be wrong and it's just a massive coincidence. But I just know turning off frequent hair checks and HDT hair stopped me from having issues with blush when aroused facial expressions.

Yup same issue here

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7 hours ago, Amber02000 said:

I was wondering what the 25 pct files are used for? Is the makeup values only for 50-100? I think the 25pc is used to show it wearing off, but i am not sure.

Yes, the 25 pct is when it has almost worn off. Some messages appear too. Here the part from the script:


        if NewPctStage==75
            shownotification("Your eyeshadow has lost a little of its opacity.")
        elseif NewPctStage==50
            shownotification("Your eyeshadow has lost some of its opacity.")
        elseif NewPctStage==25

            shownotification("Your eyeshadow has lost much of its opacity.")
        elseif NewPctStage==0
            shownotification("Your eyeshadow has worn off.")

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The "hair catalog choice window" in the last version (6.7.1) doesn't seem to work for me. I've got no window displaying and the game starts stuttering every 3 seconds after that.

I reversed back to version 6.7.0 and worked again as intended (without the new version of hair catalog though).

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Ok, this contains a QoL adjustment, and some fixes.


QoL : Nail polish minimum is now 7 instead of 1.  Having a max of 2 in inventory at any time is annoying.  I would like to stock up.

Fixes: Some of the buffs were set to loud.  I set them to silent.  So "Feeling Pretty" will no longer alert enemies around you.  I didn't go crazy with this.  I just fixed the ones that might go off with enemies nearby.  Hopefully you aren't putting on lipstick or nail polish while surrounded by enemies.   I could have set them all to silent too, but it didn't seem worth the effort compared to just using some discretion.

This is an esl flagged ESP.  But dropping the flag should make it LE compatible.

YPS Fixes.esp

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Posted (edited)

Frustrated user here, I will be polite though as it is probably my fault.

I am using the latest update, playing through the Sex Change scenario, got to the part where "Have a Walk around town" does it matter which town, no pointer/marker,  got to the part where she is annoyed but 4 days spent wandering around Solitude and could not advance the quest.

That is the least of it, I think SL approach redux is stopping the dialogue that is supposed to happen here, with the Chastity devices equipped all anyone wants to do is comment about my being a slave, or just raping her, Could I ask why you did not remove the Slave Tags from the Chastity Devices?

 As usual with Skyrim SE 1.5.97, I uninstalled SL approach redux, but still get the dialog, so to get rid of it completely I will have to start a new game after 6 hours to get this far.  

I played this through once before and do not remember having this trouble.

Thanks @emily1673 for the mod and any help provided.


Edited by Raven 54
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So I ditched the mod I thought was causing trouble, started a new game, got to the same point "I am annoyed" I do not know what to do to progress this quest.


Anyone who can point me in the right direction? 

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1 hour ago, Raven 54 said:

So I ditched the mod I thought was causing trouble, started a new game, got to the same point "I am annoyed" I do not know what to do to progress this quest.


Anyone who can point me in the right direction? 


I'm impatient and set the timescale to 2000 (200 might work) and continue approaching males. I think I have to drink the elixir at least twice before it triggers. I read on here it might need to be a certain time of day but I am not sure what the range is. Be sure to set it back to 20 after it's done if you try this method.

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3 hours ago, sbvb1290 said:


I'm impatient and set the timescale to 2000 (200 might work) and continue approaching males. I think I have to drink the elixir at least twice before it triggers. I read on here it might need to be a certain time of day but I am not sure what the range is. Be sure to set it back to 20 after it's done if you try this method.

Probably an  unnecessary question. Are you walking up to NPCs and clicking the "talk" (E).  I find that guards and innkeepers are the most likely to give you the necessary response. Emily explained in an earlier post that you should be accosting more than one NPC in any 24 hour period. As far as where, I've had luck in Winterhold, Dawnstar, Solitude and Whiterun. Never tried any of the other towns/cities as it wasn't necessary to go that far afield.

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Emily - I have a few thoughts/issues that have come up this week. Here they are in no particular order.


1 - ypsThoughts_female_database -

    Line [00026] Starts "Us girls" , should be "We girls"

    Line [00592] - Other than going topless, not sure how "my" nipple piercings are ever going to be visible

    Line [00672] Missing an "is" between armpit hair and not

    Line [02141] "I enjoy other people looking at my beautifully pierced nipples."  Really? Going topless now, are we? 🫢


    Line [02159] "I enjoy other people looking at my beautifully pierced clitoris." Now we're going full frontal nudity?  🫣

The sentiment expressed here makes sense when reflecting on the facial piercings or a navel piercing. Not so sure they work when talking about partial nudity. I know my girl wouldn't do that. 🫣


2 - My understanding is that the entries in this database are thoughts only being expressed by the main character. Now, if that is the case, there is a section for shemales that makes no sense at all. The thoughts below all refer to the shemale having vaginal intercourse but a shemale doesn't have a vagina. Now, if there were a Futa option in the game these desires would make sense. They also make sense if our main quest line character goes through the full gender reassignment surgery and now has a vagina.


"ypsslaneedsex&!ypsshemale": [
      "[01899]My slit is getting wet in anticipation.",
      "[01900]My pussy is getting wet and needs to be filled soon.",
      "[01901]I feel my pussy has opened up and is ready to be used.",
      "[01902]I can feel my vaginal lips swelling with extra blood.",
      "[01903]My slit greeds to be used.",  (might substitute "is greedy" here for "greeds")
      "[01904]My vagina hungers to be penetrated.",
      "[01905]My slit expands and extends, ready to be invaded."


3 - Most of the sources listed in the new ypsItemsSE are the original LE mods. Is that deliberate? In most cases there exists a replacement/port for the LE mod available in SE; ex. "bikini": "3447|SexyBikinis.esp" comes from the mod, Sexy Swimsuit and bikinis for CBBE.  There is a conversion of this mod called 'Sexy Swimsuit and bikinis for 3BA for SSE'. Other sources have similar ports/conversions. Might want to update these to make it less confusing to us doofuses. Also, are the item codes shown from the LE or the SE version of the mod? If I remember correctly, the item code for at least one of those items is different between LE and SE.


BTW, trying to download the SSE versions of {Melodic] Angels Secrets is an exercise in frustration. You have to go from modbooru.com to Patreon to Discord where you can't Angels Secrets, just a boatload of other clothing replacers. Sheesh!!!


On a somewhat different note, some time ago you, or perhaps Balgin, responded to a user who was asking about which blacksmith could remove the cock cage. I didn't know you could do that. Where within the game do you find out how to start the quest to remove the cage? I thought it was permanent.  In another post, someone revealed how to begin the Infibulation quest. From a game perspective, where would one get the clue to begin that quest?

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4 hours ago, sbvb1290 said:


I'm impatient and set the timescale to 2000 (200 might work) and continue approaching males. I think I have to drink the elixir at least twice before it triggers. I read on here it might need to be a certain time of day but I am not sure what the range is. Be sure to set it back to 20 after it's done if you try this method.


1 hour ago, KentuckyExpat said:

Probably an  unnecessary question. Are you walking up to NPCs and clicking the "talk" (E).  I find that guards and innkeepers are the most likely to give you the necessary response. Emily explained in an earlier post that you should be accosting more than one NPC in any 24 hour period. As far as where, I've had luck in Winterhold, Dawnstar, Solitude and Whiterun. Never tried any of the other towns/cities as it wasn't necessary to go that far afield.

Yes , I think I have hit on everyone in the city, I even have dragonstone installed for xtra npc's, hence being so frustrated, she got raped like 6 times in 4 days. :O

I thank you both for the help! I will keep trying.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 1:07 AM, delgathar said:

Fixes: Some of the buffs were set to loud.  I set them to silent.  So "Feeling Pretty" will no longer alert enemies around you.  I didn't go crazy with this.  I just fixed the ones that might go off with enemies nearby.  Hopefully you aren't putting on lipstick or nail polish while surrounded by enemies.   I could have set them all to silent too, but it didn't seem worth the effort compared to just using some discretion.

Thanks for pointing this out. I will set the buffs to silent in the next update. If you just want to stock up, you could just add the items to the merchant item list in the json file.


17 hours ago, Kingslayer101 said:

Is there a way to configure what hairstyle could be picked for Hairstyle Model? Im using a bunch of SMP hair and wanna see if it picks up those hairstyles.

Hairstyle model gives just a random style of all styles it can find in the database. Use the hair catalog to see what styles are configured.

Edit the ypsHairDatabase.json to decide what hairstyles are used by YPS.


15 hours ago, Raven 54 said:

I am using the latest update, playing through the Sex Change scenario, got to the part where "Have a Walk around town" does it matter which town, no pointer/marker,  got to the part where she is annoyed but 4 days spent wandering around Solitude and could not advance the quest.


I played this through once before and do not remember having this trouble.


Thanks @emily1673 for the mod and any help provided.


This is a known issue, which has already been brought up several times.

The original intention was that you just go on with the game, do something else, and then are surprised when the quest suddenly advances.

But I will make this quest stage easier to progress when I find time to work on the quest again.

The key is that you have to talk to random males at different hours of the day. So just talk to a few males, wait 4-6 hours, try again, maybe repeat a few times, and then you should advance.


1 hour ago, KentuckyExpat said:

Emily - I have a few thoughts/issues that have come up this week. Here they are in no particular order.


1 - ypsThoughts_female_database -

    Line [00026] Starts "Us girls" , should be "We girls"

    Line [00592] - Other than going topless, not sure how "my" nipple piercings are ever going to be visible

    Line [00672] Missing an "is" between armpit hair and not

    Line [02141] "I enjoy other people looking at my beautifully pierced nipples."  Really? Going topless now, are we? 🫢


    Line [02159] "I enjoy other people looking at my beautifully pierced clitoris." Now we're going full frontal nudity?  🫣

The sentiment expressed here makes sense when reflecting on the facial piercings or a navel piercing. Not so sure they work when talking about partial nudity. I know my girl wouldn't do that. 🫣


2 - My understanding is that the entries in this database are thoughts only being expressed by the main character. Now, if that is the case, there is a section for shemales that makes no sense at all. The thoughts below all refer to the shemale having vaginal intercourse but a shemale doesn't have a vagina. Now, if there were a Futa option in the game these desires would make sense. They also make sense if our main quest line character goes through the full gender reassignment surgery and now has a vagina.


"ypsslaneedsex&!ypsshemale": [
      "[01899]My slit is getting wet in anticipation.",.....


3 - Most of the sources listed in the new ypsItemsSE are the original LE mods. Is that deliberate? In most cases there exists a replacement/port for the LE mod available in SE; ex. "bikini": "3447|SexyBikinis.esp" comes from the mod, Sexy Swimsuit and bikinis for CBBE.  There is a conversion of this mod called 'Sexy Swimsuit and bikinis for 3BA for SSE'. Other sources have similar ports/conversions. Might want to update these to make it less confusing to us doofuses. Also, are the item codes shown from the LE or the SE version of the mod? If I remember correctly, the item code for at least one of those items is different between LE and SE.


BTW, trying to download the SSE versions of {Melodic] Angels Secrets is an exercise in frustration. You have to go from modbooru.com to Patreon to Discord where you can't Angels Secrets, just a boatload of other clothing replacers. Sheesh!!!


On a somewhat different note, some time ago you, or perhaps Balgin, responded to a user who was asking about which blacksmith could remove the cock cage. I didn't know you could do that. Where within the game do you find out how to start the quest to remove the cage? I thought it was permanent.  In another post, someone revealed how to begin the Infibulation quest. From a game perspective, where would one get the clue to begin that quest?

1. Thanks for the typos end errors. Will correct them.

2. Of course. But note that the conditions you posted are exactly not for shemales (look at the negation sign "!" in the condition "&!ypsshemale" ).

3. The ypsitemsSE json provided with the mod is incomplete and not very good. Feel free to add more items and share them with the community. It's actually one of the little tasks I gave to the community (see section "What I'd like you to do to improve this mod still further" in the mod description).

4. At least currently, the cock cage cannot be removed. Shemales can do the Infibulation quest, but will not be able to get the chastity piercing, instead they will be ridiculed by Tris (you can try it out, it's a separate quest line). The mod description tells you how to start the quest.


On 5/1/2024 at 9:22 PM, Laethas said:

The "hair catalog choice window" in the last version (6.7.1) doesn't seem to work for me. I've got no window displaying and the game starts stuttering every 3 seconds after that.

I reversed back to version 6.7.0 and worked again as intended (without the new version of hair catalog though).

Anybody else experiencing this bug?


On 5/1/2024 at 6:22 AM, asdt123123 said:

Found a bug. "Frequent Hair Check" can no longer be disabled. If you disable it, the frequent hair check still runs every 20 seconds or so.

Indeed, maybe I broke this feature when I worked on the thoughts for the hairstyles. Will look into it.

Edited by emily1673
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, emily1673 said:

This is a known issue, which has already been brought up several times.

Thanks for the explanation, I have issues with my vision as I see double out both eyes and it is very difficult to read a large amount of pages. I am Sorry but asking is easier until they figure out how to fix me.    :thumbsup:


You did not answer my question, Why is there slave tags on the chastity belt/bra? Would you consider removing those so my player is not harassed as a slave and raped all the time? Please.  

Edited by Raven 54
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4 hours ago, emily1673 said:


4. At least currently, the cock cage cannot be removed. Shemales can do the Infibulation quest, but will not be able to get the chastity piercing, instead they will be ridiculed by Tris (you can try it out, it's a separate quest line). The mod description tells you how to start the quest.

This is currently not quite working as intended. Shemales are not mocked or ridiculed but, instead, Tris says she'll perform the operation and then we're told to remove the chastity device first (which obviously cannot be done).

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10 hours ago, Raven 54 said:

You did not answer my question, Why is there slave tags on the chastity belt/bra? Would you consider removing those so my player is not harassed as a slave and raped all the time? Please.  

The DD tags are need to make the item work. Being harrassed is not caused by YPS but by 3rd party mods; you will need to disable them when doing the quest.


8 hours ago, Balgin said:

This is currently not quite working as intended. Shemales are not mocked or ridiculed but, instead, Tris says she'll perform the operation and then we're told to remove the chastity device first (which obviously cannot be done).

Indeed, there is one unneeded dialog option here. But you still should make it work by clicking on the other "Ok" option. (I will disable the wrong one in the next update.)

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