Doomdriven Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 Hey Everybody. I'm currently planning on creating a 2D-RPG and could need couple of suggestions and most probably also help. I first tried to create it with RPGMaker as most Adult 2D Games are made with that, but the downside is that 99% of those games feel alike, so it was out of question. Now i'm thinking about using Unity, would you think this would work better? Graphically i want it to be similar to RPGMaker as i really like this kind of topdown 2D Style. Anyway, back to the game itself. I'm planning on doing it similar to Skyrim or Zenonia in terms of overall theme, just a tad darker and more evil. And since i'm writing in the Adult topic and not the regular one, i also want to add nudity, romance, sex and various other adult oriented things out of the box, in the most immersive way i can pull off. I also want to include male and female main characters to chose from, aswell as customization and lots of non-battle events and activities, for example fishing, building a farm, gather resources, chop wood, etc.. Do you have any suggestions or tips? Anything is appreciated
SirNibbles Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 If you ever played Violated Heroine u could use some aspects from that game, it might be made with rpgMaker but it has quite some interesting systems. Some of the more notable points of that game which u could also apply in the game you're making could be the following: - Pregnancy system (including subhumans made by one of the parents being a creature) - Lewd meter (depending on your character's lewdness apply different texts/emotions in terms of consensual/non-consensual) - An extra window showing the parts that are being caressed at that moment but zoomed in. - The RPG part of course, what skill do you want to add? only fighting or also sexual? status effect which affects your body/willingness to engage in sex acts? - Ripping of clothing and how this affects the character that's wearing it (ashamed if shy, character doesn't care if lewd etc). - The fighting system could also be something unique instead of the usual turn based fighting (i'm not saying this is always bad but since u said u want to do something else then the common RPGMaker feeling u could take this into consideration) most of the rpgmaker games that have some unique gameplay actually makes the game itself without the sexual parts interesting. What u do with these points is your own choice, they're just some ideas :3
Doomdriven Posted June 10, 2015 Author Posted June 10, 2015 Thanks so far. The shyness/lewdness thing requires a trait-system of some sort i'd say, but i kinda wanted to implement something like this since i really liked how you could customize the personality of characters in Sims. And the other stuff shouldn't be a problem either i guess. I want it to be a non-adult game out of the box, but with a menu in the options where you can turn all the different adult "modules" on and off. I think that's the best way to appeal to a non-erotic playerbase aswell as loverslab
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 @Dommdriven: never used RPG Maker. Right now I'm trying to make games in Java and I'm actually working on a MUD engine (EleiDras). A MUD, for those who are too young is a Multi User Dungeon, a multiplayer text game (alas I can't draw).The pro of working in Java is that you have little limitations in what you want to add. And Java works on almost every machine including cellphones and tablets. The cons is that you have to rewrite the graphic engine.
Krh Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 Sounds good as a concept. I'd play that game.I don't think it really matters all that much what engine and graphics are used. It does, obviously, for visual style and other things, but still takes a backseat to how the game plays and feels.It's hard to make meaningful suggestions without knowing your strengths and interests as a game creator. Do you have a specific story you want to tell? Are you fleshing out a gameworld setting in your imagination? Do you have a set of kinks you want to build the game around? Are you a graphic artist, a programmer, a writer?Personally, I like words. I like real choices and real consequences. I like interacting with NPCs. All these things are damn hard to get into a game in a way that doesn't fall into one of the many pit traps of the genre. The most important quality of a game I can single out is that it feels interactive rather than click-click-clicking through walls of text and grinding whole tribes of goblins to get to the next cutscene. Nothing is perfect, but a good game makes the player forgive and sometimes forget the game's flaws.RPG Maker games feel samey because they repeat the same tropes and use the same stock graphics. That's not to say they all MUST be like that. Look at what Eromancer or Megrim are doing with the engine, for example.
Liuli Posted June 10, 2015 Posted June 10, 2015 It doesn't really matter that most RPGMaker games are similar in nature, since very VERY few of them are in English or translated to English. It's also not very hard to differentiate from them plot wise - make sure the plot of your game isn't 'demon that was imprisoned for 1000 years is about to break out and causes everyone to turn into rapists, girl protagonist must stop him', and the plot of your game will already be different than 95% of the RPGMaker hentai games out there.
Doomdriven Posted June 11, 2015 Author Posted June 11, 2015 So far i haven't really decided on how the story will start, but i want it to be really long, so you have to spend couple days or even weeks to finish it. And since i'm a fan of dontnods games like "life is strange" where every action has a consequence on the story, that's what i would love to bring in aswell. Also a lot of NPC interactions, since those generic NPCs with no interactions at all were a huge point in FO3 and FONV that really.. pissed me off. haha, aswell as 2d games where you spend more time clicking away dialogues than actually running around. My strenghts, well, i am currently a freelance 3d-artist (modeling and rendering) in the automotive area, but i can model armors and weapons and maps too since i am modding games aswell. I am also experienced with pixelcars, webdesign and vectors, but I will probably look for people to help out or join my team in the near future. The hardest part for me right now would be to make up all those character, skill and item names. And as stated above, i want to keep the game and story pretty non-adult out of the box, or rather, right after you installed and started it for the first time, with only some romance options, but all the adult content can be toggled on and off in the options menu. I think that's the best compromise to allow people who just want to play a 2d rpg to enjoy it aswell as let people who want more go wild. I'm not sure yet on how "deep" i want to go in terms of covering different fantasies like bestiality, impregnation, rape, and so on but i think it will all come down to how well it can be implemented. Once it is out and the feedback on the story and overall gameplay from the community turns out good, i'd kinda love to bring everything to 3D and make a proper, fully fleshed out game out of it, but that's just a dream for now.
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 11, 2015 Posted June 11, 2015 @Doomdriven: it seems the kind of huge project I really love. I would contribute with a study of mine on dinamic RPG worlds (called Project Unlimited). But I can code only in C++ and Java (well, also Basic and Pascal, perhaps C#, but for those I'd need the tools).Still, if you want a to create a commercial product, a sound and music expert is needed. Well, in case you can also start a croudfunding and buy the music somewhere.
Krh Posted June 12, 2015 Posted June 12, 2015 My strenghts, well, i am currently a freelance 3d-artist (modeling and rendering) in the automotive area, but i can model armors and weapons and maps too since i am modding games aswell. I am also experienced with pixelcars, webdesign and vectors, but I will probably look for people to help out or join my team in the near future. The hardest part for me right now would be to make up all those character, skill and item names. Your weakest area seems to be my strongest, and the other way around. I might be able to help with some things. Perhaps private messages, to avoid possible spoilage?
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 21, 2015 Posted June 21, 2015 @Doomdriven: I tested RPG Maker and I stand to what I said. It can seem easier because it already cover graphic and sound engine, still, if you use the scripting language to expande the contents it's prone to become really buggy. I suggest again to select a proper programming language like Java, C++ or C#.
Vrigglow Posted June 21, 2015 Posted June 21, 2015 It doesn't really matter that most RPGMaker games are similar in nature, since very VERY few of them are in English or translated to English. It's also not very hard to differentiate from them plot wise - make sure the plot of your game isn't 'demon that was imprisoned for 1000 years is about to break out and causes everyone to turn into rapists, girl protagonist must stop him', and the plot of your game will already be different than 95% of the RPGMaker hentai games out there. This. RPG Maker is very useful since you don't have to make your own systems and programming from scratch. It allows you to focus on content creation and release your game before you've grown tired of it and abandoned it. As for suggestions I would only warn you about feature creep and scoping problems. Making an unity game is in itself a fulltime job and if you're going to add stuff like fishing, farming and so on then you're better off dumping the adult content since you'd want to release it as a commercial game on say steam and gog and they reject adult titles. There's an incredible amount of effort that goes into making a game, I'd suggest you to do something simpler first. First make sure what you would be 100% invested in making and then pick the easiest way to realize that project. 99% of RPG Maker projects are probably never finished and if you use Unity then you'll have even more work to do. The important part is to be that 1% that finishes what she/he has started, nothing else really matters.
Doomdriven Posted June 21, 2015 Author Posted June 21, 2015 Hmm yeah i might give RPGMaker a try afterall. I think i saw in the video they have on steam that you can import custom content, so that's a good thing to me. Might be a good start to begin in RPGMaker and see the feedback of people before starting it on a bigger scale i think. But Steam rejecting adult games is news to me. o: Don't they have Fahrenheit and Sakura Spirit on there? I'll keep you all updated on how it goes.
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 21, 2015 Posted June 21, 2015 @Doomdriven: well, if you ever change idea about RPGmaker and you need a coder, feel free to message me. I mean, if you decide to give up RPGMaker and use a real programming language.
ghostnova Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 I'm a game dev. The advice I give you is start small. If you go big, you never finish a project. I've seen this time and time again. If you plan on making a game that takes weeks to finish, it will take you decades to make.
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 I'm a game dev. The advice I give you is start small. If you go big, you never finish a project. I've seen this time and time again. If you plan on making a game that takes weeks to finish, it will take you decades to make. That's why I'm studying a way to add machine generated contents to games You concentrate to the main quest and the general environment and all the sidequests are generated procedurally. But that doesn't really matter now. Doomdriven wants to create a game with peculiar features (sex and similar). And he'll spend a lot of time to fight with RPG-maker to add those contents, trying to override some behaviiours of the game. So I suggest him to use a real programming language. With a tentative programmer he could have a graphic engine similar to the games made with RPG-Maker ready in a couple of months. But adding sex/needs/special contents will be far faster and less buggy.
Doomdriven Posted June 25, 2015 Author Posted June 25, 2015 Thanks for the tips everybody. Yeah it hink i am going to try it with RPGMaker first and see how it goes and how the general idea of the game would feel. I just hope that there is a convenient way to add custom content to it so i dont have to use the basic RPGMaker resources to make it feel more different. That's why I'm studying a way to add machine generated contents to games You concentrate to the main quest and the general environment and all the sidequests are generated procedurally. Could it be that you have a thread with that on the sharks lagoon? Not sure but i think i have read something like this over there, don't know if it was from you.
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 That's why I'm studying a way to add machine generated contents to games You concentrate to the main quest and the general environment and all the sidequests are generated procedurally. Could it be that you have a thread with that on the sharks lagoon? Not sure but i think i have read something like this over there, don't know if it was from you. No, no thread. But there're a lot of people who are studying similar systems. Also big software house (like bethesda) are studying it. Perhaps you read other people with similar goals
Elei-Mi-Shill Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 @Doomdriven:BTW, if you don't mind simple graphic (like in Violated Heroine or other games done with RPG-Maker) I think I can create the graphic engine for you both in Java and in C++. I suggest Java 'though, because the game can also be converted for cellphones and tablet. If you want something more then the usual 2D graphic, then you'll need someone better then me.
DeadSomething Posted September 11, 2015 Posted September 11, 2015 the idea of giving the player the choice to deactivate some adult content in the options is great. that way you could add all kinds of fetishes without having players offended by something they don't like. considering rape in the game should (as you stated it) be implemented in an immersive way. a gameworld shouldn't be overrun by rapists and not every creature should be male to rape your female protagonist, as they shouldnt all be female to be raped by your protagonist. adding rape as defeat by some enemies would be interesting, but maybe coupled with not every kind of enemy actually killing you, but robbing you and leaving you there unconscious. it's a difficult thing to find the right amount of sex for a game.
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