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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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For their heroic sacrifice let's take a moment of silence...





Well done sir.



I might not be supposed to say this but Pipdude is planning a similar system for FO4, he's a fuck lot of a better coder then I am (and taught me how to do pretty much everything that OSex does that is cool) and is definitely in the spirit of OSex so I want to help him some also if I can with getting animations over etc.


Coming soon to a video game near you.



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Hi Ceo, Turely revolutionary mod!

The 2.02c version is more stable, and it seems that more custom features could be added by user.  I'm a newbie in modding and I'm not familiar with XML, I've read through the guide book and I understand some of the main ideas, to my understanding the form.xml is used to define sets of equipments, while gfx.xml is used to improve the icon system? 

But I just do not know how to write a set of concrete XML files, would you share some simple examples?Including the persona.xml and profile.xml(which are not explained further in the 2.02c guide book) I remember in earlier version there is a dummy profile.xml of camilla in riverwood and it is available as optional downold, but now it is gone, would you consider upload a set of dummy example xml files again, it would be very helpful for dummies like me to get started.

Also, I have another dummy question, what is the scene icon mean in config setting? The text explanation is vague. I see there are many types of icons, including sex, combat, etc, what is the consequence of disable/enable them?Is it just used by mod developer to edit new animations?


Hi Topological,


Thank you for the nice comments. You are absolutely right, form.xml tells OSA some info it needs to be able to find equipment in Skyrim, used by the new AutoIntimates system only at the moment, in the future it will allow females to equip anatomy on the fly for futafication. GFX let's you customize how the icons looks when depicting your character, so you can get them to match hair color, skin tone, eye color etc. Profile is still in, I'll have a working example soon ( I took camilla's demo down because I had to make some changes to how profile works in 2.0 so it wouldn't work now but I'll get a new working version up as soon as I can) Persona.xml is also a file for customizing their persona's (how they behave and sound in sex) but we only have my default Persona's now so there's no point to mess with it unless you want to spend some time and build a custom usable personality (which takes some learning)


I'll get a simple example of all the possible files ready as a template and I think that and OBook which will be soon will help shed light on all the systems. The trouble with forms.xml and OSA's MyEquipment / customizer_equip.xml is that I can't create a working example for people like I can with the others since I don't know the formIDs of what's installed in people's games but I think I can make an example that's clear enough for everyone.


In terms of XML it sounds much more intimidating then it is, it's basically just a few simple rules of how it's formatted which need to be followed. If you think of an excel sheet which has columns and rows, that's 2-Dimensional data. XML is 3D data and instead of an excel sheet it's like folders in windows where each folder can hold more folders but in text.


Quick XML crash course: (There's a ton of better resources online though for learning xml outside of this:)





everytime you see something like this:


that is a folder



this is a folder with a folder inside it


if it's just a folder with nothing in it you can close it with a / in the same <>



but if it has another folder in it you have to close the folder the otherway:


<IntmatesSet> <otherFolder/> </InimatesSet>


you can have as many folders within as many folders as you want



each folder can also have properties attached to them which are like files in the folder


<IntimatesSet someValue="100">


valueName is someValue and we've set it to 100


<IntimatesSet someValue="100" color="red"/>


you can put as many variables on the folder or as many folders within folders as you want.



If you make mistakes like not wrapping " " quotes around the data or not closing a folder correctly with a / then Skyrim will crash. Also pretty much everything is case sensitive so you must be careful to match the upper or lower case letters and if I do any strange combinations of Upper or Lower case letters in the data you most likely want to replicate that.


There's a number of online xml editors that can help formatting it or finding mistakes as you get started that make the data easier to work with.






I'll get you documentation soon on this!



The SCENE FLAG icons are working but they have no implemenation yet by anyone. To explain what they are for:


In my unicorn scenes where one female is riding on the other's back:




I have a scene that branches from that where the girl on top answers a cellphone and starts talking on it while riding and can also take snap shots of the other one's ass while they get osexed.


The might break lore for some people, and some take it more seriously then others, like it could be a total deal breaker for some users. I as the module developer tag the scene as using "Modern Objects" - If the user has the "Modern Objects" flag disabled then OSA will not reveal any scenes that have that flag. When i release my whip cream enema scene it is going to be flagged as "Hyper-Taboo" and "Modern Objects" and require those flags since that's not for everyone.


OSex doesn't need much of that functionality since it's a sex mod in the first place and wouldn't be downloaded otherwise but for modules that want to be a little broader they can add content more freely and let the user decide what they want revealed by settings. It kind of overlaps with the purpose of plugins but it's good for smaller scale modules that aren't large enough to warrant a plugin, or strange content that is only 1 or 2 scenes and wouldn't be enough to make sense to put into a plugin.


The module developer tags scenes that might be controvercial or bother some users, and the user can decide which tags they want to block out of their experience.


Thank you for the through explanation, the point is clear, now I'm looking forward for further update and trying to make some documents.

Maybe in form.xml you could simply use some representive vanilla equipments or objects, for example the ones in JarlOutfitElisif, DarkbrotherhoodOutfit, Auzura's star, Healing Potion etc. Then people can see the actual usages of these files in game,  then they may adjust the formids to match their favorite evening dresses, bikinis, bras,stockings,banana, or whatever.


Also I find that when the Opose is used on NPCs, each time after animation, a new icon with empty content is generated on the panel, is this a bug or it is intended as some advance function?I think it is a little annoying to end up with many empty icons.

And there is no reset npc icon like Poser Module and Dancer Module,of course active and then quit 0sex will reset the npc's animation, but a separate icon would be more handy.

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Hello! I have an issue with the size of the schlong. When I enter the animation it suddenly increases in size. Like it really increases. I use SOS equipable with the bodyslide files and floppy sos. Any help is appreciated.


It is supposed to change size to eliminate clipping and situations where the cock is too small for the grip of the hand, as can happen with SexLab.

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Hello! I have an issue with the size of the schlong. When I enter the animation it suddenly increases in size. Like it really increases. I use SOS equipable with the bodyslide files and floppy sos. Any help is appreciated.


It is supposed to change size to eliminate clipping and situations where the cock is too small for the grip of the hand, as can happen with SexLab.



Is there anyway for me to revert that change?


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I know this must have been answered a thousand times, but, Is the Unicorn Plugin available somewhere?


not yet but soon.



Is there anyway for me to revert that change?




You first have to turn off purity mode to get access to adult configuration options. That's on the main menu under Config > General. (It's a picture of an angel on the icon) click it off then exit that menu back one step and return to it. You'll see some new icons showed up, there's one with a tophat and bow tie called gentleman scaling. Turn that off and OSA shouldn't touch sos scales anymore. 

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I'll get you documentation soon on this!



The SCENE FLAG icons are working but they have no implemenation yet by anyone. To explain what they are for:


In my unicorn scenes where one female is riding on the other's back:


I have a scene that branches from that where the girl on top answers a cellphone and starts talking on it while riding and can also take snap shots of the other one's ass while they get osexed.


The might break lore for some people, and some take it more seriously then others, like it could be a total deal breaker for some users. I as the module developer tag the scene as using "Modern Objects" - If the user has the "Modern Objects" flag disabled then OSA will not reveal any scenes that have that flag. When i release my whip cream enema scene it is going to be flagged as "Hyper-Taboo" and "Modern Objects" and require those flags since that's not for everyone.


OSex doesn't need much of that functionality since it's a sex mod in the first place and wouldn't be downloaded otherwise but for modules that want to be a little broader they can add content more freely and let the user decide what they want revealed by settings. It kind of overlaps with the purpose of plugins but it's good for smaller scale modules that aren't large enough to warrant a plugin, or strange content that is only 1 or 2 scenes and wouldn't be enough to make sense to put into a plugin.


The module developer tags scenes that might be controvercial or bother some users, and the user can decide which tags they want to block out of their experience.



When I read unicorn, I thought of the one who flies in the air and fucks with her horn:lol:
Glad to see this flag modern objects.
From my point of view sticking to the lore is a brake on creativity.
In addition the game starts to become old, many people have made the rounds and the novelty is important,
even if it displeases some others.. 
As a creator you have to be free to do whatever you want.
In any case very happy that we can collaborate.  :)
Same for the objects I am there to bring you any help or tricks I have found along my way.
Ask and I look what it is possible to do.
On my side I work on enduro, I'm in the process of finalizing 2 stages I showed to you, I will segment and make some changes in the module.
I'm going to continue the tests, but we'll probably have to talk about some tricks. ^^
Also I "convert" some previous animations too, the same way, to have bases ready, remain many things... 
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pipdude do you have any idea why shifted UI bug could be happening? Also is there a way to show current coordinates OSA is using to set UI position?



I did tests on my end and I can recreate it, happens to me when I qassmoke load pretty much everytime, the UI is always at 0,0 so I think it has to be something with SkyUI.


There's one area that I did i'm not entirely sure that's right: Where you make a UI script that SkyUI boots your UI with, the script has a few properties but it's not clear what most of them are. Maybe I have these settings wrong in the OUI quest script and something in there is responsible for the shift? I'm not super super what the effects of those properties are and there's very little documentation on it.

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If you were MIA instead of SF Pipdude you would have got the Del Shanon youtube and obituary because to me Del Shannon is pipboy.


Pipdude while you're here a question for you with your experience creating the ini/xml parser.


I'm trying to make my own text document data tables for OUniverse and I want them to be 100% strict like 0 tolerance for error, there going to be written by programs so never intended for human editing. 


I'm trying to combine a 2D ini style and a 3D xml style in one document that's split however it needs to be. A lot of the times in OSex I find 99% of a document could just be an ini and then some detail comes up that would be better in xml. I guess I read JSON is faster to parse than XML but looking at a popular JSON parser it seems like they are still doing a lot of stuff just to check for deviation in how it's typed that could be much simpler if it was 100% strict.


Do you have any thoughts on what would be the ideal set up for 2D / 3D data for fastest possible parse, or thoughts on a single document that's a combo of the two. I'm trying csv + (SomeOtherSymbol)sv with a closing tag of a third symbol followed by a single space.



I was thinking of having a series of characters to designate when  2D ends so it could use an easier parser then switch to 3D for whatever data is there.  I'm using "while std::getline(textFile, line),"  and parsing the lines that way, not entirely sure it will manage Unicode so I might need to change the approach, need to do some tests. It's getting fed to classes that have a std:map they reference to fill in the variables from the document.





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pipdude do you have any idea why shifted UI bug could be happening? Also is there a way to show current coordinates OSA is using to set UI position?



Describe the bug. I haven't had Oldrim installed for a long time. So, can't see.







pipdude do you have any idea why shifted UI bug could be happening? Also is there a way to show current coordinates OSA is using to set UI position?



I did tests on my end and I can recreate it, happens to me when I qassmoke load pretty much everytime, the UI is always at 0,0 so I think it has to be something with SkyUI.


There's one area that I did i'm not entirely sure that's right: Where you make a UI script that SkyUI boots your UI with, the script has a few properties but it's not clear what most of them are. Maybe I have these settings wrong in the OUI quest script and something in there is responsible for the shift? I'm not super super what the effects of those properties are and there's very little documentation on it.



If you post that section of the code I can take a look. Maybe I can recognize what it's for and if it's off.






If you were MIA instead of SF Pipdude you would have got the Del Shanon youtube and obituary because to me Del Shannon is pipboy.


Pipdude while you're here a question for you with your experience creating the ini/xml parser.


I'm trying to make my own text document data tables for OUniverse and I want them to be 100% strict like 0 tolerance for error, there going to be written by programs so never intended for human editing. 


I'm trying to combine a 2D ini style and a 3D xml style in one document that's split however it needs to be. A lot of the times in OSex I find 99% of a document could just be an ini and then some detail comes up that would be better in xml. I guess I read JSON is faster to parse than XML but looking at a popular JSON parser it seems like they are still doing a lot of stuff just to check for deviation in how it's typed that could be much simpler if it was 100% strict.


Do you have any thoughts on what would be the ideal set up for 2D / 3D data for fastest possible parse, or thoughts on a single document that's a combo of the two. I'm trying csv + (SomeOtherSymbol)sv with a closing tag of a third symbol followed by a single space.



I was thinking of having a series of characters to designate when  2D ends so it could use an easier parser then switch to 3D for whatever data is there.  I'm using "while std::getline(textFile, line),"  and parsing the lines that way, not entirely sure it will manage Unicode so I might need to change the approach, need to do some tests. It's getting fed to classes that have a std:map they reference to fill in the variables from the document.



Haha. Never heard of Del Shannon. But, his wikipedia page looks impressive. So, I'll take it.


Interesting question about the doc types. Is this in unity? Meant to pull the data locally? If so, I don't think I would worry too much about parse speed. It should be significantly faster than flash. Parsing that data should be an extremely small task. Unless you're talking about a large amount of data, like 1000 character profiles or something?


If it is never to be edited or looked at by humans, JSON could have some performance gain. But, in any case where you need to read or write it manually, imo, it is terrible to look at. XML is better in that regard to me. But, it's subjective.


Personally, I wouldn't mix XML and ini entries in one file. Instead, I would have the ini make a reference out to any XML files associated with it. "characterInventory=inventory234.xml"


The fastest possible parse, I would think would be references to specific characters. Anything that splits a large string by certain characters has to check many characters. If you just made a long string for each record and always referenced the exact locations in the string for specific data, you would basically be eliminating any parsing and just loading data. You would just have to make a proprietary system that knows where to look for each piece of data and what it should be (number, string, etc.) and have defined limits on how many characters each value could be in length.

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Wooo glad to see this updated again! I use Sexlab for other actors in my game, but when it is with my follower it is always Osex. The animations always feel a lot more "Lovey Dovey" if you will. Which makes a nice change.


Can't wait for more animations, and as someone that screws around in the aether suite a lot I would love the modern animations!


And having something like this for Fo4 would actually make me play it again. (No pressure pipdude)


I'm about to sit down and watch your movie.

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Hey again. Awesome work and congrats on the release!


I just downloaded the most recent version from the nexus and the problem I mentioned a few days ago seems to be consistent.


I made a brand new save file and made a hard save with no issues. But as soon as I tried to save using console commands, the game froze indefinitely.


If I roll back to 2.02B this doesn't happen. Does anyone have any ideas of what might be causing this? Is this a problem on my end?


EDIT: After playing further with this newer version installed, generally using certain console commands actually makes the game freeze in the same manner. I tried COC'ing to WhiterunOrigin (and some other places) and it crashes as well. So apparently it's a problem tied to the console in general?

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Thank you for the through explanation, the point is clear, now I'm looking forward for further update and trying to make some documents. 


Maybe in form.xml you could simply use some representive vanilla equipments or objects, for example the ones in JarlOutfitElisif, DarkbrotherhoodOutfit, Auzura's star, Healing Potion etc. Then people can see the actual usages of these files in game,  then they may adjust the formids to match their favorite evening dresses, bikinis, bras,stockings,banana, or whatever.


Also I find that when the Opose is used on NPCs, each time after animation, a new icon with empty content is generated on the panel, is this a bug or it is intended as some advance function?I think it is a little annoying to end up with many empty icons.

And there is no reset npc icon like Poser Module and Dancer Module,of course active and then quit 0sex will reset the npc's animation, but a separate icon would be more handy.


Great suggestion, I will do just that thank you Topological.

For the bug you found. I rebuilt OSA MyAnimations so it no longer needs complicated files and can be dynamically added to easily now. It had some overwriting problems before. I haven't tried to recreate this bug you found but it seems easy to reproduce. I'll do some tests and repair it, it's most likely an issue with the new update and that is an area that i'd say is likely to have a bug show up. Thanks and I'll get it all fixed up so it's working perfectly. I'll add the icons also to reset npcs, that's actually not native functionality and just a clever solution Morra figured out and added on their own as an icon. I'll get that incorporated into OPose.


I know this must have been answered a thousand times, but, Is the Unicorn Plugin available somewhere?

Awesome job CEO and all the testers that helped out! It works real nice!


Are there any updates for Unicorn planned for the future? :)


Unicorn isn't available yet but will becoming soon. Keep an eye out. I promise it's coming haha and thanks for the interest! It's a serious bitch to animate with how intertwined and close proximity the actors get and a lot of hands on body contact.


Good to see you back CEO. Updates are great, TY for all of your work <3


Thanks a lot Haynoose for the welcome back ; )  I just wanted to say your female in the image looks incredible wow!


Question: is the version that is on the Nexus any different from the latest one on here?


2.02C2 is the same as what went up on nexus. I removed all the files here as a result. if you used the latest you should be on the same thing. Only thing I did was change some default config settings to be friendlier to someone with no OSA experience and I removed sections from the customizer_equip.xml that were obsolete to not make confusion if people were looking at the files.


Hey CE0, great update, glad to see you still working. I was looking thru the scenes and noticed that there are some animations that are broken or play the wrong animation. I could compile a list if you think that it will be useful.


Anubis yes, that would be very helpful especially from a skilled animator like yourself to get feedback, I would appreciate that very much. Thank you!


Hey again. Awesome work and congrats on the release!


I just downloaded the most recent version from the nexus and the problem I mentioned a few days ago seems to be consistent.


I made a brand new save file and made a hard save with no issues. But as soon as I tried to save using console commands, the game froze indefinitely.


If I roll back to 2.02B this doesn't happen. Does anyone have any ideas of what might be causing this? Is this a problem on my end?


EDIT: After playing further with this newer version installed, generally using certain console commands actually makes the game freeze in the same manner. I tried COC'ing to WhiterunOrigin (and some other places) and it crashes as well. So apparently it's a problem tied to the console in general?

We just started using the consoleUtil (on nexus) .dll in this version to resolve some long standing bugs and give us some additional functionality. It's implementation is not time-tested yet so we're gathering reports on issues that are coming up. They are fairly uncommon but I am getting some reports similar to yours here, I'm unable to recreate the crashes on my end so it's likely an installed mod issue but there isn't enough time to really figure that out yet and the reports so far are not something that is showing me a clear error that I can get made on my end. I'll continue to investigate and am very interested in solving this.


I have made some minor adjustments to the code that handle a few issues that came up but no solution to the crashing reports. Some users get their clipping perm dissabled so the player can float in the sky, I've added an additional check to make sure this never happens. The crashing is still being investigated though.


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Describe the bug. I haven't had Oldrim installed for a long time. So, can't see.


Pip the bug is unpredictable and effects some users more then others. Basically the OSA/OSex UI gets shifted about 200 pixels to the right so a lot of the menus are off screen but OSA returns the same stage._width stage._height as normal and is saying it's base movie is at 0,0 where it always is. 


I believe the culprit is either just something about SkyUI and it's own process and it might be knocking other swf to the side as well when it occurs, it's to uncommon a thing to test this though. The second theory is that it's in the quest script, I made a OUI quest script which is mandatory to hook it up to SkyUI that extends the SkyUI script. In doing that in CK in the property panels for the script it has a bunch of values for initializing it, I speculate maybe those are not set up exactly how they should be in my OUI_Quest but documentation is super limited on this so I can't say for sure.



Interesting question about the doc types. Is this in unity? Meant to pull the data locally? If so, I don't think I would worry too much about parse speed. It should be significantly faster than flash. Parsing that data should be an extremely small task. Unless you're talking about a large amount of data, like 1000 character profiles or something?


If it is never to be edited or looked at by humans, JSON could have some performance gain. But, in any case where you need to read or write it manually, imo, it is terrible to look at. XML is better in that regard to me. But, it's subjective.


Personally, I wouldn't mix XML and ini entries in one file. Instead, I would have the ini make a reference out to any XML files associated with it. "characterInventory=inventory234.xml"


The fastest possible parse, I would think would be references to specific characters. Anything that splits a large string by certain characters has to check many characters. If you just made a long string for each record and always referenced the exact locations in the string for specific data, you would basically be eliminating any parsing and just loading data. You would just have to make a proprietary system that knows where to look for each piece of data and what it should be (number, string, etc.) and have defined limits on how many characters each value could be in length.



Yea exactly, for UE4. To explain UE4's base classes are semi limited, meant more for a FPS or simple game and they set up characters in three tiers of scripts that extend each other  Object > Actor > Character. You pretty much have to conform to this because all the in house functionality of UE4 is based on receiving those exact classes so if you redesign or extend differently you basically have to rewrite the entire engine around your new classes which would be crazy. You could keep extending Character further but then every object that appears in game has massive amounts of properties to handle complex movement and things like that even if it's just a simple box.


I solved this by modifiying the UE4 base engine script and added a data object to it's engine script that all actors are built from. Basically i let UE4 handle all the basic stuff of characters/objects in game and all my fancy features are built in my dataobejct that I injected onto the baseclass Object. So in coding I can always expect it to be there. UE4 handles movement, animating, physics, rendering etc. all the stuff I can't do, and my fancy customization and detail gets applied on top of that. I ran into some issues for example with Eyes looking at objects, I wanted the actors to have really responsive head/look direction that can look at anything on the ground selected or look at specific locations at an actors body etc. so they needed a common property they could look at regardless if it's a piece of furniture, a note or a part of a person's body my dataobject in this case holds data on how it can be looked at, different spots it can be looked at etc. (as a simple example) Without this only things at a certain point in the class extension would even by default have a node with x,y,z coordinates that could be looked at.


I injected that property into the UE4 object class (which is the lowest base class actors are made from) and it builds itself at runtime based on data it loads, depending on how complex the object is, a box or a person it loads more or less data but they are built entirely by documents. This will lead to moddable elements for OUniverse where people can add and design their own things through the documents but I'm creating a program like a mini creation kit that writes these documents easy for people so I don't have to worry about formatting and simply want max parse.


I think you're right that I'm creating just a proprietary system of documents which are external and not compiled into the exe but handle all the data about NPCs and other things that don't need to be saved. And is modifiable or can be added to by the user. The data will be read and applied in the constructor of the actor or object so I thought it would be worth it to make the quickest easiest data to crunch so I can have the documents be large and detailed for max possibilities/customization/epic features.





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We just started using the consoleUtil (on nexus) .dll in this version to resolve some long standing bugs and give us some additional functionality. It's implementation is not time-tested yet so we're gathering reports on issues that are coming up. They are fairly uncommon but I am getting some reports similar to yours here, I'm unable to recreate the crashes on my end so it's likely an installed mod issue but there isn't enough time to really figure that out yet and the reports so far are not something that is showing me a clear error that I can get made on my end. I'll continue to investigate and am very interested in solving this.


I have made some minor adjustments to the code that handle a few issues that came up but no solution to the crashing reports. Some users get their clipping perm dissabled so the player can float in the sky, I've added an additional check to make sure this never happens. The crashing is still being investigated though.


Ah, good to know it wasn't just on my end. I'll try to play around with my load order and remove some stuff I barely use to see if that makes a difference. I'll be sure to post here if I can pin down a culprit. Thanks for the reply. :)


EDIT: Yeah, found it. The Skyrim Souls mod (that makes menus unpaused) was the culprit! Removed it and the console just worked again. I'm sure it's possible to configure it so it pauses the game when the console is open. That might be a decent workaround the issue. I'll update this once I try.


EDIT 2: That did the trick. So, if anyone else happens to have Skyrim Souls installed, just go into Data/SKSE/Plugins/SkyrimSouls.ini and change "Console=1" to "Console=0".

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We just started using the consoleUtil (on nexus) .dll in this version to resolve some long standing bugs and give us some additional functionality. It's implementation is not time-tested yet so we're gathering reports on issues that are coming up. They are fairly uncommon but I am getting some reports similar to yours here, I'm unable to recreate the crashes on my end so it's likely an installed mod issue but there isn't enough time to really figure that out yet and the reports so far are not something that is showing me a clear error that I can get made on my end. I'll continue to investigate and am very interested in solving this.


I have made some minor adjustments to the code that handle a few issues that came up but no solution to the crashing reports. Some users get their clipping perm dissabled so the player can float in the sky, I've added an additional check to make sure this never happens. The crashing is still being investigated though.


Ah, good to know it wasn't just on my end. I'll try to play around with my load order and remove some stuff I barely use to see if that makes a difference. I'll be sure to post here if I can pin down a culprit. Thanks for the reply. :)


EDIT: Yeah, found it. The Skyrim Souls mod (that makes menus unpaused) was the culprit! Removed it and the console just worked again. I'm sure it's possible to configure it so it pauses the game when the console is open. That might be a decent workaround the issue. I'll update this once I try.


EDIT 2: That did the trick. So, if anyone else happens to have Skyrim Souls installed, just go into Data/SKSE/Plugins/SkyrimSouls.ini and change "Console=1" to "Console=0".



Interesting the crashes that I've seen reports of sound unrelated to OSex's functionality so I'm curious if this is a conflict with consoleUtil (Which is now included in OSex) as opposed to a conflict with OSA itself. I'll look into this further thanks for pointing me in that direction.


So 0sex cant be used automatically? Like in normal gameplay random animations happen.


It can but I'm leaving that up to other developers, I'm just handling the OSA engine and how it handles the scene but triggering it through gameplay or story is not something I'm handling. I offer HotKey for the player, manual start from the menu and an API that can call the scenes but anything beyond that is up to other people to develop.

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Hi CEO ;)


CONGRATS on the New-Release!!!  I've tested it for several hours (each/every Feature & all Customization-Options) & everything works perfectly on my end (I did a basic Up-Grade, just installed all the New-Files + all Plugins, without need of Clean-Save: I haven't experienced any of the major-bugs I've seen reported, so IMHO we need to remember that everyone's SKYRIM is set-up differently & not everyone's set-up is necessarily "optimized" by checking for MOD-Conflicts thru TES5EDIT etc, so in those cases these reported-bugs may indeed have something to do with that too - personally, I check for MOD-Conflicts everytime I install a New-MOD & I check all my Game-Saves thru the Save-Game ScriptScalpel Diagnostic-Tool, so my SKYRIM maintains an optimal set-up & I seem to rarely experience commonly reported-bugs with most MODS - just FYI if this info may help some of our Fellow-SKYRIMers)


2 Q's please CEO: bout creating PLUGINS for OSEX & bout the ocassional "clipping/misalignment" issue...


"clipping/misalignment" - RHZ (Hi!) commented recently "I can most likely make a way to push the actors around a bit on the axis" - I'm currently using ScreenShotPAD exclusively for exactly this purpose yet IMHO it would be awesome to have an Adjustment-Feature in OSEX (or in OSA?) built-in with the Option to Save the adjustments permanently (I know you've gone thru painstaking effort to make your ANIMS line-up perfectly out-the-box & you've indeed done a FABULOUS job, yet alotta peeps do use Bodies that are not "normal" i.e., sub-100 height, overly voluptuous Breasts/Butt, etc - lol - I do as well) so having this kinda Adjustment-Feature would allow many such current "SL" users to fully embrace OSA/OSEX as it may be the one-reason such peeps may not


creating PLUGINS for OSEX - I have 3 "SL" Plugins I created for personal-use which I haven't released publicly due to my perhaps "silly" notion that as I use them for seriously profound Role-Playing it made me feel uncomfortable that releasing them publicly they may be used for (no judgement here) beastiality/necrophilia/pedophilia, but as you've stated long-ago that you most-likely will not be adding these features, I would be more than thrilled to release them publically for OSEX, as it literally boggles my mind that so few of the excellent Modders in our Community haven't jumped all over your incomparable Framework already Bro!!!


my 3 Plugins are similar to the awesome Mods "SLEN", "SL-ROMANCE", & "SLSL" only they're simplified & built-from-scratch, so is there any documentation on converting "SL" mods into OSEX Plugins & can OSEX be utilized for NPC-on-NPC or does it currently just work for PC-on-NPC?


thanks so very much for your hard/PASSIONATE/tireless work on sharing your OSA/OSEX MASTERPIECE Bro ;)


Peace & Love


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Hey CEO I noticed something, Migal said a few versions earlier that you would be adding a feature to disable high heels upon starting 0Sex animations, any idea when this would be added? IIRC he already got the code down, it was only left to be implemented into the engine. Also do you have any idea how to fix the balloon schlong issue? It's been around for the last two versions and turning off gentleman scaling is the only way to prevent the issue (but then you end up with the weird stubby schlong from base SoS).


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I believe the culprit is either just something about SkyUI and it's own process and it might be knocking other swf to the side as well when it occurs, it's to uncommon a thing to test this though. The second theory is that it's in the quest script, I made a OUI quest script which is mandatory to hook it up to SkyUI that extends the SkyUI script.



If the 0S swf is reporting that it's still at 0,0 when this happens, it means that the shift is happening to some MovieClip that contains the loaded swf.


Based on the symptoms, I suspect it's being caused by either a second mod that manipulates the UI (should be able to poll people with the issue about their mod list to see if there is one in common) or it could be related to differences in loading performance. The container MovieClip may be placed based on the size of the stage and/or relative to other UI objects. If there is a circumstance where some of those things are loaded in different orders (or not loaded yet) it could throw off some layout calculations being made by SkyUI or even the vanilla Scaleform code.



The data will be read and applied in the constructor of the actor or object so I thought it would be worth it to make the quickest easiest data to crunch so I can have the documents be large and detailed for max possibilities/customization/epic features.


Compared to some of the other work Unity can do, it seems like unpacking the data should be light. I wouldn't go with a very complicated system up front. You can always streamline it for performance later if evidence shows that it needs it.


Sounds like you are getting into some advanced wizardry with Unity. Impressive. I'd like to learn it also. How difficult was it to pick up? Did you have past experience that helped? 

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Also do you have any idea how to fix the balloon schlong issue? It's been around for the last two versions and turning off gentleman scaling is the only way to prevent the issue (but then you end up with the weird stubby schlong from base SoS).



Maybe some of this helps solving the issue.


If you´ve installed Groovtama´s XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE




do also let the installer add SoSRacemenu plugin and activate with mod manager. This plugin lets you finetune selected schlongs size parameters (scrotum incl) via sliders in Racemenu, overriding some the SoS MCM settings which likely do some unwanted random resizing if not set correctly.


Size edits on the schlong in Racemenu off course depend on particular selected schlong (average smurf, vector plexus regular/muscular).


Settings that work for me personally in majority of scenes:


OSex: Purity Mode Off --> Gentleman´s Scaling Off


SOS Normal Body, Vector Plexus Regular


SOS Race menu plugin installed/activated


Racemenu Genitals Sliders


SOS Genitals Base: 1.1 - 1.2

SOS Genitals 1: 1.1 - 1.3


Settings need to be experimented with some, unless one finds some that suit personal preferences and do not provide clipping and bad alignment in scenes


Maybe it´s also simply sufficient to try editing the Gentleman´s scaling parms in module.xml (data/meshes/0SA/mod/0Sex/module) and let Gentleman´s Scaling activated. Haven´t tried though.


Edit: I figured setting the following parms in module.xml (data/meshes/0SA/mod/0Sex/module) does a similar purpose for schlong resize. Shaft=1.4 appears to be optimal value as it´s the preset for blowjob automated resize. I settled to leave SOS racemenu sliders at defaults again, as the XML file setting gave me exactly same wanted result. Shaft= 0.0 in gentleman section appears to prevent another schlong resize AFTER exiting blowjob scenes. Other values might work too and scrotum can be edited to personal preferences. Off course for the edited parms to take effect, Gentleman´s Scaling and Body Scaling MUST be enabled in OSex config.




init cmd="sortactors" bygender="1"

modify cmd="bodyScale" actor="0" bodyscale0="1.03" bodyscale1="1.03"

modify cmd="ogentleman" actor="0" shaft0="1.40" shaft1="1.40" scrotum0="1.1" scrotum1="1.1"

modify cmd="bodyScale" actor="1" bodyscale0="1.00" bodyscale1="1.00"

boot dataMenu="full" dataStart="0"




bj scrotum="1.1" shaft="1.4"

bj scrotum="1.1" shaft="1.4"

less scrotum="1.1" shaft="0.0"

less scrotum="1.1" shaft="0.0"




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