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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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For the future for FO4 etc people seem perfectly happy "overall" with what existed pre-osex and there's people saying that there is something like this in the works for FO4 also but I doubt that after doing this.


Different people want different things from mods. A lot of people like to play a character that runs around and has bad things happen to them. So, something like Sexlab is perfect for a whole range of mods that cater to that play style.


But, I think you are underestimating the success of your mod and the number of people that want the interactive aspect. Having some haters is part of success on the internet. That's true if you're running a charity or making adult mods. Don't over-factor it when assessing how well things are going.



I'm tempted to animate a line of rape scenes just to reduce what people can complain about to see what they come up with next, if this is the realm I'm trying to make a stand in that would address complaints. 





I suppose the people that want this will hate me for saying, but it doesn't seem right to me that you would do this. Of course, it's your decision. But, you've already made your feelings about it known and I admire the position. Stay true to yourself. You shouldn't be doing things that make you uncomfortable for mod-user acceptance. They can make their own rapey mods if that is their thing. If anything, that genre is amazingly over-represented.


Besides, part of the appeal of 0Sex may be that its a non-rapey option. It certainly appears that more women are interested in it than the alternatives.


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I'm trying to deliver an onpar amount of animations to the entire contributing animators to prior mods who've had 10+ animators at this point contributing over years, and that's transitionless animations. The possibility is there but the willingness isn't which makes me hesitant to think OSex can really exist elsewhere. It's very hard as a single animator that isn't willing to animate rape content to deliver what's expected. I'm tempted to animate a line of rape scenes just to reduce what people can complain about to see what they come up with next, if this is the realm I'm trying to make a stand in that would address complaints. I do feel the transitional nature of OSA makes rape scenes far more brutal then simply showing an animation and calling it rape, and might for most viewers cross a big line when rape is shown that clearly: here's an example of it on OSA: 







You're literally making a rape simulator at that point, as opposed to just "hey pretend this is rape", which is very heavy on the conscience I'd say.



Ceo, if/when you start working on this, could you PM me a copy of the .max file (or segments or however you have it organized)? I have been trying to recreate certain rotational movements identical to those in that gif for the last couple months and keep coming up frustrated. It would definitely be an extremely useful resource for my own animating purposes.


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 I'm tempted to animate a line of rape scenes just to reduce what people can complain about... 



I would advise caution, as its a slippery slope as you are only going to attract more people demanding more features. 


You have already gone above and beyond in making this a framework.


P.S. That is not to say I wouldn't enjoy it immensely if you decided to include it ;)

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Thanks for these motivational words, and for catering to my rant/frustration with these encouraging words. Sorry for the self-indulgence. Got a few messages to in support of the project aswell from silent fans I wasn't expecting. Much appreciated everyone, I feel better let's get back to it. 


We got a solid marketing plan out of this also for some future promo. Sage words about the internet Pip, very true. Thank you for focusing/reminding me here.


Without a doubt the support of everyone in this thread, fans, silent or vocal and the team of people that work on OSA with me are what keep this project going at this point. It's been a lot of development and  I would certainly have given up by now without the encouragement and enthusiasm for the original vision of OSex. Not to mention the fun it adds to the project to be able to share it, talk about it and work on it with others. I find today with the internet everyone's shouting for attention in what they do, their art or craft. I'm fortunate to have an outlet like this that people willingly come to and take part in. 


Thank you everyone!


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Hey Ceo i just want to say im proud to be a skyrim player and been one form the start and i have to say your mod is amazing and i  am really thankful you made it . i play every day and alot of games never really get me but skyrim always does and with your mod  you can honestly say  the  there is no limit of what people can do in thei world. I have alot of medicial issues and disabled but when im in skyrim and play your mod in it its like im me again just for a little bit i know i will get flak for saying this but you need to know and wanted to say thank you so much .

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You were right. Looks like moving the knees up and turning out the leg helped align it more with the photo. Also allowed hips to be low enough for more of a hip grinding motion with static upper body.




Did we really make the exact same animation Proxy?

Thanks for this I see what to do although  I need a little more clearance because I'm going to try to get a handjob grip in there as an alternate. It might fit like that but it's going to be tight but this is a perfect reference to get it fitting better. Ty

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The one thing about LL I've always found frustrating is having the files separate from the topic. Never understood the tech details that prevent a nice big download button on the 1st page.


Does download button directly above you and below you count? :D


Hello Kinky. When I saw your post , I not only felt really stupid... but immediately  scrolled up, then scrolled down... and no green download button that I can see. Maybe it's the way I have my "view" set up, I'll tell you though, I have played with the page set-up to no avail.



So here a question I  have never thought to ask.... can everyone else see a download button on every page of the comments / topic support pages?

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So here a question I  have never thought to ask.... can everyone else see a download button on every page of the comments / topic support pages?

No. A download link to the latest version is always in Kinky's signature. If he happens to post both before and after you, there will be a link above and below your post.

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So here a question I  have never thought to ask.... can everyone else see a download button on every page of the comments / topic support pages?

No. A download link to the latest version is always in Kinky's signature. If he happens to post both before and after you, there will be a link above and below your post.



0sex 1.081 <============ WAIT, DON'T TELL ME HE MEANS THIS THING? 

How to upgrade from clean save?

Cant start 0sex?

How to change keys?

How to change ESG item slots recognition for skyrim vanila items?

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Today i have successfully tested the first working alpha-version of codepage conversion dll for SKSE, and it works:


The function in papyrus is declared like this:

scriptName CPConvert Hidden

string Function CPConv(string InCharset, string OutCharset, string Str) global native

The current testing usage of it in the code looks like this:

string[] function sendActraDetails(actor actra, string FormID, actor PlayerRef) global
actorBase ActB = actra.GetActorBase()
string[] details = new string[16]
details[0] = FormID
details[1] = CPConvert.CPConv("1251", "UTF-8", ActB.GetName())
Later the first parameter must be loaded from the ini file of the currently used language, because for each language it must be different. Currently the first parameter is hardcoded just for testing purposes.


And the result of executing this code:


Finally the names of the NPCs are converted dynamically.

I still need 2-3 more days for optimizing the code a little, for removing some unnecessary things from the code and for testing it. But even now i can surely say that it already works, so it will be completely ready in this weekends and i will upload it here. Sorry, that i make it so slowly, but it is because i must go to my real life work each day, so mostly i have a time for coding only in the nights and in the weekends.


Is cp1251 different than x-cp1251?

No, this is the same codepage, it is just named differently on the different platforms and documentations (cp1251, 1251, Windows-1251, etc.)


Does the Russian install of Skyrim show the correctly translated characters in the vanilla UI?

Mostly yes, but honestly not everywhere. There is also the similar skse plugin, which fixes the work of the vanilla interface. It is named ru_fix.dll. In the vanilla russian localization of skyrim without skse the interface shows badly the names of the savegames and many other similar things, which are loaded dynamically from the game engine. So the vanilla interface also had this problem before ru_fix.dll was created.


Even if you will find the way to force flash itself to use some non-unicode codepage (like 1251 and similar), this will be non-optimal decision, because then you will need to provide the separate swf files for each localization of the mod. If you do so, then such swf will be limited only to two languages: only english + russian (or english + ONLY ONE other language). The advantage of using unicode-based codepages (like UTF-8), that such codepages can contain the needed amount of characters for all languages at the same time. So this is also one of the arguments for usage of UTF-8 inside of flash and converting the codepages outside of flash before sending the text to it.


The main difference is, that such codepages as cp1251 stores all characters using only 1 byte per each character, so such codepages principally have very limited capacity itself (usually this capacity is enough only for two languages, one of them always is default english ASCII alphabet and only one other language). But UTF-8 has variable length of character, it stores english ASCII characters using 1 byte, but all other language characters it stores with 2 bytes, and because of this UTF-8 has the enough capacity to know the characters of very many languages at the same time. So better to have one swf, which can show many different languages (more than two), and not forcefully degrade the swf file to usage of 1 byte codepages. Better to circumvent the codepage difference on the level of papyrus.


Also if to consider the fact, that i already started to implement this solution, and moreover, that now it is very nearly to ready, then why not...

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So if I play on a laptop that doesn't have numpad 0, is there a way to activate the mod ingame? thx!

You can change the keys:

1.Go to this page here

2 Open folder \meshes\0SA\_0S\Config

3. Open key.ini in notepad or something similar <-- here are the keys for menu and other controls

4. Change key codes for actions listed there (see step 1)

5. Open act.xml and change key code for bind <-- here is the key, which activates the OSex itself

6. Save all changes, start game, touch yourself, enjoy.

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I don't know what words of encouragement I can offer that hasn't already been said except to say that in my experience internet critics are almost always a vocal minority. Consumers who are satisfied with a product or service are far less likely to express their opinion than the few who are butthurt about their less than satisfactory experience. That's just a fact.


I am a loyal and consistently satisfied shopper at Amazon, and yet I've never reviewed a product. But the one guy whose $800 TV arrived shattered is probably going to give feedback. My point is that I have no doubt that the majority of users that have downloaded 0SEX have been pleasantly surprised by the unmistakable quality and craftsmanship of your mod, even if you never hear from them. The most common critique on the Nexus was always the mod's difficult UI, and you've addressed that with flying colors.


Shortly after you launched 0SEX, I made a Lovers Lab account specifically to follow this project. The amount of time and effort you've put into it over the last 9 months is truly staggering, as is the improvements you've made. Anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve to have an opinion on the matter.


And for what it's worth, I am relieved that your mod does not contain scenes of bestiality or rape. There are some lines that shouldn't be crossed.

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I agree that you shouldnt start making animations for beastiality and rape. Let other ppl who are more interested in that kind of things do that I dont mind those animations coz they are part of fantasy and even skyrim story suggests that there were rape attempts but its not something you should focus on. I would rather like to see masturbations, multiple scenes playing same time, proper cumshot and orgasm scenes, more sex positions, faster paths from one to another position etc. Realistic looking character behaviors during animations is what hooked ppl to this mod. You should focus on that things.

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Yea what Kinky and Dauvmire said about beastiality and rape....please. There are already so many choices (why is beyond my understanding) out there already. Also, those things dont really seem to go along with what this mod stands for when I look at the description. I LOVE the fact that this mod is a realistic interaction between two consenting people, nothing more. It really does add to the immersion of this fantastic game.

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Even if you will find the way to force flash itself to use some non-unicode codepage (like 1251 and similar), this will be non-optimal decision, because then you will need to provide the separate swf files for each localization of the mod.


I don't know. I've been involved with many localisations in Flash over the years and never saw a case that required a swf for each language. But, it can be tricky to get working right. Mainly because it's a pain to test switching languages in the OS, etc.


It's possible that this is an unusual case because it's not the normal Flash runtime being used. The Scaleform build may have the codepages or other functions needed removed.





Also if to consider the fact, that i already started to implement this solution, and moreover, that now it is very nearly to ready, then why not...


Just an inclination to try to keep things contained to fewer systems when possible. But, if it's already there and working. Great!

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I wasn't expecting this at all so fast thank you so much, looks great and I'm looking forward to implementing it this weekend.


-A few questions to help me understand. This will cover any Skyrim Client language that uses non-english characters? (as long as those characters are in the fonts exported with the SWF.)


- The output will always be UTF-8 it seems so that will never need to be changed but the first parameter will change? I worry that it might be a high learning curve for users to know how to get that number and input it correctly in their ini. I suppose the best way would be to have the codepage be an option in the translation.ini so it would be set correctly for the translation by the translator (However it might be beyond the translator in most cases to know what to put there so having some hashed out info might help in that case). Would it be correct to just auto-set the first parameter based on the language of the Skyrim Client? (I'm assuming something like Bethesda would have tied in codepage localization with different language releases and that these would tie in with the the codepage used.)


- What do I set the first Parameter as for my own English setup?


(This might all be double wrong here since I still might not understand the full extent but..) When I started this project I wasn't aware of the limitations of using dynamic text field that was set up in the movie clip in flash. For example I learned later that I wouldn't be able to change their letting etc without setting them to a fonttype so a lot of the earlier text boxes can't do this and have to be redone.

Basically I mean I can't reassign fonts to all text fields to adapt to different languages at the moment but can with just a little bit of work.I do want to stick with the aesthetics of my initial font choice for English users (since I've adapted it as a branding font for all of OSA+OSex) but In the future I can rework them all and set the fonts based on the codepage settings in the translation.ini. In the meantime I will make 2 SWFs (English and a second with a font that has all characters)


Maybe I'll see if I can get this done this week so it's in sync with the .dll release and I can get it all going in smoothly with just one swf and less confusion.


Thank you very much Scorpion this is great!

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-A few questions to help me understand. This will cover any Skyrim Client language that uses non-english characters? (as long as those characters are in the fonts exported with the SWF.)

Theoretically YES. Because my dll directly uses the codepage conversion functions from Windows API, so it supports all encodings, which are supported by Windows API itself. Here is the full list of the codepages in MSDN. Any value from the first column of this table can be used as a first parameter of my function (and as a second parameter it can be used too, in the situations when you conversely want the reverse conversion from UTF-8 to one of the local codepages). Actually it just can convert between any of two codepages shown in that table, and it can do it in both directions (depending which codepage is sent as first parameter, and which as second). Also especially for the utf-8 i have reserved a special identifier "utf-8", which is considered as a corresponding predefined CP_UTF8 constant in Win API and it is recommended to use instead of 65001 numeric identifier of utf-8 from the table. But i said "theoretically", because currently it was not tested on any other localizations of the game, than russian. So about russian and english i am really sure that it will work, but it is designed to work on any codepages, which are supported by Windows API. So we just need to ask the real users of the other language versions of skyrim, which codepage their game uses, then write it into the ini of the corresponding language, and we must do this only once, and then the end users will not need to change it by their own hands anymore. But if you and i dont know any real users of japanese or italian for example, or some other languages, then at first we just can set the supposed codepages for such languages from the MSDN table shown above, and then we always can correct it later in the future, if at least one of the real users of such languages will report that it is incorrect and will agree to test it on his game.


- The output will always be UTF-8 it seems so that will never need to be changed but the first parameter will change? I worry that it might be a high learning curve for users to know how to get that number and input it correctly in their ini. I suppose the best way would be to have the codepage be an option in the translation.ini so it would be set correctly for the translation. Would it be correct to just auto-set the first parameter based on the language of the Skyrim Client? (I'm assuming something like Bethesda would have tied in codepage localization with different language releases and that these would tie in with the the codepage used.)

Yes, you understood exactly what i propose to do. As i see you already make so, that for each language it uses the different files in Data\meshes\0SA\mod\0Sex\translate folder, if i not mistaking.

So we need just add the codepage parameter separately into each ini file for each language, and make the mod use it depending on which language the game uses. For example:


codepage = "1250" (for english does not really matter, because any codepage contains standard ASCII english characters)


_russian.ini (by the way i already created this file and started to make the russian translation slowly :D)

codepage = "1251"


For the end users the codepage parameter will be by default already provided by us inside of the localization ini files, so in the usual circumstances the end user should not bother himself with setting it manually. Except the rare situations of various non-official localizations or the game, where the codepage can be changed manually by user himself in some unknown way. So in such exceptional situations the user still will have the ability to open his language ini file and correct it to his personal preferences by his own hands.

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Awesome thanks,

Makes sense to me and I"m very excited. The work you did will have a huge impact on the mod as it was far from ideal to not have accurate translations be possible and names showing up correctly, (as well as taking a lot of expertise and technical skill to make this). This will strengthen the mod a lot professionally and I am very happy about this. I'm sure this will have many other applications in menus in the future as well as for other mods. After seeing the solution I know that at my current skill level I could have messed around with this for weeks trying to solve it and would never have come to a working solution, it's just too far beyond my current understanding. I see what I have to do and will get things prepared on my end in the meantime.


Sir Scorpion




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Hi Vamp, 

You had some very nice ideas in there and thank you for the discussion that's exactly the kind of feedback I'm looking for both for Profile and API. If you do try out the developer module: I'd recommend just starting with overwriting the animations in it, then start tweaking the values that are clear to you in the few XML documents and take it from there. I will have more proper documentation on it soon.


The gist of how skyrim UI works: it's easy to trigger functions in the actionscript from Papyrus, it's also easy to send mod events from the UI or have them requested to be sent by Papyrus. What gets a little hard and requires extra care to make work is having the Papyrus get variables straight in a thread without mod events. It's possible but gets a little weird so for most cases I will opt to use mod events to respond too.


There's some overlap that OSA does over what might be expected for an external mod to do. In the use of the "persona" system which could be debated if I made the correct choice or not. I felt having that element of the mod baked into the actionscript would make it a lot more powerful then just backing off that and letting mod developers make an arousal system for it themselves. I hope that the persona XML will provide the customization that being able to select from different arousal mods would offer for example. (Arousal is just an example here) Basically I feel that hard-wiring these systems in allowed for the potential for them to impact the animations and scenes in a stronger way while hopefully still allowing a lot of customization to the actors to suit their preferences. Basically a lot of the Persona features required heavy action scripting to make possible like expressions and sound packs so it's the kind of thing I felt would be best to handle myself since they do result in a lot of actual changes to thing in the scene.


For sure specific things that I'm depending on outside developers to handle will be modevented always: orgasms for pregnancy and vampire bites etc. as I'm expecting the consequences of those to be handled externally by other mods. For the rest anything at all can be modevented: thrusts, changing position, certain kinds of positions, arousal level changes. I need to do some tests to figure out how many events is safe to send, most likely it doesn't matter really. I might just have everything send an event and the developer can listen for whatever they want, although I most likely will leave thrusts out, OSA has most of the tools in place to handle counting and dealing with thrusts and threshold values of those things could be sent to lessen the spam if needed. The events will be password coded so you only receive events relating to your scene, in the case of multiple happening at once. If event spam is to taxing I'll make a system where you register for what what you want to receive.

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I don't know. I've been involved with many localisations in Flash over the years and never saw a case that required a swf for each language.

This is because most of such mods just use only the static localization text files, which are preemptively converted to Unicode or to UTF-8. For example SkyUI does so, A Matter of Time does so (all names of the months, days of week and other text is located in the preencoded files, the main trick is, that dynamically it sends to the flash only digits to show the time, but not any letters). All text data, which are shown in the interface of such mods, is only the static text, preloaded from the external files, but not the text, which is really obtained dynamically directly from the papyrus scripts about various ingame objects (like the names of characters, names of inventory items, etc.). But those rare mods, which really send some ingame data directly into the interface, necessarily must have their own SKSE plugin, which among other specific functions of the mod contains also some codepage conversion functionality - for example Quick Loot has it's own dll too.

The difference of the dll, which i currently make, will be it's universality as a mini framework, which can be used in the future for various similar mods, which needs the codepage conversion functionality for various reasons. The transfer of the ingame data to the swf interface is only one of the special cases of such reaosns.

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Migal, SF or my Papyrus people in this thread, if you have time and want to give me some insight on a private project I'm working on:


Nothing related to OSex but I need some advice on papyrus related things. I'm trying to rebuild a new wardrobe system now that I know papyrus to replace OSBody using papyrus onEquip to ease the process but there's a lot of confusing complications I'm hitting in figuring out the best way to do it. I was wondering if you had any ideas. This is just my own project for my own set up will amount to nothing in OSA.


The gist of it is I have unique body meshes per actor, I want their clothes to be form fitting per actor and not just use a default body when they are dressed that doesn't retain their natural shape and I want the ability for cleavage bodies to be used without effecting the rest of the clothing equipped. OSBody uses race systems which is very unwieldy I want to skip the race system entirely by using papyrus. I also don't want to have to make 1 million CK forms for Armor and Armor Addon and Texture Sets per shape and per the hundreds of panty textures I wind up OCD making. The amount of OSBodies I have is to much at this point with my other Skyrim projects to commit time to make conversions for all shapes so my wardrobe is getting stale, I want to limit the shapes and have a stronger system in place so I can implement faster and get more wardrobe in.


Here's my initial plan but as you can tell it's far from complete and I'd appreciate any insight.


1. Put a keyword on actors that I give a unique shape. The keyword is a tag for their body shape. If they don't have the keyword it uses default femalebody which would be UNP on my system.


2. OnEquip (script put on armors I've added in OS.esp meant for custom shapes) if it finds a body shape in the key words it will reassign the directory of the mesh with a suffix for the body shape.


3. Menu will pop up where I can select the texture.


4. The issue is that the mesh shift would change all armors if 2 NPCs were both wearing jeans. So I was thinking of maybe just having generic armors per unique actor (with a unique shape). Like, Fione's pants, Fione's Shirt etc. and when she puts it on maybe have a list come up to decide what her pants are going to be followed by a second list to what texture for her pants will be used and then on conclusion it sets the name of that generic object to something RP friendly. "Low Rise Jeans" as opposed to Fione's Pants. So they would have a template generic equipment piece for each slot for example.


As you can see the plan is kind of a mess and I need some insight onto how to best accomplish this, mixed body shape, one race plan. I could opt for body slide but am not entirely happy with the autoskinning and like to make adjustments to the nif specific for different shapes sometimes. Plus I like working in 3DS. I'd also still need to make 1000s of CK forms which is very time consuming even with scripts.


It would most likely use 1 UI menu for both selecting texture, and for selecting model type, and each nif model would get a document that listed their possible textures and what body shapes they can go on + the RP name for the clothing to change it to. For example if I didn't make the nif yet for jeans for Fione's body shape it wouldn't show up on the list. On completing a new type of equipment I'd add a new document and on completing a new body shape it can be used on I'd add a new field to that document, same with completing a texture for it.


something like this in XML:


<nif id="LowRiseJeans" directory="data/meshes/0S/Jeans/LowRise/" name="Low Rise Jeans">





<textureSet id="BlackDenim" name="Black Denim"/>

<textureSet id="BlueDenim" name="Blue Denim"/>




maybe I could bypass the template piece entirely by using clone() of a single template armor and AA. That way the armor would persist and could be undressed and redressed without needing to be reassigned (I think). If I don't have mesh assigned and make multiple CK forms per shape it would alleviate having to make a weird template object system but would result in having to make a lot of CK forms. The best might be just to make a unique AA and AR per shape adjust the AA with papyrus, with an optional key that lets me change textures from a list. That would still simplify the process greatly and let NPCs dress themselves without complications.


The general idea is bypassing 1000s of CreationKit forms complication with NiOverride to simplify the creation process and eliminate the need for custom races. In the past I use TestV edit scripts to speed this up but it still takes to much time now that I have OSA to work on.


Thoughts would be much appreciated on this thanks!

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Migal, SF or my Papyrus people in this thread, if you have time and want to give me some insight on a private project I'm working on:





Nothing related to OSex but I need some advice on papyrus related things. I'm trying to rebuild a new wardrobe system now that I know papyrus to replace OSBody using papyrus onEquip to ease the process but there's a lot of confusing complications I'm hitting in figuring out the best way to do it. I was wondering if you had any ideas. This is just my own project for my own set up will amount to nothing in OSA.


The gist of it is I have unique body meshes per actor, I want their clothes to be form fitting per actor and not just use a default body when they are dressed that doesn't retain their natural shape and I want the ability for cleavage bodies to be used without effecting the rest of the clothing equipped. OSBody uses race systems which is very unwieldy I want to skip the race system entirely by using papyrus. I also don't want to have to make 1 million CK forms for Armor and Armor Addon and Texture Sets per shape and per the hundreds of panty textures I wind up OCD making. The amount of OSBodies I have is to much at this point with my other Skyrim projects to commit time to make conversions for all shapes so my wardrobe is getting stale, I want to limit the shapes and have a stronger system in place so I can implement faster and get more wardrobe in.


Here's my initial plan but as you can tell it's far from complete and I'd appreciate any insight.


1. Put a keyword on actors that I give a unique shape. The keyword is a tag for their body shape. If they don't have the keyword it uses default femalebody which would be UNP on my system.


2. OnEquip if it finds a body shape in the key words it will reassign the directory of the mesh with a suffix for the body shape.


3. Menu will pop up where I can select the texture.


4. The issue is that the mesh shift would change all armors if 2 NPCs were both wearing jeans. So I was thinking of maybe just having generic armors per unique actor (with a unique shape). Like, Fione's pants, Fione's Shirt etc. and when she puts it on maybe have a list come up to decide what her pants are going to be followed by a second list to what texture for her pants will be used and then on conclusion it sets the name of that generic object to something RP friendly. "Low Rise Jeans" as opposed to Fione's Pants. So they would have a template generic equipment piece for each slot for example.


As you can see the plan is kind of a mess and I need some insight onto how to best accomplish this, mixed body shape, one race plan. I could opt for body slide but am not entirely happy with the auto-skinning of tight clothing and think it results in to much clipping, plus I like working in 3DS. I'd also still need to make 1000s of CK forms which is very time consuming even with scripts.


It would most likely use 1 UI menu for both selecting texture, and for selecting model type, and each nif model would get a document that listed their possible textures and what body shapes they can go on + the RP name for the clothing to change it to. For example if I didn't make the nif yet for jeans for Fione's body shape it wouldn't show up on the list. On completing a new type of equipment I'd add a new document and on completing a new body shape it can be used on I'd add a new field to that document, same with completing a texture for it.


something like this in XML:


<nif id="LowRiseJeans" directory="data/meshes/0S/Jeans/LowRise/" name="Low Rise Jeans">





<textureSet id="BlackDenim" name="Black Denim"/>

<textureSet id="BlueDenim" name="Blue Denim"/>




maybe I could bypass the template piece entirely by using clone() of a single template armor and AA. That way the armor would persist and could be undressed and redressed without needing to be reassigned (I think)


The general idea is bypassing 1000s of CreationKit forms complication with NiOverride to simplify the creation process and eliminate the need for custom races. In the past I use TestV edit scripts to speed this up but it still takes to much time now that I have OSA to work on.




Thoughts would be much appreciated on this thanks!


AFAIK, this would be a really big job.  I've never tried to control body parts with a script.  You should be able to identify matching items with keywords, but generally speaking, you don't want to add scripts or keywords to actors themselves, except perhaps your player's character.  It opens an incompatibility can of worms.  I'll have to do some research to provide a better answer.


I personally do different body shapes with Bodyslide.  I make several morphs of the CBBE body and save them.  I then pick the right morph for the clothing.  For example, for the tavern wench outfit I use a pushed-up, cleavage, corset type morph and I then go into Bodyslide's Outfit Studio and remove the breast and belly bones from the tavern wench nifs.  This helps reduce HDT spazzing but it also makes everything look more realistic.  It's especially useful for heavy armors where there shouldn't be jiggle.  The jiggle returns when the armor/clothing is removed because the naked body model still has all its bones.

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AFAIK, this would be a really big job.  I've never tried to control body parts with a script.  You should be able to identify matching items with keywords, but generally speaking, you don't want to add scripts or keywords to actors themselves, except perhaps your player's character.  It opens an incompatibility can of worms.  I'll have to do some research to provide a better answer.


I personally do different body shapes with Bodyslide.  I make several morphs of the CBBE body and save them.  I then pick the right morph for the clothing.  For example, for the tavern wench outfit I use a pushed-up, cleavage, corset type morph and I then go into Bodyslide's Outfit Studio and remove the breast and belly bones from the tavern wench nifs.  This helps reduce HDT spazzing but it also makes everything look more realistic.  It's especially useful for heavy armors where there shouldn't be jiggle.  The jiggle returns when the armor/clothing is removed because the naked body model still has all its bones.



Thanks Migal,

Ideally I would hope it would be just a small script, that would wind up saving time in the long run, it would go on the armor form though not the actor but it since I would only OBody on a custom NPC it can get stuck on the actorbase in this case I think. There OBody would be defined by the creationKit script properties.


Arrived at something like this:


Scriptname _oBodyShape extends Actor
armorAddon property legs auto
armorAddon property bust auto
int property _legType  auto
int property _bustType auto
int property legType
    int function get()
        return _legType
Event OnObjectEquipped(Form Item, ObjectReference Obj)
_eBodyShape Shape = Item as _eBodyShape
Shape.adjustShape(self, _bustType, _legType)
Scriptname _eBodyShape extends Armor
string property bodySection Auto 
armor[] property equipShapes auto
function prepShape()
function adjustShape(actor actra, int bustShape, int legShape)
state legs
function adjustShape(actor actra, int bustShape, int legShape)
        if equipShapes[LegShape]
             if equipShapes[LegShape] != self 
             actra.EquipItemEx(equipShapes[LegShape], 0, false, false)
             actra.removeItem(self, 1, true, none)
        actra.unequipItem(self, 0, 1)


Going to put textures and BreakUp / Partial undress into other scripts that go on the armor if they have options. If all goes well I think it can function like this.


changeEquipmentTexture(actor, 45) > Brings up a UI panel to change textures (based on textureSet[], and stringArray[] script properties 

;Blue Flanel, Black Fur etc, Chainmail etc.


changeUndressState(actor, 45) > Brings up a UI panel with options for unzipping etc. based on armor[] and string Array[] script properties

;Unzipped, Unbuttoned etc.



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